#I put the past/memory stuff in indentations so it’s separated better from the present stuff
purplesimmer455 · 1 year
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Megan arrived in Newcrest for a date with Tess later that afternoon. She wore a cute crochet floral set she’d bought at Simsa (it’s by @trillyke and really cute and I got it cause I was like dang, this is definitely Megan’s style 🥰😊) and felt like she looked and felt good. She was just passing by a bench on the way to Shimuzu when she saw a familiar face.
Megan: Is! Hey, what are you doing here?
Iseul: (doing a double take at Megan’s outfit before smiling) Hey Megs. I was on a date with a woman at Hogan’s Burger Bar and decided to take a walk after.
Megan: That’s great, Is, I'm so happy for you. (Grinning) So, is she cute?
Iseul: (smiling) Yeah. Her name’s Grace, and she’s working as a scientist at Simerican Laboratories and she’s very cute as well as smart and funny. (Megan nods). What are you doing here dressed all fancy?
Megan: Tess asked me out on a date at Shimuzu, so I decided to dress up in this outfit and meet her there.
Iseul: (adding before she can stop herself) Well you look great and Tess is very lucky (correcting herself quickly as Megan blushes) I mean lucky to get a reservation so last minute. Shimuzu gets booked fast.
Megan: Thanks, and yeah, it does get booked quickly so we’re lucky. (There’s a mildly awkward silence and Megan smiles at Iseul). I should go, I don’t want Tess to have to wait too long, but I’ll see you around Is.
Iseul: Yeah, see you Megs. (Megan hugs her at the last minute, and Iseul hugs Megan back before they say bye and Iseul walks off, hoping her face isn’t as red as it feels).
Iseul felt guilty because she told Tess she was trying not to moon-eye her wife and she was even becoming friends with her and Megan, but seeing Megan in this outfit made her heart feel like it would beat right out of her chest, and reminded her of back when they were 18, dating, and at a 70s themed party in college:
Megan had worn a floral jumpsuit that made Iseul feel like she was going to melt, and Iseul dressed up as the frontwoman from her favorite 70s punk rock band which made Megan melt when she saw her. Iseul wanted to skip the party and just take Megan back to her dorm room but Megan really wanted to go and have a few drinks and dance so Iseul went with her. They had started seeing each other two weeks before the party happened, and they decided to just keep it to woohooing and dates and nothing serious. Megan had asked Iseul if she could help her make her ex Amira jealous. “I hope you don’t mind, Is. I mean I know we’re not actually together.” Megan had said. Iseul usually wouldn’t mind. She'd had so many just casual relationships with women and just woohoo had worked fine, but this time she felt like a shard of ice was piercing her heart. “No, you’re right, we’re just woohoo partners and that works so why ruin a good thing, right? It’s not like this means anything.” Iseul had said casually, forcing a smile. Megan’s eyes had darkened but she said in the same casual tone. “Yeah.” She kissed Iseul before leading her out to the dance floor.
They had danced together to some songs, and Is laughed as Megan showed off her disco dance moves. Then Megan made sure Amira could see her and Iseul sitting together on the couch before shifting closer, moving onto Iseul's lap which Iseul definitely didn’t mind, and kissing her as Iseul put her arms around Megan’s waist to hold her. “Come on, kiss me like how you kissed me that night we met at Rani’s party, up against the pool table.” Megan said, grinning. “You mean when you asked me to show you how to play pool even though you knew how.” Iseul teased. “Shut up. I thought you were really hot and I just wanted an excuse to have you put your arms around me, okay?” Megan said, blushing. “I know, I definitely didn’t mind.” Iseul said, grinning mischievously as she looked into Megan’s eyes and kissed her again. Megan had forgot all about making Amira jealous, and just kissed Iseul back. They broke apart and Megan blushed as she gazed into Iseul's warm dark brown almost black eyes. "By the way, Is." Megan said breathlessly. "You look beautiful. Or handsome, well both." She rambled, and Iseul blushed as Megan caressed her cheek. "Thanks Megs." Iseul said, smiling. 'You look beautiful too." Iseul's heart beat faster as Megan's brown eyes sparkled and they looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. I can't be in love with Megan Liao, Iseul told herself, but she felt herself starting to fall for her. They headed back out to the dance floor, and Megan danced with Iseul again. “What about Amira?” Iseul said into Megan’s ear as she moved close to her. “What? Oh.” Megan said, not really caring about that plan anymore. “Well, maybe if I do this…” Iseul said, and she pulled Megan close, kissing her passionately, her hands in Megan’s long hair and Megan’s hands running over Iseul’s back as Amira looked away from her date Daniel and glanced unhappily at the two of them just as Iseul moved her hand to Megan’s butt and Megan bit Iseul’s lip. Megan barely noticed Amira, and she smiled at Iseul. “You want to head back to my dorm?” She’d asked. “Yes.” Iseul had said, her eyes warm, and she and Megan walked out hand in hand, with Amira looking after them sullenly.
Tess is lucky to have Megs. Iseul thought wistfully as she walked away. And a part of her wondered what if she had told Megan she’d loved her back then, and would they be together now? Maybe Megan would always be her one that got away. She shook her head, she shouldn't think of Megan anymore, she knew it wouldn't do any good, but she couldn't get her off her mind.
Meanwhile, Megan arrived at the restaurant and Tess got up and kissed her cheek, making Megan smile. “I ran into Is on the way here.” Megan explained. Tess nodded. “She was on a date too and apparently it went well.” Megan said. “I’m glad for Is.” She said. “But back to our date…” Tess smiled, and led Megan to their table by the bar. "By the way, Mrs. Liao-Feldman, you look beautiful." She said, checking Megan out. "You too, Mrs. Liao-Feldman." Megan said, smiling.
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