#I need to feel more accomplished than I do holy shit lmaoo
coldercreation · 11 months
Hi, I'm new here and I really love your Let Me Try series. Can I ask who did you created first? And what made you create them thanks! If you don't mind me asking :) sorry if you answered this already!
Hello and welcome!!<3
Ohh I actually really had to think about this?? Either my memory is really bad or I genuinely just wasn't paying that much attention back when I started writing the first bits of LMT... Because I can't really remember where these specific lads came from? Obviously I didn't foresee how much time I'd be spending with this series in the future and how important these characters would become to me :')
It was supposed to be a quick thing to get me writing again, so everything kind of developed from there with time. I did do some character / background planning etc before I wrote anything, as that's just how I've always rolled with writing and creating characters.
I don't remember too much, mostly that I hadn't been writing in forever, like in years and years, and I really just wanted to get back to it. I do remember being super nervous about posting the first part!🙈 I genuinely thought no one would ever find it, considering it's original work and not a part of some big popular fandom that'd automatically have an audience. I remember thinking; okkk so I just wanna write something and maybe get some feedback on it, and although I'm not really a No-Plot filth/smut writer, filth is universal, so even if it's original work someone might come across it if I make it spicy... big brain moves loll
And then I lured a bunch of yous in with the filth just to punch you in the feels with the later parts of the series >:)
The first one to be created was Nathan though, that's for sure! But I don't remember why how where what etc. He just came to be, and then he was vibin' for a bit, and then I made him suffer a lil because... I dunno, I just felt cute like that 😭 xx
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