#I needed a breack from complicated backgrouds lgkgkgkgjfjkf
shapelytimber · 1 year
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It's available as a print on my Inprnt :) [LINK]
When I was younger, I had the chance to practice horse riding for more than 12 years and I loved it. It's the only sport I ever got really good at, and I had the chance to do it in a small country club that bred mérens, and treated them very well (Unlike a lot of other bigger equestrian centers...).
And my favorite mare was Ulina :) I loved her very much, and some of my best memories were with her. She was a mean bitch, and to quote her owner "not quite alone in her head". I hope she is happy wherever she is (the club closed during covid and all the horses where sold to a separate place far away)
Process below vvv
I tried experimenting with this one :) and I'm happy with the result ! (It's giving cigarette packaging a bit, or as my friend sayed "it looks like a design you would found on a coaster.")
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This nostalgia for my horse riding days may have something to do with the fact I have been watching 'The saddle club' for the first time in my life as a 21 year old glkgkgkglfifkjflf idk it's so much detached from what the sport actually is, but also so weirdly specific about certain other things- it's jarring, it's cheesy af and kinda charming idk what to think about it
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