#I mean hey in canon he was able to make himself sound exactly like Angela
quibbs126 · 2 years
Random thing but did anyone else, upon first seeing Professor Sycamore, not know whether he was a man or a woman?
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Jay Halstead x Reader
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Description: What if instead of Jay, Y/N (Voight’s daughter and Jay’s girlfriend) was the one to get shot?
Words: 1684
Warnings: Canonical violence and gore
Pairings: Jay x Reader
Requested: Yes @rochyu​
You didn’t know how you got into this situation. Well, you did, but still, you wanted to believe you didn’t because then you wouldn’t be able to blame yourself. But you knew exactly how you got into this situation, and that you were to blame. As you lay on the cold concrete, the sound of your own grunts of pain filling your ears, you blame yourself. Just like you knew Jay would blame himself when he stumbled down those stairs. 
You’d found him. Nearly twenty-four hours after realizing he had gone missing, had been taken, and you’d found him. You’d defied the odds, knowing it was a ticking time bomb. And you’d found him. When he told you he had to check on Angela -- the person who had gotten him into this situation -- you’d assured him you’d do it, that he needed to sit until an ambulance got there. His head was bloody, eye swollen shut. It was the one thing you could do for him at that moment. 
What you weren’t expecting was for Angela to be pointing a gun at you, your hands instinctively raising to show you were unarmed. 
“Angela, put your gun down,” you instructed calmly, waiting for her to listen to your instruction. But she didn’t. 
“That cop is the reason my husband is dead,” she growled at you, hand shaking. You weren’t sure if it was the nerves or the blood loss. 
“I know. I know, but shooting me isn’t going to change anything,” you reminded her. “Shooting me isn’t going to bring Marcus back. All it’s going to do is take away your little boy’s mother as well as his father.” 
“I heard you calling his name,” she added. “I could hear how worried you were. Which means that you mean something to him. So, an eye for an eye.”
“That’s not how anybody else is going to see it. You’ll go to prison for at least the next twenty years. You’ll be seeing your boy from behind bars. Is that what you want, Angela? Is that what Marcus would want?” For a split second you thought you’d gotten through to her, that she had realized how stupid of an idea it really was as she lowered her gun. In return you lowered your hands, not expecting to hear that loud ‘pop’ and a searing pain in your chest. 
You stumbled back against the wall, hitting it hard before falling to the ground. Your eyes found a spot on the ceiling as your vision swam -- a mix between tears and pure pain, sounds of pain slipping between your lips. 
“5021 George, shots fired at police,” you heard Jay say, figuring he grabbed your radio from your hip. “Officer down. Y/N.” 
You saw his face in your line of vision, trying to keep your eyes open. Which wasn’t difficult as he put pressure on the wound, eyes shooting open as you nearly screamed. It wasn’t long before you heard others from Intelligence swarm in, hearing ambulance sirens outside. 
“Jay,” you managed to cough out, hand searching for him, finding his wrist. 
“You’re gonna be okay, Y/N, okay? You’re gonna be okay.” You nodded, not sure if you believed it. It felt pretty bad. You’d been shot before, yes, but this was different. The overwhelming sense of impending doom was what tipped you off that it was worse than he was letting on. 
By the time the paramedics had made their way downstairs with the backboard, you were drifting in and out. You tried to stay awake, to focus on him, but it was just so difficult, breaths coming fast and shallow, not being able to catch your breath. It just felt like an elephant was sitting on your chest, but also that your chest was on fire. It was just impossible to try and stay awake. 
When they moved you, you barely had the energy to scream. You were only able to groan, not protesting as they secured an oxygen mask on your face. There was no way to tell if Jay was beside you or behind you, just trying to breathe. When you were out of the building, though, the sun on your face, you could hear another familiar voice. 
“Y/N!” your dad yelled. 
“Hank, let them work,” Adam told him, holding the Sergeant back. 
You tried to say something, but nothing came out. It was as if you were fighting against your own body to breathe. Nothing they could do to you in the back of that ambulance or in the hospital would be as painful as what you were feeling right then. 
You woke up to the smell of antiseptic and to the white walls of the hospital. The pain was dull now, situated right below your collarbone. You really didn’t want to move too much, but the feeling of someone holding your hand was enough to pull you out of the deep darkness of unconsciousness. 
“Hey, sweet girl,” Hank told you with a soft smile.
Ever since losing your mom, and Justin, he’d been a bit more protective of you. And for good reason, because you were all he had left. When you’d told him you’d started dating Jay, he hadn’t been happy, and it had taken some convincing, but he’d eventually come around. 
“Daddy,” you said with a grin, head lolling over to look at him. If you had to take a guess, you’d say they gave you some of the good pain meds. “What’s the verdict?”
“The bullet hit an artery, but otherwise was a through-and-through. They’re expecting a full recovery.” 
“And Jay?” You really didn’t care about your gunshot wound. You just had to know he was okay. There was no way you went through all that worrying, getting shot because he cared about you, just for him to not be okay. 
“Expecting a full recovery as well. He’s in his own room, and will come visit later. What were you thinking, Y/N?” he asked you, thumb stroking across the back of your knuckles. 
“I was trying to talk her down from it, Dad. She knows it was Jay that got Marcus killed. Said it was an eye for an eye. I didn’t know she’d gotten one of their guns. The only reason I got shot was because she wanted him to feel her pain,” you answered. It didn’t make it right, but it was what it was. 
“Still, I thought I was about to lose you too.”
“I’m a tough cookie, Dad. You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you assured him, eyes growing heavy again. 
“Try and get some sleep, okay? We’ll be here when you wake up.” You nodded softly before closing your eyes, feeling his hand in yours as you drifted off again. 
“Wakey-wakey sleeping beauty,” the voice said, breaking through the haze of sleep. This time, you were more excited to see Jay instead of your dad again. Slowly, you reached out with your good hand to caress his face gently, skirting around the bruising and stitches.
“Hey you,” you replied. You could see his good eye was rimmed red, as if he’d been crying. “I’m okay.”
“I thought I was gonna lose you,” he reminded you, voice cracking. Your thumb brushed along his cheekbone, making sure there were no tears. You didn’t need him crying over you. 
“You can’t get rid of me that easily, babe. Plus, I could say the same for you. I wasn’t sure what I was going to find when we busted into that building. I knew we might not find you alive, but I wouldn’t take that as an answer.” 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he finally said. “I should have told you everything, should have been honest about Angela and what I was doing,” he said after a moment of silence. 
“I had an idea of what you were doing, but it was your sins to absolve how you wanted. I couldn’t tell you not to do it. As if you’d ever listen to me. But you can’t say I don’t love you, especially because I just took a bullet for you. Which I will never do again, by the way.” That got a laugh out of him. 
“I’m going to hold you to that. No more getting shot for me.” 
You just nodded, the two of you smiling at each other. This was something that either broke or made the two of you as a couple, and you could tell he wasn’t going anywhere. There was no valiant break up to try and protect you. Both of you knew that would never work, caring for each other too much. 
“Think there’s enough room in this bed for the both of us?” you finally asked, getting a laugh from him. But you still scooted over, making room for him. He joined you without a hesitation, the both of you groaning in pain as you tried to situate yourself in a comfortable position. But when you did, it was a perfect fit. 
“I love you.” It was the easiest and most natural thing for you to say, as natural as breathing. You heard his heartbeat as you rested your head on his chest, his arm around you. 
“I love you too.” 
This was something that you didn’t realize you’d taken for granted, being able to rest your head on his chest, being able to lay down with him. You loved him, more than anything. 
“Jay,” you said softly, glancing up at him. “Where do you see our future going?” 
“I see it for the long run, want it to last a life-time,” he answered. It let you relax a little, knowing this wasn’t just a fling or something he saw short term. However, the two of you had been together ever since right after Erin left, nearly three years. But you’d never talked about the future, seeing what your job was and what it entailed. 
“Just don’t scare me like that again, Y/N,” he added, getting another nod from you before your lips met his.
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