#I never even thought about the Embla connection before
yourladystar · 2 years
Book VI (And Awakening Banner) Thoughts
Well, since I did this for Book V, may as well do it for Book VI. And I'm not really covering Summoner Duel. It looks cool, but I've never been big into the PVP aspect of Heroes, or gaming in general. So let's just focus on the important stuff.
Starting off with my first impressions of the new characters:
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I really hope this was just for a joke and to showcase her clumsiness, because I don't need another main female lead who's in love with the summoner just because.
And yeah, I was hoping we would get a male lead as much as you, but I'm willing to be optimistic about Ash. She's mega cute and the trailer helped to establish her personality right away. And with how great they did with Reginn, I think they'll do well with her.
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Da F*ck is this transformation?!
I thought the dream goats were weird, but having the retainer of a God who's a beast unit, yet still carries a staff (seriously, why do you have that?), that transforms into a cow who shoots lasers from her tail? What the f*ck do these designers smoke to come up with this?!
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Ok... I can't be the only one who gets major NB vibes from Elm. That hair and facial structure. The V-neck exposing all of the collarbone. The body shape. The one thigh being exposed for no reason. I legit couldn't tell that this was a man until they straight up said it. Like... Damn. Talk about saying "f*ck it" to gender conformity.
For real though, he looks like he's going to be the sassiest twink ever. And I'm probably gonna end up loving him. I can't help myself. These kinds of characters just click for me.
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Joking aside, I am wondering what Letizia's connection to Veronica is since they already said they're "like sisters." My current theory is that she is part of the royal family, but doesn't have as much influence as Veronica. And it seems like she's enacting the will of Embla and forcing Veronica to turn against the Askr crew and stop being friends with them. We did learn a while back that she and Zacharias are bound to this God to become a mindless destructive, so it seems like it's finally coming into play.
It's pretty surprising to see only 3 new characters teased for this book. I'm assuming they don't want to spoil everything out of the gate, but I am hoping they keep the new cast small. The fewer newcomers are introduced, the less bloated the cast will feel. Though I am expecting an appearance from Askr and/or Embla. Oh, and Zacharias has to show up. You can't put this much focus on Veronica and not have her brother play a role in the story. And have Xander as well, he's basically her brother at this point.
On the note of Veronica,
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I really am happy to see her again. I've begun to like her more over the past 2 years, and it's nice to see her story getting a possible resolution. I just want her to be happy. Like, if this book ends with her and Alfonse becoming besties, that will be enough for me. Just... My God, this child deserves it.
So yeah, pretty excited to see where this goes. And given that Book V was a MASSIVE improvement over Book IV, we're definitely in the clear.
And yeah, obligatory mention of how little Sharena matters at this for once more not appearing in the trailer or poster. And this time, there isn't even a similar-looking character to keep me guessing. Like, wow. They really know just how pointless she is!
Onto the Awakening Banner!
And... yeah, let's just get through this first one.
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Oh boy... Him. I have several problems.
One- why that pronunciation? Did anyone before today ever call him Pry-am? No! Of course, you didn't! Every person I've ever seen say his name has always said Pre-am. It rolls off the tongue better and sounds significantly less stupid.
Two- of the Awakening characters not yet in Heroes *cough*Laurent*cough*, why him? Has Priam ever been a highly requested character? I've never seen him be commonly brought up when it came to characters people want to summon, and while I'm sure he's on some people's wish list, it's never been to the extent of having a blog dedicated to him.
And third- Wow, the amount of straight washing with this character! Radiant Hero? Descendant of Ike? Wielding the Ragnell? Like, way to say "Ike's not gay" without directly saying "Ike's not gay." The fact that people are already dreading what his forging bond events will be is a pretty big sign of how unenthusiastic most fans are for this.
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Damn, I nearly forgot how hot Basilio is. And I don't even mind the name pronunciation, cause it still works and makes him feel even grander.
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I don't know why it took me until now to realize how great Flavia's design is. It's a perfect mix of powerful, elegant, and tasteful. Man, Awakening really had a lot of great designs we've been sleeping on.
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Case in point! I knew we were bound to get Yen'fay once Say'ri was added, and I'm glad with how he looks. Another really great design I haven't appreciated until now.
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Oh, and... She's here.
I'm just hoping with her addition, Laurent will come soon.
Give me my son, IS!
Overall, I'd say this banner is... Good. I'm not gonna be pulling hardcore for any of them (especially Priam), but they're welcome additions.
And that's that’s my thoughts on this trailer and banner. Not anywhere near as much of a mindf*ck as Book V's trailer, but I'm looking forward to what will happen.
Here's to another year, FEH!
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Summoner/Laegjarn C-S Support
Written by @ajanisapprentice
[(y/n) is walking down a hallway muttering, not noticing Laegjarn approaching.]
(y/n): …we should keep the patrols of Heroes active, though we likely don’t need to have quite as many, considering our temporary ceasefire with Embla. Still, I can’t help but wonder… Perhaps I should see if Anna could-
Laegjarn: Summoner.
(y/n): Wha- Laegjarn, you startled me.
Laegjarn: My apologies, that was not my intention.
(y/n): It’s fine. Admittedly I was rather distracted and not paying much attention.
Laegjarn: I see. You ought to be more aware of your surroundings, Summoner. Someone could take advantage of your preoccupied state.
(y/n): I doubt that. Even the more… reprehensible ‘heroes’ wouldn’t dare do anything that might endanger them here, not with the overwhelming amount of heroes who would take action in response. 
Laegjarn: Right. That does make sense. 
(y/n): …Dare I ask why you’d assume I’d be in danger in the halls of my own workplace and home?
[Laegjarn’s face takes on a slightly pained look.]
Laegjarn: In Muspel, during my father’s rule, any sign of weakness would be immediately taken advantage of, anywhere by anyone. With the constant struggle to be stronger than your competition, the battleground was everywhere and at all times. I… am still used to that type of world.
(y/n): …I see.
Laegjarn: Pay it no mind, I will move on from this paranoia in time. I did wish to ask you something though.
(y/n): Oh?
Laegjarn: I wanted to ask for your tutelage.
(y/n): I’m sorry, you want what?
Laegjarn: In Muspel, one must show strength or be consumed by the flames of other’s ambitions for power. While I was never the greatest soldier, I was Muspel’s greatest tactician. It was how I got by. Was what made me useful and kept me alive. 
Laegjarn: But then we fought, my forces versus yours, and you defeated me. Your army routed mine. Your tactics were superior. So I wish to learn from you. To understand how your mind works. To understand what made you the superior tactician.
(y/n): … 
Laegjarn: I can understand that you may be uncomfortable, considering how we were enemies until recently, and can understand if you wish to refuse-
(y/n): No, it’s not that. I’d be happy to teach you.
Laegjarn: !
(y/n): No, I’m merely trying to figure out when would be a good time that we could meet consistently. I know I’ll have a few hours free in a couple of days, in the afternoon. Would meeting in my office then be alright? We can work out a more consistent schedule for the future then.
Laegjarn: Yes, that would be fine.
(y/n): Alright. I’ll see you then.
[Laegjarn and (y/n) have reached support rank C.]
[Laegjarn enters the Summoner’s office.]
(y/n): Laegjarn, right on time.
Laegjarn: Indeed. Though I have to admit, I am a bit confused.
(y/n): Oh? Over what?
Laegjarn: I’ve been enjoying our games of strategy Summoner, but I’m not quite sure what you are trying to accomplish with these games. Particularly as many of them don’t seem to directly pertain to war. Like that one with the beads for example.
(y/n): You mean Mancala?
Laegjarn: Yes, that one. I’m still not sure what that really has to do with war itself, or how this is supposed to help me better understand you. Or where you’re getting all these games from. I’ve never even heard of most of them
(y/n): Generally I get them through Anna. One of the benefits of having a co-worker who comes from a family of merchants that spans literal worlds. 
Laegjarn: I’ll… take your word for it.
(y/n): Anyway, your original question is a fair one. I can certainly understand that it seems a bit odd, playing children’s games in addition to the wargames, seemingly without any connection to actual battle and strategy. Not to mention how it doesn’t seem to help you understand me better. However, I can assure you, they serve a purpose. Through these games, we can each get a better sense of who the other is.
Laegjarn: I’m not sure I understand.
(y/n): Hmm. How about this? The game I was going to have us use today is another from my home world. It is called Stratego and is relatively simple. As you set up your side, I would like you to record on a sheet of paper the position you put each piece in, as neither of us gets to see the position of the other’s side of the board. When we are done with several rounds I will explain in more detail what I meant. Does this sound alright?
Laegjarn: It does, though I don’t really see the point.
[Laegjarn is taught by (y/n) the rules and the two proceed to have several matches. After the final one, the two begin to clean up the board.]
(y/n): So, your thoughts?
Laegjarn: This game certainly is entertaining, and it seems to have more relevance than some of the other games you’ve had us play but I’m not sure I understand what you meant from before.
(y/n): Then I will do my best to explain.
(y/n): The first thing you have to understand, Laegjarn, is that in my world board games are used not just for entertainment or to simulate battles, but for psychological study. Very few games exist that do not have some aspect of strategy to them. Due to this, one is able to gain an understanding of their opponent through watching what they do, what actions they take and so on.
Laegjarn: Understandable, but that isn’t really anything special. It’s something taught to a student of any skill that involves two opposing forces. Learn how your enemy thinks by observing their motions. Put yourself in their shoes and make a counterplan based on that.
(y/n): Indeed. However, there is additional information you can learn from your opponent. Information that your opponent may not realize they could be revealing or even information they may not know about themselves. 
(y/n): For example, let’s take a look at the strategy you used when setting up your pieces in all of the games we played today. You always placed your flag close to a corner of the map, blocking off as many possible points to get to it, and you always placed all your mines concentrated around that position. Not only that but you kept your most powerful pieces there as well, even though that meant that for most of the game you couldn’t move them forward as they were blocked by your own pieces ahead of them. Even when you could move them you never really did so until there were no other options. Compare that to other common strategies such as keeping the mines scattered to make all areas of one’s side of the board dangerous to traverse, or using one’s more powerful pieces in the front to help clear out as much of the opponent’s forces as quickly as possible.
Laegjarn: And what does this tell you?
(y/n): It tells me that when something matters to you, you feel the need to protect it as best as you can, putting its safety above all else even at the cost of resources, time and convenience. Of course, this isn’t really news to me. I have seen your interactions with your sister, Laevetein, and have seen how you always go above and beyond putting her needs before your own. However, I doubt that you consciously realized the impact that such a mindset would have in all facets of your life.
Laegjarn: I… You’re right. I wasn’t consciously thinking about it but now that you mention it, I could feel a need to protect guiding my placements.
(y/n): And of course, your playstyles in all the other games we’ve had tell a story of you as well. In Chess you would be on the defensive for the first few matches, but once you picked up my strategies you would always go for swift victories, often ignoring taking my pieces in favor of being as direct in putting my king into check-mate as possible. In one instance you flat out ignored it when I left my queen completely vulnerable for several turns, instead choosing to focus only on setting up my king for check-mate.
(y/n): This all tells me that you do not like long drawn out conflicts. You want to end things quickly at the source, without getting bystanders involved. Once again something I had already known, this time from our time as opposing generals, but the fact that I could pick such things up merely from a game is telling. 
Laegjarn: I see now. You’re learning things about me that paint a picture without biases by my own subconscious actions and thoughts.
(y/n): Exactly. I am learning your story through our games. And similarly, you can and should be learning mine which should help you in your goal to try and understand how my mind works.
Laegjarn: I see. Well then, I thank you Summoner. From now on, I will be paying much closer attention to your own actions and choices, both conscious and otherwise.
[(y/n) smiles widely at this.]
(y/n): I’m glad to hear that.
Laegjarn: That being said… I must ask you something. In the future, perhaps we could spend some time merely talking?
(y/n): Oh?
Laegjarn: It is true that you can learn a lot about a person from the way they express themselves in different activities. But there are things you can only learn about one another through dialogue. And other things that matter more when they are told to you as opposed to being figured out. And… I would like to learn more about you, Summoner. Not just about you as a tactician or as one of the leaders of the Order of Heroes, but of you as an individual.
(y/n): … I can’t say I disagree with either of those points, and being completely honest, I would like to learn more about you too Laegjarn. So yes, I’d be happy to spend some time just talking. On one condition that is.
[Laegjarn looks surprised at this, but also intrigued.]
Laegjarn: Oh? And this condition?
(y/n): You stop calling me by my title and call me by name. If we are to actually talk, actually speak, then I would do so as friends, not merely as allies or fellow soldiers.
[Laegjarn first looks a little shocked, before her features slowly morph into a genuine smile.]
Laegjarn: Very well. That is a condition I would be happy to accept… (y/n).
[Laegjarn and (y/n) have reached support rank B.]
[Laegjarn and (y/n) are in (y/n)’s private quarters. The two are having tea, and Laegjarn isn’t wearing her armor, though Níu is still strapped to her waist.]
Laegjarn: The more I hear about your world, (y/n), the more fascinated I become. Lights without fire, electricity harnessed for power, a storage system able to store information from all the world’s libraries in a single room and all this without magic. It’s honestly magical. And yes, I understand the irony in that statement.
(y/n): I’m glad I don’t have to be the one to point that out. 
(y/n): Still, I can see just how interested you are in my home. Perhaps, when everything is said and done here in Askr and the Order of Heroes no longer needs us, I could take you, and Laevetein should she wish, to visit my world.
[Laegjarn looks at (y/n) with a look of shock.]
Laegjarn: You… you truly mean that?
(y/n): Of course. I will admit it might be… slightly awkward at first, but ultimately I think you’d truly enjoy it after getting past the initial shock at the differences between my world and the different worlds the Order has been to. 
[Laegjarn’s face goes from a look of shock to one of joy, but very quickly it is replaced with a look of unease and sadness.]
Laegjarn: (y/n), I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can go on such a trip.
(y/n): I- Laegjarn, I don’t understand. Just a moment ago you looked so excited! Why the sudden change? Why can’t you go?
Laegjarn: … (y/n), you remember our final confrontation in Muspel, correct?
[(y/n)’s face grows serious and they look down at the floor, silent for a moment before looking back up at Laegjarn.]
(y/n): Yes, I do. You invoked the Rite of Flames.
Laegjarn: Yes, I did. And it killed me. My body was burnt away, my blood boiled to steam. Even now there are moments where I feel the lingering pain, like embers which refuse to truly be put out. However, here I am before you. Alive, fully functional and none the worse for the wear, as if it never occurred. And I am not the only one to be like this. 
Laegjarn: (y/n), do you know how and why this is, that myself and others who should be dead can be here alive and well?
(y/n): No, honestly I don’t, not really. A while ago I asked Anna who said that she too wasn’t sure why or how this happens either. Her best guess is simply that it’s either magic from the Breidablik, contracts the kingdom of Askr, or some combination are what is able to summon heroes here even from beyond the grave and keep them alive.
Laegjarn: You are not the only one to have asked the commander, (y/n). I have as well. But in addition to the question I posed to you, I also asked her something else. I asked her what would happen when we are inevitably sent back to our homes.
Laegjarn: The Commander didn’t sugarcoat it. She said that while she doesn’t for sure know, her best guess from both information gathered from her sister Anna’s, as well as her self-admitted bare-bones hypothesis, suggests that when we are returned, the magic keeping us alive will cease activity. Myself and those like me will return to our graves.
[(y/n) looks back up at Laegjarn, shock and pain evident in their eyes.]
(y/n): I… that can’t be…
Laegjarn: (y/n), I’m sorry. I wish this wasn’t the case, but this is the reality. I’m already dead, and there’s only so long borrowed time lasts. But even knowing all of this… I’m at peace.
[Laegjarn suddenly takes (y/n)’s hands in her own.]
(y/n): Laegjarn, what-
Laegjarn: In Muspel, life was a constant hell. In all the pain and sorrow my only solace was Laevatein. But since coming here, since being welcomed here,I have had nothing but happiness. I have met so many wonderful kind people. People that, even knowing who I am and where I’m from, even having fought me before, are willing to accept me and to truly be kind. People who I don’t need to be on guard around, people who truly care and wish to become close. I don’t only have my sister anymore. I have so many more. And it is all thanks to you.
Laegjarn: (y/n), out of everyone here you’ve been the kindest. You’ve trusted me, helped me grow. And were it not for you, I never would have been brought here in the first place and been able to have this second chance to live a better life, short though it may be. Yes, if I could have a true second chance, a full life, I would take it in a heartbeat. But even with only this, I am at peace. Because being able to see my sister again and know she’s alright, being given this chance to experience true joy…
[Laegjarn suddenly leans in and gives a quick soft kiss to (y/n)’s cheek. She then stands, her face blushing madly.]
Laegjarn: …This is everything I ever wanted, and far more than I could have ever asked for.
[Laegjarn then quickly leaves the room, leaving behind (y/n) who holds a hand to the spot Laegjarn had just kissed.]
(y/n): …Laegjarn.
[Laegjarn and (y/n) have reached support rank A.]
[Laegjarn is standing right outside of (y/n)’s quarters. She’s not wearing her armor and doesn’t even have Níu with her. After a moment of silent hesitation, Laegjarn knocks on the door.]
Laegjarn: (y/n), it’s Laegjarn, can I-
[As Laegjarn knocks, the door opens, having not been fully closed. Inside the room is a mess: books and papers are lying about all over, inkwells and quills are scattered around, and (y/n), having been sleeping face-planted on their desk, jerks awake suddenly.]
(y/n): Wha-Who’s- Wait, Laegjarn?
Laegjarn: I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize you were sleeping! 
(y/n): It- It’s fine, honestly. I hadn’t even meant to fall asleep. Please, take a seat on the bed. I think it’s the one place that is devoid of anything at the moment.
[Laegjarn hesitates for a moment before walking in slowly, careful not to step on anything. As she sits on the bed, she fidgets nervously.]
Laegjarn: You… certainly seemed to have been busy. I came by to check on you as apparently no one besides Commander Anna and Prince Alfonse have seen you recently.
(y/n): Yes. I’ve been… preoccupied as you can see.
Laegjarn: Right.
[For a moment the two are silent before they both open their mouths to speak.]
(y/n): Sorry. Laegjarn, please go first.
Laegjarn: I… right. 
Laegjarn: (y/n), I wanted to apologize for the other day. I… I was emotionally compromised. I didn’t think about how I was crossing a boundary and I am ashamed-
(y/n): Do you regret it?
Laegjarn: What?
(y/n): Do you regret it? I understand that you regret doing so without having asked or having been sure it was okay, but do you regret the actual act itself?
Laegjarn: …No, I don’t. I don’t think I could. 
(y/n): You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that.
Laegjarn: What?
(y/n): Laegjarn, I love you.
Laegjarn: I… I don’t… I can’t… To truly believe my feelings are returned, I can’t possibly believe…
(y/n): Laegjarn, please look around you. What do you see?
Laegjarn: I don’t… Wait. All these papers… they’re all researching the magic that summons Heroes here. Wait… are you…
(y/n): Yes. I’m doing everything I can to find a way to make sure you can stay, to make sure you are safe. To make sure you get to have a true second chance at life.
Laegjarn: But why? 
(y/n): Laegjarn, you are a wonderful person. Far more so than you seem to allow yourself to believe. I have seen so many terrible things. I have seen so many who have been mistreated, so many who have been hurt. So many of the Heroes here come from places of pain and sorrow. And even back in my world, there is so much pain. I have seen abuse, I have seen mistreatment, and I have seen what it can do, what it so often does, to people. How it hurts them, how it scars them. And how so many sadly can’t find the strength within themselves to move on, move forward. How so many end up falling into the same dark places their abusers were in. How so many who are hurt end up hurting others, lashing out at everyone around them. Feeling like because they suffered, everyone else must as well.
(y/n): But you Laegjarn, you’re a survivor. The strongest type of survivor. You suffered so much, not only for yourself but for your sister as well. And you made it to the other side. You made it past the abuse and cruelty of your father and you didn’t let it destroy you, didn’t let it turn you into someone like him. You shielded your sister, but never held it against her. You were hurt but refused to hurt others. You stood up and refused to let this cycle of hate and cruelty continue. 
[(y/n) walks over and sits besides Laegjarn, taking her hands in their own as they do so.]
(y/n): Laegjarn, I adore you. I love you. 
[Laegjarn is silent for a moment but she quickly begins to sob, a smile on her face as her tears fall.]
Laegjarn: This warmth… I’ve never felt something so strong and so comforting. (y/n), you have already done so much. To know that you love me back… I have never felt happier in my life. 
[Laegjarn pulls (y/n) in close and the two kiss for a moment. When the two separate, the two stare into each other’s eyes as they press their foreheads together..]
(y/n):  Laegjarn I swear that I will make sure you have a true second chance at life. A second chance to live a life you want to live. One that will bring you joy. Please, promise that you will use this chance. That you will live a life that makes you happy.
Laegjarn: I swear I will, and I swear I will do so by your side for that is where I will be happiest. By the side of the one I love. By the side of the one who loves me back.
[Laegjarn and (y/n) have reached support rank S.]
Confession Quote:
Laegjarn: “You have given me your heart, just as I have given you mine. I shall cherish it as my most precious gift for all time, and I know you will do the same. This bond, this love. This is a true eternal flame, one that cannot and never will be extinguished.”
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zenithgays · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fire Emblem Heroes Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alfonse/Bruno | Zacharias Characters: Alfonse (Fire Emblem), Bruno | Zacharias Additional Tags: No Dialogue, Canon Compliant Series: Part 5 of brufonse week 2019 Published: 2019-09-28 Word Count: 491 Summary:
It was always like this, even when they were younger, during better times. Alfonse would seek out an ambition that Zacharias thought impossible, and yet, every time, without fail, he was pulled into Alfonse’s orbit anyway. And every time, without fail, Alfonse would achieve the impossible right in front of Zacharias’s eyes, as if it was nothing to him.
@brufonseweek again… commentary under the cut
honest to god doing these week-long challenges is always so terrible for me? every time i’m like “i’m gonna get these done way ahead of time” and then i never do, i’ll have like 3 or 4 of them done and then the last one i do like the DAY before, if i even finish them all. but i did it. 5 fics all done
this one is back to like. my usual word count, aka “short”. tbh if i ever wrote anything less than 300 words i don’t think i’d put it up on ao3, it’d just go here instead bc like. as is, i feel a little bad whenever i post a fic under 500 to ao3
this one is just barely under 500 tho so i think it’s fine
anyway. this fic is… not TRULY connected to “i’d still wave goodbye” but it is in spirit. it’s kind of the opposite of that one in some ways. like they’re both canon compliant, no dialogue, mid-story rather than post-canon unlike my usual work. but “i’d still wave goodbye” was angst and alfonse’s pov. this one is extremely hopeful (fitting, since i wrote it for the prompt “hope”) and bruno’s pov
god i love writing bruno’s pov. i don’t do it enough i feel like, which is disappointing bc it’s SO FUN to write from
obviously this is set during that one blessed tempest trials, “to defy the gods” which i think about a lot. it was very good, very gay. love it. i was also thinking about that conversation between bruno and alfonse in book 2, you know, the one where bruno goes, “It is I who must thank you, Alfonse. You saved me long ago.” (fun fact, i have this little letter board in my room and i put that quote on it so i see it every day)
but i kind of wanted to make it clear that it’s not like alfonse is GIVING him hope or strength necessarily, it’s more that… bruno has that in him ALREADY, even if he doesn’t feel it all the time. and it’s more that alfonse is helping him FIND it.
anyway. i guess that’s all i have to say on this? i feel like i HAD more but i’m blanking on it. whoops
favorite part: When Alfonse said he would defeat Embla, he’d reached out and grasped Zacharias’s hand, anchoring Zacharias to his shore. Despite his better judgement, Zacharias grasped his hand back, marveling at how well they fit together.
It was always like this, even when they were younger, during better times. Alfonse would seek out an ambition that Zacharias thought impossible, and yet, every time, without fail, he was pulled into Alfonse’s orbit anyway. And every time, without fail, Alfonse would achieve the impossible right in front of Zacharias’s eyes, as if it was nothing to him.
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heartfeltheroes · 5 years
[ tibarn x summoner! reader ]  — love at first sight.
“I don’t care if Monday’s black. Tuesday, Wednesday heart attack. 
Thursday never looking back. It’s Friday I’m in love.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“Daydreaming? Again?” Sharena teased, noticing the dazed look on your face. You blinked once, then twice, comprehending the playful question sent by Sharena. “You know me, Sharena,” You joked, resting your cheek in your hand, “I’d rather think about strategies all day than daydreams.”
You stirred the bowl of soup before you dully. You’d have to thank Anna for the soup later, you noted, before catching sight of the sly, excited smile that spread across Sharena lips. You lifted a brow, “What’s up with the smile?” You asked, eyeing her warily as you took a sip of a spoonful of soup.
Sharena was no stranger to tricks, it wasn’t uncommon for the Princess of Askr to play the occasional mischievous prank on a hero or two in the castle every now and then. Today though, it seemed she had no trick in mind, for her mouth fell in an exaggerated manner, simply shocked that such a question fell upon her ears, “It’s February, [Name]! Don’t you know what that means?” You spared her no answer, just a simple, confused look that begged her to elaborate. “Valentine’s day is coming! Oh, I’m just so excited!” She exclaimed.
You gave her a blank look, “Oh, that’s it?” You replied, almost blandly. In previous years you’d be ecstatic for the day reserved for lovers, yet with the crusade against Hel coming, you had no time to be enamored by the wonderful heroes that surrounded you. Instead, you were buried to the neck in work. Balancing being the Order’s tactician and summoner was easier said than done, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It was nice to summon a hero that someone else had been looking forward to, witnessing the reunion of lovers or family. It was always a soft sight to see, happy tears and cries of love being exchanged. It was more often than not would a hero insist on following you to Vaskrheim, hopeful to see someone from their own world step through Breidablik’s light.
When you first summoned Roy, he would insist on following you like a lost puppy to the holy ruins, desperate to see anyone he knew from his own world. He went at it for weeks, his eyes shining with hope whenever you fired the rays of light into the summoning stones. Until, finally, one day you summoned Eliwood.
You had never seen him cry harder in his life, not even when Alfonse had bested him in a match. Now, though, his tears were falling freely. He cried hard as he held his father in a warm embrace. It was a touching sight, one that was engraved in your mind forever. 
You really did enjoy being the summoner and tactician of the Order of Heroes, no matter how taxing it was.
While you were the esteemed summoner, Sharena was Askr’s resident Princess: happy to help whoever needed her help. She had her role and you had your own, and now she’s decided to help you with your problems in love. “That’s it?” She copied, “That’s it? [Name], Valentine’s is a day of love! It’s when people give each other sweet, sweet chocolates, and red roses!” She declared. You stifled a laugh, “You know, if you wanted chocolates and roses I could just buy you some,” You offered, which she adamantly shook her head to.
“As much as I appreciate the sentiment, it doesn’t count cause you’re not in love with me,” She pointed out, “Or. . . maybe you haven fallen in love with me!” She jokingly swooned, resting a hand over her heart. “Is this what they call true love, [Name]? My heart is beating!”
The two of you bursted into a fit of laughter, one that was quickly interrupted by the familiar hoots of your beloved owl. It wasn’t uncommon for Feh to appear randomly, so you lifted a finger in the air to allow her to perch her tiny legs against your finger.
The owl was quick to let out a pleased hoot; a small, happy thrill from the bird echoed in the mess hall. “Hey, Feh,” You greeted, brushing her snow white feathers back with a gentle finger. “What do you got for us today?” Sharena inquired curiously with an outstretched hand, eyeing Feh’s feathers for any secret treasures.
In an instant, Sharena had a small bag in her hand, given to her by the small owl perched onto your finger. You gave Feh a smile, “Thanks, buddy, now go mess with Alfonse!” You ordered, receiving a loud hoot in response. “Yeah, go get my brother, Feh!” Sharena encouraged. It only took a second for Feh to fly off your finger in the direction of, what was hopefully, Alfonse.
The two of you watched Feh fly off, somewhat proud of the owl. “We should really think about getting Feh some treats or something,” You pointed out, as Sharena opened the gift the two of you received from Feh. “I’ll ask Anna if she has any stuff for Feh, I’m sure she does! She has, well, everything!” Sharena giggled, then poured the contents of the bag out into her open palm.
In her palm were five, iridescent orbs, sparkling in the light that poured in through the castle’s clear windows. “Where does Feh even get these?” You wondered aloud, genuinely curious. Sharena, on the other hand, was bouncing with excitement at the prospect of new heroes.
“Five orbs! You know what that means, [Name]!” She grinned, and this time you understood what she meant. “It means that we can summon a new hero?” You finished, now equally excited as the Princess of Askr.
“We’ve got to summon you a Valentine’s day cutie! Who knows, maybe it’ll be love at first sight!” Sharena beamed, causing you to furrow your eyebrows with a pause. “Wait, don’t tell me you don’t actually believe in love at first sight?” You questioned, expecting her to laugh it off as a joke.
“Uh, of course!” She remarked, “It’s the most romantic thing in the world, to meet the one and feel that spark in your soul, like you're meant to be. I’ve always believed in love at first sight, it’s just so. . . incredible!”
Sharena continued to fawn over the concept of love at first sight, something you could never truly wrap around your head.
You had never been a believer in love at first sight.
To you, it was a ludicrous concept created by lonely, hopeless romantics simply enamored by the concept of love.  It just seemed impossible to feel a connection — a spark — from a person you’ve just met. Those who believed in love at first sight were just desperate to feel wanted and loved by someone, anyone. As cruel as it was, you believed you were only speaking the truth.
Yet, you learned first hand that it was possible for hopeful fantasties to become reality.
If you had been told that you would one day be the summoner of a kingdom called Askr, you would laugh in their face. Now, you had to face that situation head on. It wasn’t everyday that someone was whisked away from their boring lives to the land of Zenith, yet here you were, living proof that the impossible was possible.
You had never imagine, not even in your wildest dreams, that you’d be swept away from your world and into a completely different, new land.
The day you arrived in Askr was still vivid in your mind. The sky was blue, the white clouds formed wonderful shapes, the grass was green; it was a scene straight out of a fairy tale, the approaching army of the Emblian Empire included.
With Breidablik, the legendary weapon that summoned you, thrusted into your hands, you had no choice but to act. To your utter surprise, you first battle was a victory, a much needed one at that. The Kingdom of Askr was in dire need of help against the Embla Empire, and you appeared to be an angel sent to hear their prayers.
Anna bestowed upon you the legendary relic named Breidablik, the weapon that had summoned you to the land of Zenith in the first place. To no surprise, you were quickly welcomed by the Sharena, the Princess of Askr. Alfonse, on the other hand, stayed distant, yet eventually he came around and befriended you.
From that day on, you were no longer [Name] [Last Name], college student extraordinaire; you were [Name] [Last name], Summoner of the Order of Heroes.
The title was as marvelous as it sounded. To be honest, “Summoner of Askr” had a nice ring to it, and you had found yourself flaunting it off more time than you could count. It was something you were always proud of since you arrived to the land of Zenith, but with it came the burdens of war.
When there was war, there was a need for soldiers — heroes, preferably. As the summoner and tactician of the Order of Heroes, it was your responsibility to summon brave and legendary heroes from across the worlds and recruit them to your cause.
It was a rinse and repeat cycle: gain orbs, set off to Vaskrheim, fire Breidablik at the summoning stones, pray that you didn’t get another Wrys, then welcome your newest hero with open arms. It wasn’t rare to summon the occasional villain or the fallen hero, but you often chose to recruit them anyways. The Order of Heroes needed all the help it could get with crusade against Hel quickly approaching.
As much as you despised Sharena’s reference to love at first sight, you set off to Vaskrheim anyways. Vaskrheim felt like a second home, really. You were constantly in and out of the ruins in your frantic pursuit of summoning heroes, and your connection to Breidablik gave you a special connection to the ruins of the once wonderous temple.
It was almost comforting to stand before the familiar summoning stone once more, you felt at peace. Whether it was Breidablik’s fault or your own feelings was unknown, what mattered was that you had enough orbs for one summoning.
You calmly pulled Breidablik from its holster on your hip, taking a deep breath as you did so. It was always nerve wracking to summon a brand new hero, you never knew what kind of hero you’d get. You shook your head, dispelling any bad thoughts. You could deal with it today, you decided, even if you did get another Oliver.
You extended your arms before you, both hands holding tightly onto Breidablik’s golden grip. Your finger hovered over the trigger, ready to fire away and summon the Order of Heroes’ newest addition at any moment. Breidablik was already loaded with orbs, it was locked and loaded.
You closed your eyes, the light that flew from Breidablik tended to be blinding — literally, it hurt the eyes. With a prayer for a legendary hero on your tongue, your let your finger pulled the trigger.
Instantaneously, five colorful rays of light flew from Breidablik’s barrel, merging into one white light before it made contact with the summoning stone. The stone began to glow and shift, causing a wave of air to carry your hair away in its current. With each passing second, it flashed and pulsated, until eventually the light faded away.
Finally, you opened your eyes, drinking in the sight of the your newest hero.
Amber eyes fell upon your own [eye color] eyes, and suddenly it felt like time had stopped. You quickly averted your eyes to something else, anything but his piercing eyes that were just so dazzling; in this case it had been the giant wings behind the tall man.
As much as you wanted to stop staring, you couldn’t tear your eyes from his magnificent wings
protruding from his back. They were large, almost as tall as him, if not taller. His feathers were brown, resembling the wings of a great, strong hawk.
Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, ramming against your ribcage; you wished for nothing more than for your beating heart to just stop. Despite the incessant beating of your heart, you felt relaxed and warm in his presence, but that didn’t stop butterflies from fluttering in your stomach though.
You hadn’t even realized your mouth had been ajar until you caught yourself staring for a second too long. You felt your cheeks flush red from what you hoped was embarrassment, because you were most definitely not planning to fall in love at first sight today. Nope. Not at all.
“I’m Tibarn,” The man spoke gruffly, “I may be a king, but don’t make a big deal out of it. Fawning praise does me no good.”
You hated that you struggled to say words before him, much less form coherent sentences. You were just so. . . stunned that you had summoned a person as magnificent as him. You had always try to keep up an air of professionalism, but with Tibarn you seemed to trip and stumble of your words.
“I’m, uh, [Name], summoner and tactician for the Order of Heroes,” You introduced briefly, seemingly forgetting your own name for a moment. You shook your head lightly, knocking yourself out of you love-induced stupor, then smiled bright at him, “Welcome to the Order of Heroes, Tibarn!” 
He looked into your eyes once more, but you made an effort to avert his gaze, too flustered to be look into his amber eyes.
You weren’t sure how he did it, but Tibarn made you believe in love at first sight.
If there was one thing you did know, it was that you were going to have to ask Anna for some Valentine’s day chocolates later.
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yukiwrites · 5 years
True Feelings Hidden in a Dream
Thank you so much for commissioning me, @lightningbug-lane! This pairing was so good to write for, I didn’t want to stop! ;v;)b I hope you like it! ;D
Summary: The Black Knight and Azura -- two souls burdened by the weight of their loyalty. Two stoic people who apparently had nothing in common, down to the pure white of her dress in contrast to his pitch black armor. And yet, they found in each other a company greater than anything they’ve ever felt.
Commission info HERE and HERE!
The rainy season in Askr was not kind to its inhabitants -- otherworldly or not. The downpours would start as sudden as they would stop, to the point that it was almost impossible to predict when it would rain again, as the very air turned damp for the duration of the season.
The sun rarely came out from behind the clouds, and when it did, it would quickly hide itself again, giving the entire continent an air of dreariness.
Still, the Order of Heroes had no time to rest, despite the foul weather. The war against Embla raged on, the usually traversable terrain turning into large wetlands, troubling any kind of unit, regardless of their movement type.
Horses were slower due to the mud, so were infantry and armored soldiers -- the fliers, on their hand, could barely see a thing in front of them unless they flew above the clouds, but being that faraway from Kiran's orders could compromise any operation, so that was a rare occurrence.
"Soldiers are adaptable." Anna had said to Kiran more than once during the Summoner's moments of hesitation. "Don't be afraid to put your trust in their skills and they'll repay you by bringing results."
Trusting the Commander's words, Kiran -- alongside every single Hero summoned she summoned -- knew she had to get used to this strange weather if she were to help save Askr from its invaders.
It was decided, then, that the Heroes would go forth to their missions in groups of four, ideally of mixed movement types so they could aid each other traverse the terrain.
In one of such missions, Kiran dispatched the Black Knight, Azura, Olivia and Clive so they could aid in reclaim a fort taken by Embla a few days previous -- they would to stay on standby at the fort's secret exit so as to ambush any enemies fleeing from the front assault.
Due to the emergence of a far-reaching wetlands between their starting point and goal, no carriages would be able to carry them there. The middle ground was too unstable for a horse, so Clive took Olivia with him so they could circle the area while the Black Knight and Azura would go through the middle: they would arrive roughly at the same time due to their movement restrictions, instead of marching at a foot soldier's pace through the longer path to accompany the only mounted knight.
Once everything was set, they began their march -- Clive and Olivia through east while Azura and the Black Knight took the middle route.
Azura's pure white dress and stocking immediately got stained the moment she stepped inside the wetlands. Despite the water under their knees looking clear, the soft earth under it rose quickly with their heavy steps, turning it into mud.
They walked in silence for a good part of the morning, both of them quite comfortable with not talking and focusing on the task at hand. It was only when they reached a quarter of the way that the ground started to harden under their feet, and soon they were walking on (mostly) dry land as the sky threatened a heavy rain since the day before.
"Why, I imagine Sir Clive could have come with us, after all." Azura blinked as the Black Knight offered a hand for her to get out of the shallow water. She peeked over his shoulder to the long, long way they still had ahead of them. "There are only plains as far as the eye can see, from this point onward."
The Black Knight nodded, turning his back to the princess so as to keep the march. "The ground is still too soft for a horse, however; especially one carrying two riders." He put pressure on his next step, feeling it sink a bit under his heavy armor. "Clive made the right decision."
Azura hummed in response, slightly pressuring her feet, not finding the softness her companion demonstrated. She then noticed how the Black Knight's steps left heavy trails on the ground, whereas her soft, bare feet barely got dirty from the mud all around. "What a heavy burden it must be, to carry this armor," she whispered to herself, almost unable to imagine how hard it should be to even walk while carrying such weight, let alone fight under it.
Were his face visible, it would be able to discern his gaze falling on her before turning back to the march. "It is a burden I carry in order to fulfill the task given to me by the one who holds my loyalty."
"Oh!" Azura took one hand to her mouth, as though to stop herself from saying any more unnecessary things. "How uncouth of me to assume. Please, forgive me."
The Black Knight shook his head, dismissing Azura's apology. "There is nothing to forgive, princess. Although the armor is indeed heavy, there are other burdens I carry that are heavier still." His voice echoed inside his helmet towards her, the wind carrying it through the open plains.
Azura's hand inadvertently reached her pendant, clutching it carefully. "I can understand. Regardless of whom I bid my loyalty to," the princess let out a forlorn smile, remembering her long-lost cousin, "there are burdens I carry that no one but me will be able to understand."
He nodded, closing his eyes to breath in. For a split of second, he thought that the both of them could be similar in a way, but soon dismissed such egregious idea.
A princess, her steps so delicate they barely drew a sound compared to his heavy feet, had nothing similar to a man whose goal in life was to master and die by the blade.
Still, he couldn't deny that, out of the large majority of the Heroes he was paired with, marching alongside Azura felt the rightest -- she didn't mind the long draws of silence nor did she try to start any small talks to 'break the ice', as he'd heard on occasion. When they did talk, it felt neither forced nor unpleasant. Every time he was paired with her, he knew that he could focus himself wholly on the mission and that she would do the same for her part -- straight-forward and gracious as only she was.
Azura thought quite the same of her masked companion. Never once had she seen his face, but that hardly mattered during battle: he took blows meant for her and rained destruction with his Alondite from afar, making her task of supporting him almost an easy one. Besides, she enjoyed the silence as much as she enjoyed singing on her own, so being paired with him was always a great time to put her thoughts in order -- because she knew he wouldn't disturb them.
What would disturb them, however, would be the sudden downpour.
"Oh, my!" Azura let out a weak 'eek' of surprise once the cold droplets turned into large showers over her skin. "I suppose we should have seen it coming."
The Black Knight breathed out, squinting to see through the thin eye-slit of his helmet. There weren't any trees for them to take cover under, though that was beside the point -- they knew it would rain one moment or another, and their timed mission didn't allow for any stalling, foul weather or no.
Both of them knew as much, so they simply kept walking as the ground turned more and more muddy under them. "I see now what you meant earlier, Sir Black Knight." Azura wiped her eyes to avoid the large droplets of water from falling on them, ultimately deciding to adjust her tiara so it would cover more of her forehead. "Sir Clive would have gotten stuck here if he had come with us."
He blinked, struggling to see clearly -- the rain was coming down so hard one could barely see their own hands stretched out in front of them -- due to his helmet's limitations. He sighed deeply, unwilling to unmask himself in front of someone, but soon remembering that Azura didn't hail from his home world: hiding his identity in front of her meant nothing.
"Watch your step, princess. We are about to witness the birth of a wetland." He said as he sharply took the helmet off, shaking his head once his face finally got out of that stuffy air.
"Oh, my. Sir Black Knight!" She blinked in surprise, taking a few steps forward so as to finally look at her companion's face. However, a thought soon dawned on her. "Ah, how thoughtless of me! I suppose it would be rather hard to see while wearing such restraining helmet."
He slicked his hair back so it wouldn't get onto his eyes, "faraway we are from our target, we cannot let our guard down -- I would rather reveal my identity than putting you at risk for not being able to see the enemy coming."
Azura placed her hand over her mouth, feeling her cheeks warming in response. "How dashing," she smiled, the sound of it bringing one to the knight's lips. "Then, allow me to repay your thoughtfulness the same way." She took a deep breath and close her eyes.
The unmasked knight tilted his head to the side, watching as the princess lifted one hand overhead.
Oh, Aqua! ♪
From a sacred prayer to our connection with life ♫
Please bestow upon us your protection ♪
Oh, Aqua! ♫
Hide us within your breast, ♪
And allow us to walk amongst you! ♫
She sang in a peppy tune, her movements flowing like the water all around her. As she danced, the raindrops followed close behind,  further and further away from her.
Soon all the water falling above their heads danced all around her instead, making only the area around them dry and safe for them to walk on -- and see in front of, as well.
The knight watched, mesmerized, as the rain seemed to avoid him as he walked. "Princess," he began once she walked back to him with her soft steps, her pendant glowing by her chest.
"Please, call me Azura." She smiled softly, clutching on the pendant so it wouldn't float. "It doesn't feel right to be called by an alias while looking at the real face under the helmet."
He felt the smile widen by his lips, unused to the sudden warmth washing over his chest. "Azura, then." He said, his voice now clearer than ever, without the helmet's echo nor the rain's noise to muffle it. The princess felt something tingling at the edge of her body, as though she could simply drop her head on his shoulder, close her eyes and be safe. Truly, rightfully safe. "Thank you, Sir Black Knight." She said without barely thinking it, as though the simple act of hearing her name by his unclouded voice were a gift she would hold close to her heart.
He closed his eyes for a moment, the bubbling sensation in his chest gaining shape when it reached his throat. "Zelgius." He said in a huff, their steps never failing to march. "The man under the helmet is called Zelgius."
"Zelgius," she tasted the name in her lips, licking them right after. "Thank you, Zelgius. For telling me your name."
The knight looked ahead, an almost self-deprecating smirk growing at the corner of his mouth. "I should be thanking you for the gracious display, Azura. Think nothing of the name of a masked man."
The princess hummed in response, not realizing she touched his armored shoulder. Quickly she retracted her hand, enjoying the shy smile that teased itself on her face. "Worry not that I shan't call your name once you are back to being the Black Knight, Zelgius. For now, however..."
"Yes," he blinked slowly, wondering if the mission could be prolonged for a while longer, "for now..."
Over the course of the next weeks that soon turned to months, Zelgius and Azura felt themselves drawn to each other -- even outside any missions. Be it by coincidence or fate, they even went to the same places, as though one's presence there brought the other's.
As much as the princess longed to gaze upon his handsome face again, Zelgius didn't take his helmet off often -- hardly ever, honestly -- but the few times he did, he would make sure that they were truly alone lest someone from his world discovered his secret.
Their meetings really shouldn't be called as so -- they mostly enjoyed each other's presence silently. Sometimes Azura would release the feeling bubbling inside her chest as a song followed by a dance, turning them into private spectacles, almost. Zelgius would most surely take his helmet off during such occasions, so he could listen to her melodious and far-reaching voice with the most clarity he could.
It was as though her words seeped deep into his throat, towards his chest; like her delicate yet rough hands pressed themselves against his bare chest, digging further into his heart.
It was breathtaking.
The princess felt the same turmoil inside of her, knowing her heart beat more wildly by her chest whenever she thought of or spoke with him. Even her eyes felt light, wanting to simply close themselves and give her entire being to his unbreakable defense; to the surely strong arms that rested under his dark armor.
The topic of her control over water sprang up one day, making her clutch her pendant with both hands as they waited the rain out under a tree. They weren't in a mission, no, they were simply taking a walk a ways of the castle when the rain started, catching them by surprise.
Immediately did the knight take his helmet off, as though the rain were an excuse for him to look clearly at Azura. He noticed how serious her gaze became as she looked nowhere in particular, her hand never letting go of the pendant.
"I suppose I have been feeling so... uncharacteristically happy lately that I almost forgot the weight the burdens related to these powers carry."
Zelgius felt the brand on his back almost burn, his expression mirroring Azura's. "I cannot say I do not feel the same." He tentatively looked at her, somehow never wanting to tear his gaze away from her graciousness.
"Once my role in this world ends, I will have to fulfill my true calling," she turned to him, her body being drawn to his cold armor -- to his warmth under it. She hesitantly reached to his face, longing to feel his skin. "The calling to live under a curse that might either seep me of my life or wash it with salvation." She said bitterly, and Zelgius knew that whatever waited for her back home would most likely result in her death, much like his own fate back in world.
"I suppose we indeed are more like than I thought." He whispered, taking a step towards her, allowing her thin fingers to brush through his wet hair. Closing his eyes to finally enjoy her touch, he slowly took her hand on his, the clunk of his armor a distant sound tingling his ears. "I, too, discovered a side of myself I never thought existed -- by being by your side."
Azura could feel his free hand sliding from her waist to her back, pulling her closer to him.
Ahh, the visceral need she had to rest her head on his shoulder; to allow herself to be simply a woman in the arms of a man who truly understood and supported her. She felt her heart beat in sync to his, feeling his shallow breath on the tip of her fingers. "Zelgius..."
He brought her hand to his cheek, holding it over his face as he closed his eyes, allowing himself to break down the walls he had built around his heart -- so its full, raw force could thump inside his chest and bring him the elation he only felt whenever Azura's eyes were on him.
"I have a duty I must uphold in my world, as I carry the burden of the mixed blood within me. They are what define me as a soldier, devoted to the blade from the moment I could wield one." He tilted his head to her hand, enjoying how she tangled her fingers through his hair. "Yet, what defines me as a man stands right in front of me." He opened his eyes, piercing his gaze into Azura's.
She felt the breath leaving her body, opening her mouth to reply.
Zelgius squeezed his hand on her back, a silent plea for her not to speak. "I must confess that I lack the experience needed to put a name to this feeling; however, for the first time in this existence of mine, I shall let my heart speak for me." He finally brought her to the closest he could, longing to feel her body on his, away from this restrictive armor. "I love you, Azura. Most fervently." He huffed, his heart thumping by his chest like never before.
The princess felt her eyes welling up with tears, her lips trembling. "Oh, Zelgius!" She pressed her forehead on his chestplate, weeping softly. "Do I have the right to feel this happiness while the one who holds my loyalty fights? How long can I allow myself to hold you and make you mine before I decide to shirk away from my duty?"
The knight finally, finally caressed his beloved's soft, long and wet hair, wanting to rid himself of his gauntlets so as to feel its sleekness on his skin. "This world is not our own -- it feels as though we are in a dream." His low voice reverberated through his armor right into Azura's body, making her legs go weak. "Will you not enjoy this short-lived dream alongside me, Azura?"
Warm tears flowed from the princess' eyes, Zelgius' soft touch on her chin making her lift her teary gaze to him. "We might finish our roles here any day, now. Next month; next week... Tomorrow, even." Her voice cracked, her body wanting so very much to be held by him, her feet stood on their tips. "Still, will you have me, my knight, my... Zelgius? Will you be mine for as long as this dream lasts?"
He closed in as she spoke, their breaths intertwining. "Even another hour in your presence, Azura," he brushed his lips on hers, his eyes on the verge of closing so as to enjoy her taste, "will be enough to drive me to go on through the battlefield that plagues my life."
"Oh, Zelgius..." She whispered before the impending kiss, their lips a perfect fit on each other. His roughness with her softness; their drenched bodies under a faraway tree, becoming one.
Their kiss started timid -- neither of them had experience in that regard, after all -- but soon they started exploring each other's mouths as Zelgius supported Azura after her legs gave out. She wrapped her arms around his neck, digging her nails on his scalp (finally she could feel it; caress it!) as he bent over towards her, exploring her semi-nude back with his gloved hands.
It was a strange yet overwhelmingly wonderful experience, to be held by someone they've longed the touch of for so long. Zelgius could feel his senses heightening and dulling at the same time: he was hyper-aware of their surroundings, yet overly conscious of how much force he should use so as not to hurt Azura in contact to his armor. He felt his increasingly hot body crave for hers, wanting nothing more than to embrace her and never let go, for as long as their dream lasted.
The dream of being accepted, of being understood, of being touched and touching in return. The dream he never thought he dreamt before he had met her, and yet the dream he saw most fervently each and every night after.
His mind and body had always been focused on mastering the blade. Her heart and soul had, from childhood, embraced the bleak future that awaited her. Both of them were certain their hearts wouldn't be fazed by anything, and yet...
Yet their bodies matched so well. Their tastes felt so right. Their minds, ideals and views of the world, although different, complemented each other.
The moment their dream began, they realized. Under that heated kiss and promises of never again sleeping apart, they realized.
They realized that they would have to make a choice, in the near future: To continue living the dream and turn their backs to reality, or live knowing that the one will always hold a piece of the other. That they would never live a life as a whole again, no matter how short-lived it would be.
They would have to make that choice -- tomorrow, next week, next year -- for as long as that sweet and binding dream lasted, they would live with these thoughts. However, for now… For now, they were the man, Zelgius and the woman, Azura.
Their duties at the back of their minds, they would, for the first time in their life, throw themselves to the unknown that it was following their hearts -- together, hand in hand.
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reuska · 6 years
Reuska’s FEH Headcanon Time No.2: Geir (Book II Finale edition)
Gathering energy to draw something bigger, let me explain why I hyped so much about the final chapter and throw another piece of my HC at you.
First, let’s sum up some info about Geir.
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Geir of Dufansdarl is an OC of mine.
He is the original Summoner from approx 2 millenia ago.
Askran nobility, born to a couple of Askr and Embla bloodlines (but neither of his parents was the main royal line).
This union happened to bless him with a unique skill - to travel between worlds at will (aka open and close gates - combo of Askran and Emblan abilities). His special ability had one unparalleled bonus: he could actually travel to the mythical, unreachable “magicless” realm, Earth.
Scholar, blue mage, smart jerk. Arrogant, selfish, pleasure-hunting womanizer.
He sworn his loyalty to Askran king but when called for help during an emergency, he betrays his oath - as he takes his time to come (= Loki aka Lady Mischief came to seduce him to prevent him from going and he gives his bed priority). His absence has terrible consequences which result in the king’s death and the curse of Embla bloodline. (Details to be shaped)
The queen performs a rite to call Askr’s wrath on Geir. The dragon curses Geir and turns him into Breidablik, puts him to sleep in a shrine until the right time comes for him to undo his mistakes. He also seals Geir’s castle Dufansdarl near the border with Embla and generally erases all but vague knowledge of his existence. He keeps Geir’s cape in the shrine and through prophets creates a myth of the Summoner who would come in the time of need.
The curse re-shaped Geir’s abilities (since they came from an original gift of the dragons, Askr could manipulate them at his will). When Geir is awoken at the beginning of FEH story, his mind travels to Earth and he handpicks Reuska because she can use a gun, she has decent strategic mind and at the same time appears as a chicken Geir would be easily able to control.
Reuska is vulnerable in many ways but she certainly isn’t the type to get herself manipulated. Quite the opposite. Geir finds himself in a mind connection and constant presence of someone he collides with in pretty much everything. The two getting along is a long journey but it has invaluable moral impact on Geir.
He IS feeling guilty for his failure back in his time. At first he is in a state of denial and just wants Reuska to get the job done asap to set him free. He refuses to communicate with anyone else and tries to avoid any thoughts on why. But as the Order grows on him, especially the royal siblings who inherited the burden of his betrayal, he is less and less reluctant to admit his errors, to himself at least. He begins to change.
But he keeps his identity to himself - he would probably never tell anyone. Reuska has to figure out his identity herself and he forces her to promise she wouldn’t tell anyone. Alfonse eventually figures out Breidablik has a conscience due to him overhearing Reuska “talking to herself” several times. Upon him asking, Geir allows Reuska to introduce him but he doesn’t speak to Alfonse himself (guilt). And he never tells them his backstory.
Now to the point.
Geir functionates thanks to Reuska’s energy (that’s how Askr set things up anyway). They have no idea about this for months because he uses only little of it as he’s just “mental energy”. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t digest, nothing - he just thinks and “scans” the sorroundings in approx 30m diameter. Reuska does suffer from light chronic weariness but they both always connect it with her not being used to this new lifestyle.
Eventually Gunnthrá starts visiting Reuska’s dreams. She reaches for the part of Reuska’s mind where Geir resides - he actually protects Reuska from having nightmares, she would certainly have them otherwise. Geir can’t stop Gunnthrá even though he tries (he has no idea who she is). But seeing her reflection and listening to her voice, he platonically falls in love with her. It is a different emotion than he ever felt for a woman, genuine affection instead of lust which was his drive back in his time.
When Surtr kills Gunnthrá (the first time they physically encounter her), Geir gets furious (a mix of pain, hatred and all the other emotions connected with the terrible event). Reuska is experiencing her own share of strong negative emotions and the two synchronize through these in a way they haven’t before. Geir gets an access to more of Reuska’s energy and uses it to (sort of) materialize into a weird, translucent, glowing humanoid object that manages to buy the group some time so they can retreat. Geir can’t get hurt in this state but his consumption of Reuska’s energy multiplies several times so he can keep it up only as long as she has enough energy to fuel him. Which is not long. Any hit he takes eqeals to even more energy taken from her.
This form fades out soon enough for Reuska to not faint but it still leaves her exhausted, barely able to move. From that event on, Geir uses this ability to shield Reuska from physical danger he can detect (he can’t detect long distance shots as the shooter is far from his “scanning” range - and magic just goes through him) which is very relieving to anyone in the Order as it gives her an extra protection. However, everyone must adjust to the drawback - which is exhausted and even more vulnerable Reuska afterwards. She usually falls asleep within minutes. One of her guard trio has to get her away asap, on horseback usually, where she sleeps in front of them.
So what happens in the finale?
Alfonse goes to face Surtr. Surtr can be killed at the time but he remains a mountain of muscle fueled by the Flames of Múspel. He’s a terryfying foe, much much larger than Al. But it’s the Flames that are a real problem. Combined with Surtr’s hits, they put immense heat + force load on Fólkvangr, a load the sword can’t take and it starts to crack.
Another hit would shatter it and kill Al but Geir prevents it. He uses his “immortal object” ability but instead of materializing, he jumps at Fólkvangr and covers it with a thin layer to keep its sharpness. Plus he still carries the Nífl blessing which dulls the Flames. Fólkvangr appears to glow with a blue light. The sword is shielded from damage, which, however, means the whole load shifts to Reuska. So Al and Geir have only tens of seconds to finish Surtr off.
Reuska tries her best to hold on as long as possible but Surtr’s first hit literally sends her down to her knees. She starts sweating immediately, breathes heavily and her pulse jumps up at the verge of heart attack. She manages to force the connection to stay up longer than usual which is enough for Al to finish the job. But she faints right after and sleeps for four days. She wakes up again on a cart they prepared for her transportation, already back in Askr.
(I came up with the Folkvangr enforcement idea just like three days ago and I was trying to pick a proper situation for it to happen. I was tempted to go for the final battle against Surtr but the chapter just confirmed everything including Alfonse being most likely the one to take Surtr down. And no further fighting after his death so Reuska would be safe. All the pieces just came together perfectly ♥)
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pasteladins · 6 years
Worst Case Scenario (1/2)
Pairings: Kiralfonse F/M
Summary: There is always a possibility of Kiran getting injured on the battlefield.
The shrill sound of clashing metal could be heard throughout the battlefield as Askran forces fought off an Emblian onslaught. The current skirmish was all due to an ambush led by their commander, Xander, as he attempted to overwhelm and take over an Askran fort. The crowned prince slashed his way through Askran soldiers as if they were nothing. His legendary sword, Siegfred, glowed its unsettling purple aura as it countered enemies from close range and from afar.
Despite the chaos unfolding on the battlefield, the Askran’s tactician, Kiran, stood her ground as she called out orders for the heroes. Without her guidance, the army may have ended up in a full state of panic. The summoner checked each area of the battlefield before creating new strategies in her head.
After being summoned here almost nine months ago, Kiran had gradually gained the confidence to lead the growing army of Askr against Embla. Despite her lack of experience, the summoner did her best to assist the kingdom in any way she could. This was definitely appreciated by the Askran royals, as well as their commander. The sudden appearance of Kiran led to rise in victories and morale.
However, even with her huge success as a tactician, Kiran had a major weakness -- she could not fight in battle. The summoner would have to enter each and every battle weaponless and only hope that she would come out of the skirmish alive. Although many of the heroes would not hesitate to protect the summoner, the risk for a fatal injury was still a possibility. This truly unnerved everyone in the Order, but not as much as the Askran prince.
No matter how much Alfonse fought against it, he slowly began to establish a close relationship with the tactician. They grew close as time went on, and Alfonse could no longer control the growing feelings he had for Kiran. Eventually, the two became an item because of this, an event that neither of which had seen coming.
Now, Kiran meant the world to Alfonse, and losing her would be crippling to both him and the army. This is why the royal made sure to place himself close to Kiran in case any Emblian soldier would strike her down. His trusted Folkvangr glimmered against the moonlight despite the stains of blood coating its blinding metal. The precious stones glowed a beautiful white light as he brought it down onto another solider, slowly dwindling the enemy army’s numbers with little effort.
“Let me through!!” He triumphantly yelled, knocking down a pair of axe wielders as he progressed through the enemy’s front lines. He had become so focused on defeating the soldiers in front of him, that Alfonse had wandered far away from Kiran.
The summoner had her own issues, and she was too focused on assisting Lyn and Hector with the oncoming raid of archers to notice that the prince had run off. She frantically waved her gloved hand to call on the mages Robin and Henry for assistance on the battlefield. Although the area was covered in trees and different vegetation, the two mages were able to spot their tactician, her white and gold cloak contrasting with the dark colors of the night. When Henry and Robin gained the upper hand in the battle against the archers, Kiran thought it would be appropriate to leave, eager to help out the other areas of the battlefield.
For the most part, the battle had been under Askran control. After what seemed like an eternity, Xander called for a hasty retreat, lest they risk losing more soldiers. As the Emblian soldiers ran off, the Order of Heroes let out a triumphant cheer  for successfully defending their fort. All that needed to be done now was to asses the damage as healers ran across the battlefield, ready to help those who were injured.
Alfonse sheathed his trusty Folkvangr back into his scabbard, silently reminding himself to clean it after all of this was over. He then looked over his shoulder, expecting Kiran to come running up to check on him. It was something she tended to do, just as he would fuss about her own health, Kiran would dote on the Askran royal -- especially after battles. Her lips would form a pout as she would assess any injuries and would profusely apologize if she had sent him off on a particularly risky area.
He frowned deeply when he noticed that Kiran was not there, his heart skipping into a quickened beat. Alfonse felt something was amiss as he scanned the battlefield for his trusted partner. It was when he heard the voice of the Exalted Lucina that caused his worries to increase tenfold.
“Has anyone seen Lady Kiran?”
Hushed whispers came from all directions as everyone felt the air grow with tension. Where was their tactician? Had she been kidnapped by the enemy? Or maybe worse…?
Commander Anna spoke above the anxious whispers, her own voice strong enough to travel across the former battlefield. “Everyone, split up and look for Kiran! Palla, Catria, Est, please, fly above to see if you spot her.”
Without hesitation, the entire army went out in groups to look for Kiran. Alfonse and Sharena went together -- the siblings did work best after all.
The prince scanned the area, desperately hoping to spot her signature cloak covering her unharmed form, but all he could see was the vegetation -- it seemed almost supernatural. “Kiran! Can you hear us?”
“Kiran!!” Sharena yelled, gripping Fensalir tightly gripped in her hands. The frown she currently had on her face deepened when she received no answer. “Oh brother, do you think she’s alright?”
Alfonse did his best to not give into his worst fears, but for every minute that they could not find Kiran, he felt himself slowly losing his willpower. Despite his doubts eating away at his mind, the prince would not allow his pessimistic outlook to affect his sister, so he gave her the best reassurance he could offer.
“I’m sure she’s alright Sharena. Most likely, Kiran hid from an enemy soldier after the battle, and is currently waiting for one of us to find her.”
“I hope so… I’m just so worried.” The frown on Sharena’s face did not disappear as she continued their search, and Alfonse felt his chest tightened, his failure to appease his sister only made his own fears grow. At this point, he couldn't even believe his own words.
If the Emblian forces took her, there is no telling what Veronica might do to her. She would look past the obvious advantage of having the legendary Breidablik-wielder at her disposal and would instead kill Kiran on the spot. The mere thought was enough to twist the prince’s stomach.
“Kiran? Kiran!!” His calls echoed through the forest only to be replied with the voices of various heroes in the army looking for the summoner. At this point, their search looked to have dismal results.
“Kiran!!” But he couldn’t just give up… “Kiran! Please! Answer me!!” He just wanted to embrace her, and stroke her hair -- something that tended to relax not only Kiran, but himself. He just wanted to know that she was safe and alive.
“Al...fonse…?” The prince whipped his head around when he heard his name being called, albeit by a weak and croaking voice. Sharena also heard, her ponytail flung violently as she turned her head.
“What was that?”
“Help…” It was a meek and trembling voice, and it sounded like they were in a devastating amount of pain. Quickly, Alfonse made his way to the source of the voice, spotting something -- or someone, rather -- rustling in the bushes.
The prince cautiously approached the bush, his sister following mere steps beside him. As they approached the bush, they spotted the familiar white and gold markings of their tactician’s coat. Immediately, Sharena’s serious expression turned into a joyous one upon seeing Kiran.
“Kiran!! Thank goodness we found you!” Her cheerful demeanor returning rather quickly as she approached her dear ally. However, when she received no response from her friend, the princess’ new smile fell quickly. “...Kiran?”
Alfonse cautiously took a step forward, inspecting Kiran and her odd behavior. Why was she hunched over? It would be much easier to spot her if she was standing. As his feet carried him closer to the summoner, he had realized that his worst fears were becoming a reality.
He spotted the sickening crimson staining the other side of her coat, and a good amount of it dripping onto the soil beneath her. The summoner was trembling, and her eyes were dazed, as if they had difficulty concentrating on her surroundings. Her eyes were filled with tears that fell almost as quickly as the blood from her cloak. However, what caused the prince to almost gag on sight was the arrow. The arrow, that was the cause of her rapid bleeding, was protruding from her side. An archer had landed a direct hit on Kiran, and it looked fatal.
The summoner could not respond as the shock from the injury caused her mouth to clamp shut. Her trembling body only worsened the pain, as it agitated the arrow inside. Her hands were currently applying pressure to the wound, but it seemed futile as blood still freely oozed through her fingers, and that only terrified the summoner. She was never used to seeing this much blood coming out of her body. All tactical thoughts were replaced with the desperate need to make the pain go away. To feel better.
“He...lp…” Her voice was weak, barely audible to the Askran siblings.
Alfonse could feel the bile rising in his throat, as he had never wanted to see such an image in his entire life. He had killed soldiers before, and although this gave him an unsettled mindset, he had no connection to them. But this. This was Kiran. His beloved Kiran. Witnessing her on the verge of death made him absolutely sick.
“Alfonse!” Sharena called, snapping the prince out of his dreadful thoughts. “We need to get her to a healer! Quick!”
“O-Of course!” The Askran prince blinked, forcing himself to move closer to Kiran. He gingerly snaked his arm under her legs and back in order to hoist her up. However, the sudden movement caused the arrow to jostle violently from its place, and Kiran let out a painful cry. She gripped Alfonse’s scarf, staining the white piece of clothing with her blood. Alfonse swallowed hard to keep the bile from building up.
The prince’s heart shattered as he could only helplessly offer some useless words for reassurance. “F-Forgive me, Kiran. I know it hurts, but it will be all better….” At this point, he didn’t know whether that was for Kiran, or himself. He held the trembling tactician close to his chest as he and Sharena headed back to the fort.
As he carried her closer and closer to the fort, Alfonse could hear the small whimpers escaping Kiran’s mouth as she sobbed through the pain. Her hand still gripped his scarf, and the prince could have sworn that he smelled her blood.
“Al…” Kiran mumbled, her incoherent state making her speak. “I don’t… want to die…” She sobbed, tears falling even moreso now. “I don’t…”
Her meek, vulnerable voice tore Alfonse’s heart, and he blinked feverently in an attempt to block the tears threatening to spill.
“Y-You won’t…” His fear caused his voice to shake. Alfonse could see the fire from one of the mages. Princess Anthiese. He was so close. “You won’t die here. I won’t let it happen.”
“Lady Celica!!” Sharena frantically waved her arms in order to catch the royal’s attention. “Lady Celica! Light a flare!”
The Zofian princess, quickly understanding the gravity of the situation, raised her arm up and fired a simple fire spell. In a quick moment, the army started to group together, curious as to why she sent the signal.
“Kiran has been injured!” Alfonse spoke, not wanting to waste time. “We need a healer, now!”
With not a moment to lose, clerics such as Lissa and Maria flocked Alfonse, preparing their staffs.
“Oh this won’t work!” Lissa whined. “We need to remove the arrow! Let’s get her to the healing tent!”
“Prince Alfonse, will you assist us?” One of the clerics, Priscilla, asked as she hoisted up her mount. “I can take you both on my horse.”
The prince wasted no time in pulling himself up on top of the horse. His actions sufficing as a reply.
Alfonse had prepared himself to hear Kiran protest in some way -- all this movement must have upset her, but she was silent. She was silent… Alfonse’s blood ran cold when he looked down and checked on the summoner. Her eyes were close, and her breathing was shallow. Her ghostly pale face frightened him as it eerily glimmered under the moonlight.
“Kiran? Kiran!” He yelled, gently tapping her cheek in an attempt to force a reaction from her. “Kiran!!” His arms trembled as he felt a numbness take him over, his grip on Kiran loosening. He stared at the tactician, tired and distressed eyes scanning for any type of movement.
His chest tightened as he could only see the shallow breaths that struggled to push. Alfonse lowered his head, his worst fears finally consuming his mind. Kiran was dying.
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Was Jesus a Mythical Figure Based on Odin? Um, NO, and Here is Why:
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Odin, aka Othin, aka All-Father (among many other names) was the King of the Norse gods. He was the god of the sky, his eyes symbolic of the sun and the moon (the latter willingly sacrificed). Though he often traveled and took human form, his spiritual essence was omnipresent, filling all of creation. Armed with Grungir, a magic spear that never failed to hit its target, He would ride across the sky on the back of Sleipnir, an eight-legged flying horse. Odin’s thirst for wisdom was legendary, having sacrificed an eye and even his own life in order to attain more of it. From morning to night his raven spies, Muninn (Memory) and Huginn (thought) would fly around earth, later whispering to Odin what they had witnessed. Though highly intelligence, his knowledge came with a price, for Odin knew of Ragnarok, the end times battle where both the gods and the Einherjar (souls of those who died in battle) would fight an army of monsters and damned souls led by Loki, god of fire. The gods would fall, the cosmic tree Yggdrasil would burn, and Odin would be swallowed by the giant wolf Fenrir. However, his knowledge gave him comfort as well, knowing that a new, perfect age would arise afterwards.
Odin is a perplexing character of world myth, a heroic trickster bound by fate. But was he more than this? Was he, as some Jesus Mythicists believe, the inspiration for Jesus Christ?
Let’s tear apart this hopeless boneheaded idea.
1. Creator God?
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After Odin and his brothers Vili and Vey slay the frost giant Ymir, they made the world out of his body. They made plants, animals, and the first humans.
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 Ask, the first man, was made out of an ash tree, while Embla, the first woman, was made out of an elm tree or vine. Odin in particular gave them souls.
Jesus is likewise creator (John 1:1-3). Indeed, when he is called “Word” in a passage that talks about him creating all things (lbid), it harkens back to Genesis 1 where God creates…by speaking things into existence.
In this sense, both Jesus and Odin are creator gods, though while Odin created only some things, Jesus created ALL things.
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Does the fact that both were creator gods prove that Jesus was a mythical figure based on Odin?
Keep reading…
2.Born of a Virgin?
No. His parents, the god Bor or Borr and the frost giantess Bestla, had (drum roll) Sex!
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Now, Bor himself seems to have been the product of a virgin birth, albeit a strange one. Buri, his father, was the first god, one whom Audhumla, the primordial cow, freed from primordial ice by licking it around him. 
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Right after being freed, Buri had seemingly given “birth” to Bor. This is quite similar to the birth of the frost giant Bergelmir, who was born by the six-headed frost giant Thrudgelmir. Thrudgelmir himself emerged from the feet of Ymir, the first frost giant.
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 More emerged from Ymir’s armpit sweat. Thrudgelmir, Bergelmir and Bor were all born by a male frost giant or god, and none of their parents had sex beforehand (they had only recently been created when they gave birth). Given the latter fact, these three births would technically qualify as virgin births. However, though Ymir is considered the mother as well as father of the frost giants, the giants who were formed out of his sweat were not born, but created. Indeed, their creation is similar to Eve’s, who was created out of Adam’s rib. In neither case is a virgin birth involved. They are created, not born. Still, as Thrudgelmir Bergelmir and Bor show us, the concept of a virgin birth was not unknown to the Norse. However, its hard to imagine a connection between these tales and that of the virgin Mary.
3. Incarnate god?
No, Odin was never a god incarnate in human flesh.
 4. Son of god?
He was the son of the god Bor. Jesus was called Son of God for two reasons; his conception came about by the power of both God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, not a man (Luke 1:34-35), and he was also God the Son, one of three persons within the Trinity. Long before he was born, he was God (John 1:1-3, 8:58).
5. Trinity?
No, Odin was not a person within a divine trinity. His statue, along with one of Thor and another of Freyr, were supposedly in the Temple of Uppsala, but this doesn’t mean that they were members of a trinity; it just simply means that the temple had the statue of three gods. Besides, it’s not known for a fact that such statues were inside the temple.  
6. Star proclaimed his birth?
 7. Wise men?
 8. Survived a king’s purge shortly after he was born?
 9. Taught in the temple as a boy?
10. Baptized?
 11. Tempted by the Devil?
No, Loki, the Norse equivalent of the Devil, didn’t tempt Odin, let alone in a wilderness.
 12. Miracle worker?
All gods were, big deal.
 13. Turned water into wine?
 14. Multiplied bread and fish?
 15. Walked on water?
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16. Healed the sick?
Among other things, Odin was the god of healing, although he is not shown healing others in the manner that Christ did in the Gospels. He did keep Mimir’s head from rotting and thus “heals” him (see below), but this isn’t really much like Jesus’ healing miracles.  
17. Raised the dead?
After Mimir, one of the Aesir gods (which Odin ruled) was decapitated by the Vanir, another race of gods, Odin used herbs to keep it from rotting and magic to enable it to speak. Thus, Odin “resurrected” Mimir.
Jesus would have called that a half-butt job (Matthew 19:23-26, Luke 7:11-17, John 11:1-44).
 18. Cast out Demons?
19. Betrayed? For thirty pieces of silver?
Odin was betrayed, but not for 30 pieces of silver. His son Balder had been made all but invincible, which ticked Loki off. After some investigating, Loki learned of Balder’s Achilles’ heel: Mistletoe. Only it could harm Balder, the god of light. Loki therefore tricked Hodr, the blind god of darkness, into throwing some at Balder. Balder fell, dead as a doornail. Considering that Loki was a fellow god, this was a serious  betrayal. However, betrayal is too broad a category for one to conclude that Odin’s myth gave rise to the story of Christ. After all, how many people have been betrayed? How many gods and heroes in world religions have been betrayed? If I get betrayed by someone, would that mean that I am a fictional character based on Jesus or Odin?
20. Crucified?
No, he was hung on the cosmic tree Yggdrasil for nine days.
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 True, the Bible sometimes states that Jesus was “hung” on a cross (Acts 5:30, Acts 10:39), and metaphorically calls the cross a “tree” (Acts 10:39, 13:29, 1 Peter 2:24), these are just figures of speech, not meant to be taken literally. Now, it’s true that the myth of Odin hanging on a tree predates the New Testament. Nevertheless, the myth has nothing to do with crucifixion and everything to do with sacrificial hangings. You see, sometimes the Norse would sacrifice a person by hanging them from a gallows tree. Being hanged in this way ensured that one would go to Valhalla. This is what the Vikings had in mind when they told the story of Odin hanging 9 days on the cosmic tree Yggdrasil.
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Question: why would 1rst century Jews base a hypothetical fictional Christ’s crucifixion on the Norse myth of Odin hanging from a tree (and the Norse practice of sacrificial hanging)…instead of crucifixion, which they would have been at the very least FAR more familiar with?
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Now, there are other similarities between the death of Odin and that of Christ, including being stabbed with a spear (Jesus was pierced by a Roman soldier’s spear after he died (John 19:34), while Odin stabbed himself with Grungir), being offered an alcoholic beverage (Jesus was offered sour wine in a sponge (Matthew 27:48, Mark 15:36, Luke 23:36, John 19:28-30) while Odin was offered Mead) and yelling before their demise. Combined with both “hanging” from a tall wooden object…their deaths seem to be quite similar…
Does this mean that the story of Christ’s crucifixion was inspired by the myth of Odin hanging on a tree?
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Keep reading…
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 21. Died willingly?
Yes. Though Jesus asked God to have him avoid crucifixion if it was possible, nevertheless he said “…not my will, but yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42). Just like a soldier who doesn’t want to die, but dies willingly to protect his country, Jesus doesn’t want to die, but dies willingly to save mankind. Odin likewise dies willingly, but does so in order to gain wisdom, not save humanity.
 22. Resurrected?
Yes, Odin did resurrect after hanging on Yggdrasil for 9 days. Unlike most supposed pagan candidates that Jesus Mythycists harp about, Odin at least resurrected himself. 
A victory for Mythicists?
Um, nope.
Keep reading… 
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23. Rides a flying horse?
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Odin rides the flying 8-legged horse Sleipnir. Sleipnir was born of a fling between Loki (while in the form of a mare) and the stallion Svadilfari.
A male god…taking the form of a mare…sleeping with a stallion.
I’ll give you a moment to process…that.
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Jesus is depicted as riding a white horse which flies to the earth in Revelation 19:11-16 (compare with Revelation 1:9-18). Before we read too much into this, let’s remember that the Book of Revelation is rich in symbolism, being in the genre of apocalyptic. Its symbols are not meant to be taken literally. Nevertheless, its not impossible that Jesus will ride on a horse when he comes to fight at the Battle of Armageddon. Perhaps the horse is specially created for this, or perhaps it’s the soul of a horse that has died (Despite both Christian and Jewish doctrine, the Bible doesn’t teach that animals don’t have souls. Indeed, it implies that they do (see Ecclesiastes 3:18-21).
Is this proof that Jesus was a mythical figure borrowed from Odin?
Keep reading…
 24. Leads an army in an end times battle against the forces of evil?
In Norse mythology, Odin, while riding on Sleipnir, will one day lead an army of gods and Einherhar against Loki and an army of monsters and damned souls at the battle of Ragnarok.
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Likewise, Jesus, while riding a white horse, will lead heaven’s armies (who are also riding white horses) against the forces of the Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21).
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Sounds similar?
Yes…but there are differences as well, the most important being…
…That Jesus wins his end times battle.
The gods are nearly exterminated at Ragnarok. Odin himself meets a heroic end when he faces the giant wolf Fenrir (aka Fenris), another child of Loki. Fenris is said to be so large that when he opens his horrendous mouth, his upper jaw touches the heavens, while the lower jaw touches the earth. Despite Odin’s vast powers and his mighty spear, he is swallowed by the colossal wolf.
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 At the end of the battle, the fire giant Surt sets all creation on fire with his magic sword, bringing about the apocalypse. This latter aspect is strikingly similar to 2 Peter 3:1-13, which describes how the earth will on day be destroyed by fire and great heat. 
Makes you wonder where the Vikings got that idea from…
Jesus, however, wins the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:11-21).
Nevertheless, does the fact that both lead an army in an end times battle against the forces of evil... prove that Jesus was a mythical figure based on Odin?
Keep reading…
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25. A New Age after his battle?
Yes. While Ragnarok is followed by the creation of a new world, the Battle of Armageddon is followed by the Millennial Reign, when Christ will reign on earth for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-4). After this (and another end times battle), a New Heavens and a New Earth are made (Revelation 21).
However, while Jesus will reign in both the Millennial kingdom and the New Earth, Odin will neither resurrect nor be resurrected to enjoy the new earth in Norse mythology.
So, Odin does have some interesting parallels with Christ, right? I mean, they share at least nine similarities (not all of them good ones), so there must be a connection, right?
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As I mentioned in my previous articles on Thor and Balder, the Norse Myths were first put into print by Norse Christians in the so-called Dark Ages. Before then, the pagan Vikings had long been acquainted with Christians and Christianity. Plus, the New Testament was written in the first century AD, a few centuries before the Dark Ages started and around a thousand years before the Norse were known to put their myths to paper. 
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I also noted how Christian missionaries would take elements of Norse Myth and combine them with the biblical tale of creation, which helped in their missionary efforts. the Vikings themselves likewise borrowed aspects of Christianity and put it into their own faith. Indeed, Jesus was considered by the Vikings as another god to worship, alongside Odin, Thor and other homegrown favorites. 
Now, to be fair, the only similarity between Jesus and Odin that seemingly wasn’t inspired by Christianity was the latter’s hanging on the cosmic tree Yggdrasil. This is because the myth predates Christianity (though not all scholars agree). Indeed, even the part where he is stabbed with a spear while hanging is possibly older than the New Testament (Odin was a spear god). However, not only is the latter idea not known for sure, but scholars note that the story, even if it is older than Christianity, was influenced by the story of Christ’s crucifixion. Even if it was originally as similar to Christ’s crucifixion as it seems in the originally written sources, this doesn’t prove that Jesus was a mythical figure based on Odin, any more than the similarities between the Titanic and the novella “Futility/Wreck of the Titan” by Morgan Robertson proves that the former was a fictional ship based on the latter (which was written 14 years before the Titanic disaster occurred), or the similarities between the sinking of the Mignonette and the novel “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket” proves that the former was a fictional story based on the latter (which  was written 46 years before the Mignonette sank). True, one could simply invoke pure coincidence between the story of Christ and that of Odin without also invoking Jesus Mythicist stupidity, though as we’ve seen, scholars note that Christianity influenced Norse Mythology. 
Thus, Jesus wasn’t based on Odin.
Jesus isn’t mythology.
Jesus is reality.
Jesus is Lord and Savior.  
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“The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology” by Arthur Cotterell and Rachel Storm, 186-87, 190-91, 199, 210, 216-17, 220, 228, 246-248, 252-53 
“The Prose Edda” by Snorri Sturluson (Translated with introduction by Jesse L. Byock, ix-xiv, 11-18, 24-25, 30-32, 46-48, 50-52, 65-75, 116, 119-22
“The Poetic Edda” Translated by Lee M. Hollander, ix-x, 36-37 
“Myths of the Norsemen: From the Eddas and Sagas” by H.A. Guerber, 3-7, 16-18, 22-26, 30-34, 329-37 
“The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World” Documentary series by Professor Robert Garland, episode 38 (”Being a Viking Raider).
“The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World: Course Guidebook” by Professor Robert Garland, 262
“The Story of Christianity: 2000 Years of Faith” by Michael Collins and Matthew A. Price, 28-29
“In the Footsteps of Jesus: A Chronicle of His Life and the Origins of Christianity” by Jean-Pierre Isbouts, 263-67
“The Portable Seminary: A Master’s Level Overview in One Volume” by David Horton (General Editor), 281
“Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary: Completely Revised, Updated and Expanded” by Chad Brand, Charles Draper and Archie England (General editors), 79-81
“Zondervan’s Pictorial Bible Dictionary” by Merrill C. Tenney, General Editor, 49-50
“Encyclopedia of the Gods: Over 2,500 Deities of the World” by Michael Jordan, 196-97
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