#I only have abnormal super strenght
themilosquid · 1 year
Thank you cole for making me obsessed enough to daydream a full plot for half an hour without any kind of stimuli other than my own creative juices
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onecoloraway · 6 years
"But did you see that?" super creepy Ma che cazzo di posto è? edition with 4.4 Halloween
On today's episode I'll only be looking at about one minute and 20 seconds of the whole clip, specifically from the moment Marti and Nico enter the abandoned building through the raised gate right until they climb the stairs to the pool. Why?
First of all, because you'll find plenty of good meta about the rest of the clip in the tag (one of my favourites is the one from Anne @skamitanne and second, because I appreciate Besse's artistic ass talent and the mini horror-film sequence he created here.
Until they reach the pool upstairs we basically have Marti following Nico who looks kind of scary in the dark, if I may say so. Very charming and attractive, but also quite qoth-like.
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I like to think every line Besse decided to include is there for a reason and the characters are not just throwing around empty lines as fillers until the scene gets to the highly awaited moment. So I'll mention some of these from this short scene.
Nico asks Marti "non hai sempre voluto un terzo braccio mutante?" (Haven't you always wanted a third mutant arm?) - which ok, it might be a stretch, but to me sounds like him alluding to his condition. Many of the heroes in modern fiction are mutants of some sort: they are born with/acquire a condition or special ability that seems abnormal to the outside world, but ultimately becomes their strenght, their superpower - it's portrayed as a gift. Nico can't reveal himself yet, but I find it interesting that he throws this idea so casually at Marti maybe just to playfully check his reaction. And it is positive!
The sequence where Marti is looking for Nico in his white cloak reminds me of Mina looking for her friend Lucy in the 1992 Dracula movie only to find her being taken by the creature count Dracula transformed into.
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Marti says he's about to shit his pants and if that's not a clue that this is indeed a mini horror movie, I don't know what is.
The bit where Nico warns Marti not to step into the acid is always one of my favourites just because of how FAST Marti reacts to it and asks Che acido? He replies so quickly, they honestly sound like a married couple who by now know how to react to literally everything the other has to say. I love them!
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I was wondering why Bessegato would put a line with acid in there (it might be that there were these cans turned over and they improvised it, but let me have this, ok?) so I looked into it and some of the vampire stories I came across mention them burning their victims' bodies in acid after they were done with them. :O ok.
Marti even says this all looks like a horror film and the next two shots are my favourites because they are tropes specific to gothic cinema and have their own meaning.
Marti following Nico without knowing much about his intentions is very similar to a scene that has been redone is almost every Dracula movie version.
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Then come the stairs, one of the most iconic symbols that signify the vampire's power over it's 'victim', his sexual desires and also the point of no return.
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Marti ascends these steps with Nico, follows him into the unknown because he's attracted to the mystery of it. He doesn't even care where Nico is taking him, what they'll be doing, as long as they're together. The suspence is almost addictive, it's seductive and exciting.
At this point in the story we are still not fully aware about Nico's intentions. At least that's what their costumes want to allude to. We know from their almost kiss that they are both definitely interested in one another, but we, like Marti, are unsure how it will work out, what he's all about. He's still with his girlfriend, but is willing to ditch her with Marti - who goes in head first and is willing to take a risk, find out who this guy is.
But as soon as they reach the upper level by the pool and their costumes come off, you realise this isn't the story of a predator and it's prey. Nico is not the mysterious, ambiguous, charming seducer and Marti is certainly not the innocent victim of his charm. They are both equal in this, they both want the same thing, they're both gone for one another. Two idiot goofballs. Their dynamic is irresistible. Nico is his no chill, quirky mess and Marti is an especially loud version of himself, barely able to control his excitement about what's happening.
I realise the point of this post is not very obvious. It might just be me trying to show another of Ludo Besse's genius attempts at a cinematic parallel in the masterpiece of his short Halloween clip.
You are welcome - as always - to add some of your favourite lines and scenes from the clip.
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