#I previously had a pair of on ear Marshall headphones (not Bluetooth)
boneless-mika · 1 year
Okay, Bluetooth headphone fans. Please help me pick out a new pair of headphones. I’m currently using the Bose 700 (idk the exact name) but they’ve started acting weird so what I want is
The sturdiest pair of headphones you know about, like I could have my head slammed by a horse’s head while wearing them and they’ll be fine (doesn’t have to be completely physically undamaged, just still functioning)
Last for years. At least 5 years of use before they start fucking falling apart (I had to replace the cushions on my current ones after a year and that doesn’t feel good when you spent over 200 euro on them)
As long battery time as possible. Like at least 15 hours because I often wear headphones all day
Preferably the same audio quality as my current ones or higher, though this is my lowest priority
I know this is a lot but I’ve listed it in approximately my priority order so if you have Bluetooth headphones you love please let me know the details
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