#I really want to play thief now but im scared of the monsters Q-Q
anomalynull · 6 months
Couldn't get a Thief Garret inspired Sans out of my head and I don't know if anyone e l s e ever thought about an alternate sans who is a thief and positively a klepto who has no issue stealing everything you own including your life if you go down the geno route :)
For those who can't read my writing:
2014 Thief Garret!Sans (sorry classic Thief gamers)
Charcoal make-up
100% a Kleptomaniac
Inventory pouch
Thieves Tale
Not as detailed as I could've made it or drawn it if I had instead decided to sketch it because clothes are n o t my strong suit, or full-bodies unless I already have a ref ,_, THIS TOOK ME H O U R S, appreciate my dedication to all-thing Sans *preens*
(Just between ya'll and myself, he would 100% have a tail he uses for lockpicking, but it didn't make the final cut because it felt a bit much- maybe in the future HINTHINTHINT)
Alright, closing this up in a bit but some last things, the story of thieves tale can follow the original story of 2014 Reboot Thief with a pov of Sans(Garret) instead of Frisk(Erin)(Ghost no kill run 100% complete) with a lot of switched around characters and some past d e a t h of important characters you would probably be depressed over.
(Please keep in mind there would be NO FRANS like there is NO GARRET/ERIN)
O r -
It can follow a different story with s o m e primal (hehehe) elements from Reboot Thief ;)
I think.. if you REALLY want to find out more of him.. you should ask.
Tumblr media
Current Location: Unavailable
Availability: Responding Presence
Status: ???
Depending on if he gets any asks, a separate blog will be made for him so I can keep things organized (but also so people find it easier to look for and it doesn't get lost if I go on a merskele binge hehehe)
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