#I realize most of my hcs for Anthony are me projecting
Since Lady Tremaine puts so much focus on Anthony’s appearance as a way to desperately cling to anything that resembles her former title and wealth, Anthony puts a lot of his worth in his appearance. Since Anastasia’s mentally checked out most of the time, little Anthony had to satisfy the need for love and affection all children have with his grandmother. Her “affection” is merely not being horrible, and she only shows it when Anthony is exactly what she wants him to be. Most of that centers around his appearance, although behavior’s also pretty big for her. This has two effects, with one of them being Anthony’s complete inability to handle emotions I’ve explained in two of my posts (one’s a while back). The other?
Most of Anthony’s self-worth is centered around his looks. Growing up, Lady Tremaine’s behavior taught him that if he’s not pretty enough he doesn’t deserve affection or love. Also, everywhere he goes, he’s always seen as “pretty” first, “person” last. And it’s an optional last too. Things go well for him when he looks good, things go horribly when he doesn’t (because of Lady Tremaine, mostly), so whenever he’s nervous Anthony will look in his compact mirror and fix his hair or his makeup. He’ll open and close the mirror compulsively to check he still looks perfect because when he doesn’t it never ends well. And when Anthony, for whatever reason, doesn’t look good?
He melts down, of course. Because no matter how many people tell you otherwise, when you’re raised to believe you’re nothing but a pretty face, that’s hard to let go of. To Anthony, his looks are the only thing about him that matters. When that’s gone, he has nothing. He is nothing. Now imagine a scenario where, in order to save people, Anthony has to ruin his own appearance. Perhaps even permanently…
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believexfanzine · 4 years
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Jade Fandiño of WALK ME HOME (San Pablo City, Laguna Philippines) 
June 2010/ Believe Fanzine Issue #1
Hey Jade! What’s up? To start, give us a short background on when and how the band started.
Hmm after Mellow Del Prado and Reagan In Action broke up (both are previous side projects before) around 2005, we decided to continue making music together but under a new and fresh concept. At first Walk Me Home is a power trio only with me handling the bass, Jhay on drums and Jeroze doing the vocals and guitars. But later on we realized of looking another guitar player to add up some crunchy-ness to our music. And that would be none other than Orville from local hardcore quintet Aurora. Our initial idea during the early years was to make music out of our favorite musical influences like Jimmy Eat World, Hum, Texas Is The Reason, The Jealous Sound, etc. and luckily we end up making our own songs too. 2 years later we released our 6 songs demo ep “embers” which receives lots of positive feedback from the local San Pablo music scene. Then, our drummer Jhay went to Italy for better career opportunities, that’s the time our band went to hiatus not until we finally convinced Sepoy from Aurora too (who played sessions with Reagan In Action also) to fill in to Jhay’s shoes. The change of drummer is indeniably a much better sounding and made the band a much tighter unit. Then only last year 2009, we again recorded four new songs which end up in “probably not your thing” 4 song demo ep which again received favorable feedbacks from the local scene… So basically that’s how we started out as a band…
Why was the band named Walk Me Home?
We played our first show with Typecast under a different name Roller Queen (a Jimmy Eat World song) but after making lots of thinking we decided to change it to Walk Me Home taken from a song of Jeroze’s previous band Regan In Action (“until december”). And apparently, is also a Mandy Moore song title haha.
Who wrote the lyrics? Who influences you guys the most?
As I’ve said earlier, our musical influences for WMH are basically early albums of Jimmy Eat World, Texas Is The Reason, Hey Mercedes, etc. That’s basically what inspires us to continue the band. Jeroze is our chief singer/songwriter and tell tales about break ups, sleeping habits and probably almost all about nothing. Actually most Jeroze’s songs in our first ep “embers” obviously came from his experiences from a bad break up with his girlfriend. Ask him about this now and I’m sure that he will deny it haha.
You recently put out your second EP “Probably Not Your Thing” and at the same time you had a reunion show with Village Idiots. How does it feel?
The recent cdep was also recorded in Monopond Studio under Ron Francisco’s (That Epic Reggae Set) recording and mixing expertise. He was known for helping indie albums of bands like Bad Omen, Teenage Hero, Hilera, etc. So we figured out, we are in safe hands knowing his resume. The four new songs of WMH was financially produced by our former drummer Jhay and it also features our new drummer Sepoy from our fellow 7 Lakes scene-mate Aurora. The “probably..” ep is the most memorable so far for the band because we have a song in it with a music video (“poor anthony”) which receives an airplay in MYX.
Well, about Village Idiots reunion show in the last Lakefest, well it’s no big deal for us. It just happen that our drummer was in town as well as Ebong and my band (Legarda and WMH) was also in the bill, so playing 4 songs again together was quick decision making for us. The hardest part only for that reunion is how to convince Topet, our bassist to play music again haha.
Any bands you guys love playing shows with? Or touring with? hehe..
Well obviously, we love shows like the recent Chillidogs ep launch in our hometown San Pablo City. It really feels good to play a show with all bands in the lineup are San Pablo-based. It’s like old times. I really love the reunion set of Fall Face First and Aurora, both bands were obviously and terribly missed by the local kids including me. Also I’m proud for our local street hc outfit Chillidogs who recently released their “new breed” 4 song cdep as well as Standout’s platinum 3 song cdep “for my brothers” haha. Also watch out for Towards The Ends’ new cdep and I think they will also appear in the upcoming Take Four hardcore compilation. Well, those bands were basically our fave bands to play shows with. And of course Legarda for obvious reasons haha.
What are you guys up to right now?
For WMH? Hmm we’re preparing and getting our mind set for Sepoy’s temporary leave for the band because he will also migrate in another country just like our first drummer Jhay who is in Italy right now tsk tsk tsk. So we’re taking advantage right now to play every shows we can to maximize Sepoy’s remaining days with the band.
I really like your music video “Poor Anthony”, How did you guys prepared for that? Is that song planned to have a video?
The said video was originally conceptualized by our good old friend Dyop Reyes who also did a music video for our old band Mellow Del Prado. And the guy who also played a big part in it was Dyop’s partner in video making Don Vergarra who is responsible for the post-production and editing of the video. We shot it in San Pablo during typhoon Ondoy haha. It’s basically a low budget and 100% D.I.Y. but end up much like made by professionals. Good thing we managed to asked major music channel MYX to get it on air to reward Dyop and Don’s thankless job in making the video for us.
What makes Mr. Jade Fandiño so punk rock?
Haha! Next question please… but one thing’s for sure, being punk or hardcore is definitely not a music based thing only. It’s beyond that. It’s the community and camaraderie in a scene and also the ethics of D.I.Y. under the radar of mainstream culture.
Your zine has been around for a decade now, can you give us a short story about how it started and how was it now?
Coffeemug is an indie music/personal oriented magazine which supports local/foreign bands and labels too. It is also my own vehicle in expressing my views, opinions, whines, rants in almost everything. It serves as my outlet and my chance to criticize and patronize local/foreign bands haha. I’m on my 9th issue this year and hopefully next year I could celebrate our 10 years with a show to launch the zine.
Trivia: the first issue was launched last 2001 the same time and year Mindrape (Ronald’s pre-The Beauty Of Doubt band) launced their debut album.
What can we expect from Walk Me Home in the near future?
Hopefully find a new drummer and record new set of songs. We’re planning to re-release our previous cdeps together with the new set songs in one pressed cd. We’re keeping our fingers crossed. Also we will be appearing in the homegrown section of PULP’s July issue. We’re pretty psyched about it.
Any tour, releases or merch? Feel free to plug anything.
Simply log in to www.myspace.com/walkmehomerocks for more news and gig sked. Hope we could update our myspace or facebook account more often. Tours? God how I wish we could afford to tour. But one show we are all excited about is the third annual Lakefest in San Pablo City.
Well that’s it. Thanks for the interview. Ask me anything, any message for the readers.
Thanks Rann for considering to feature me, WMH, my zine Coffemug  and a little bit of Village Idiots in your debut issue haha! Don’t stop believing! Good luck with your zine!
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