all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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my child my tiny toll child who i love 
Name: hi!!!! my names Elliot! 
Hair: black. and very straight. 
 Eyes: dark brown.
Height: i’m pretty tall, about 5’11”. i don’t measure myself all that often, so i’m not sure.
Weight: not sure! i’m tall, and kinda willowy, though. 
Likes: hmm… i like soft things a lot! I have a sensory processing disorder, so that’s a big thing. my favorite color is blue, and my favorite food is grilled cheese! I used to have a lot of ear piercings, and I liked those for a while. 
Dislikes: loud things, and the texture of denim. i’m always cold, so i don’t like when i can’t wear my favorite sweater.
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
"Damn bitch you live like this?"
-- Brendan upon entering Timothy's coffee cup carpeted room for the first time
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
Dear Journal,
It’s been an okay day, this kid won’t stop messin’ with me for some reason. Can’t understand why. Anyway while I was washing my hands in the bathroom I heard someone in one of the stalls throwing up I think? So I knocked on the door and asked if they were okay and if I should get them some water. They told me they were fine and they were just a little sick. I think they’re brave for going to school even when they feel like shit. Sometimes I can’t do that. I always feel bad. Father and Mother make sure of that. On a different note the kid who was messing with me came into sixth period late. He seemed angry. I think he’s really cute, he sits next to me though so I can’t stare at him. I wonder why? He kept looking at me and pouting. He’s such a fuckin’ brat, he’s good at math though if he does better than me Mother will go insane. I almost wanna punch him, but I don’t wanna actually hurt him. If I get in trouble again it’ll be worse, Mary and Marvin might have to have another “talk” with me. I still haven’t been able to wear short-sleeves......I gotta hide this....someone’s coming up the stairs.
Bye Journal
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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it’s ya boi bazizzle he looks really feminine here idk
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
We’re going to be doing occasional Journal things I guess from now on? Just like little stories from all our ocs. Each will be tagged with “Journal Entry” and with the date written. Mine (Mun caffe) will not be tagged with character names because I’m the actual worst.
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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Name: Kai last name’s not important
Age: 14 going to be 15 soon
Height: I’m around six feet
Weight: Mostly muscle so a bit more than I need I guess
Hair: Formerly dark brown
Eyes: formerly light brown
Likes: I really like football, I play. Poe is my best friend, known him since the second grade. I love him. I really love my mom and dad they’re cool. Let’s see what else? I like….learning. Yeah that’s it.
Dislikes: I really don’t like the way Poe leads it’s a bit….humiliating? He really doesn’t know how to make people want to listen to him, and like sometimes the things he requests are sorta...embarrassing? Don’t take it the wrong way he’s really great and doesn’t make me do things I don’t want to do or aren’t comfortable doing! It’s just well y’know he laughs when people get hurt? I don’t like that either. That’s really mean.
How do you feel about your job? It’s pretty fun though my uniform is pretty shitty. (of screen Poes) Don’t cuss! Shut up!
What about your team? I like them enough, don’t tell anyone but I’m really glad Poe’s not the leader.
Favorite outfit: I don’t have one really. I just wear whatever. (Of screen Poe) Yeah whatever I tell you to wear! PoE!
Fun Facts: I’m really good at taking orders, but like you gotta be a nice leader too you know?
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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Tis the acorn boi of the day! Look at his shitty hair that I drew. So proud.
Name: Poe. You don’t need to know the rest
Age: I’m 14 and a half
Height: Five feet.
Weight: you don’t need to know that either
Hair: It used to be the lightest brown it can be
Eyes: I was told they were near yellow
Likes: I prefer to be clean more than anything, and  I play the flute. Oh and you have to love soft things. Also people who listen to my commands? The best! I really like Kai the most though. He’s so strong, and willing to just play you know?
Dislikes: I hate dirty things more than anything. Also when people push boundaries. I mean I love telling people what to do but...I don’t want people to not like me because of it. That’s really all, oh and I hate it when people assume things about me don’t do that you’re wrong.
How do you feel about your job? The outfits trash but it’s fun.
What about your team? My teams great! But I wish I’d been chosen to be the leader, I’d do much better.
Favorite outfit: *Censored for content*
Fun Facts: I’m really open about things? I guess. And I’m really good at tying knots.
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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boy number two, Basil.
Hair: Brown. Shitty, swamp brown. I keep it dyed a funky purple or pink most of the time though. Cover up that shit colored mess.
Eyes: Brown. 
Hight: Im literally like fuckin 5 foot. Even that’s giving me more height than i should. Im short, shut the fuck up.
Weight: Im a tiny bit overweight, but who really cares at this point. We all are going to die anyway, we might as well eat all the fucking cake we can.
Likes: Wow uhh. I like Tom a lot, pretty obvious. I like wearing his hoodies. I like dying my hair, and spaghetti. I watch a lot of cartoons, and embarrassingly a lot of conspiracy shows. No, TOM, i DONT think the moon landing was faked, i just think its possible that it was.
Dislikes: I don’t like grapes. I don’t really know man, why do you put me on the spot like this. I don’t like sports all that much, I’ve never really been into them. I don’t like oranges either. ’
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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Look upon my cat child: Timothy Martins (he’s got a little heart mole)
Name: Timothy Martins don’t forget it babe.
Age: 14
Height: 6’4”
Weight: I could do with more
Hair: It used to be blonde, kinda dark. It’s much better now.
Eyes: They were the bluest blue! I miss that blue.
Likes: I like cats so much! I also like me. They’re so cute, like me. I like cute things in general, why I love Brendan so much! I also love me He’s so cute. I also really like the color pink. And I really love designing clothes it’s so much fun! Though I wish Girly would model for me. Did I mention how great I am? Several times! SHUT UP BRENDAN.
Dislikes: Not much really! Just my parents, and the idea that I could fail at anything. But really I hate my parents. And vanilla cake? It’s weird it’s just so boring. Also people who call me “Tim” or “Timmy” like no stop wrong.
How do you feel about your job? I love love it! It’s the best. It’s really fun. Though the fighting is a bit hard. And the uniform is nice. 
What about your team? They’re great, but Brendan is really negative all the time. He’s still cute though.
Favorite outfit: I gotta say I love my cat hoodie! It’s cute and pink and it’s really neat. And my ripped jeans, shows off my sweet legs. your legs are twigs BRENDAN
Fun Facts: I’m a really good dancer don’t tell anyone though, it’s a secret. Also I once saw Brendan eat a Popsicle and died like daymn. Also have you seen him do the spread eagle? I love him. you’re gross! I SAID SHUT UP BRENDAN
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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uhhhhh this is Thomas.
Name: Thomas Rossi-Alto. I, uh, usually go by Tom though.
Hair: Kind of… Reddish brown? More brown than red, clearly.
Eyes: Brown. Sometimes blue, in the right light? 
Height: Very. Im,, way too fucking tall man. I don’t even know.
Weight: About average, I’d say? Maybe a little more? Who cares, right?
Likes:  Hoodies. I like hoodies. I like painting? Basil’s voice adorable. I love it. I like lemonade, but only if its really bitter. Basil likes it sweet and he’s WRONG. YOU HEARD THAT. WRONG, YOU LITTLE BITCH. I like being in the library, but mostly just to work on homework. I like the sound of keyboards. I like Cheerwine, even though its pretty sweet. Its like Coke, but better.
Dislikes: I uhh dont like the color yellow, or blue pens. I don’t like how tall i am, and i wish i trusted people easier. I don’t like things that are too loud, and I don’t like being in crowded places. 
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
Is the dude in purple Mun Caffe's or Mun Triv's?
Mun Caffes (me) Triv has a really different art style. 
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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It’s ya boi: Brendan Martinez! You’ll know it’s him if it’s purple. Bio under the cut (sorry)
Name: Brendan Martinez
Height: four feet to the inch
Weight: Not enough
Hair: Used to be Black
Eyes: they were Dark brown
Likes: I really like cats, my sister’s allergic though so I can’t have one. The bass is cool I play it so I might be biased though. I’ve always thought that Jade was cool. What else? I guess I really like coffee and dark chocolate.
Dislikes: Timothy, he’s a douche and I hate him. I also really hate people who treat me like I’m a little kid like I’m short but that doesn’t mean I’m not a fourteen-year-old. Also don’t remind me of the fact that I look like a girl I’ve been told and I know.
How do you feel about your job? I hate it more than I hate life and that’s saying something. It’s sucks ass.
What about your team? Jade’s the best, Poe and Kai are neutral ground, and Timothy is the worst and he makes my job a living hell. More so than it already is.
Favorite outfit: I like sweaters a lot, I own a shit ton of them. They’re all too big though. I wear shorts at home a lot too. So I guess my favorite outfit’s gotta be my “Do aliens believe in us?” sweater and shorts, maybe some knee high socks? Who knows
Fun Facts: I once shoved an entire Popsicle in my mouth, that’s pretty cool I guess? And I can do the splits. I don’t actually think I have a gag reflex though? Like I once ate a piece of toast by throwing the whole thing into my mouth. I should probably look into this.
All posts involving him will be tagged with his name, any asks aimed towards him will be tagged with “Chara Brendan”
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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uhhhh hi- it me, ya boy. Mun Triv is the name, shitty ocs is the game. i usually do traditional art but sometimes i do digital. im as far from organized as one can get.
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all-the-bad-ocs · 6 years
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YO YO! It’s me ya dude: Mun Caffe! Just ask away about all our bad ocs nerds!
You’ll know it’s me if it’s in mspaint. Or if it’s just general garbage. I might switch later.
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