#I need season two PLEASEEEEEEEE
rinhaler · 5 months
no one:
me: I might re read the u20 arc
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crow-talks-hockey · 4 months
i think the thing that pisses me off the most about this is this: it could be needed. i have two examples as to why
2022. just think of all the anger and all the losing that led up to that run. we went through so much struggle to win, but we ended up conquering that. pain and frustration forged that team into champions, not just being a fucking good team. because the avs are a good team now. but maybe part of the wining formula is failure. the kind of failure that ignites a fire and leads to what happened that year. and i do honestly think this series is like that vegas one in 2021. dallas is resembling them A LOT and yes it's annoying, but damn it i'm going to be hopeful that if we do drop the series, this is going to have inevitable repercussions. i want us angry. i want us rejuvenated by this come next season. i want it to be the fuel that leads to glory. please. i am in fact begging. future me please look back on this and smile because i was so so so right and this team got so so silly and impossible to beat. pleaseeeeeeee
though i always hate to say it... the 2010's blackhawks. i've said it since last season. they were fucking good, right? but they never won it back to back, even though within the span of 5ish years they won it THREEEEE times. which is crazy. but i do think there's been a lot i've seen in the avs that reminds me of that era. and i want us to be the better version of them, obviously. but here's my main thing: i finally looked at their playoff history. the year before they won it in 2013 they lost in the second round, that's all i'll say. idk if there's much more similarity but my numerology/superstitious ass has been dying about that ever since. we could be the better them. please. it would genuinely be so funny
anyway i know the series isn't over yet and i still have hope we can somehow do the most hilarious thing and beat them in seven, but i wanted to just say this now. sports is at its core about learning from mistakes and failures and forging them into something better. if the avs do end up getting eliminated - whether it's in 5, 6, or 7 games -, i do truly believe it will turn out. call it delusion and grasping at straws, i don't care. but if we don't win it this year then by all that is holy NEXT YEAR IS OUR YEAR BABYYYYY. WE KEEPING THE ROARING 20'S LINE. WE'RE KEEPING THE MOOSEHEADS CONNECTION. WE'RE GONNA GET SOME MORE FORWARD DEPTH TO REPLACE VAL MAYHAPS. MAYBE WE'LL LOSE SOME GUYS BUT IT WILL BE SOOTHED BY SWEET VICTORY. I PROMISE. WE JUST GOTTA STAY SILLY
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myhiraeth · 2 years
J. Mbege. / Wishlist. / vese: The 100
Season 1 shit after he gets attacked and loses his voice. Awkward encounters, militia members trying to figure out how to work alongside him when he can’t speak. 
Season 2 shit with Mbege either in the mountain or outside it. Trust no one, believe no one.  
Post-mountain shit with Mbege joining the guard and learning to fight alongside the others even without a voice. 
ALIE shit with Mbege being tempted by the chip as ALIE offers him his voice back
Wonkru Bunker shit with Mbege trying to keep a low profile and getting lowkey stronger and faster and deadlier with each passing year. Mbege who used to smile rarely now no longer smiles at all unless it’s bloodthirsty or mocking.
Post bunker shit with Mbege being even more silent&deadly, Mbege with his loyalties torn between ( @headstrongblake​ ‘s) Octavia who he’s been trying to keep sane and the freedom of life outside the bunker. Mbege who would still choose Murphy over anyone else even if only for the sake of nostalgia. 
******IMPORTANT**** Also like, Mbege finding a niche in the guard both around season 3 but also especially during the later seasons war with ALIE’s army and then the prisoners as a SNIPER. Mbege perched on a high point with the radio next to him. No two-way communication needed, just wait for the go-ahead over the radio and shoot. Mbege becoming such a killer shot I love this idea someone give it to me PLEASEEEEEEEE 
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having el enter will´s mind so he can escape vecna´s trance me thinks. the moment she gets in she tries to find of a happy memory, and she transports herself outside of the old byers house. she gets close to the door and can almost inmediatly hear screaming, she´s scared, this isn´t a happy memory. but like with max, maybe she needs to explore to find it. she goes into the house, inmediatly faced with an awful scenario, an angry man screaming at joyce, insults thrown around the living room, all while a younger jonathan is holding a younger will in some corner. the man stops his inaudible screaming and lands his eyes on will. eleven watches. lonnie goes for will´s arm, leading him away from jon and joyce, who are screaming for him to leave him alone. eleven´s terrified, just like her brother, but also mad, mad at will´s scared face, no, mad at the man who has caused this. dad, stop! will cries. she thinks of brenner. the man scares joyce and jonathan off, trying to hit them and push them away from him as he also grips into will, separating him from his family. once joyce and jonathan back away, scared willcould get hurt, the man screams at the younger boy, some words el can´t understand, doesn´t know the meaning of, but sees will hurt, the way she hopes she could hurt the man that has pained him. lonnie goes into a room with him at hand and slams the door behind him. el goes staright to the door. she janks the doorhandle, but there is no scary man, just jonathan and will sitting while listening to music. she can only see their backs, they looks happier, safer compared to the last scene she saw. she gets closer, jonathan si not as terrified as will, but will looks in pain, there´s a stream of blood coming off his nose, a piece of paper in his hand as he tries to stop the bleeding. jonathan doesn´t look as pained, numb as he gets lost in the music, but is also holding something to his face, a cloth with ice that colds down an awful bruise he hides under. eleven feels them, she hurts for them, but before she can say anything there´s a phone ringing, she looks out the door and hears joyce, looks back at the bed, but jon and will are no longer there. she goes to look for the down the hall, but only finds joyce arguing on the phone, something about money, something about lonnie, the name joyce screamed as will was taken away by that man. she passes joyce and looks for will, he´s on the table, drawing. she can´t really see the drawing right, but she can picture a metal something, looks like it´s made of metal looks like a spaceship. she can see a rainbow on top of the spaceship as well, but before she can see clearly, there´s a loud noise outside, something that makes both will and her look towards,, but will goes back to painting, trying not to focus on the phone call, none of the noise. but eleven doesn´t look away, she stands up, looking for getting out of the house, figure out were a screeching metal noise comes from. the moment she steps outside she realizes, this is not the byers property, there´s still trees and bushes around, but she can see other kids too, a playground. the noise sounds again, she looks for it. this is the most peacefull memory she´s seen by now. no screaming, no loud music or angry phone calls, the only think she hears now is that slow metal sound, and the only thing she can see now it´s a swingset, and two boys swinging next to each other. she thinks this may be the right one.
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midsomermadness · 4 years
Midsomer Murders Watch Through - season 2 episode #3
Episode watch throughs can be found using the #midsomer Harley S2EP3 and the #MMS2EP3 tags below, obviously it’ll change for each episode e.g. next episode it’ll be #MMS2EP4etc.
Nice tree shot
Sir Percival prancelot pleaseeeeeeee
Oh wait I know this episode I remember it well
Or do I... I thought it was the one with the mother and daughter who
Why do I feel like thats Philippa? Hang on lemme pause I need to know.
Oh okay so she was in midsomer just not this episode
She’s been with him 2 years??? Last episode she got a new boyfriend has it really been 2 years since that episode?? And going off that, 4 years since the rainbirds??
See it might be that episode but I don’t remember there being two deaths at the cricket? There’s definitely one later but I don’t remember there being one there at the start
Oh yeah it’s the episode I’m thinking of. I guess there were two deaths? Either the characters look very similar or it is the episode. There was no murder at the start after all so I guess it is that episode
Oh yeah Tara dies
Where’s Troy
There’s Troy!!!
I miss George
He seems so fake sad about the death but I know he isn’t the killer
Troy can’t back down from the team I wanna see him play cricket
Hearing stan say “I’ll punish you” is not something I thought I’d ever have to hear
Oh you want to blackmail someone? You’re going to die then
MISS BEAUVISIAN or however you spell it
Like I said, everybody’s fucking everybody in midsomer
We’re letting Troy drive?
Gavin in a red shirt hey hey
His little smile when barnaby mentions the cricket bye
I can’t remember who dies in the cricket shed was it
Oh no wait don’t tell me it’s Charles I thought it was Stephen or someone else???? Man that’s sad considering he’s been in a past episode idk
I keep forgetting that I need to write stuff down
Go on Gavin!!!
My mind is a gutter
Go on troy!!!!!!
You’ll notice I constantly change from Troy to Gavin to Gavin to Troy
The way he runs straight away🥺
Troy hasn’t forgotten the last time they met lmao
Barnaby is gettin heated
Don’t be so cruel
See barnaby knows his shit
Man her eyes creep me ouuuuuuuut
I know the story of this one so well I’m struggling to finish it cuz I’ve seen it so many times I like seeing stuff I have no idea about
Okay that was fun see y’all tomorrow
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criminalmindsmoodrn · 4 years
Traveling in a different reality
 okey so, because I actually really enjoy this I don’t know how much I'll post about it but I really hope it’s a lot                                                                       Because I'm not part of the amazing writers on here I think this will be structure more like a diary of some sort idk yet but, have fun reading it cause I sure as hell had it while writing 
⚠️spoilers season 6
The recap of the episode begun and I could already feel  my heart in the throat,-what kind of drama queen am I oh my god- anyway first scene: Em gets in the pub in Boston and the flashback start; "This woman could honestly run me over with a car and I would thank her for waisting her time on me, like have you seen her??? OMG SHE'S SMOKING I FORGOT ABOUT THIS OMG SHE'S AMAZING I LOVE YOU" If you're asking, no, no one was in the room I was making eye contact with my MGG picture on the wall; look you don't talk to your self when you watch something? No? Oh okay guess it's just me then...Ian came on screen and my omicide instinct started to kick in.                                                                                                                                                                But the best part was when Emily started speaking French and a pterodactyl high pitched noise came out of my mouth followed by a hand slap because my dumb self forgot that my family was sleeping.
The episode went on and in the end I was in tears knowing that tonight I'll just watch edits of every sort , trying to get over the fact that Emily is very much gone-in part but you know what I mean-
"Okey but Matthew could you imagine if I was there with the team?*hand slap cause Th's what we do when we are exited* Like I could tell them that Em is in danger and they need to move hella fast if they want her back safe...OMG could you imagine!!" No okay [y/n] stop it's completely impossible to happen you are just making  yourself even sadder you know its never going to happen! It's fiction it's not possible...or is it?    "Universe if you could you know, just  give me a hint of some sort...nO? nothing? okey... but you didn't say no"
After having a four minutes long conversation with myself on how different the ending could have been and after basically kissing the universe ass I closed my computer and went to sleep.
I wake up to the sound of people speaking not to much far from me; my eyes are still half close so I don't really know what's going on; I just know one thing for sure I wasn't on my fricking bed...like this thing under me it's not comfortable at all.                                                                                                         I hear someone knocking on what I suppose its my door;"Mom just give me two more minutes then I swear I'll get dress, pleaseeeeeeee" I say with a sleepy voice touring the other way around, I hear someone clearing their throat and a very known voice comes to my ear"Mom? Ehm since when do you call me that agent Collins?"My eyes are wide open I'm facing a couch that I recognize immediately, I stand up and right in front of me there was"Hotch?omg I mean sir ehm what the-"yes him- AARON HOTCHNER IS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME WHAT THE FUCK OMG WHAT IS HAPPENING? I'M DREAMING-"Okey [y/n], who do you think it was? You're sleeping in my office" he said with what I think was a...smile?"Yes, of course sorry what-" I cleared my throat still not believing what was happening"What did I miss?"I said smiling back at him.
"We know who he is; he's name is Ian Doyle. Does his name ring a bell?" My face was shocked I didn't know what to say, after a few moment I realized what was happening and I thanked the universe for it, like if I wasn't in front of Hotch I would have probably be on my knees praising the universe for this.                                                                                                                                                             "Ehm"I will not blow Emily's cover I'm going to talk to her first-I can't believe I'm actually saying this omg I'm  going to talk to her-"No I don't think so...never heard his name before "I didn't know if Hotch would actually believe me cause I was lying and duh; he's a profiler but he didn't seams to notice anything so I guess I did a good job."When you're ready come down we need to talk to everybody"Said what I think is my boss...?"Sure I'll be down in a sec"I smiled at him and he left closing the door after him"OMG what the hell is going on? THE UNIVERSE ACTUALLY LISTENED TO ME ARE YOU FUCKING KIDING ME RIGHT NOW!SHUT.UP." I was basically jumping around Hotch's office and talking to myself walking back and forth not realizing that there were windows in his office and people outside could see me going crazy; when I realized that it was to late, Garcia and Rossi were staring at me talking to each others and laughing their ass out.
I tried to pull myself together and I went down, I went down those stairs that I watched almost everyday on the screen and in my eyes some happy tears begun to form but I wasn't going to cry on the fucking stairs so I took a deep breath and I went in the crowd of agent that formed around Hotch and Rossi."For once we have the fortune to now who we are looking for; this"said Hotch pointing to a photo"Is Ian Doyle"He kept talking as I looked around the room, almost staring at every single one of the agent there; of course my eyes went directly to Garcia because: HOW can you not notice a rainbow in a room full of grey clouds? She was dressed with a super cute purple and white dress with, of course, matching accessories...shortly after Morgan and Emily walked in the room, Hotch glanced at them and went back to talking to everybody.
She had that look on her face, the one that she always has when something bad is about to go down, you could actually see the panic on her face and in that moment I thought 'How couldn't they understand that she wasn't okay? I mean look at her she's miserable'.I turned to Rossi that was standing next to me "I'll be right back , give ma a minute.Thanks David"he smiled at me and  nodded. I started walking behind the big groups of agents,I was right on time because when I arrived to the glass door Emily started walking towards it.When she turned around after passing the last agents she saw me, she stopped."Where are you going Prentiss?"I didn't know what kind of relationship we had so I decided to use her last name"I-Did you just called Prentiss, Collins?Since when do we use last name?"Perfect! I fucked up"Since...ehm...since you're sneaking out what's up?"The smile that she had on her face started to disappear"Nothing special I just need fresh air don't worry [y/n]" "Look Emily I know you're lying.I know" I didn't want to blow her cover right there so I took her by the arm and almost dragged her to the bathroom.
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solar-pxwered · 4 years
Happy to indulge Cobra Kai geeking out on my dash! Share your Season 3 theories pleaseeeeeeee!
Theory one: Johnny will seek Robby out.
It certainly feels to me like Robby will be trying to flee and escape what he's done. His first instinct might be to run to Daniel but Daniel, we know, is going to Okinawa. Instead, Johnny seeks HIM out, because he loves Robby no matter what he's done and he will have no one else to turn to now that his dojo is gone.
I think this is IMPORTANT because we haven't seen these two get a chance to work things out yet and we got a tiny hint of what it could be like in the finale when Johnny protected him and took him to school. I think he made an impact on Robby by allowing his arch enemy's daughter to take shelter and to try and keep Daniel from getting angry with her, showing him that he isn't unreasonable and he does want to be there for Robby.
It's very important to me that they get to hash things out and the Johnny has the chance to finally be there when Robby needs him more than ever.
Theory Two: Tory is not related to anyone.
That's all.
Theory Three: Ali and Johnny will reconnect but they will come to realize the past is better left in the past and part as friends. Mostly...this is just my selfish hope because I want him and Carmen together so badly xD
Theory Four: Chozin is going to teach Daniel a more violent and offensive way of using Miyagi-Do style karate in Okinawa. The side of the art that Miyagi kept hidden from Daniel. (Think about it. Mr. Miyagi knew all kinds of moves and he had Kreese on the geound with fear in his eyes more than once...)
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eleemosynaries · 7 years
@ "okay but what if keith’s crush on lance was revealed" wRiTe iT pLeAsEEEEEEEE
i don’t know if you mean write this as a full fic or just continue on with the ideas but,,, i’m super lazy ack! so i’ll just give you the latter as a little thank you gift for all the people that have liked and commented, it means a lot!! so, a continuation of this:
eventually the team manages to defeat the aliens/galra and get back to the castle
everyone’s already on the bridge when keith gets there, and they all stop talking as he approaches
he’s trying to avoid their eyes, especially lance’s because now he knows oh god oh god-
he walks forward and hands allura the retrieved item before turning and walking out the door, ignoring all the calls from his teammates behind him
he just wants to be alone and forget any of this ever happened, but he can still feel the blush on his face and he wishes it would just leave already
he has a lot of pent up energy that he needs to get out but he’s tired from the fight and this whole ordeal, so he decides to go down to the pool to cool off (he asked coran about how to actually go swimming after their last,, mishap,,, in season two jsjsbf)
he does some laps around the pool before coming to a stop and just lets himself float in the water
he stares up at the ceiling for a couple moments before he closes his eyes, going over today’s events in his head
he feels the heat return to his cheeks as he lets his mind wander to lance, and how he’s taking the revelation
he knows he and lance have gotten closer, especially after shiro had gone missing, but he still doesn’t know where they stand
now he thinks he’s just ruined all their progress, just cause he had to get a stupid crush on the guy
he lets his thoughts go as he relishes in the silence, the way the water is still around him, aside from the small ripples from him staying afloat
that is, before suddenly a wave of water is splashing over keith’s face, causing him to flail and splutter as he blinks his eyes open
he can see a silhouette under the water, but doesn’t realise who it is until their head breaks the surface
water drips down lance’s face, and as he smushes his hair out of his eyes it’s left standing up in such a ridiculous position that all the anger keith had boiling in his blood begins to dissipate
instead he lets out a small scoff, and asks “what’re you doing, lance?” in a tired voice
lance gives him one of his brilliant smiles and keith’s stomach does a funny little flip
“i’m going swimming! what does it look like, mullet?”
keith just stares at him with a frown and his arms crossed over his chest, but a small smile tugs on the corner of his lips
it’s hard to be mad when lance’s hair is standing every which way and he’s giving keith such a fond smile
“lance…” he says simply, and lance immediately let his shoulders fall
he lets out a sigh “look, man… i just- i wanted to talk about… today”
keith forces himself to look away, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around his chest
“well, i don’t”
“keith, buddy,” he says, and starts making his way towards keith until he’s standing right in front of him
keith is still glaring at the water, but lance says in a soft voice, “keith, look at me”
even though everything in the universe is telling him not to, he finds his eyes being drawn up to the other boy’s face
his stomach flips again when he sees how fond lance is looking at him and all he thinks is god im gay
“hey,” he smiles, and keith just melts. “i’m proud of you for what you did today"
keith’s eyebrows quirk into a frown. “what? why?”
lance just shrugs. “it took a lot of guts to say what you did, just to get some weird alien tech”
keith stares at him for a moment before the other boy is breaking out into a grin
“it is kind of amusing, though. youuuu’ve got a crush on-”
lance giggles, and keith heart is pounding in his ears because it should be illegal for anyone to be this goddamn cute
the other boy steps closer to him and puts his hand on his shoulder, and he looks down at the tan fingers before glancing back up at lance’s face, those blue eyes sparkling back at him
“i’m not making fun, i promise,” he laughs, but his smile grows shy as he mumbles the last part, “i- i think i feel the same way”
keith’s eyes are wide and the two of them are just staring at each other, and keith can only hear his heart pounding heavily in his ears
he doesn’t know who made the first step or how they suddenly got so close, but the next thing keith realises is that they’re kissing
him and lance are kissing
it’s soft and tastes like the chlorine from the pool, but keith doesn’t care, because lance just kissed him
or he kissed lance
either way, those butterflies in his stomach are fluttering so much he think they’re going to escape
lance is looking at him so fondly, and keith has the feeling his face holds the same expression
before he can say anything, though, lance is suddenly rushing at him and shoving him so that he loses his footing on the slippery pool floor and gets a face full of water
he quickly surfaces, glaring daggers at the other boy
“lance!?” he yells, but the other boy is laughing so hard, the whole ‘hunched over and holding his stomach’ thing that keith can’t help but start to laugh, too
and that’s how, even after a miserable morning, keith finds himself having a splash war with his crush, who may be more than that now
and he thinks that he may just owe that alien guardian a ‘thank you”
aa i hope you all enjoyed that! i’ve been thinking all morning how i was gonna continue this and i hope this held up to your expectations!! thank you very much for reading! c:
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fandoms-live · 5 years
awae ep 10 finale!!! thoughts while watching hehe sry
anne ep 10 so sad aw aw winnies sad aw aw aw shes the best so irrepressibly cavalier with my heart awwwwwww aw she wanted marriage aw aw aw im sad for her but go anne omg the thumbnail made my heart go :O :) aw so humiliating i don't have plans to marry all these people so victorian they don't need a date to marriage!!!!! unrequited settle for you you are exceptional you deserve so much more than being settled for aww go gil aw aw aw he's bthe best even rejecting aw you will tell no one what has transpired mood girl aw she's going away aw aw aw expectations be like that NOW MY GIRL ANNE GOTTA COME THROUGH PLEASEEEEEEEE THEY BETTER ACTUALLY KISS I NEED SOME ACTUAL CONTENT TO CRY OVER PLEASE BECKETT PLEASE MOIRA PLEASE i don't wanna go unless youre going the eye contact ahh the test anxiety of scores is univeral omg omg omg omg the suspense gilbert and anne tied for first!?!?! those smiles umm congratulations aww whats happening CLASS DISMISSED may i have a word in strictest confidence aw
aw aw aw what is happening their moods best friends goals two kindred sprits walking arm in arm towards their desitinies aww a new one aw a new oath i love them it is your future, not theirs aw aw aw holy fuck aw you have one job one task in life aww aww aww aww this is terrible aww everyones leaving CARMODY jeannie omg corsetssssss college omg this is so relatable i hate to leave green gables aww waww aww my heart emotions aw what is matthew doing aw the baby is so sweet aw mommys being good to seb now aw the baby SQUEALED aw gil is coming gil has come omg omg omg omg omg my heart aw the parallels omg aw the letters omg aw OMG MY HEART IS CRYING it always has been, and always will be you omg omg omg im crying aw he was smart and put it in her room please go see it rn please please please please please plase aw anne is trying to be a good son practical decision aww matthew aw anne so sad aw omg go see it up the satairs yes omg omg omg yes she sees it
omg omg omg omg im dying holy fuck she just ripped it aw aw aw aw aw aw im not crying or dying you are aw she could not be more wrong please please im crying take heart, dear one aw they went shopping i love that but please diana is in the depths of despair IT IS YOU the angst im crying aww marilla made her a dress love that for her awwwwwwwwwwww anne doesnt wanna go aw the angst bushel barrels aw elijah bash elijah nooooo aw no so much sadness so many loose ends tied up nope nope no aw marilla and eliza risk of losing her altogether im not crying u are ms stacy is gonna help them out quest for perpetual happiness so quotable those of us who can soar to the highest heighs deepest sorrows address of boarding house in charlotetown aw teacher student goals mail? what mail? aww ms thomas addled sitting there like a stone OUR CHILD sibling goals marilla and matthew aw matthew shoes of her own life utoronto ok im about to apply there now tell her how you really feel aw omg baby delphineeeeeeeeeee the NOD yes seb aw omg theyre leaving shes leaving this isnt real this cant be real she looks so grown up a little lady my heart is IN PIECES pleaseeee gil and annethe letter was a bit dramatic tho snow queen ahhhhhhhh matthew ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh charlottetown please aww ms blackmore so lovely they ALL LOOK SO GROWN UP never dream of disappointing or breaking the rules ahhaha maybe not lovelyugh rules? these ladies, what aw im sad now SUITORS aw girlfriends goals aw yay for gil u of T is queens an all girls school??? aww sebs mom and seb and now elijah aww aww elijah and delphine aww aw seb the best forgiving father we must take it to her straightaway no impositions no sire fiddlesticks ms barrry COLE AWWW A BABY GENTLEMAN AWWW COLE AND ANNE OMG OMG OMG awwwww anne's veloved mother aww in her dressss omg omg omg shes all grown up omg im crying auspicious moment at least she hasnt lost that WHATS HAPPENING aw she seems sad aww regrettable of course incredibly graceful aww he knows her well enough aww matthew doin his best aww didn't want to hold her back i love you so awwwwwwwwww im not crying u are theres the hug but gil please aw she looks so beautiful i love her the parasol the brave girl sore disappointed just a ferry ride away but what about kakwet these loose ends need to be tied up ugh s4?????????????? cuthbert NEIGHBORS thomas is crazy aw locked not anymore THE CASE the language of flowers awww anne's parents omg walter and bertha mom was a teacher omg aw winnie aw winnie doesn't know she doesn't know aww omg im not crying u are but theyre on the train to charlottetown ugh my fam messed it up ugh but ANNE in a rish omg this is the moment anne you've been smitten yes diana all of 30 seconds to decide her entire future diana what letter IM NOT CRYING U ARE OMG OMG OMG OMG its happening hes running even tho she told u she loves u aw omg omg omg omg omg omg he's here omg omg omg omgthey found out but by other people aw they kissed omg he kissed her and she kissed him again and the hands and his smile and pen pals very nice fountain pen aw diana awwwwww everything's working AW HE CAME BACK AND THEY KISSED AGAIN IM NOT CRYING U ARE aw there might not be a season 4 after all because this is so beautiful they went right to tkiss aww her mother was a teacher aww they came the cuthberts aw everything is perfect red hair aw this  is so perfect s3 finale 11/24/2019 birthday wish lifetime wish aw diana came and parents and gilbert and everythng i have a very good imagination, i just had to be sure that this is real i have to know, do you truly have feelings for me
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