#I really do enjoy lord garm as a character
nonbinarykai · 1 year
garmadon is a bad person no matter which form he's in, so it doesn't matter whether resurrected Garmadon is him or not
When he's "good" again he embarasses Lloyd in front of the ninja and a class of kids, calls his son and friends fools behind their backs, continues lying about the Misako letter, chokes a teenage girl to threaten her elderly father, acts butthurt after his lies are discovered and divorce is imminent, chooses to die instead of face the consequences of his actions, lets himself be resurrected evil, and wooo after he comes back? He's an awful monster who attacks his young son, his brother (a baby), and his wife, and then expects to be forgiven because he "helped" a couple times (he was mostly useless in the Oni and Overlord fights)
the venom is an excuse. The Oni Masks are an excuse. The memory loss is an excuse. Everything he did was still his own choice, and he almost always chooses evil because that's who he is. There's a reason his name is Garmadon, his father picked up on his bad vibes even as a baby, who deserves everything that will happen to him
(What Garmadon haters sound like to me)
Hold on I need another minute to comprehend this /nm
While the poll wasn’t really about if garm should be held accountable by the fandom for his actions (he was a bad person either way, it’s just the severity of it that differences emp garm and lord garm imo). It does make me question to what extent is lord garm responsible for his actions? You mentioned that the great dev venom was an excuse. And while your clearly being satirical, I do wonder to what extent it really impacted him and made him evil. (Overlord bullshit not counted fuck that).
There is a interesting comic that goes into this issue, it’s titled “Destiny of doom” and I highly recommend people check it out.
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