#I really thought they would hug lol I am boboo the fool
trynatalktou · 3 years
Chayenzo prompt: flirty Luca and jealous Vincenzo 👀
Thankk uu
This was prompted to me more than a week ago but I was waiting for today's episode. We were robbed quite frankly.
Also for the sake of understanding, let's pretend both Cha-young and Luca are fluent in english while Vincenzo is profusely not.
I think there is something uniquely comic about a trio where they don't all speak the same languague but, simultaneously, where any pair combination can communicate to each other.
Especially in a show with the Tower of Babel symbolism such as Vincenzo.
The one where Luca arrives earlier than expected.
‘’Vincenzo Cassano는 어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까?’’ speaks the robotic voice on his phone, echoing through the corridors of Geumga Plaza.
The man in front of him - the one who attempted to sound stern in broken english merely seconds ago - breaks into a grin.
Luca is taken back for a moment but ultimately nods. It seems that, after all, Vincenzo truly made more allies here than even himself could have expected.
The man continues in equally broken italian, speaking a pastiche of a phrase that originally intended to mean i’’Follow me! Mr. Cassano is not yet here but you can wait for him in Ms. Hong’s office.’’
And surely enough, located at the end of the corridor - there it was - the Jipuragi law firm, owned by the one and only Miss Hong Cha-young. Oh, Luca has heard about her alright, quite an absurd amount considering it came from the words of one Vincenzo Cassano - particularly when every so often these words would sound so strikingly like gushing- not that he has ever dared to tell him that.
They were received promptly at the door by a man with glasses - recognizing him to be Mr. Nam, their paralegal - Luca quickly presented himself with the best korean pronunciation he could manage after picking up a thing or two from his friend and boss.
It was followed by loud gasps.
‘’Luca?’’ Three voices said in unison.
He turned his head around to capture the origin of the third voice. And saw the very woman he was wondering about stumble around to get to them - huh, she is certainly cute.
‘’Welcome Luca, my name is Hong Cha-young, it’s a pleasure to meet you. These are Mr. Nam, our paralegal and Mr. Ahn, our personal secret agent.’’ she says in perfect english, extending one hand for him to shake it and motioning vaguely to the pair with the other.
He takes her hand and bows to the other two simultaneously, making his position slightly awkward.
‘’Sorry, I am not used to the korean way of greeting just yet.’’ He apologizes, facing her again.
‘’It’s quite alright, this handshake seems to be perfectly adequate.’’ She responds playfully.
‘’Your english is quite good, Cha-young-’’ he watches her eyes widen ‘’Oh, I’m sorry, I completely forgot, you see in Italy the first-name basis is given out more freely, I’m sorry for overstepping-’’
‘’Don’t worry, it’s fine really.’’ She interrupts him ‘’I called you Luca after all - it is just that I’m not very used to it.’’ she laughs weakly ‘’but you can call me Cha-young, I don’t personally mind it.’’ she finishes by winking at him exaggeratedly.
He laughs.
‘’I’ve heard quite a lot about you, Cha-young’’. He says cautiously.
‘’What can I say, my reputation precedes me.’ she simply shrugs ‘’bearing in mind your source, may I assume it’s all bad?’’
‘’It’s all good.’’
Cha-young beams; turning to Mr. Nam and Mr. Ahn - who were until this very moment only ping ponging their eyes between the two of them (unable to comprehend a word) - and says something in korean; they share a few words back and forth not long before both of them end up nodding and following their ways, while she leads Luca to a reunion table.
‘’ Luca, would you like anything to drink?’’
‘’No, I’m fine, thank you.’’
She plops on the chair across from him, sipping her coffee and eyeing him significantly.
‘’So,’’ she starts.
‘’So’’ he responds.
‘’What could possibly bring all the way from Italy, Luca?’’
‘’I’m not sure if I am allowed to tell you that.’’
‘’Of course, secretive mafia business, I get it - you see, I may actually know Mr.Cassano better than you might think.’’
He snorts ‘’Somehow, I don’t doubt it.’’
‘’Is there something you know that I don’t, Luca?’’
‘’Perhaps it is the contrary-’’ he pauses contemplative, before continuing ‘’may I ask what is your relationship with Vincenzo?’’
She almost expectorates her coffee out.
‘’Excuse me!’’ she splutters flushing ‘’ What is your relationship with Mr. Cassano?’’
Luca raises his arms to express surrender, he seems frightened enough just by the look in her eyes. She enjoys it greatly.
‘’Well, he is my boss.’’
Cha-young smirks.
‘’And I’m his boss.’’ she tilts her head ‘’Well, sort of.’’
Luca can’t help but dare to smile. ‘’ So may I perhaps ask how long have you known about the whole ‘’secretive mafia business?’’ he air quotes the last words, echoing her.
‘’You sure are full of questions for a mafia man, Mr. Luca.’’
‘’What can I say? You intrigue me Ms. Cha-young.’’
‘’You wouldn’t happen to be flirting with me right now, would you?’’ she says overdramatically, blinking her eyes in rapid succession way too many times.
One for the theatrics as well.
‘’I’m afraid not, I happen to like my head exactly where it sits on my neck’’ he replies with a tone slightly more serious.
‘’I’m not sure I get it’’ she retorts innocently.
‘’I think you do.’’
She blushes prettily.
‘’How come he is not as forward about it then?’’
‘’Maybe, he needs a little push.’’
Both look up at that - only to find an undeniable mischievousness in each other’s eyes.
‘’Maybe he does.’’
When Vincenzo arrives at Jipuragi much later, he is not exactly surprised to see Luca there - the man had sent him a text about his connection change - although he can’t say the same for the way that he found Cha-young and Luca giggling together as if they were childhood friends.
He suppresses a smile.
‘’Luca’’ Vincenzo greets loudly. ‘’È passato così tanto tempo, amico mio (It has been so long my friend)’’.
‘’Vincenzo!’’ Luca responds, getting up to embrace his friend. ‘’è bello vederti’’ (it’s good to see you).
Cha-young says something in english, which Luca answers by a subtle roll of his eyes.
‘’I see you already made your acquaintance with Ms. Hong’’ he said, considerably more formally than he meant.
‘’Oh yes, Cha-young is quite lovely.’’ he smiles.
‘Cha-young’, he suppresses a scoff, well isn’t that just lovely.
‘’We got to talk quite a bit before you arrived, it seems that we have a lot in common.’’
‘’Oh, is that so?’’
Luca visibly winces at Vincenzo’s bitter tone, but nonetheless, turns himself towards Cha-young and speaks a phrase in english. She bites her lip.
‘’Mr. Cassano.’’ she starts tentatively in korean ‘’I mean, you know that I have do a weak spot for handsome men. Do you think you can set me up?’’
‘’Absolutely not.’’ he snaps ‘’Long-distance relationships are unfortunately not his thing.’’ he finishes hotly. And to his utmost delight - they proceed by sharing, yet again, a few sentences in english. Vincenzo has never wished to have paid more attention to his stupid classes in school than right at this moment.
‘’May I join you both on your conversation?’’ Vincenzo asked snarkily.
Cha-young is quick on her feet.
‘’I was just translating what we said, and besides, what basis do you have to be so upset about it? We also have a right to communicate.’’
Vincenzo looks momentarily ashamed. ‘’It won’t happen again. It is just frustrating to be set apart from the conversation because of a language barrier.’’
‘’Well, don’t I know it.’’ she retorts
Vincenzo sends her his fakest smile.
Cha-young mirrors the expression.
Luca hides a grin.
Luca and Cha-young’s mini conversation in english.
1-’’So that’s how you guys greet in Italy, we ought to try it anytime
Luca answers by a roll of his eyes.
2- ‘’Well it wasn’t supposed to be this easy, quick, take the attention out of me.’’
Cha-young bites her lip in thought.
3- ‘’Whatever you said, I think you may have overdone it.’’
‘’I told him that I want a date with you.’’
‘’Glad to know you have no regards for my well-being.’’
‘’Should I say that I don’t care if it is something purely physical?.’’
‘’Glad to know you have have no regards for my life.’’
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