#I need people to give their outfits and styles random ass back stories ugh
cryptic-hq · 1 year
I need to see more people dressing like they just walked out of a supernatural scifi teen drama, give you're outfit lore
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wo-wann-was-wer · 4 years
Who are these dudes with the harelip and what do they want
Why did she just take him to a cave and leave that’s kinda rude
So everything in this universe is just gonna be backwards. Love it
Ugh I’ve said this a million times but this show has such Fringe energy and I can’t wait to get a tattoo for this too
This is super freaking me out, i dont like that everyone’s in everyone else’s house.
Ooooh Katharina with glasses yes girl you better work.
I like Michael and this hat he’s rocking
Super into the fact that magnus and fransizka are involved in this universe too
There’s nothing cuter than sex before school. Ahhh the nostalgia
Ten bucks says that Hannah gets out of this bed and is pregnant
Fucking YEP
I am loving Martha in this Jonas journey
I know that all they did was flip the lens of the camera but my brain is breaking at this flipped Winden
Who the fuck is this random dude Martha is with
You know what he kind of looks like Jonas. I wonder if that's relevant or if I'm just grasping at straws
Bartosz looks like he's going to his first grade violin recital
I straight up just did not recognize Charlotte with makeup. She looks hot
There's got to be another person in that picture other than Ulrich because that's a lot of space to rip out for one person
okay hold up Woller looks so good and then when I saw that he was missing an arm I almost lost my fucking mind
Oh shit okay Hannah is living in Katharina's house.
Oh my God are Ulrich and Charlotte having an affair
Is it normal in Germany for kids to just walk into classes that aren't there’s and just sit down
follow up he has a clear noose mark on his neck
Aleksander looks so hot with this beard. universe B is the fucking glow up universe
It's weirding me out that the whole school is black and gray instead of light brown
The look of satisfaction on katharina's face
Wow honestly Louis just broke my heart with his facial expression when he realized his mom didn't know who he was
he looks so scared
Yes yes do it afffffffffair
Oh no you done got found out!!!
Oh the theme of the play here is red and set of gold
Fransizka looks so cute in this little outfit
Oh my God she's deaf!!!!
What the fuck. the fact that this actress can talk is blowing my mind
RIP to Regina a real queen
Peter's a fucking priest
All the fucking weird-ass freaky motherfucking trio is back
The dopplers have the same house That's cool
excuse me sir I think your child is broken
these guys are so creepy What the fuck
I definitely don't like the piano wire
oh this motherfucker is the one who gets lost
I feel like winden in this universe is just a little bit fancier
Well Charlotte and Ulrich just be fucking like crazy
Bartosz is the Jonas of this group and I love it
who was that??????
I cannot get over Aleksander in this beard
I like that things are opposite but they also have things that are different enough.
Like I'm so into the fact that they all went down into the bunker
who in the unholy fuck is that. who is that
Oh shit old Martha
What the fuck is this Tannhaus’ factory we're at
hold up Martha's in 1888
What the fuck. why is Jonas in 1888 and looking SO good
casually sitting over your bed watching you sleep
he's look so good though
yo what the fuck everybody else is there too
Oh no things got really ugly at Mads’ wake
Not for nothing but Tronte is a dick
I kind of don't understand why Claudia would want Regina to live in such pain in this type of universe
Peter is such a good boy
lurking is the freaking national past time of this place
Oh shit we got some spin-off timeline stuff good
who is This is blind guy
I love Katharina so fucking much
I know what she's thinking and it's the same thing I'm thinking which is can I kill a child
why does this picture of Tronte make him look like Jimmy Smits
Katharina looks amazing in this jacket
Also I definitely did not just start yelling GO GET YOUR MAN KATHARINA
Regina just gets more and more badass as time goes on. Also all of the women of the tiedemann family are so fucking badass
I am so excited to watch this fucking relationship develop. they're both too cute
awwww he's using signs!
oh they're writing back and forth
I always feel like little Noah should do fuckboy sign offs when he leaves rooms because he's so smooth
yesterday Laurel said that this was back to the future but serious and just now Bartosz said it's not super easy to get nuclear fuel in 1888 and now I think that Laurel's right
I will never get over how good he looks JONAAAASSSSSSS
This guy feels like the OG inventor of sic mundus right
Katerina why are you even trying to check in at the front desk bitch Go and get your man
Is this Katarina's mom why does she just recognize that woman's name
everyone on the show is so talented.I spend the whole damn time being like oh my god the performances on the show and it's like yeah we know
Katerina get your man
I literally love them so much look at the look on her face She is a mama bear She is not going to let anybody take her man or her children and I love her
Not a huge fan of people who quote Shakespeare right before they kill other people or am I an enormous fan of people who use Shakespeare right before they kill other people
using a garotte to kill someone is ugly as fuck
I feel so bad for Jana
see this is one of the reasons why I'm like why would you bring Regina back to this world.
wowwwww TRONTE what's up dude
Oh so how did Charlotte get back there but Elizabeth's still there too. didn't they switch places?
oh the head bump
Not excited for the mother daughter abuse stuff that's about to happen
I love these split sequences that they do at the end
anytime somebody stands and stairs for a lonely at a spot on the ground I assume to somebody died there
Oh shit that guy is a tannhausokkkk I see you
a religious images we love to see it.
This show is a whole series of pause that frame.
No I ruined something for myself!!!!
got to love those through and through Ariadne references
okay so Charlotte's great great grandfather has her watch?
who are these horrible traveler human beings
they look like less sexy Francis dolarhydes
I can't get over the fact that wollers missing an arm here I swear
we ARE the glitch BITCH
alternate universe Ulrich is a better person than standard Ulrich
what's this new like zoom-y thing they're doing
I was attracted to Magnus at this jump of the show but he looks better with dark hair
How did they not all die of fucking flu
eternally repeating deja vu
I looked at the production stills and I was like what the fuck is this hair do that Moritz has but he looks amazing
Also everyone on this show deserves an acting award
and Magnus is wearing a skeleton sweater
Hannah does that deep dive detective work any bitch knows the Nose doesn't lie
why doesn't anybody want to fuck wöller
omgggg eat the RICH
also he has that x tattoo on his hand that represents the no future thing
oh the light is rectangular and not circular ooooooh fancy
The show is also a lot of people catching each other's wrists as they walk away
I knew we couldn't trust this bitch
What did he give her
I love the parallels and characters behaviors between universe a and universe b
I want to know how Noah factored into all of this on this side
Martha has a type and her type is iconically Aryan
Oh Aleksander's back with that beard he's back
Hannah is such a snake
Omg that's her!!!!! I thought she was a trans actress.. hm. not super happy bout that :/
What is Helge talking about Ulrich did what??? omg
I stopped taking notes for the last half of that episode cuz I was really sucked in haha
second of all why is this guy being like oh I took your name
why does he have Agnes's bracelet I don't like that
I don't like anything about this guy That's the end of the story
Also hold up a red hot second is Agnes dead cuz if so that's a hate crime
see what did I say
I knew that Hannah was going to get involved with Egon
from the second she walked in that office I was like that bitch has her eye on him and as she should he's handsome as fuck
Also he spoils her so much more than any other man she's ever been with AKA is Egon the only man she ever deserved
Is Hannah going to develop a heart cuz I'm not sure how I feel about that
Also what happens if Hannah gets pregnant
why is Ines a bitch I thought she was mad cool the beginning and now I feel fucking deceived
Also it's such a sweet gig that The kids who are playing kids can now play teenagers
poor Doris. Also he was shitty to her but he was far nicer than I would have been
Doris is so beautiful it's bullshit
older Magnus is so handsome
All I wanted was middle-aged Martha
bitch you have been having unprotected sex with him why do you think that pregnancy was not on the tabl
I'm like who's this guy in the church if it's not Noah I bet it's that little bitch
yeah I fucking knew it
Is this the dude that was married to Agnes I feel like this guy isn't real or something
I'm not surprised he let her go but I don't know why I'm not surprised. I feel like she's important to his timeline and I'm not sure why
look at these relationships forming between these sweet little bab
Hannah looks good in this red. Hannah looks good in all of these styles. 
who is this child
I like that already as a child Bernd had his eye on Claudia as someone who was smart and had a ton of potential
 I keep forgetting that I'm taking notes because I get so invested in episodes
Also I realize the zoomi thing which is going back and forth between the universes
Is Agnes Silja’s mom And if so with whom 
he gave her Agnes’ bracelet that dope All right Tronte
Wow Claudia needs to back off her man
Claudia force him into a relationship with her
I fucking hate Hannah but sometimes she speaks so much sense
ooh I don't need anyone Yes girl that's true You don't need anyone You needing people was what made you act fucking crazy You don't need anybody
This was always my big problem with Hannah was that I initially identified with her because she was such a survivor but then she did such horrible reprehensible things I just couldn't let it go and I absolutely couldn't identify with her anymore
Oh here's my daddy Noah looking so good
I mean okay so I have been in this position before where I was cheating and then my man cheated on me and I was like how dare you but also you cannot be mad if your partner cheats on you when you cheated too. You both fucked up
Is Hannah going to have a redemption arc cuz that's a lot
Oh my God she's not going to get rid of this child is she
Oh my great God I cannot believe that she gave Helene that necklace. 
I knew she was fucking connected to Katharina in the older generation I knew it
Louis and Lisa are a super cute couple and I know that they're not dating in real life but I think that they're very cute together
Oh everybody fucking
yeah they created the Apocalypse yeah
Oh no they have a child outside of worlds that's a mess How does that work so they had they gave birth to that ugly fuck
honestly I hate that he's their child for the most part just because he's ugly as fuck and neither of them are ugly as fuck so it makes me mad.
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drunklander · 7 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 313
Ermagherd guys, Droughtlander. It’s here. But it’s here with Hamilton stuck in our heads, cheesetastic secksi times and the knowledge that the beginning of next season is probs the most like the oh-so-high-up-on-that-pedestal-S1A than anything else in the series. (In a strange new place! Trying to build a home! Except this time they’re doing it together! With the kiddos! Plus a doggo! *grabby hands*)
I know I’ve been on the *cough* less than positive *cough* side of things a lot this season. And last season, if we’re being honest. And I was going to apologize for that, but honestly, I’m not sorry. That’s just how I fan. I flail about what I love, I rant about what I don’t. I’m *very* aware that’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that I’m the sort of fan the cast and crew shit on in interviews and on twitter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But I enjoyed the finale for what it was. I squee’ed! I yelled things at the teevee! I side-eyed like whoa! So basically the same-ish reaction I’ve had to most of the episodes.
(I never bothered doing a full S2 rewatch, but I might do one for S3 just to see if it flows any better when watched all in one go, but I have a feeling it’ll still feel more like individual units than a cohesive whole.)
Anywho, beer-fueled nonsense that offers nothing of substance under the cut.
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Finding more and more that I miss the old-style title cards.
Hard pass on doing this VO twice, tbh. Like we know obvi she’s not going to die. Just have it be where it plays out in the story.
Ok but all I can think about when the carriage stops and the crowd of people walk by is the part in The Mummy when they’re all like zombified and chanting Im-Ho-Tep.
I was just about to snark on Claire apparently having a change of clothes in the damn carriage but alas, we didn’t have to headcanon that she went and changed somewhere. No snarking for me.
Although for fucking serious? She changed back into the same damn outfit?! Ffs. Let the damn woman wear a different dress.
Aw, Fergus lets his wife come with him and doesn’t leave her behind in the woods with Willie. (I heart Marsali.)
“I’ll gut you” is apparently Young Ian’s go-to threat. It’s cute he already has a signature murder-style. Now you just need a rad serial killer name, dude. Take the hiatus to think about it.
This whole thing with Claire and Geillis is like ♬ I know, you know that I’m not telling the truth. ♬
I love that the Army/Navy rivalry spans both time and country.
But for real. Lord John in this scene is my goddamn everything. Sorry, Captain Babyface. I like you, but I need my dude out of those handcuffs and LJG is fucking *bringing it* right now. Can Jamie keep the handcuffs though? They might come in handy once he’s back on the Artemis... ;)
Ok but the final lingering shot of the pining face. Why. It was such a great scene. Lord John helping his buddy. Jamie being like yep, I still get in trouble, thanks for the assist. A nice goodbye. And it could have just ended there and been perfect, but nah, gotta smack everyone over the head with 1000% commitment to my least favorite trope.
Ah a “why are you here” callback to ep. 111.
For real though, Geillis is fucking nuts. Claire knows Geillis is fucking nuts. Claire knows Geillis has Young Ian. WHY ARE YOU LIKE HAVING CASUAL STORY TIME WITH HER, CLAIRE! DON’T TELL HER THINGS!
Also, we’re just casually talking about time travel in front of Hercules? I mean, I guess since he’s enslaved, no one gives a shit what he hears because it’s not like he can do anything?
“He was one of my favorites.” She’s fucking nuts but I still do love Geillis.
*zones out through discussions about the mechanics of time travel*
I get that this is a parallel to the pilot when Claire’s watching the dancers at Craigh na Dun with Frank from the grass, but part of me is still wicked uncomfortable that they’re again using Black people as basically set dressing. I know it’s in the book, I wasn’t a fan of it there either.
How I think of Margaret during her Visions R Us office hours, basically.
Man, they really committed to this damn rabbit and bird thing. Maybe it’s some folks’ jam, but it never really struck a chord for me and the more they kept bringing it up, the more it makes me roll my eyes. Maybe because birds and rabbits were never a thing with Jamie and Claire? So it just seemed wicked random and kind of forced? Whatevs.
Hated Margaret channeling Bree in the book, hate it here.
This whole thing is so much weirder in the book, but just because they made it less weird for the show doesn’t make it good.
Like if we’re getting an exposition dump from Archibald about the prophecy, we really don’t need the weird Bree thing about someone coming to get her.
Yi Tien Cho channeling Inigo Montoya is kind of my everything. “I’m Yi Tien Cho. You are not worthy of this woman. Prepare to die.”
Petition for Rihanna’s “We Found Love” to be Yi Tien Cho and Margaret’s wedding song.
Omg so much explaining what we’ve already all figured out. We need to headcanon like 75% of Jamie and Claire’s reconciliation, but let’s spell out 2378235 different ways what Geillis’ plan is. (Maybe it wasn’t that many ways. But we’re doing a fuckton of exposition dumping in this episode.)
Ok seriously. The guy with the alligator head drinking chicken blood. Ugh. We got white savior stuff last week, but at least Temeraire had a part in the plot and got some agency at the end? Still problematic, but (maybe?) as minimally problematic as it could be if it was going to be included? This is literally just a backdrop for a conversation with Margaret. Blergh...
And then they have them carry off Archibald Campbell as Yi Tien Cho and Margaret look on in horror and omfg this is not good.
(ETA -- In which Roxane Gay says it better than I could: “It’s all very colonial fever dream, not so vaguely racist, and I honestly forced myself to let it go so I could continue with the episode.”)
“We lost Faith. We will not lose Brianna.” This line sure would have hit home a little harder had we actually seen Jamie give a crap about Bree at any point during the season. In the moment it works, but looking over the whole season *weakly gestures, tired of wishing things had been done differently*.
The goodbye kiss just in case though hits me in the feels. 
Well isn’t Geillis telling Claire “a life for a life” a nice perversion of Claire telling Jamie that he owed her a life in season two.
And then Jamie grabs her hand all gently and I have feelings about the two of them at the stones/pool, guys.
Why does dead!Geillis look super fake? I have questions.
Slash Young Ian is gathering up jewels or something, right? Before he runs out of the cave? He’s like picking shit up off the ground...
Still could have done without the bones in Joe’s office bit, tbh. But whatever.
I know she’s like a bit traumatized, but Claire holding a bloody machete is my aesthetic.
Awwww, lookit that lil family. *heart eyes*
Omg but the stuff on the ship is the eye of the storm. Like the episode is the storm. And the sex is the eye. Because in the eye of the hurricane, there is quiet. For just a moment. GET IT?! GET IT GUYS?! OK FINE I’LL JUST KEEP SINGING HAMILTON OVER HERE BY MYSELF.
I’m way too proud of myself for this tweet though:
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“Surprised I dinna have a full head of white hair, after all I’ve suffered these past few months.” ONE LAST WTF, JAMIE *SIDE-EYE* FOR THE ROAD! (I know Jamie has been through some shit. But literally ever since Claire showed back up, he’s managed to make almost everything about him so even though it’s a little joke, this line is just icing on the omfg, you’re killing me Smalls cake.)
I for real thought this wasn’t going to make it into the show. I didn’t think the quickie in ep. 309 was going to make it either. Glad they both did.
Claire being like yep, I can remedy the I’m still wearing clothes situation, stat, is my everything.
It’s so cheesy, guys. I love cheese.
Jamie’s bangs though, guys. Can we get the man a new wig haircut before next season?
Omg, that ass grab. That ass grab is my everything. Idk why. But omg. RIP me.
They def have made the sex a little less explicit this year. Except for the rape that they decided to shoot like a softcore porn, wtaf. But like, that doesn’t matter? It’s never been about the amount of skin showing? It’s about showing the two characters being wicked into each other, because if they weren’t then going through all the shit they go through wouldn’t be worth it? I’m *rull* glad that the show has finally realized that that’s an important thing to actually have on screen instead of condescendingly telling us that it doesn’t matter or we should headcanon it like they did all last year.
Ok, here for Claire going full mama bear at Young Ian, but girl. How much doctoring do you really thing you’re going to be able to do in this exact moment if you go up on deck.
Slash, what was she waiting for the whole time everyone else, including the two people she was with, was clearing the deck? I know, I need to just go with it, but this is silly.
Ok this is the only time we needed to see this/hear this VO. Beautifully shot. The Faith music is gorgeous, but like I’m not reading anything into it like she’s watching over them or anything. More just like Claire’s in a liminal state between alive and dead like she was when Faith died.
Dude, kiss your wife when you’re both on the surface and it’s been established she’s alive. (I mean, it’s super sweet, but SWIM, JAMMF, SWIM!)
All snark aside, there’s something a little beautiful about Claire spending half the season basically drowning, unable to really save herself and no one else around who cares enough to save her. And now here she is again, literally drowning and unable to save herself, but this time there’s a handy ginger around to lend a hand. Because she’s not alone anymore. And I have feelings. So many feelings. All the feelings. Feelings.
As they’re floating on their scrap of wood, let me take the obligatory detour into the 20 year old grumble that there was definitely enough room on the door for Jack too. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, ROSE.
The thought of crawling around in the sand in wet clothes gives me hives.
“I told you I’d never leave you again.” ilu, claire bear.
Ok but they’re both so sad that the ship went down and everyone’s dead and stuff and it’s moving and yay for hugs, but like. You know nothing about where you are? Why jump to the worst case scenario? The beach is literally littered with stuff from the ship? You made it so other people might have too? Also, clearly all of the important people lived because otherwise this whole half of the season was pointless?
That being said, these two are really good at making their faces show feelings.
It’s really not a strange question to ask where you are, Jamie. You were in a shipwreck. GPS isn’t a thing. I’d say it’s a pretty normal question to have, bro.
Literaloling over the rando family just walking away like yeah, uh, you guys do you.
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“Ugh. I swear, sometimes yer worse than Mikey, kid” Raphael grumbled, placing more packages of candy into a bright orange tote bag the teen had asked him to bring her from the back room his eyes slowly drifting over her super tight costume growling under his breath as he licked his lips eyeing her openly in that Harley Quinn styled dress.
“Raphael, you’re such a party-pooper! It’s Halloween night! Ease up on the bug up your ass!” Raven replied cheekily, bright toothy smile lighting up her face as she closed the Tupperware filled to the brim with Halloween themed sugar cookies.
“I still don’t get it.” the gold-eyed terrapin grumbled more to himself than anyone else.
In reply, all he heard was an overly dramatic sigh leave his pretty mate’s lips. He stole a glance as she continued packing away the cookies she’d been working on the better part of the morning on into the late afternoon while he was left to entertain himself not that it was hard after she had come down the hallway in that tight red and black dress she was wearing with the perfectly done make-up that just topped it all off
He was perfectly fine with sitting down on her couch watching the boring programming or whatever the hell else he could find on the channels while they were alone but after a while she had wondered into the living room looking for something under the cabinet bending over in front of him muttering as she looked through her bag
He grinned seeing that round ass at full display no longer finding his interest on the TV as his pants tightened up churring as he loosened the button slipping one hand down adjusting the growing problem as she leaned further down giving him a beautiful view of her black lace panties where he could just see the outline of her lower lips smelling her scent clear as day in the air, when she was unsuccessful in finding what she had been looking for she walked towards the kitchen leaving him to wonder on what he was going to0 do – before getting up following her seconds later
He stood in the doorway seeing she was busy again with the baking before her back was to him searching the bottom cabinet for another plastic container making him lumber forward getting right behind her holding tight to her hips as he pressed against her ass “Raph-?” she stood up slowly but before the teen could make another move she was over the counter and his hand sat heavily on her back keeping her down while his other pulled her panties to the side as he let his pants drop unleashing his throbbing member pressing his tip over her silky folds slowly slipping it against her clit his pre mixing with the slick wetness he could smell clearly
“Ya know better than ta wear those in front of me kid – but I have ta admit ya look so fucking sexy in this dress – makes me wonder if yer really like a poison” she tried to move but the moment her body even shifted he had kicked her legs open and pushed in deep groaning loudly as she stretched over him moaning so loud he hoped her neighbors would hear it “In the spirit of the holiday – I think I need a treat babe” he leaned over her feeling the excitement of his random actions had her dripping soaking between their thighs as he started moving slow to tease her as his girth stretched her further “Now – start screaming for me”
He churred slamming into her hard licking at her neck as she clawed at the cabinet crying out each time he plunged in deep “B-Batman voice baby-” he chuckled thrusting into her ay a steady pace seeing she was loving the surprise affection as he started moving faster inside her body letting his voice deepen
“Fuck, what dark knight got you all wet Harley… Ya like m’ cape crusader – mmm yer always so tight” he groaned out the words as she grinned chanting her praises between gasped breathes at the gravelly voice coming from her lover as he moved going in deeper pushing her leg up to rest on the counter moving her so he could see her a little better growling out the pure voice he could imitate perfectly in her ear “Soon as I’m done I think ‘m gonna have to put ya in cuffs before we go down to the station ”
Her body pulsed around him as he moved blocking one foot against the cabinet door throwing her other leg over his shoulder grinning at how flexible she was “I ain’t going quietly bat jerk… ya gonna have ta do better ya want this bad little girl to behave for ya” he almost came on the spot hearing that spot on impression of Harley Quinn moving faster pounding into his mate fast kissing her deeply his mouth crushing over hers as he hit her sweet spot just right getting a pleased cry “Ah that’s it Bat’s – Fuck ahhh yes ride yer Harley baby – F-FUCK JUST LIKE YA STOLE ME FROM MR. J-”
That had him there rubbing her clit fast as he finally busted deep inside her grunting as his cum pumped deep inside her womb as she convulsing and constricting all at once around him looking up at him as he pressed in being sure his seed was going to stay inside her, they had just finished standing there panting and moaning softly sweet kisses being exchanged as he filled her when the snobby bitch she called her friend had come home from classes bitching that the apartment was too hot not looking into the kitchen as she passed opening every danm window making the rooms completely cold before retreating to her own room as he pulled free of his girl was hardly summing up an afternoon of excitement.
Raven had been fixing her dress as he started to dart to her room while the evil slut was in hers to quickly reminding him it was Halloween and that he didn’t have to hide, he in turn had smarted off that his ‘costume’ was too life like to trick people before she pointed out that Sarah liked to steal her stuff and if he was in her room she’d see him anyway.
She had him; fuck did she have a point so Raph had gave in heading back to the living room downing the rest of his beer while sitting back down in the living room flipping through the channels still able to smell the hot sex as he was looking for something other than the crappy shows that were playing tonight again only to hear a scream a few minutes later “What the hell Raven? Who is that?”
“Sarah! Really it’s just a costume. That’s Raphael, my boyfriend”
He turned suppressing a growl as Raven appeared out of the kitchen waving him to stand up with a tight grin loving how clever the kid could be “That’s Mr. Mysterious that you keep going on about... wow he’s big. And your right he is cute- but what’s with his costume he looks like a- I really can’t find the words that will explain how fucking terrifying he looks” he gave her a small grin and a lazy wave ignoring her long explanation for ‘he looks like a freak’ having to force himself to be nice to the woman in front of him dressed in the overly skanky looking maid outfit that made him want to gag since she was wearing the thing to danm small.
He loved big girls thought they were the cutest with all their sexy curves but he was having to keep his eyes trained on her face upon seeing just how high up her skirt was in the front seeing more then he wanted too of the other woman
“I think he looks great, super fucking sexy. If I’m right this was something from a very old comic book brought to life in the twenty first century; one of his friends is a makeup artist for one of those big movie companies and this was something he wanted to show his bosses for the thought of a movie”
Raven was at his side holding his hand placing a new beer in the other as the woman stepped closer looking him over mumbling that he looked so real poking at his shell as Raven leaned up kissing the top of his chest plate “Is this padding or is that all him” He couldn’t help but laugh as Raven ran her fingers over his arms grinning up at him looking slightly mischievous as her body rubbed against his obviously not curved but the quickie they had just accomplished
“Not to brag honey but that’s all him under all that makeup, Raphael is a- boxer in his spare time. Every bit of this is all him and he is pure deliciousness after a good long workout” his brow raised as the other woman poked at his hard muscled arms before shrugging mumbling as she walked off grinning that he was probably hot without all the makeup on
“Well I’m gone girl… you two behave tonight. Oh I may bring this guy back tonight if it goes well… he ain’t cute but from what he’s been bragging about my hopes might be really high”
Raven giggled nuzzling against Raphael’s side before she was smiling slyly “Hey Sarah just a little advice. Try to remember it ain’t all about size or looks – unless you got as lucky as me and got the length, girth, and the sexiest man I  the world that knows how to use every last inch” Raphael grinned looking down on Raven as she pulled him closer kissing him before Sarah made a small sound behind her
“Yeah yeah keep bragging you lucky bitch”
‘What the shit she bought that lame ass story-‘ Raven turned to say bye to her friend but quickly spun back around when the other bent over revealing she wasn’t wearing any underwear hitting her head against his plastron in an attempt to clear the image realizing why he was focusing on her now as the woman left the apartment
“God danm, let’s be honest that was more horrifying than I will ever be” she had looked up at him with a small smile laughing once she couldn’t hold it back anymore pushing him down on the couch straddling his legs with a mischievous smile kissing him in a way that said this was about to take a turn for even more fun maybe a round two before the door opened once more and her friend was grabbing the feather duster from the closet mumbling that they better not have sex on the couch, then she was out the door again
Raven jumped up with an eye roll heading back to the kitchen “Too late to tell me that now – girl my ass is the reason the damn thing is broke in the first place…” he practically choked on his beer laughing hard once more before he focused on the TV again
Maybe Halloween wasn’t so bad
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