#I mentioned mcd specifically here but it mostly applies to mystreet
little-laurance · 8 months
Tbh I think this fandom needs to settle tf down. There is a not a single (mainish) character I can think of in mcd who doesn't act a little bit fucked up. You can like or dislike whomever you wish, but we are all pretending our fav didn't do some messed up shit. Jesson cannot write consistent characters and they most definitely cannot write characters without questionable morals or behaviors.
Too many people seem to get on a high horse about their favs in comparison to other peoples, and it leads to arguments cherry-picking actions on both sides. Let's be real for a second, none of us are writing these characters the way Jesson intended. We're taking their characters and restructuring them to better suit our personal preferences, morals, or story structures. Everyone's rewrite is about two steps away from original fiction. No one is justifying every bad action from a character by enjoying them. Some may justify some morally reprehensible things, but I'm under the impression most of us are simply ignoring the parts of characters that don't align with our view of the character (or reconstructing some morally dubious actions to properly be addressed within the plot).
In short, stop fighting over the block men being sexist. All of Jesson's block men are sexist. Every single one. If they aren't in mcd, they'll basterdize them to be in mystreet (sorry Dante). They all kinda suck at one point or another for one plot point or another. Let's try to stop acting like we're 10 year olds in the aar/laur/garmau wars PLEASE
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