#I need a sugar daddy asap yo
calibabii21 · 9 months
okay so I've been using my mom's laptop bc the one my sister gave me is an ancient piece of shit right? well, today my mom had a test about using the computer for things non-work related..which means she will soon have to wipe this computer so she won't get in trouble....translation: I may be without a laptop for a while :((((
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kitsunekissesxo · 4 years
Demon Bros Pet Names HCs and Scenarios
Demon Brothers Pet Names Headcanons and Kiss Scenarios
Summary: Headcanons of the brother’s petnames for you, vice versa, gender neutral MC, fluff kisses  <3
Warnings: Implied nsfw, suggestive, somewhat explicit
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Oh, Lucifer. This man may seem cold but on the inside, and when the two of you are alone, he’s the biggest softie. Like, big softie.
His pet names are more...traditional, if you will. He absolutely despises pet names such as baby, babe, honey, etc., so don’t expect him to use them. If you use them on him, expect a wrinkled nose and a grimace.
His personal favorites are my beloved, my rose, my darling, my love, my dear. He’s very possessive of you and intends to make sure his pet names for you further prove that.
He allows you to call him Luci and LuLu when you’re alone, and, even though he vehemently denies it, he finds it incredibly endearing. Other than that, he isn’t very fond of pet names for himself.
However, he simply adores when you call him your love. He might be possessive of you, but it fills him with so much pride knowing that you want others to know he’s yours as well. 
During sex, you 100% call him Daddy and Sir if you’re into that. If not, his love-making is so intense that you can only manage to utter out his name- and he loves that. It really strokes his ego wink wink
Lucifer absolutely adores calling you princess/my prince during sex, no matter what the mood is. He finds the way it makes your face flush irresistible. 
“Luuuuciiiiii,” you whined out impatiently, attempting to get your boyfriend’s attention. He’d had his nose stuck in paperwork for hours now and you were in some serious need of attention. “You haven’t so much as looked up at me in the past, like, 10 hours,” you pouted.
Finally he raised his head to lock eyes with you. Dark circles marred his beautifully pale skin, showing the effect of the overwhelming workload he was forcing himself to push through. You felt your heart ache at the sight of him, all signs of impatience leaving you to be replaced with a look of worry.
He gave you a weak smile while resting his head in his hand. All you wanted was to wrap him up in your arms and play with his hair as he napped against your chest. So that’s exactly what you went to do- love him.
You stepped towards him, his tired eyes looking up at you quizically.
“My love, please take a break. You’re exhausted. Please,” you softly pleaded, reaching your hand out to hold his cheek, thumb swiping back and forth soothingly.
He closed his eyes and pressed himself into your hand, letting out a content sigh, bringing his own hand up to hold yours to his face. Your heart swelled with love- early on the in the relationship, he’d flinch when you’d try to touch him. Now he treasured every carress you had to offer.
“Come here darling,” he murmured, motioning for you to climb into his lap. You did as he asked, straddling his lap and lacing your hands together at the nape of his neck.
The way he looked at you with such adoration made your heart race. You leaned down to capture his lips in a sweet, loving kiss. His hands came up to press you closer to him, one hand threading into your hair and the other pressing on your lower back. Your fingers played with the hair on the nape of his neck.
He pulled away slightly to whisper against your lips,
“You always know how to stir up these feelings in me, my dear.”
This man adores the cheesy petnames. Like the tsundere he is though, he denies it with a blush so intense it reaches his ears.
He doesn’t even use petnames for you when your relationship first begins. The tsundere is strong with this one.
At first, it seems like all he ever wants to call you is “his human”. And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little disappointed
Until one fateful day, he called you. You picked up the phone eagerly and to your surprise he uttered out a, “Hey babe, are ya busy right now? Ya better not be- come to my room asap.”
Needless to say, you could have sworn your heart skipped a beat
Mammon’s pet names of choice include, but aren’t limited to, sugar, baby doll, dollface, doll, baby, babe, honey bun/honey bunny
He loves anything that will make you smile, though. It’s his favorite thing in the whole world.
During intimate times he mainly sticks to calling you baby and baby doll, expect him to desperately moan that into the crook of your neck as he begs you to continue
He blushes, stammers, tells you to stop, but then tells you to not stop when you call him pet names. He not-so-secretly loves it, and you know it.
You like to call him mammonie, monmon, baby/babe, handsome, and my prince. Just to mess with him and to see that cute flush of red on his gorgeous tan skin. It’s also undeniably cute and cheesy
During sex, he absolutely adores being called baby boy. It really gets him going. This boy is a sub
You were scribbling school notes in your notepad, studying for the upcoming exam when your D.D.D rang. You sighed, setting your pencil down and reaching for your D.D.D to see who was interrupting your study session.
It was Mammon.
Of course it was. You adored him, you really did, but his timing was pretty awful. You answered and put the phone up to your ear with your shoulder so you could continue copying down some notes that Satan so generously lent you.
“Yo, yo, yo! Babe, are ya busy? Ya better not be- come to my room asap!” He exclaimed happily.
The phone fell from your shoulder and onto your notepad. You had felt your heart skip a beat. He called you babe.
“U-uh...MC? MC??? That was an accident. I aint mean it. Just...come to my room. Hello? Human, are ya even there??” He stammered on nervously.
You scrambled to pick the phone up, responding in a teasing tone, “Mammon. Three things. 1: I heard that. 2: I’m studying. 3: I heard you call me that.”
You could hear him huff on the other end. He was seriously too cute, too easily flustered.
“Just drop it, wouldja? I aint mean it! Now get your ass over here- I dont care if you’re studying. No one makes The Great Mammon wait!!”
You could practically see him puff his chest out. You just wanted to engulf him in a hug and ruffle his snowy locks so badly. 
With a grin, you taunted, “Okay, babe. I’ll be right over.”
You hung up just as he began to sputter and protest, checked yourself in the mirror, sprayed some perfume/cologne on, and began to make your way to Mammon’s room.
As you reached Mammon’s room, you thanked all your lucky stars that you didn’t run into any of the brothers. Without warning, you swung Mammon’s door open, and he jumped with a shriek.
“Jeez, ya scared the livin’ evil outta me, human!” he exclaimed, clutching his t-shirt near his heart. His cheeks were already tinted a lovely blushed hue against his beautifully tanned skin.
“Awww, sorry Monmon. Didn't mean to startle you,” you poked, watching as he crossed his arms over his chest, beginning to protest that you didn't, in fact, frighten him.
You quickly leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He froze, and you could practically hear his heart race. You pulled away, both hands coming up to the nape of his neck as he just stared at you, mouth slightly open, his face bright red. 
“You worry too much, baby.” You teased him, a smile playing on your lips.
And then he leaned in to return your kiss, hands settling on your lower back gingerly
Needless to say, he began to “accidentally” continue to call you endless pet names. He really did love them and you
Please, for the love of all things unholy, please let this shy boy call you silly pet names. He adores them, simply because it makes you giggle, and he loves knowing that he’s the one making you laugh
Levi appears as though he doesn’t feel shame, but we know he just hides it really well. However, he still rambles to anyone and everyone about Ruri-chan and anime, so he won’t mind you using pet names for eachother around other people
Because of his anxiety though, he probably won’t be too keen on that idea at first. Will his brothers laugh at him? Surely they’ll think he’s gross and creepy regarding his choice of pet names, right? Wrong. Ensure to him that he doesn’t have to do anything that he isn’t comfortable with, and if anyone judges them then they’re just normies. He’ll love you forever.
Levi’s most used pet names for you are sunshine, cutie, snookums, goofball, and player 2
Sunshine is his personal favorite because humans seem to associate happiness with the sun, and you’re his main source of happiness. So why wouldn’t he call you that?
He also refers to you as his player 2 a lot. You’re not only his lover, but his best friend. His partner in crime. His Henry. 
Calling him pet names is undoubtedly one of your favorite things. He stutters, blushes such a deep shade of red, and tries to hide his face behind his hands. Please take ahold of wrists, move them from his face, take hold of his face, and place a kiss on his nose. You want Levi.exe to stop working? K.O’d? Do that.
Your favorite pet names for him are Leviachan, cutie, sweetie, handsome devil, baby boy, my sweet prince, etc. Anything that helps boost his confidence is a good pet name in your book.
During sex, Levi would hardly be able to form a coherent sentence, so I imagine your name would fall from his bitten lips like a mantra
If you’re into it, he would be down to call you master/mistress, 100%
Most of the time you call him baby boy and sweet boy and needy during sex. I HC that he’s very submissive and melts at your endearing yet dominating pet names for him.
We also know it’s canon that Levi has a degradation kink- so use it. Call him a whore, pervert, slut, needy bitch. He’ll let out the sweetest whines and whimpers.
“Levi, sweetie, I promise it’s okay. Nothing happened between Mammon and I. We just went shopping,” You gently explained to a very frazzled Levi.
He was sitting in his gaming chair, anime paused, arms crossed, avoiding your gaze, and pouting. A frown also adorned his troubled features.
He refused to answer you.
“Levi, please speak to me,” you tried again, reaching out to take ahold of his hand.
You offered your hand to him gingerly. He studied it for a moment, and then, with a blush beginning to spread across his cheeks, he complied and laced his fingers with yours. He heaved a sigh as you swiped your thumb against his hand soothingly.
“I know, MC. I trust you. It just makes my blood boil knowing you’re out with him instead of being with me....I don’t really blame you though, I guess. I’m a gross and yucky otaku. I wouldn’t want to hang out with me either,” he grumbled, his voice cracking near the end, along with your heart. You wished so badly he wouldn’t talk so down on himself all the time.
It was time to show Levi just how much he meant to you.
You surged forward to engulf your serpent-like boyfriend in a bone-crushing hug. He let out a squeak, his arms coming up in surprise.
“Leviachan, I wish you saw how much I love you. I love spending time with you. I love playing games with you. I love watching anime with you. I love listening to you rant and ramble about them. I love how passionate you are. You’re so cute when you get like that, yknow?” You murmured to him with as much love as you could muster.
Suddenly his arms were wrapped around you, hugging you tightly to him. He planted a kiss on the top of your head before nuzzling his nose into your hair.
“You normie,” he whispered, “you’re really too much. I think you’re the only person who can find my ranting endearing.”
You pulled away with a pretend frown on your face, lacing your fingers with his once more.
“Normie? Again? Really Leviachan? In what way am I a normie?” You prodded, grinning at him.
He blushed, looking down at your intertwined hands.
“I suppose you’re not really that much of a normie. You do nerd out with me, to be fair...” He grinned back at you- a genuine grin, at that. It warmed your heart.
Before you could say anything else, Levi surged forward to place a chaste kiss on your lips. It was gone as soon as it was there. You blinked, wide eyed at him. His face was ablaze- you didn’t think you had ever seen him so flushed. You didn’t even know he had the confidence in him to do that.
In a rare moment of softness, he whispered
“I love you, sunshine. I really do. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my player 2.” 
Satan is the absolute best in the business at hiding his true intentions; after all, all smiles are an act
Except... you actually stir up feelings of love within him, and it drives his curiosity through the roof
He appears to be very confident so his brothers opinions don’t really matter to him. He’s also awfully petty, so I imagine he moreso uses pet names for you around them to simply dangle in their faces that only he can do that
That doesn’t change the fact that every time you use a pet name for him, hes face flushes an adorable red before he sorts himself out
His favorite pet names for you are sweetheart, kitten, darling, little kitty, gorgeous, wildflower, and my sweet girl/sweet boy
We all know this man is into pet play, so his most used nicknames for you are kitten and little kitty. During and not during intimate times. 
During sex, Satan calls you all sorts of endearing terms- he’s a master of dirty talking. It’s filthy yet simultaneously charming. Kitten, darling, and your name roll off of his tongue the most. If you’re into it, he will definitely degrade you, calling you a needy whore, filthy slut, cumslut, cumrag, fuck toy, you name it and he’ll use it. He’d most likely be opposed to calling you a bitch- it feels too hurtful for him.
You love to call him handsome, my bookworm, stud(teasingly), good looking, and babe/baby. Each and every one earns a chuckle and a momentary blush from him, so it’s definitely worth it. 
Want his attention when he’s too busy reading? Call out his name a few times- he can hear you, but he chooses to ignore you. Bring out the pet names and he’ll be burying his blushing face into his book, completely flustered. He takes a moment to compose himself before tutting at you. You interrupted his very important reading- how naughty.
When Satan’s feeling dominant, he’s dominant. He demands that you call him Sir or Master during sex. He doesn’t mind being called Daddy, but it doesn’t get him going quite like the other two do. When he’s feeling more submissive, absolutely call him your handsome boy. Pet gets him riled up as well- use it from time to time.
You couldn’t believe just how beautiful the sight in front of you was. The stars in the Devildom seemed to burn brighter and more fiercely than the ones in the human world. You were almost entranced by them, not wanting to tear your eyes away from the gorgeous nighttime sky.
That is, until you felt the hand that was holding yours give a gentle squeeze. You quickly turned your head to make eye contact with his emerald gaze. The main emotion you could see in Satan’s eyes was adoration, and suddenly your heart was being squeezed as well as your hand.
Here you were, taking a late night stroll in the Devildom with Satan, the night sky painted with deep clouds and bright stars, and he was looking at you like you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
He had taken you to what appeared to be a park. You walked along the path hand in hand as you took in every little detail. The deep greenish blue bushes were hiding little critters, the pond had a fountain that splashed around the deep blue water, there were bugs that looked and acted an awful lot like lightning bugs(Satan explained that they were practically the same except that these were called Hell Fire Bugs, were only found in the Devildom, and had little horns that adorned their head), there were giant flowers of golden and orange hues everywhere, and, to your delight, there was a little wooden bench sat right in the perfect spot.
“Satan, can we sit down?” You asked with a smile, motioning to the bench. “I love where it’s positioned; you can take in everything perfectly!” You peered up at him to see that a gentle smile was gracing his features. 
“Of course we can sit down, darling. Are your legs feeling tired of walking as well?” He pondered. After all, he wasn’t completely sure what a human’s threshold for walking distance was.
“Mm, a little bit,” you admitted, absentmindedly rubbing your arm. You’d gotten so caught up in his presence and the sights around you that you’d only just now noticed the beginning of a burning sensation in your legs.
“That’s a shame. I guess I’ll have to carry you to the bench then, huh, kitten?” He said, flashing you a sly smile.
Protests left your mouth but to no avail. You were already thrown over his shoulder, his long fingers resting on your bum, giving a gentle pat. He was comfortably warm, and you were lying if you said you couldn’t stay in his strong arms forever.
You were giggling, squirming, demanding that he put you down that instant- but you both knew how much you loved it. His grip tightened on you as a warning.
“Kitty, if you keep squirming, I’ll have to punish you. It’s not nice to deny my kind gestures.” He teasingly warned, giving a harsher smack to your bum. And at that, you huffed, but calmed down.
He gently set you down on the bench, caressing your face before sitting down next to you, reaching out to grab ahold of your hand once again. You gladly took his hand in yours, sighing contentedly as he swiped his thumb soothingly against yours.
You leaned in closer to him, pressing against his side, and placed a gentle peck on his cheek. His skin was so soft, so warm. Welcoming. You couldn’t have felt more safe, more comfortable, more at home than you did in this moment. He let out a light chuckle.
“Are you happy now?” He murmured, snaking an arm around your waist to pull you flush against his side. You curled your arms around his arm closest to you, resting your head on his broad shoulder. You breathed in deeply, taking in his calming scent. He smelled like old books and tea. “I couldn’t be happier.” You whispered out. Your heart was so full, you could hardly take it.
“Good, I’m glad,” He warmly responded, and began to absentmindedly play with your hair as you both enjoyed the scenery in a comfortable silence. 
“Hey, Satan?” You gingerly asked after a few minutes. He gave a hum in response.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” You admitted, feeling your face heat up.
He craned his neck to peer down at you, you pulling away gently to look at him.
“You truly are something else. You want to stay with me, a demon, forever? Are you sure about that?” He inquired, secretly hoping you wouldn’t backtrack. And you didn’t.
“I’ve never been more sure in my life. I love you.” You whispered back.
His only response were gentle hands coming up to cup your face, his lips softly melting against yours.
Naturally, as the Avatar of Lust, pet names are his forte. He calls you pet names about as often as he tries to cop a feel- so, very often
He loves using them in front of anyone and everyone, shame just isn’t a word in his vocabulary. He finds cute nicknames incredibly endearing and genuinely wonders why everyone doesn’t feel the same way about them.
He high-key expects you to use pet names for him as well. Let EVERYONE know he’s your beautiful boy, dammit. Its obvious but it makes him feel happy, so you’re more than willing to comply. 
His personal favorite pet names for you include, but aren’t limited to, cherub, dear, little darling, angel face, doll face, honey/hun, bunbun, love bug, lover, and mi amor. 
He simply loves to do anything and everything you want him to do to please you, but he expects the same energy in return. 
So, during intimate times, if you want him to degrade you he will. It just isn’t his favorite thing to do- he’d rather worship you and make you feel on top of the world with honey dripping words. Therefore, during sex, he prefers to call you darling, baby, baby girl/baby boy, princess/my prince, beautiful, etc. If you want him to call you mommy/daddy, master/mistress, or sir/madam, he absolutely will. Anything to please you.
Your pet names of choice for him include asmobaby, asmo, lover boy, cutie, beau, charmer, eye candy, heart breaker, heart throb, etc.
“How’s my favorite heart breaker doing?” “Feeling a little frisky, are we, lover boy?” “You see that absolute eye candy over there? That’s my boyfriend”
During sex, you call Asmo anything and everything you want. He’s down to try and do anything, so he’s all yours. He’ll do the same for you. However, he does love being praised- so please use praising pet names for him like gorgeous, handsome, sexy, etc
The most passionate and intense lover you will ever have, and his endless pet names are only the tip *wink wink* of the iceberg. 
For once in the Devildom, you were freezing. Your nose was numb, red, just an icicle, really. 
Asmo had dressed you up with a pompom hat, fluffy earmuffs, and a giant puffy coat with gloves to match in attempts to keep you warm in the Devildom’s famous ice rink. Of course, his entire outfit matched yours with a lovely complimentary color. He figured it was enough for him, so surely his little cherub was warm and snug, right? Wrong. Somewhat wrong, anyway. You were still cold and made a point to complain about it to Asmo. 
“Dear, I promise I will warm you up as soon as we leave, just please do this for me?” He begged, holding your gloved hands in his own. His pinkish-yellow hued eyes stared into your own hopefully, and you knew you could never turn down those puppy eyes of his.
He cheered excitedly when you agreed and took you by the hand over to the rink. He turned around to face you, an expectant expression on his face. He took your hand and placed his lips on the backside, winking up at you, before murmuring, “Watch and learn mi amor!”
With wide eyes you watched as Asmo skated off, moving with incredible balance and grace. Every move was intentional; he looked stunning in this state. Here he was, skating a lutz, an axel, a salchow, everything. He was professional level talented, and he never told you! And, oh, yes, you. You could skate, but not well. 
“Asmobaby, I didn’t know you were so talented at this!” You exclaimed as he approached you, an accomplished smile adorning his features. You skated over to him, his hand reaching out to grab yours as you skated together side by side.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I love how graceful it looks,” he responded, as you noticed how the tip of his nose was beginning to turn red. His breathing was still a little irregular, his breath coming out in puffs, the cold making the cloud of breath visible. He was so beautiful.
“Darling, if you keep staring at me like that, I won’t be able to control myself,” he teased, squeezing your hand.
You quickly averted your eyes, your face flushing at being caught.
“Oh, don't be embarrassed, MC! There’s nothing wrong with admiring beauty! I do it with you all the time, you know.” He winked, and you had to slap away a wandering hand, leaving a very pouty Asmo.
You attempted to get closer to give him a kiss to make up for it, but you lost your balance, falling right onto your bum. Asmo gasped, made sure you were okay, and then giggled at you.
“Asmo!! I just fell!! On ice!! And you’re laughing!” you feigned offense, resting your hand over your chest. “And I was going to give you a kiss, too!”
Asmo leaned down to help you up, murmuring, “You can’t help but fall for my charming self, hm, love bug?”, and pressed a loving kiss to your chilly lips. His nose bumped against yours, somehow still warm to the touch. You were so enraptured by his lips that you hadn’t even realized he’d gotten you back on your feet.
“How about we...continue this later?” Asmo whispered as you pulled away.
“Oh, you better. You promised to warm me up, lover boy” You huffed, beginning to skate off with him again. “Don’t have to ask me twice, doll. I’ll show you my love allllll night. Now, watch this next trick- it’s absolutely stunning!”
This wholesome boy honestly doesn’t understand pet names at first
“Why would I call you a baby, MC, you’re clearly a grown human??”
Even after you explain it to him, he still doesn’t really get it, but it makes you happy, and he’ll do anything to make you happy
When you tell him that he doesn’t have to call you baby/babygirl/babyboy, that he can use almost anything, he lights up.
“My cheesebur-” “No, Beel, anything but that”
Once he somewhat gets the gist of petnames, his preferred ones for you are love muffin, pumpkin, cookie, honey, sweetheart, gum drop, and cupcake
Occasionally calls you his cheeseburger just to enjoy your reaction
Please, please, please, don’t be mean about it. this baby's feelings are hurt so easily and he always means well 
You favorite pet names for him are Beel, beelzeburger,  big guy/big boy, bunny,/honey bun, bonbon, sweet boy, honeybee, Cookie Monster, and handsome
Each time you call him something other than his name, he blushes profusely, his lips upturned in a happy smile
Adores everything you call him, even if its incredibly cheesy because he loves cheese you chose those pet names for him specifically, and he feels honored
During sex, he’s so focused on how good it feels and trying to not hurt you that anything that comes to mind rolls off of his tongue when he speaks, which isn’t often
mainly calls you by your name, but he loves to use babygirl/babyboy if you like it
he also prefers for you to call out his name, as other names don’t really do much for him. if you’re into it, though, I'm sure he won't mind if you call him daddy. will be incredibly confused the first time you gasp it out though
“Huh? Is your father here? Or did you call me that? You’re not my child, though...?”
The music was loud- blaring, actually, and your head was beginning to ache.
Lord Diavolo was holding a party at his castle, with almost every one of his friends invited- it was a huge party. Everyone was sat down at tables or were out on the dance floor. Lucifer was chatting it up with Barbatos, Simeon, Luke(who was just following Simeon around), and Lord Diavolo, Satan was sipping some demonus while flipping through the pages of a book, absentmindedly chatting with Solomon, Mammon and Asmo were participating in some dance competition, Levi was playing his switch with his headphones on, and Belphie was napping on Beel’s shoulder. 
You were sitting at the table with Satan and Solomon, feeling particularly uninterested in their talk of spells and magic. The music was nice, and Mammon and Asmo looked like they were having fun, but you didn’t have the energy to tear it up on the dance floor. You heaved a sigh, feeling insufferably bored.
And that’s when your eyes landed on Beel. Belphie had his cow print pillow resting in the crook of Beel’s neck, snuggling himself into Beel. He was zonked. And poor Beel was munching on whatever food he had left on his plate, looking just as bored as you- at this rate, he wouldn’t have any food left, and soon. 
Making your mind up, you got up from the table and made your way over to Beel. As you got closer, Beel lifted his head at your approaching footsteps and smiled when he saw that it was you- you swore it made your heart beat faster.
“Gum drop! I was wondering when you would come over.” He smiled, motioning for you to take the seat next to him. Belphie continued to snooze on. 
“Actually, Beel, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the kitchen with me? Your supply on food is low, cookie monster ..” You murmured in his ear. He nodded, and went to wake up Belphie. Talking to him didn’t work, shaking didn’t work, nothing did. Beel carefully moved Belphie’s pillow on the table, his head now resting on Beel’s shoulder, and then gently moved Belphie’s head to rest on his pillow. He continued his little cat nap, completely unbothered. 
Beel stood up, took your hand in his, and led you to kitchen.
You lifted yourself up on the counter to sit, watching as Beel opened every cabinet and drawer, rummaging for something else to devour. He finally made his way to the fridge and freezer, and let out a delighted laugh when he discovered a pint of hellish nightshade ice cream.
“Wanna share?” He asked, smiling and showing you the ice cream container.
“Uh, Beel, can humans even eat nightshade? Won’t it kill me?” You inquired, fairly sure that nightshade would kill you dead.
“Oh, no, it won’t. Barbatos said there’s different kinds of nightshade that won’t hurt humans and Lord Diavolo made sure that everything here is human-proof!” He happily exclaimed, already grabbing two spoons. 
If it did kill you, well, that was Lucifer’s problem because you were gonna enjoy some ice cream with your boyfriend.
Beel began to happily eat the sweet treat, you taking bites whenever you could get your spoon in. He noticed you were having some troubles and shyly apologized, retreating his spoon so you could get a good bite.
And oh, you did. It was a heaping spoonful, resulting in ice cream getting on the corners of your mouth. You didn’t know why Beel was suddenly staring ravenously at you instead of the ice cream.
“You have ice cream on your mouth,” he murmured, leaning in closer to you, his face inches away from yours. Your breath sped up.
“Wanna help me clean it off?” Was all you needed to ask before his mouth was on yours, delicately licking off the ice cream. His hands rested gently on your waist, your own hands resting on his broad shoulders. He pulled back gently, a buzzing sound emanating from him.
“I always love your taste,” he exclaimed happily, blush spreading across his cheeks. 
You leaned back in for another syrupy sweet kiss, Beel all too happy to oblige.
ah, our favorite eboy
he thinks pet names are cute and he really enjoys them, but he’ll never outwardly say that. he might mention it to you when you’re half asleep, though
gets all blushy blushy uwu when you use them around other people, but he doesn't mind. don't expect him to use them on you around other people, though- that's mostly for when you're alone
when he's really happy to see you or really sleepy he’ll use pet names for you regardless of who is around
he finds it to be very intimate so he likes keeping it to yourselves
his favorite pet names for you are dork, cuddle bug, star, teddy bear, and pillow pet
he loves stars and stargazing, and especially loves stargazing with you so he figured why not combine two things he loves and call you his star
he also loves to snuggle you, so you're practically his personal teddy bear- and he wouldnt have it any other way 
you're favorite pet names for him are cowboy, Little Dipper, cuddle monster, snuggle bug, belpharoo, belphie/belpie, and sleepy prince
during sex, belphie likes to call you his cowgirl when he's feeling more dom. he seems like a bratty power bottom/sub, so he’ll call you master/mistress, mommy/daddy if you like that, but he’ll give you shit for it. other than that, your name falls from his lips in breathy moans and whines
you tend to call him baby boy, sweet prince, brat, good/bad boy, naughty boy during sex. he loves being called a bad/naughty boy, PLEASE do it, it really gets him going 
You woke with a start, eyes blinking a few times as you looked around you. You had fallen asleep in the Planetarium. stargazing with Belphie. Oh yeah, Belphie. You turned your head to see he was still fast asleep, holding onto your arm with a death grip. You knew waking him would be fun.
“Belphie? Bellphiiieeeee...” You whispered in his ear, which earned you a little bit of stirring from him. 
“Belpharooooo, it’s wakey time,” You said a bit more loudly, beginning to rub his shoulder.
His eyes fluttered open sleepily, his amethyst gaze meeting yours warmly. He stretched his arms out with an adorably soft yawn, his shirt riding up to expose his soft yet toned abdomen. He gave you a sleepy smile.
“I love waking up to the sight and sound of you, teddy bear” he murmured out, clinging onto you once again, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Your own arm was wrapped around him, the other coming up to lazily play with his hair. He let out an almost purring sound, attempting to get as close to you as possible.
“Uh uh, Belphie, we can’t go back to sleep yet. We’re still in the Planetarium- let’s go to bed, okay my sleepy prince?” You cooed, patting his back to get him to sit up.
With a huff, he sat up, but demanded you pull him up by his arms, giving you the sweetest smile in return. He complained the entire way to his and Beel’s room, his hand gripping yours loosely as you lead him forward.
Beel wasn’t there when you arrived which disappointed you both a bit, but you figured he’d be back soon and with some snacks, too, so that was a plus.
Immediately Belphie flopped onto his bed, hardly giving you enough time to crawl into bed beside him before he cocooned himself with blankets. He turned to face you, eyes glazed over, and yawned once more. You yawned in return, the both of you giggling. His amethyst eyes never left you, even when his hair fell into his face. You gently brushed the strands of navy blue hair out of his eyes, giving him a soft smile as his own hand came up to keep your hand pressed against his face. He nuzzled into your hand, sighing happily, before you wrapped your arms around him loosely. 
“Goodnight, teddy bear” he murmured as you both drifted off to sleep once more.
A few hours had passed when you woke again , only to find that Belphie had not only pushed you to the edge of the bed, but had also stolen all of the covers and blankets. You were chilly without either of those. 
You shook him, earning a groan from the sleepy demon. 
“Belphie I love you but I swear I will execute you if you don’t give some blankets back” you lightheartedly threatened, opting to lay your body across his.
“I don't know what you’re talking about,” he murmured, nuzzling further into his pillows.
“Oh no, you don’t. I literally have no covers! You have all of them! I’m freezing!” you exclaimed desperately. 
He poked his head out of his cocoon, a mischievous glint in those amethyst eyes, his hair sticking up in random spots.
“If you want a blanket so bad, then come get one from me.” He dared you, a smile playing on his sleepy features.
You immediately began your assault by tickling his sides, which resulted in him laughing, gasping, and trying to swat you away. You began giggling with him, not stopping your violent attack on the poor helpless demon. Your torture went on for a few minutes before he finally gave in. 
“Okay, okay! I give in! You can have all the blankies you want, I swear!” he puffed out heavily, tears forming in his eyes from being tickled and laughing so much.
You smiled triumphantly as he let you into his little blanket cocoon, immediately becoming engulfed by warmth and his scent. You were waiting for both of your breaths to even out as you heard a low voice say,
“Hey, I know you guys love each other and all but it’s 4am and I’m kinda trying to sleep”
You looked at Belphie, holding back a giggle as he gave an apology to poor Beel. 
You snuggled up to Belphie once again, beginning to feel sleep take over your body for the 3rd time that day. You fell asleep before Belphie, so you never felt the soft kiss he planted on your forehead and the sweetest “I love you so much” he whispered in your ear.
I hope you enjoyed this! I loved finally writing for all of the brothers- It was so much fun figuring out how to incorporate their personality into my own writing style. Let me know if you’d like me to do a version of this with the undateables! As always, all feedback is appreciated. <3
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fabglance1 · 7 years
#XD30 - Day 8 - FLOAT
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Finally! It was Christmas and Ahlia was on vacation. Headed back to her hometown, the bubbly 19-year-old was ready to see her parents, her favorite cousins, her doggy ‘Midnight’, and most importantly Jackson. Her mission was to eat as much as her momma’s home cooking, watch all the football games with her dad, and go to all the kick-backs with her friends. This trip was special because Ahlia would be going to Cambodia to study abroad for the rest of the year.
As she was waiting at the train station, she watched the people walk by. She started playing the game her and Jack used to play when they were in high school. Making up stories about the rushing passengers distracted her from realizing how late it had gotten. She told her parents that her train would be in the city by 5:00pm. She also told them she would take a cab to the house, but they insisted on coming to pick her up. She continued to wait.
Another 20 minutes passed by with no word from the family. Ahlia was getting anxious and she was tired from traveling. All she wanted was to get home so she could take a hot shower and get a quick nap before heading out to see friends. She headed over to the pay phone to call her dad. Surely they hadn’t forgotten about their daughter. She dialed the familiar seven-digit number to her parent’s house, let it ring, no answer. How was it possible that, in a house full of people, no one was available to take her call? She tried again, this time calling the line that went straight to her dad’s garage – still, no answer. Ahlia started to get nervous.
Her mom being late, yeah, that was possible. But, her dad being late was almost improbable. She thought to call her Aunt Maize. Aunt Maize would get a message to her mom ASAP. As she was about to dial her aunt’s  number she saw a familiar car drive into the pick-up area. She squinted her eyes to get a better look -  it was JACK!
“JACKIE! Is that you??” She slammed the phone on the receiver, lifted her duffle bag, and stutter stepped over to the curb.
“Yo! I’m so happy you are outside! I really didn’t want to get a ticket because I was NOT trying to park and look for you.”
“Look for me? Why are you looking for me?”
“Your mom called me earlier, she told me you were coming in at 5. She asked me to come pick you up.”  Ahlia was looking at him with confusion in her eyes, he realized she had NO idea what was going on. “Nothing’s wrong, per se, it’s just that your dad and mom had a little bit of an emergency. She wants me to come pick you up and take you to your Aunt’s house.”
“Take me to my aunt’s house? Why? We are supposed to be having dinner at OUR house?
“Listen, Ms. Johnson told me to come pick you up and that’s the only instruction I got. You know I don’t mess with your momma like that!” Jack laughed a little while reaching down to pick up Ahlia’s duffle bag. “Dang girl, you smuggling BRICKS of cocaine in here?”
“Naw. I mean, I’m gonna be home for like three weeks. I had to make it count.” She waited for Jack to open the car door.
When they started riding, Jack turned on the radio. The DJ was playing a hip-hop mix. The two started bobbing their heads, as Method Man and Mary J Blige sang, “Your all, I need, to get by …”
  “YOOO! This song used to be the JAM!” Ahlia sang out as the bassline dropped. She was so hype to be riding in her city with her best friend. It was like old times again. The pleasure of familiarity filled her body. She was reminded how much she missed her friend and their adventures in Baby Blue, Jack’s old Honda Civic.
Jack felt good too. He was kinda nervous to see Ahlia during this Christmas break. After their night in the Wal-mart parking lot, the pair weren’t as close as they used to be. The both agreed to stop having sex, and to take their ‘relationship’ back to friend status. By the end of senior year Ahlia was dating a guy from the track team, and Jack was engulfed in getting ready for his move to Atlanta. During their time away, the two called each other often and sent emails. Ahlia had feelings for Jack and he the same, but school and work and life put a wall between them. Being home for Christmas would be good for the friends.
“Even when the skies were gray
You would rub me on my back and say, baby it’ll be okay”
  Instinctively, Jack drove to Ahlia’s parent’s house, instead of taking he to her Aunt’s house. The two were so caught up in conversation and listening to old-school hip-hop that he forgot to jump on the interstate. Driving through the familiar subdivision, the pair were greeted with a very unfamiliar sight. There were clothes and furniture on the yard of Ahlia’s family home. When Jack rolled into the drive way to turn the car around, Ahlia’s mom came out the house carrying a box of trophies and yelling, “AND you can take ALL this stuff to that’s WHORE’S house with you!”
Ahlia was stunned. She’d never seen her mother look so enraged. Ahlia and Jack watched as Mr. Johnson slowy walked from the garage to the porch. He calmly picked up the box of trophies. He used it as storage for the rest of his clothes that had been scattered on the ground like the lost dreams of man with many regrets. Ahlia immediately jumped out the car.
“YO! What is going on!” She was almost screaming, but didn’t want to make more of a scene than was being made already. At once Mr. Johnson noticed his daughter standing at the end of the drive way. They locked eyes, and at that moment it was as if the answer was downloaded into her existence. Her mom was throwing her dad out, a week before Christmas.
“Baby girl, we didn’t mean for you to find out this way!” The lanky man walked toward his daughter, his curly hair was freshly cut, she saw her face on his older body. Often, everyone said that Ahlia was the splitting image of her dad, only with her mother’s amazing curves and thick hair.
“Daddy. What?”
“I’ll let your mom explain. I really didn’t want you to find out this way. Your mom and me are getting a divorce. We haven’t been happy for years. I just …” Her dad’s words trailed off as Ahlia thought of Christmas without him around. Her mom came out the house with another box of trinkets. She dropped them on the steps with no intention of caution or care. She exhaled hard as she saw her daughter.
“OH NO Ahlia! You were supposed to go to Aunt Maize!” Her mom exclaimed.
“We totally forgot and came to the house by habit,” She turned around and pointed at Jack still sitting in the car. Jack was frozen. Mr. and Mrs Johnson were his favorite couple. They were tighter than the Cliff and Claire Huxtable. How in the world did they end up having a Waiting to Exhale moment one week before Christmas?
“Well, you’re 19, no need to sugar coat it. Your dad cheated on me. Cheated on the family. I found out. And I KNOW I won’t be living with no ADULTERER in my house, especially on Jesus birthday!” She was yelling at this point, throwing her words at Mr. Johnson like daggers. Ahlia was caught in the crossfire, her ears ringing and her mind buzzing from confusion. They weren’t happy? How?
Ahlia turned around immediately, her face hot, big tears falling down her cheeks. Jack saw her coming for the car and jumped out. He ran to the passenger side, knowing the only thing he could do was get her into the car and away from this scene. Ahlia jumped in the car and put on her seatbelt. The tears were staining her jacket as she looked at the yard in front of her house. Clothes were everywhere. Her dad was leaning against his BMW with his shoulders slumped while the couple watched Jack’s Honda Civic back out of the driveway.
Ahlia’s mom attempted to flag the car down, but knew her daughter needed time to process. Mrs. Johnson didn’t have time to help Ahlia deal with this situation, not today.  She was determined to get all traces of Mr. Johnson out of that house. She let her daughter drive away, with the intention of calling later for a family meeting.
“Shorty, I’m there for you anytime you need me
For real girl, it’s me in your world, believe me”
Jack decided not to take Ahlia to her Aunt’s house. They drove to another favorite spot in the city, the entrance to the Riverbend. He turned the car off, leaving the headlights on. It was already dark as midnight and there were no lights in the parking area. They could hear the rushing water but couldn’t see it. When they were kids, the two would come here to do homework, watch the sunset, and sometimes just chill with no agenda. They sat in silence for the longest 15 minutes.
Jack remembered he had just rolled a blunt before Mrs. Johnson called him to pick up Ahlia from the train station. He’d started smoking weed while attending college. Jack had some stress of his own he needed to deal with, but this wasn’t the time to talk about it. Without hesitation, he lit the blunt, inhaling on one end to pull the flame. The familiar smoked filled his lungs, he could taste the slight cherry taste of the tobacco mixed with husky musk of the marijuana. Immediately, he was calmed, he passed the blunt to Ahlia.
“I don’t smoke.” She said, as Jack held the little torch in his hand.
“Well, I think today is a good day to start.” He laughed a little and gestured for Ahlia to take the blunt. She hesitated, then took it, ashes falling on the arm rest. “So put it to your lips, and inhale a bit. It’s gonna burn, you might cough. But then, in about 10 minutes, you gonna feel smooth.”
 She trusted him, knowing she needed something to take her mind off of her family turmoil, “Oh my god, it burns so bad! When you start smoking?”
“Man, last spring, freshman year. It’s HARD in ATL.” He laid his head on the headrest. Ahlia tried to give the blunt back to Jack, “Naw, pull on it one more time.”
This time Ahlia inhaled hard, letting the smoke sting her throat and fill her lungs. Her eyes watered a little as she started to feel like she was floating. Jack was watching as Ahlia leaned her head back. He was focused on her face, examining her eyes, the curve of her nose, her full lips, and her long neck. She was wearing a small gold chain and the sparkle caught his attention. The car was filling with smoke. The two let it engulf them as the music played low. Ahlia was calm now.
“This is nice. I feel nice.” She giggled a bit, which made Jack laugh, “I missed you Jackie. I missed us. You’re my bestie.” She leaned over, putting her head on his shoulder. Jack could smell the floral scent of whatever black girl hair product she’d used on her hair. He pulled her close and held her hand. They continued to pass the blunt until it was nothing but a tiny nub. Ahlia was amazingly high, the thoughts of her parents’ divorce tucked away for tomorrow.
Jacked kissed Ahlia’s forehead as he let the high take him away. Every time his lips touched her head, Ahlia could feel a shudder of excitement, mixed with nervous energy float through her body.
“What you trying to do tonight? Where you trying to go? You want me to take you to your Aunt’s house?’ he asked, while rubbing her hand.
“Naw, right now, this is where I want to be. So, wherever you go. I’m going there.” Jack turned on the car deciding to take her to his house. She already had her bags with her, no need to go anywhere else.
Ahlia would stay with Jack and Uncle Rob for the rest of her winter break, popping in to see her family daily, but too broken to stay at the empty-ish house. On that night, her and Jack had sex and continued to do so for the rest of her stay. Often, it was mixed with weed and Ahlia’s sadness but she needed something familiar to help her navigate this unfamiliar territory. When they were young, her family had always been there for Jack, this time Jack’s family was here for her and it felt good. Ahlia didn’t care to think about how she’d feel when it was time to go back to school and travel for internship. Right now, she was happy to be with her friend, who had somehow become the only thing she wanted to hold on to.
“You’re all that I need, I’ll be there for you If you keep it real with me, I’ll keep it real witchu.”
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