#I need to do the syren tag next
lickithrice · 1 year
🧹 tagged/me
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miraculouswolf99 · 4 years
The Wolf And The Cat
As he watched Ladybug jump over rooftops and across the water-covered streets, Cat Noir was so done at this point. It was one thing to keep him in the dark, it was another to make him feel like this. They were supposed to be partners. He sacrificed his life for her countless times and she returns that by not trusting him like this. While he did not feel entitled to her trust, he sure as hell thought that he had earned it by now. 
He let himself be tagged by Timebreaker so that Ladybug was saved from being erased. He had multiple opportunities to find out her identities, like when they were trapped by Dark Owl, yet he did chose not to. He trusted her word when she recruited Rena Rouge instead of thinking that she was another Volpina. He knew that his flirting or jokes came at the wrong times sometimes, but that was no excuse for not trusting him after all they had been through together.
He was about to say his detransformation phrase when he heard someone land behind him on the same roof. He turned and saw White Wolf.
“Geia, Cat Noir,” the wolf hero smiled at him.
White Wolf and his partner Beautifly were two heroes from Greece. They have their own miraculous from a miracle box that was handed down through their family. Their box is known to hold the Greek miraculous, with each one being based off of the sacred animals of the Greek Olympians. The heroes were sent because there were a set of twins that come from a very rich, well-loved, and charitable family. Lyon and Vallia Garden. They were in Paris for a program for them to explore new cultures. So their government wanted the heroes to make sure that the twins were safe.
“Hey, Wolf,” Cat Noir greeted back.
The Greek hero walked up next to him and then sat down, staring out into the flooded city.
“Being Greek, I know a thing or two about sirens,” he says. “And his akuma is very insulting.”
Cat Noir could not help but laugh a little. It was like an effect that White Wolf had on him. Since he had met the two Greek heroes, White Wolf was always able to make him smile no matter what was going on. His specialty was making a lot of pop culture references which he thought were just as funny as his puns.
“At least this Syren is not spelled the same way,” Cat Noir jokes as he sits next to his fellow hero.
“Spelling means nothing,” Wolf smirked. “This Syren is a mermaid while real sirens are part bird.”
“Guess you would know about about that,” Cat Noir chuckled. 
“I’m Greek, so I know more than anyone about copies,” Wolf snickered. “Ask any ancient family of Greece. We still hold grudges against Italy for taking our gods.”
Cat Noir laughed. “Why am I not surprised. Guess it was a good thing you weren’t here when Volpina appeared. The girl that was akumatized into her was from Italy.”
“Fake heroes are the worst,” Wolf sighed. “We never let our Miraculous Book out of sight, so we never have to deal with any fakes trying to say that they have a miraculous.”
“Is it ever hard for your family to take care of all your miraculous,” Cat Noir had always been curious.
“We have always been taught that everything happens for a reason,” Wolf says. “There are those that match a miraculous and those that don’t. Sometimes there are even periods where no miraculous is even needed. Every generation is different.”
“At least it’s your family and you know that you can trust them,” Cat Noir said.
“Yeah, but being related doesn’t mean they have to care,” Wolf sighs. “One of my cousins in America was being abused by his mother after his father died. But no matter how many bruises he had or how many times he missed school because of an injury, no one ever believed that it was his mom because for the simple reason that it was his mom. She had to love him simply because they shared blood. He was adopted by my nana and papa after he woke up from a coma that his mom put him in.”
Cat Noir didn’t know what to say. Some might say that was a big clue toward White Wolf’s identity, but he didn’t care. The message was clear to both Cat Noir and Adrien Agreste. As Cat Noir, he could sympathize about feeling helpless to do something about something so horrible. As Adrien, he was hit hard as he thought about his father.
“I’m so sorry, Wolf,” he apologized. “I had no idea.”
“Family isn’t always who you’re related to,” Wolf tells him. “Blood does not make a family, love does.”
“Trust me when I say you must be the wisest person I have ever met,” Cat Noir said. “I wish I had the knowledge you did. Especially the trust you have with Beautifly. Where is she, anyway?”
“She’s working on a spell that can get her and me under the water,” Wolf tells him.
“A spell,” Cat Noir was confused.
“It’s another difference between the Greek and Chinese miraculous,” Wolf says. “Your miraculous calls for potions fed to your kwami. Mine and Beautifly’s require spells that channel the Olympian gods. Obviously, we will be channeling Poseidon for this akuma.”
“Would that work for me and Ladybug,” Cat Noir asked.
“I don’t think so, actually,” Wolf admitted. “Magic is very different all over the world and it is never a good thing to mix them. Is Ladybug getting your potion?”
“I have no idea where she is,” Cat Noir said, almost growling. “I trusted her when she left to go and recruit Rena Rouge, but now she is leaving me in the dark with no details at all. That is not what partners do. That is how a hero treats their sidekick.”
White Wolf never did like Ladybug very much. She was always the one treated as the main hero, throwing the rest of them aside. Hardly anyone ever cared about what would happen to the rest of them if they were hurt, hypnotized, or benched. It was always about Ladybug. There was a reason why Alya Cesaire’s blog was called the Ladyblog and not the Hero Blog or something else that would give all of them equal credit.
“If I could, I would use our spell to help you,” Wolf puts his hand on Cat Noir’s. “You don’t deserve to be treated like a sidekick. No one will ever understand the burden that wielding the miraculous of destruction can bring.”
“How can she not trust me enough after all we’ve done together,” Cat Noir growled. “Does me sacrificing my life for her during Timebreaker’s attack mean nothing to her. I was nearly erased from existence.”
“Oh, Cat Noir,” Wolf was not here for that, but he could hear the heartbreak in his voice.
“It’s not she has to tell me everything,” Cat Noir continued his rant. “She just has to give me the basics, not the specifics. She just has to tell me who she is meeting, not where she is exactly going. She says we’re partners, but how she acts is completely different.”
Wolf got a look on his face. “Hmmm.”
“What,” Cat Noir asked.
“The Greek miracle box just so happens to have a black panther miraculous,” Wolf smirked.
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sketchfanda · 5 years
Rate the Champions
Based off of and inspired by @gale-of-the-nomads and @nerdasaurus1200 rate the akuma,for @beebeebombam Lady Fairy AU,or in this case,the blind butterfly girl herself and her champions. According to wha I’ve learned from posts in bee’s posts on the tag,many of the champions like Alya as Lady Wifi,Max as the Gamer,and Nate as Illuscreator aren’t all too different from canon in tems of their abilities and design. mostly just my way of giving some attention and notice to this AU,which for a guy like me who’s pretty recent into coming into this fandom,but coming to know enough,it’s a fun and sweet AU especially for the fact it gives poor Nooroo much better than what he’s got in canon.
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serously,poor little guy,and this is like the only gif I ever find for him. So let’s begin with the blind butterfly princess herself
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Marinette Dupain-Cheng,blind but as in canon,a girl with a big heart and a deep sense of empathy,wielder of the moth/butterfly Miraculous,Paris’ maker of heroes Lady Fairy
Design: A+ it really plays up th butterfly theme and motif,her mask being a blindfold is a very nice touch that serves to highlight and remind of her condition. The shades of purple and indigo work well to give a outfit that is as graceful,elegant and posied as the animal its based on and suits her name,coming off like a figure out of a fairy tale plus such glitter and sparkle
Powers: A,it’s the butterfly/moth brooch,as in canon it grants the wielder the ability to empower others and make them superheroes. Of course in this AU it’s made to be used as intended,unlike Gabriel’s selfish,wreckless evil purposes. Especially as unlike Hawkmoth,lady fairy serves more to focus on her champions’ positive emotions,guide them and motivate them rather than force control and obedience into being her puppets and twist and manipulate them at their lowest points. while it’s stated that the moth miraculous can utilise both positive and negative emotions,I feel focusing on the positive makes for a better contrast to how Hawkmoth always seeks out the negative. Bee of course adds a sweet touch to how the wielder can see through their chosen’s eyes,allowing the blind marinette to see the world she normally wouldn’t be able to due to her blindness,giviing her a growing appreciation and love for her city,her loved ones and the colours of life.
theme (As in their gimmick):A.the name,motif and design of the outfit all work together,making her seem like a figure from a court of nobility from a fairy tale
Effectiveness:A.when all seems grim,always know if you have a strong heart,this sweet soul will give you the means to do what’s right,because she believes in you. as a true butterfly wielder should.
Personal enjoyment: A I’ve seen maybe one or two,if not near half a dozen fanarts based on kwami swap with Mari as the butterfly miraculous wielder. This is my personal favourite of the bunch in terms of concept and design.
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next we come to the villain of the story,grand iceking douchebag and shitty parent,the socially reclusive bastard Gabriel Aggreste,aka Le Paon,wilder of the peacock miraculous,which I assume isn’t as damaged as it is canon Design- A,very sinister and classy,but different and unique compared to his hawkmoth outfit,but just as enigmatic. has a somewhat sens of style and class to it,which makes sense given peacocks and their natural flamboyance and Gabriel’s status as a fashion designer
Powers- A.as in canon,the peacock brooch is similar but different to the buttefly in that rather than use someone’s emotions to empower them,it takes a partciular emotion they’re feeling and gives it a shape and form,granting the wielder a soldier they can command and control. making it range and very in terms of its shape and form. And unluckily,one needn’t be willing for gabriel to create a sentimonster,not that he cares,fitting given his self serving goal.
Theme- A,sinister yet classy looking individual,with an ability to enforce his will on others,much like he enforces and exerts control over his own’s son’s life. it’s one thing when hetting akumatised twisted you into being evil,but one can barely imagine the horror of being taken advantage of at your emotional low,watching as your anger,or sadness,etc are given the form of a monster that will tear all of paris apart to fulfill a mad man’s goals
Effectiveness - A. like in canon,gabriel is just hiding away,unseen by all of Paris as he keeps his sense tuned for someone at their emotional low,looking to control them much like how he controls his own son’s life. because what he believes in and thinks are right matter most,and for the ones he loves,or passes for love,all of Paris will suffer long as he gets what he wants
Personal enjoyment of the akuma-Be it the moth or the peacoc,Gabriel is as he will always be,a cold distant selfish man whose misguided sense of love and family will burn the world.
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Nathalie Sancoeur,personal assistant to the villain himself,in this Au for the heroes day battle,wielder of the ladybug,which garbriel has in his possession. yes he’s halfway to this goal,which raises the stakes Design- A,similar but different to canon,a more villainouse edge thanks to the black sections,and seems to hide nathalie’s identity
Powers- A,it’s the ladybug miraculous,one can only shudder to think hw it works when not wielded by a non heroic wielder.
Theme- Unlike in canon,this is not a heroic ladybug. I’ts Nathalie doing what she thinks is right,which is helping her boss achieve his goals. not helping that she seems to love him and all
Effectiveness - hard to say as we will only see her once in the finale arc,but the ladybug miraculous on the side of devils? weep for paris
Personal enjoyment-n/a
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Sabine Dupain-Cheng,Mari’s wonderful mama,aka Scilla Design- A,an elegant look and design that fits and suits the motfi of her daughter,fitting given what her powers in this form do.
Powers- A. simple but effective,she can boost and enhance others’ powers,in this case able to increase Mari’s Miraculous’ abilities as catalyst did with scarlet moth,enabling her to create multiple champions. from a lady to a queen fairy,now able to lead and command her warriors on the field of battle.
Theme- A,really plays to the sparkly classy fairy tale motif of her daughter
Reason for Akumatization-Aor championisation in this case,as bee establishes Sabine’s always known her daughter has been a hero,and given the situation in heroes’ day,how could she not want to help
Effectiveness as an akuma- A,the results speak for themselves
Personal enjoyment of the akuma-A,compared to Nathalie and Hawkmth,it’s a nice little take in reminding us how like in canon,Mari has a wonderfu bond with her parents.
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Luka,Kagami,Rose and Juleka,aka Distorter,Riposte,Princess fragrance and Monster Witch
Design- A+,very more heroic takes or twists on Luka,Kagami and Rose’s canon designs,while Juleka’s is very suiting and fitting for her given her goth vibe and motif,with the eyees of coruse referencing Reflekta. makes sense esp as reflekta was more about standing out and getting attention.Rose’s and Luka’s looks are tweaked just enough to not seem like palette swaps whie Kagami’ is less silver samurai,more superheroic samurai knight
Powers- A,Riposte’s hardly needed changing or tweaking compared to her design.Distorter meanwhile is more about using sound as a weapon which can have some unique applications. Juleka’s abilities obviously needed an overhaul,as there would’ve been no way of making a heroic take on reflekta’s powers. here of course it’s more about a means of combatting a sentimonster that creates its own army,while Rose’s is more about helping out and aiding others,akin to healer type chars in rpgs and games like overwatch and team fortress 2
Theme- A,you got a heroic samurai magical girl,a disney princess with a perfume gun,a musician who can truly make music a weapon,and his perky goth sister witch,what’s not to love
Reason for Championization-can’t rate per se,but given this Au and the nature of th buttrfly,Marinette wouldn’t pick just anyone to be her champions
Effectiveness as a champion- A,chat is lucky to have this backup no doubt
Personal enjoyment of the champions-A,be it simle tweaks and overhaul of the designs,to whole new design and powersets,creative aspects like this are what I love about this AU
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Nino,Alix,Sabrina,Ondine,Ivan,Mylene,aka Bubble Boy,Timestealer,vanisher,syren,stone warrior and braverator
Design- A,Nino’s is a very welcome change of pace compared to the sentient popsicle blowup clown doll from canon and play to his own personal music hobby,Alix’s is more heroic take on her canon form that still playsup the futuristic rollerblader,Sabrina and Ondine’s hardly needed much changing,though Ondine does have some tweaks here and there,like an additonal fish feature or accessories. Ivan’s livesup to the name,making for an opposing contrast as Stoneheart,while Mylene obviously needed something different,as Horrificator is likely more sentimonster material design wise.
Powers- A+,bubbler’s design was whack,but the powers as seen were definitely something,vanisher and syren’s hardly needed much adjusting either. Stone warrior of course,basically takes his stoneheart’s powers and applies them more to a heroic means.mylene’s of course is very suiting for her,an inverse to how horrificator gained more pwer and size from others’ fear of her,she takes others’ fear and inverts it into bravery.which as bee mentions,is very handy for heroes’ day. Alix’s powers of coruse,are more about taking someone’s speed to add to her own,rather than taking someones life to able to go back in time.
Theme- A,vanisher needn’t be said,but the rest are either simple but effective tweaks and adjustments on familiar designs,or something more original and memorable in its own right
Reason for Championzation-see above for previous champion pic set.
Effectiveness as champions- same as above
Personal enjoyment of the champions-same as above
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Doll Angel,the Lady fairy Au’s equiv to the Collector,combining aspect of the Puppeteer akuma.
Design- A,it plays to the same soft color palette and elegant classy fairy tale design of Mari’s outfit as Lady Fairy,minus the butterfly motif. Which makes sense of course as the goal of this form is throw off any traces or connection to her secret identity. The wand of course adds to the theme,and like with her lady fairy outfit,the masks adds a nice hint of mystery and highlights as a reminder of her blindness in this au. Given this is her equivalent to collector,it does the job.
Powers- A. As bee states,it’s similar but different to puppeteer,as well as her miraculous powers. It has the personal touch of utilizing a set of items that are very personal to Mari,in many ways representing how much she cherishes and values the friends in her life,many of whom have been made her champions,so unlike puppeteer it doesn’t force them into their forms and be controlled by her. But rather uses the dolls themselves,who serve as her sort of,rpg companion team. The detail of being able to see brought her dolls’ eyes serves a nice callback to how as lady fairy she sees through her champions eyes
Theme- A,as mentioned in design,it plays to the fairy tale motif,but like collector  it’s different enough 8n terms of ability and design in throwing off the fact she is the butterfly miraculous wielder.
Reason-A,obviously as well as helping out her favourite cat,the reason for making herself a champion is key to throwing off that feathered bastard off of her scent. After what Gabriel pulled in canon as the collector,what’s good for the goose and all…
Effectiveness - A. Like with the collector,it clearly serves its goal and purpose.
Personal enjoyment of the champion-A+ the sweetest design for the sweetest girl in all of Paris.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Steal Horses, Six Shooters And Syren Sting P1
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It seemed like a lifetime since this shit started. Looking back at it all it sounds a lot like a rather shitty movie. Or perhaps an adaptation of a Netflix show.
It all started back in some backwater berg my daddy shipped me off to when I was seventeen I got home from market one day and the farm boy who owned the house was dead on the wooden floor.
"Evening Missy" He smirked to me
"what the Hell do you want?" I asked
"Now little lady I just came over to ask ya some questions," He says
"Yeah about what frank?" I asked
"Old Makies barn over there seems full of some uhh let's call it less than pharmaceutical stuff missy, and I come over to find Makie dead, and your big brother ran off seems like your the only one accountable," he says
"You don't believe I did it?" I complained
"Well who else missy? Now you gonna come along quietly or am I gonna have to force ya pretty but down to the station" he smirked grabbing my arm
"get the Hell off me!" I yelled punching him hard knocking him out I grabbed my bag and his keys, I stole his little cop car and ran it as far to the border as the puppy would go before it killed over. I dumped the car and headed on foot to the next town some bumfuck town with some little bar I went through the wooden doors and walked up through the madness of truckers, biker boys, drunks and cowboys. I sat at the bar and the barkeep looked at me
"what'll it be Girly?" He asked
"What kinda shit you boys drink down here?" I asked
"Whiskey, We call it Syren Sting down here," He says "Pay up," he says I sighed realizing I didn't have any money I sighed getting off the bar and going outside to have a cigarette
"What the hell you guys! where's my singer, you little bitches? How are we meant to go on without a singer!" some guy yelled at the back door and I smiled
"hey, You boys need a singer?" I asked leaning on the door
"You know what she'll do," he says "Get on with the other boys, and I'll give you your cut when you're done," he says
"Deal" I smiled going out as some of the other guys went on the stage
"Hey? what's your name anyway hun?" he asks
"Angel" I smiled.
Once I grabbed my money I went to the bar getting a drink looking for a ride out of town I downed my glass and looked around the dirty place, I looked for anyone who I thought could help me and but as I was looking I heard a police car roll up outside. I ran to the little bathroom that was purely a room with a broken toilet and sink, I locked the door and saw man passed out on the floor I grabbed his keys and his checked overshirt slipping the shirt on and the keys in my pocket, I grabbed his wallet taking what little money was left, as well as taking his hat coming out the bathroom as people began to get suspicious I walked out keeping my head down "Hey! It's her boys!" I heard Frank tell so I unlocked the car with the key it flashing up in the car park so I ran jumping in as fast as I could sticking the key in and rushing off as fast as I could even if they where trying to chase me.
I managed to shake them and I stopped off in some little place as the car was about out of fuel anyhow. I parked up throwing the key in the seat and going inside, the place was almost empty maybe two old men sat at the car, the jukebox playing something gently in the background. A man who looked about one hundred severed drinks at the bar but my eyes met someone else. He was young looking but still older then me. His brown pants so tight to his body they hugged his every curve even if the slender kid hadn't got many curves to start with, his loose button down hung off his slender body two six shooters holstered to his legs, a glass of whiskey in his hand, a speckling of facial hair above his lip, his dirty blonde hair a long mess, a hat beside him as he drank leaning his elbow on the bar as he perched his skinny little butt on the barstool. His skin plastered in three years of dust and dirt and as I entered the place his brown eyes looked at me seeming shocked biting on his lip a little as he looked at me "Something worth looking at cowboy?" I asked "Don't know, not often a little thin' like you comes thought 'ere," he smiled at me "drink?" He offered "You paying?" I asked "I might" he shrugs "Syren sting, double if you can" I smiled going over standing beside him at the bar as the bar man made my drink "What's a little thin' like you doin' all the way out here?" He asks me "Whats it to you?" "Curious is all" "Circumstances" I answered "what's ya name anyhow?" He asks as I got my drink "Angel" I smiled "Angel?" He asks "there a last name to that or?" He asks "Just angel" I smiled "how about you?" "Whitey, whitey Winn." He smirked We sat for a while just chatting and laughing having a few drinks, we must have been here a few hours just having drinks and talking. "So tell me Mr Winn? What's a pretty boy like you doing in a place like this?" "I've always been here," he shrugs "why ya thinkin' of stayin'?" He asks "Doubt it" I laughed "Really? Not even for a little while? Just maybe a night or so?" He offered suggestively "I know a great little place in town" "Yeah? Would this little place also happen to be somewhere your gonna be staying tonight?" I ask "Maybe" he shrugs having a drink as he did I heard the start of sirens and I got worried but then I figured it, if I let he cops get Infront of me, they won't be following me as much "Sure, let's Go then" I smiled and he almost coughed on his drink "Wait really?' he asked a little excited and I nodded downing my drink "come on then angel" he smirked playing the bill and grabbing my hand tugging me out with him, I made sure I had my stuff and got in his little car with him he raced off clearly excited as the cars pulled over at the bar, but one was clearly smarter and began to follow us without a siren "if that guy following us?" He asks as he kept checking his mirrors as the car got closer and closer and whitey sped up each time trying desperately to get away from him but he suddenly rammed the back of the car "yeah he's definitely fuckin' following us" he complained "what the hell's he followin' us for?" He asked  "they turn up at the bar how there followin' -" he began almost talking to himself but it clicked "there after ya, aren't they?" He asked "You could say that" I sighed "That's why he's following us?" He asks and I nodded and he sighed kicking it up a few gears "I'll loose him, the second we do your gettin' out angel" he warns "Why?" I asked rather annoying "Strangely enough angel I don't wanna be found in the car with some chick who's got police chasing her" he complained "Ohh relax" I said as the cars sirens started "What the fuck did ya do angel?" He asks as more cars began to follow us "I didn't do anything!" I agrue "Yeah! Ya didn't do anythin' that's why where about to get royalty fucked by these dickholes!" He argued "Don't you trust me!" "I've known ya three fuckin' hours most of which I was drinkin' so maybe start givin' me some actual answers" he argued as he sped up more trying to avoid them "Look I didn't do anythin' the dick hole sherrif framed me! All because I wouldn't fuck his son okay! I didn't do anything just loose them!" I yelled as they got closer and more violent one even ramming the back end of his car "Hell no! Ya might be cute as fuck angel but I'm not gettin' arrested for ya!" He complained "Why not!" "Because I'm the fuckin' deputy okay!' he yelled "What!" I asked "I'm the deputy for the country okay! Some sherrif finds me transporting a criminal in gonna get the fuckin' rope" he complained "Your not gonna get caught trust me" I told him "Fine what do ya wanna do?" He asks as the rammed us again "Hard left next opening," I told him "That's a one way street!" "Ya think I give a shit" "Fine" he sighed doing as I had told him I gave him a couple more instructions loosing more of the cars till I spotted a layby so I turned the wheel making us almost skid Into the dark tree filled layby and I turned the engine off getting my breath back, I always love a good chase. "Whoa..." He says "What?" I laughed "Is it weird I kinda liked that?" He asked "Like what?" I asked "Getting chased? The high speed! The lightning quick moves! The thrill! The energy" he explained "I don't know..." "Don't worry whitey I do too"  I giggled unclipping my seatbelt and sitting on his lap wrapping my arms around his neck "You wanna tag along with me a little while?" I offer "I don't know angel..." He says "It'll be alot more of that likely some more fun stuff" I smirked kissing down his neck "Ya know what... I'm sick of this bullish little town, fuck it I'm comin' with ya angel" he smirked "Good boy whitey" I smiled "you wanna make out in the back till the heats off?" I asked "Fuck yeah" he nodded
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auideas · 7 years
Ask the Admins 12.0
Anon asked: Jynn, how much are your commissions? How much money do you need left?
Jynn: My prices are super flexible just bc I’m super desperate right now. The deadline for my getting a car was moved back slightly but I’ve only received about $50 in donations since the post was made. The situation I’m in right now is that I’m allowed to use my parents car to get to work… as long as I’m staying at their house while I’m using it. You can find more info on pricing on the services page of my original content blog: @jynnisloriginal
Anon asked: Is your NSFW blog ever going to come back :^( ?
Chamomile: Maybe? I have ideas for it, but I’m not comfortable with running the blog. It would take a lot of work to get in touch with the old admins, get new admins, clean up the blog, get tags set up, have enough posts in the queue to start it up…maybe we’ll make it a summer project when we have the time.
M: Welllllll, I was never really an admin on it in the first place (mainly did coding & general management), but if there’s an interest for it to return, we could open up applications for new admins
@genosha-meiuqer asked: Which Never Book quote do you think most represents who you are?
Chamomile: “Tea should always be enjoyed in the presence of good company.”
M: “He’s like faraway thunder: a soothing rumble in the distance that promises fiery destruction.”
Syren: “Believing is my flying.”
Jynn: “I am but a humble witch who loves cereal.”
Anon asked: If your car could talk, what do you think it would tell you?
Chamomile: “I was once owned by the US Government but now I shuttle a tired college student who swears way too much at other drivers.”
M: halp.
Jynn: “Kill me.”
Anon asked: Imagine the pain someone in a poly relationship would be in if all of their lovers suddenly didn’t love them anymore. Any prompts for that?
Chamomile: or…..consider this. Everybody is in love and it’s all okay. It was a really bad dream and Character A is able to turn over in bed and snuggle into Character B’s back while Character C absently murmurs words of “it’s okay…you’re okay…” to Character A.  
Anon asked: omg how do you come up with such amazing aus??????/
Chamomile: I have anxiety and I use AU sh*tposting as a coping method
M: I made a deal with several witches of a bloodcult. Long story.
Syren: I can see into other universes, so I just take real stories I see happening and write them down. Duh.
Jynn: Inspiration from real life!
Anon asked: Did Vox go poof?
Chamomile: Yeah, unfortunately.
Anon asked: What do you think when people say asexual is the same thing as aromantic?
Chamomile: Just calmly explain the difference so that they understand. It took me forever to learn all the LGBTQ+ terms (and I’m still learning) so it’s good to be patient with people.
M: I still say that they are two very different things, regardless of what people might think or say. Romantic attraction and sexual attraction are fundamentally different.
Syren: I definitely think they’re not the same thing. It seems pretty cut and dry to me, but I guess it’s just harder for some people to understand?
Jynn: I think they’re misinformed. I’m asexual, and even I used to have that misconception when I was younger.
Anon asked: Can you dig Elvis?
Chamomile: no.
M: Is dug.
Syren: …….. I can dig Elvis. *violent flashback to That Fic* Why would you do this
Jynn: I can dig the King baby.
Anon asked: Gandalf or Dumbledore?
Chamomile: Dumbledore
M: Gandalf
Syren: Gandalfff
Jynn: I’ve never read LOTR so can’t make the call.
Anon asked: For May’s AtA: Gurry, Geno, and I are graduating in the 15th, so out of curiosity, I was wondering if any of you had some fond memories of your graduations. If you don’t mind sharing, of course.
Chamomile: Okay so I mix up words and letter orders a lot, so when I was ordering my graduation gown, instead of writing down 5’6” and 160lbs, I wrote down 6’5” and 160lbs. So my gown comes in and it’s GINORMOUS and I had to hem it the best that I could, but in all of my graduation pictures, it looks like i’m being swallowed up by my gown. It was also a really sad-sweet experience for me? My final school was the longest I had ever attended one school (3 years), so there was a lot of crying and laughing with my friends. (I graduated on a Friday and packed up my things to move to Texas on Sunday morning, so you know, it was a //very// tearful Saturday with my friends)
M: Well, I didn’t particularly like high school, so my fond memories of graduation included being able to leave :/
Syren: I’m a junior, so I don’t have memories of that yet :( But at my sister’s a few years ago, we all had to go through metal detectors and get searched cause there was a rumored shooting
Jynn: Just graduating was a miracle for me honestly. I finished school on homebound and it took an extra year for me to graduate, so I had to watch my class walk without me. My teacher did pull some strings, and I did get to walk with the next class a year later when I never thought I’d get to at all. Our school colors were blue and white and I had a white gown, so I made myself memorable by dying my hair bright blue the day before the ceremony.
Anon asked: Are any of you single?? 😍😍😍
Chamomile: I’m not single! We’re celebrating our 6th month anniversary this week.
M: Uh, well, technically yes. (It’s a bit complicated, to be completely honest…)
Syren: Yup! I am also a wee 17 y/o with no interest in getting a gf just yet
Jynn: Happily taken!
Anon asked: Do the admins have jobs? If so, what do you do?
Chamomile: I have my new coffee shop job! I also do nannying.
M: I worked in IT up until recently, and before that I worked for a butlering / catering service and did freelance voice acting work (which I still do on the side now). I’m hoping to snag something for the summer, so crossing fingers on that one!
Syren: I work at a daycare for a few hours after school every day, and it’s the best job ever. The kid’s are amazing and hilarious, and working there has honestly made me understand so much more why some kids turn out to be d-bags as teens.
Jynn: I have two part time jobs. I’m a game master at an escape room, which I absolutely love, and a lifeguard at a school affiliated wellness center. I also do a bit of modeling and general management product promotion. Trying to get back into voice work atm too!
@thechubbyballerina asked: @admin chamomile, what is the weirdest thing that’s happened at the coffee shop?
Chamomile: So far, nothing much has happened, but I did accidentally get locked out while taking out the trash and I had to call the other night worker (who was in the office doing money counting) to come let me back inside. Not sure if that counts as weird, but it was raining and like, 10pm
Anon asked: Do you work in a small family owned coffee shop or a commercial kind (like Starbucks)?
Chamomile: it’s a family coffee shop inside of a larger restaurant! Sometimes I have to double as a waitress, but mostly I’m just making coffees and selling pastries.
Anon asked: my friend and i saw admin m's personal blog profile pic and we're a lil bit obsessed [[😬]] are they still single?? we know they were sometime before but can't remember (asking for a friend obvs hahahaaa 😅 plsbesingle)
M: Oh uh, thanks, I guess! (?) Like I said before, I’m technically single, yeah.
(P.S. What’s up with all the admin love lately? It’s not like we mind, but we haven’t done anything special lately…)
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auideas · 8 years
Ask the Admins 9.0
anon asked: So was AtA skipped on purpose or accident?
HA (by accident but don’t tell anyone).
anon asked: Is ask the admins replacing the quotes for today?
We will be doing all the things today - hold tight for some quotes later!
anon asked: Before I forget, are you going to change the MASTERLIST OF TAGS to have the assistant admins on there too (since you have yourselves and the previous admins)?
Yup! We’re still in the process of updating the blog to accommodate for the additional admins. We’re hoping to be finished in the next week or so.
anon asked: Don't watch "A Dog's Purpose"!! Unless you're okay with a terrified dog being forced/pushed into rushing water just to film a scene when a CGI would have sufficed.
Chamomile: eyerooooooll
M: God dangit.
Syren: Yooo I saw that video! I actually discussed it in a round at my last speech meet. It's sick, they won't be getting my support.
Jynn: See: Admin Chamomiles response. In any case I am too Tired(TM) to get into all that and too broke to see any movie in theaters anyways.
Vox: Man, I know I trusted Rotten Tomatoes for a reason.
anon asked: I recently started a fandom specific prompt blog and I have no idea how to get it out there?? I'm tagging all the posts but I don't think anyone's seen them. XD what do I do? Thanks in advance!
Chamomile: okay so what you need to do is get a really popular post to blow up, then let people find the blog. It takes a lot of grinding and luck, but don’t give up!
M: Yup that happened with us here; we had a couple posts that got wildly popular, and people have been finding the blog ever since (namely that one Never Book quote everyone loves so much). Some advice I’d give is to be consistent, be involved in the writing community, and don’t give up - this stuff takes a chunk out of your life, but we love helping you all out!
anon asked: WOULD YOU RATHER: get paid a penny to talk about what you're thinking of, or pay two pennies to say your opinions? -- penny for your thoughts vs put my two cents in
Chamomile: I’ll take the single penny.
M: I’ll be the person who listens to two people then gives those people their pennies back so I can tell them what I think of their thoughts. Poor man’s capitalism.
Syren: I'd probs just say what I want to say, no money involved. Unless they needed it.
Jynn: One cent, I need the cash.
Vox: As a business major I need to say penny for your thoughts. (As resident busybody and IRL mom friend….)
anon asked: Which would you (admins and assistants) rather be? A king/queen, lord/lady, duke/duchess, emperor/empress, or pharaoh?             
Chamomile: I answered this in another ask and said I wanted to be a Queen but...make me a Lord instead.
M: I’d be good with anything, but I feel like being the legitimate King would be far too much pressure - I’m going to go with Prince, Duke, or Lord.
Syren: Make me an empress, I'll be the coolest one since Kuzco.
Jynn: Hmmm whichever one has the lowest responsibility to money ratio. I have zero experience doing any of those things but I like being rich.
Vox: I’d say pharaoh, but like... old timey era sort of pharaoh. 10/10 would gladly deal with Egyptian heat to lazily lounge around while half-naked people cater to my whims.
anon asked: PlayStation or XBox?
Chamomile: XBOX
M: I gotta say Playstation only because I grew up with a Playstation 2, not an Xbox :b
Syren: Xbox, cause I've never played a PS woops
Jynn: I don’t play video games but I wouldn’t pass up a good ol PS2.
Vox: PS all the way.
anon asked: reason(s) for chosen usenames? (e.g. is it your favorite type of tea? is it your favorite letter?)
Chamomile: It’s a super cryptic homestuck reference that literally 0.2% of the fans would recognize.
M: Lol my name is Em y’all
Syren: My real name is Camryn, and I think Syren sounds like Siren- one of my favorite mythical creatures
Jynn: It’s part of my regular screen name which is JynniSlorg. A mishmash of stuff I can’t even remember but that must have made some semblance of sense back when I was 14.
Vox:  It’s when you typerventilate but with a latin twist. Even though ‘vox’ technically means voice. Typervoxilations sounds a lot cooler than typerecfuntilations. (Especially when you’re immature and read things quickly like me and typerecfuntilations starts to look like ‘erectile dysfunction’).
anon asked: Do yo know where this is from: "Rabbits die of loneliness, you know!" [This quotes means a lot to me]
Chamomile: No idea, but I have an unknown quote too! “Rain on a sunny day means a fox’s wedding”.
M: It reminds me of the Velveteen Rabbit, but I’m not really sure!
Syren: My first guess would be ‘Of Mice and Men’ by Steinbeck, but I don't think that's how the quote in that book goes…
Jynn: No but it’s probably either classic literature or anime.
Vox: When I see ‘rabbits’ I automatically think Zootopia, but I’ve never seen so I have no clue!
anon asked: Hey, if we start trying to ship the aa with the admins, can we call M and Vox "Pixilation"?
M: Pftttt for sure - the more ships, the merrier!
anon asked: Without looking it up, do you know what this is from?: "I'm a bad dream. I'm a rad scene. I'm a tad mean. But I'm not afraid to take you out."       
Chamomile: Is this a Franz Ferdinanz song?
M: Eyyyyyy that’s RWBY - found it on YouTube a while ago and I was pleasantly surprised
Syren: No clue. And I think Chamomile’s thinking of the song ‘Take *Me* Out’ ;)
Jynn: RWBY right? I’m p sure it’s a Jeff Williams song.
Vox: Nope! (❁´◡`❁)
anon asked: Have you ever written a character with a physical disability? If yes, what was the hardest thing about writing the character?            
Chamomile: Yep! Prosthetics, wheelchairs, and canes on multiple occasions. Hearing aids a handful of times, and a whole lot of glasses. I guess the hardest thing is just adjusting to a new character’s quirks? Changing how a character gestures and responds to other characters.
M: Yes I have, and it was difficult to do, but I wrote about someone I know who has cerebral palsy, and because I know them so well, I understand their daily struggle and can write about it fairly well. I think the most difficult part was acknowledging that I don’t really know everything about the disability and had to do a lot of research before taking it from their point of view.
Syren: I'm actually writing a character right now that has Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia, cause I have them and never hear about anyone else having them (even though they're kinda common), so I thought it'd be interesting! Hardest thing is probably fitting my symptoms into another person.
Jynn: Yep! I don’t know if I’d say hardest but I always try to do a lot of research into how certain things will affect the small everyday parts of life. My brother and his friends have really helped me become better at that since they’re most all amputees and I have quite a few amputee characters. It’s just v important to look at real life people to see the details people could miss about how certain things affect people's lives.
Vox: Of course! I wrote for Bucky Barnes once, and to be fair, the work was more focused on the mental more than the physical, but there was a fair amount of how much of what Hydra did to him (especially the metal bits), and I had a character once who was completely blind. The hardest part of writing it was the fact that I’ve never been in the shoes of either but I have to find a way to, especially with the kind of writing I do.
anon asked: Do you have any AU’s that you’ve always wanted to post but never have?
Chamomile: Sooooo many. I wanted to do an AU where Character A is an immortal who has to “trade” a part of themself every time they come back to life (ex: in one regeneration they don’t have their right arm, in another regeneration they have both arms but no voice, etc.)
M: I have a lot of 3 a.m. AU’s that never actually make it into the drafts and just sit in my notes for a while - one of the more infamous ones that has been in the drafts for months now is the truffle mushroom one. I’ll say no more.
Syren: I haven't given up on any of my au ideas yet, but I've definitely got quite the list of one's to write.
Jynn: Hmmm I don’t have any in mind that I don’t plan to post in the future.
Vox: See: AA C-Ryn. Every now and then I go back to tweak em but eventually, they’ll be beautiful potatoes I can dig out of my google docs and present to the world.
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