#I need to remember to use my own tags but I'm a goose and forget
i-am-beckyu · 2 years
becky hello hello
i have some random questions that you should definitely answer because why not? :D /nf
these are just a bunch of q's i came up with off the top of my mind, feel free to skip some C:
favorite dsmp era?
what song song you think will be #1 on your spotify wrapped?
the reason you got into g/t?
favorite fruit/vegetable?
apple juice or orange juice?
how many google docs do you have?
top dsmp members in no specific order
a trope you wish came up more in gt/non g/t (totally not using this for personal purposes)
favorite fanon c!dream design
if you're on your phone for 6 hours, are you going to spend it on twitch or youtube?
favorite broadway show (if you listen to broadway)
shaniac, coward, or boogara (if you don't want bfu: skeptic, in-the-middle, believer)
favorite headcannon you've come up with (canon!dsmp, ff!dsmp, etc.)
favorite c!quackity ship ?
drawing or writing?
digital or traditional drawing?
are you left handed or right handed? ambidextrous?
favorite color?
first dsmp cc you watched?
if you're on a computer, is spotify in a tab or did you download it?
hardcore angst or tooth-rotting fluff?
t!tommy & g!wilbur or g!tommy & t!wilbur?
favorite au in this fandom? link it pls :D /nf
which c!dsmp member you an apologist for? multiple, one, wtv
and last but not least, if you lurked as an anon before becoming a more public account, did you use an emoji/name sign-off or were you just completely anon?
I get it now. I get why people love asks now. They give so much serotonin 🥹🥹🥹
Brick Gorgeous I will answer them ALL
Answer’s under the cut because its LONG!
favorite dsmp era? mmmm Probs when I joined which was just after Wilbur Blew up L’mangberg. (SAD-ist with Dawn of 16th Animatic drew me in!!)
what song song you think will be #1 on your spotify wrapped? Pretty sure it’s gonna be Figure it out by RYLY.  I love it so much!
the reason you got into g/t? Like most people just loved tiny things and the concept of being small or held by a giant. Didn’t realise it was g/t I loved till I found art of Chamomile-g-tea art on instagram of unicornofgt’s Giant Mech story here. And then found out a WHOLE community of people who liked g/t like me existed <3
favorite fruit/vegetable? Pineapple easy.
apple juice or orange juice? Orange juice
how many google docs do you have? of writing: 4
top dsmp members in no specific order TommyInnit, WilburSoot, TechnoBlade and Philza. (SBI my beloveds)
a trope you wish came up more in gt/non g/t (totally not using this for personal purposes) Ummmm... I’m a sucker for hurt comfort and angst but I love reading about found families too and I wish there were more stories of tinies/giant sizeshifters or shapeshifts hiding that they can shift because they’re afraid of rejection or being abused that when potential family figure finds out, (or hurts them when they do know) they bolt. Then lots and lots of healing and love.
favorite fanon c!dream design huh. Never thought about it tbh. Probs the ones where he’s all pristine and shiny in armor accentuated by White and Greens. Ya know? Smug boi attire lol.
if you're on your phone for 6 hours, are you going to spend it on twitch or youtube? Twitch. I like talking :3
favorite broadway show (if you listen to broadway) Disney’s Newsies. Man I love it to pieces and Once and for all is a Banger!!! 
shaniac, coward, or boogara (if you don't want bfu: skeptic, in-the-middle, believer) am confused a bit but I don’t believe in ghosts. (I think I answered that right?)
favorite headcannon you've come up with (canon!dsmp, ff!dsmp, etc.) Ok so after season 1 ended, I came up with this thing that the S1 selves still exist, but are like trapped in the C! subconsciousness and that in Season 2, S1 self and S2 self will end up talking. And I have this thing where Tommy and Dream become friends but Tommy starts pulling pranks and shenanigans like he used too in S1 and Dream is just brushing them off even though he’s slightly bothered. To the point where weird shit starts happening on the server but no one can trace the source, while S2 Dream just keeps blacking out with headaches. Because S1 Dream is taking over his body and getting Revenge on Tommy for causing him the same pain. And at some point S1 and S2 Dream speak and it goes something like this: no tommy didn't destroy my build to hurt me. it was innocent fun! A prank!! s1 dream: No Dream. He did it to hurt others, hurt your real friends,  to hurt us, hurt you. Or maybe a different route where S2 Dream is heading down that same road that S1 Dream did, and S1 Dream comes to S2 Dream with warning and basically its a self healing moment. And like this applies to Tommy too in different ways and I just think it would be cool if the S1 and S2 selves met each other. 
favorite c!quackity ship ? ummmmmmm don’t really have one 🙃
drawing or writing? AHHHHH BOTH!!! CAN’T CHOOSE!!!!!
digital or traditional drawing? Traditional  
are you left handed or right handed? ambidextrous? Right handed
favorite color? Blue!!! (Specifically Robins blue)
first dsmp cc you watched? Ranboo (Was the only person Live when I was awake..)
if you're on a computer, is spotify in a tab or did you download it? Downloaded
hardcore angst or tooth-rotting fluff? Don’t make me choose qwq
t!tommy & g!wilbur or g!tommy & t!wilbur? t!tommy & g!wilbur
favorite au in this fandom? link it pls :D /nf I have so many favs but the one I constantly keep rereading atm is this one The Secret World of Tommyinnit by  Thatvivgirl1212 (Littledoodler12) on AO3 (why would you make me pic a fav!?!?! I CAN’T!!! THERE’S TOO MANY GOOD ONES!!!)
which c!dsmp member you an apologist for? multiple, one, wtv um probs Tommy.
and last but not least, if you lurked as an anon before becoming a more public account, did you use an emoji/name sign-off or were you just completely anon? Man I tried being an anon for a bit but it didn’t really seem to fit me well. And when I say a bit, I think that lasted a week from when I joined the site lol. I think I tried being the mysterious anon once and that flopped but I always gave out lollipops. Still do. Brick Bestie Gorgeous you’re the best!!!!!!!!! Now I’ve gotta ask you some questions when I find time again!!!!!
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drawthething · 11 months
Welcome to DTT's gallery of useless text posts because I'm in the post-exam mood and bored!Today we shall discuss about:
"Obvious ways to NOT get scammed when opening commissions"
Now if you're a smart and capable human who's already so good at being an adult then you might not need these advices. But if you're kinda gullible and young and eat instant noodles for dinner sometimes like me, this post might be for you!
1. "You're up for commissions? DM me!"
See, these jerks probably follow the #commission tag on insta to find their easy target. You have the comm sheet right there clear as daylight and they STILL ask this thing in your post's comments. And they don't even want to DM you, YOU DM THEM! Absolutely horrible commission etiquette! I think it's best to ignore these comments even if you're not sure about their intentions.
2. Random acc with 2 posts and 200+ followers casually walks up to your DMs and says: "Will you draw my pet for 200$??"
Suuuper basic tactics for scammers to initiate their hustle. They're just soooo basic and soooo boring they can't come up with anything else for you to draw they HAVE to be like "I don't give a damn about what you usually do or what weird fandom hyperfixation pills you're on but here's an easy-to come-up-with art idea!". And a fricking fortune for pets portraits?? Come on.
Yes, check the account too if you smell something fishy. Even if it's profile is an innocent old looking lady who seems really rude at texting for some reasons, it's worth being cautious about.
3. "Aww man something's wrong with your PayPal link, can you send me your email name instead?"
Now of course I'm not saying everyone who wants a pet drawing is a scammer. If you're still unsure or see nothing suspicious about the client, feel free to continue the conversation!
But oh noooo, every damn time they seem to have some fricking issue with your PayPal link! They DEMAND to know your email! Or offer to send the payment in some really vague foreign way. Alrighty, no big deal yet, it's not like they want to know your Roblox password or GG search history right? Let's see what might happen next!
4. Nope, no payment sent, but oooo, new email! So fun, let's check!
BAM! An "official" mail from PayPal. Some weird issue occurred and *inserts bullcrap explanation* now you have to like, send them back 500$ out of nowhere! Wait, what?!
Calm down, don't do anything yet (even if the "client" is so rudely pressuring you cuz you 'own' them cash now) Go through everything as thorough like it's your life crisis and notice that this email has an embarrassing typo! Perhaps... this is not a PayPal mail? Well no crap! You know exactly who sent it you silly goose! Plus these losers do be using ugly ass fonts amirite? Smh.
5. They're so obviously not interested in your art
Some of these bastards are just so vague about what they want for their art, you know? Instead of going on and on about the details, like do they want it coloured or not, what the artstyle is, yada yada bla bla bla, all they're excited about is getting to the payment part! The fun part of the hustle, yayyyy!! Oh and they're oddly rude and distant in the way they talk sometimes. Unacceptable even for scammers! If you want my money at least be nice!
6. So what do you do with these guys?
Block, delete, report and run!! And if you're still mad at them for lying to you, don't forget to tell those mfs to get a life instead of trying to scam someone who already knows how to make terrible financial decisions!! (it's me, I'm someone)
Pls remember though, don't jump to conclusions early yet. Now you don't want to accidentally block an innocent respectful person, do you? Trust your instincts!
Aaaaand that's all I have! Thank you for reading this nonsense, you truly are a delight! Please be safe, be cautious and be a decent human being who don't try to scam people!
Love ♥️
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