#I only have access to the english dub so IDK about the japanese version
why-its-kai · 2 years
so apparently hulu has an english dub transcription closed caption track for Trigun 1998 i was literally about to just drop the project for a moment when i found out but my friends urge me to keep going and then i was like wait. of course i didn't know it existed bc it is basically locked behind a paywall. my home media release of trigun has no english dub closed caption track, i was even checking older vhs copies for sale on ebay and they had no [cc] symbols on the package (i only guessed maybe that version would have cc data bc i know it aired on adult swim/us television but i reallly don't know how to go back in time and see if those airings even had closed captioning and if they did, if it was the actual dub transcript or just the japanese dialogue translation. but i hypothesized they would be more likely to contain the cc datatrack in the video if it did exist. idk). also apparently hulu's aren't like. fully correct, like mistranslations of some of the universe's units of measurements apparently. i'm not subscribing to hulu again just to check but friends with the service have offered to check things for me which is very cool of them they are all so nice and helpful to me even tho i get apeshit weird sometimes hahaa.......... so yea at this point i'm continuing the project out of spite i guess bc i hate streaming services with a passion and i hate their lackluster subtitling work and i hate accessibility locked behind paywalls. definitely not gonna be done any time soon but i'm gonna keep chipping away at it i guess since these days if you want something done right u gotta do it yourself lmao
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yugioh-why-not · 2 years
This is just a villain Yami Bakura appreciation post.
I just mean its not that I don’t think the others in the DM series did great, just out of all of them, Bakura actually put a lot of effort into his final plan, like everything up to that point was mostly him planning and mucking around cause he could. But like Pegasus is rich. He just owns that Island and he made duel monsters. Malik just mind controlled an army to do his bidding then also had his siblings, if we count Dartz, Noah and Zigfried, Dartz had a green stone IDK I feel like everyone kinda just screwed themselves over for Dartz, Noah he just wanted ‘brotherly love’ (I know that wasn’t exactly it but thats how I’m choosing to sum it up for this post) not a real real villain in my opinion and Zigfried mostly just a hacker. He used his brother to do that too. (BTW I know they all put lots of effort in their plots and stuff but this isn’t about them. This is about Bakura). But Bakura who (honestly I probably just playing favouritism toward but who cares) Actually bothered to sit down and make an entire model for his end game. I don’t think you could buy all the pieces for his diorama cause I feel like with the meaning behind it all he wants it to be perfect. So it was just Thief, Zorc (or a fusion of them as yami bakura, or maybe all three. Poor Ryou. Not that I think Ryou minds) and Ryou sharing a body to make this thing just for one game. All the late nights, trips to the store for materials, trying to work on things in the apartment then take them to the museum (I think they had the diorama in the museum basement or something?), repainting things because they the leaves were not that shade of green and honestly Bakura can’t remember properly so they painted then five times already and they paints getting too thick they just had to restart all the greenery. Etc. 
But I feel like Bakura deserves a little credit. He wanted to do this thing and he set out and it took 5 seasons // IDK how many manga volumes to finally get ready for the final battle, but he did it. He could of just been like fine everyone else is obsessed with card games, we’ll play cards. But no, he was like!!! RPG’s for the win! He wanted to do this right after waiting 5000 years to get revenge. 
Long story short. Bakura put a lot of time and effort into the diorama for the final battle and he should get more appreciation for all the work and effort him and Ryou put into it. ((I’ll be honest Zorc was most likely just thinking how he could Stitch destroy this fake city so I doubt if he was a seperate entity in their minds, he wouldn’t have contributed much.)) but yup. I feel like appreciating Bakura right now, give all three of them appreciation. It’s always a good time to appreciate these three <3
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kudamono94 · 2 years
Mind you, I was only recently able to get into Doraemon in college while studying as a Japanese minor, but not a day goes by that I don’t think about how much I wish I could sit down and watch more than a handful of episodes of the franchise with GOOD English subs (fan or official, although I have a preference for the former) :(
Let alone in good quality...or completely intact...
Sure there are sites like 9anime or GoGoAnime that have a few here or there you can watch, but these episodes are not only poorly catalogued in terms of canon chronology and season, but often are missing several episodes to the point where I’m glad Doraemon’s not heavy on continuity because I sometimes have absolutely no idea what’s going on while trying to watch what little content I have access to...
Idk, if I had the time and better Japanese skills (I struggle a lot with Kanji and have what could be considered basic writing and communication skills), I would sit down and fan sub the episodes I can’t find subs for myself since it’s easy to find the clean Japanese versions on sites like Nico Nico or YouTube.  However, until then I suppose I will just have to make do with what little I can find...
On that note though, I really hope one day this will change so that I (as well as others) can finally watch this series the way it was meant to be with proper subs, especially the 2005 series which I think I like the most in the franchise if only because it’s the one that has the most episodes that I have seen!  Thank goodness the movies on the other hand are a different story, especially the ones from the 2000s...
Idk, after hearing the announcement about Doraemon getting a new movie soon, I guess this is just wishful thinking that I could buy the 2005 episodes on DVD or smth so I could watch them without having to worry about my computer getting a virus/trying to sit and figure out what the characters are saying because the subs aren’t helping me :(  But then again, I suppose this all comes down to just how popular Doraemon is in the English speaking market as well as it being seen as generally a kids/family franchise?  I know there’s a Disney XD English Dub I remember watching back in middle school or smth, but that dub compared to the actual source material is like night and day, so I can’t even watch the dub because it’s not even a shadow of the original due to how different the 2 are... 
Additionally, I remember reading something a long time ago saying how kids anime outside of super popular stuff like Pokemon is usually harder to find good subs of compared to the easy to find dubs (if there are dubs of the show you are interested in anyway) due to the demographic being not profitable or smth like that as well, but I could be wrong about this?  Oh well, just another day of liking what is considered an obscure show in my country I guess...
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ochazukeland · 5 years
Pocket Monsters EP 105: Yuzu Gym! Type Battle - 3 vs 3!
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First of all, pardon for the wonky subs, this is the first time I am trying to do this.  Merry Christmas, everyone!
I have the Amazon Prime JP account so I made my translation of Trovita Gym challenge’s episode based on that content. It includes the episode with both OP and EP, as well the “Who’s that pokemon?” segment and the next episode preview.
Download link, translation notes and comments about this particular episode below the cut:
So... I'm not really allowed to tell you where to get that specific Japanese video without having access to Amazon Japan, but if you google… idk, something like [RAW] Pokemon 7 TV series, on a website that sounds like a cat meowing… who knows what you might find there?
DOWNLOAD LINK (.ass format): https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0tsc7k504c1hol/%5BRAW%5D%20Pokemon%20-%20105%20%5B480p%5D.ass?dl=0
How to watch this: download the zip, save both the video and the .ass subtitle file in the same folder, keeping the same name in both files (for instance, ep2015.mkv and ep2015.ass), open VLC and have fun.
Translation Notes:
Kept the original names in this sub - Satoshi/Ash, Kasumi/Misty, Kenji/Tracey, Ookido/Oak, Musashi/Jessie, Kojirō/James, Nyarth/Meowth.
Rudy is named Ziggy - his sister Mahri is called Marie in the Japanese version. His home island Trovita is called Yuzu and his Shell Spike Badge is known as Triumphant Star Turban (Rinbō) Badge in Japanese.
Pikachu is Pikachu, Togepi is Togepi… Starmie is also Starmie in Japanese.
Meowth is Nyarth, Bulbasaur/Fushigidane, Squirtle/Zenigame, Charizard/Lizardon, Seel/Pawou, Staryu/Hitodeman, Electabuzz/Eleboo, Exeggcutor/Nassy. I kept the official romanization when possible.
Move game-wise, I tried to keep the ENG names, except for dengeki which can be translated as “electric shock” and apparently adapted in English as “Thunder Jolt” (it’s different from “Thunder shock”, denki shock, Pikachu’s signature move).
I don’t like translating oniichan/oneechan to “big bro/sis” but it’s kinda important aspect of Marie’s part in the episode (how much she wanted a sister, what a nice family the three of them could be together, Marie, Kasumi-oneechan and oniichan), so… yeah, I know many of you are not familiar with common Japanese/anime terms so I kept as that. At least these sound better than “older brother”/“older sister”…
Oh, Rudy’s famous lines to Ash at the end of the episode: サトシ、カスミさんを大事にしろよ。Please don’t complain about shipping goggles because “Satoshi, take good care of Kasumi-san” is the most neutral route - daiji ni suru could go either for “take care” to “treasure/cherish/regard Kasumi as someone very important”, alright.
Other random notes:
Ash is such a mega brat in this episode, I love the current merry nice kid from SM/PM seasons but I miss this damn loud-mouthed version lol.
Rudy is overall much nicer than the dub version. Okay, besides the fact he pretty much called Ash an “uncultured swine” lol, he was quite polite. Compared to my impression of years ago, rewatching this episode made me feel quite bad for him and his sister? (I like the conclusion from Dengeki Pikachu manga, Rudy literally becomes an older sister for Mahri…)
Random trivia, Rudy calls himself “The South Star of Southern Cross (constellation)”. It’s only mentioned once by the end of the episode, but lol oh well.
You may say that Ash was completely oblivious to the whole proposal dilemma during the episode (he was lol) but this is one of the episodes that makes Pokeshipping canon at least by Misty’s side. 
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