#I reallyyyyyy don’t want to do anything today tbh
rosicheeks · 4 months
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ellyrad · 7 years
Shoot 1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? -nooo, i'm chillin rn. i'm still p heartbroken and i don't have time to be with anyone else tbh 2.When did your last hug take place? -at work 3.Are you a jealous person? -highkey 4.Are you tired right now? -my sleeping schedule is kinda fucked up and i'll be awake until like 5 in the morning :// 5.Do you chew on your straws? -i used to but nah 6.Have you ever been called a tease? -ehe 👀 7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight? -i take multiple naps times in a day. i don't think i can be awake for that long 8.Do you cry easily? -hahaha just bc i'm going through it rn but midkey yeah 9.What should you be doing right now? -i should pee but i'm too lazy to get up 10.Are you a heavy sleeper? -only if i'm dreaming really good, in a good sleeping position, etc. but when there's people over i wake up hella easily 11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months? - :-) 12.Are you mad at someone right now? -not mad.... annoyed 13.Do you believe in love? -next 14.What makes you laugh no matter what? -*m m m maybach music* meme with walter jr from breaking bad, it's fucked up but it be having me and linda on our necks 😂 15.Who was the last person you talked to? -mom 16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like? -i get anxiety HAHHAHA 17.Will you get married? -i hope so, i think about my friends and family coming to see me and my mans get married and i get emotional. like if we get married, our wedding is gonna b LIT as fuck 18.When was the last time you smiled? -when gurp came thru hella late just to give me food 😭 bless this man 19.Does anyone like you? -i hope not, i'm tired 20.Do you secretly like someone? -it's not a secret tho 21.Who was the first person you talked to today? -uh no one bc the day just started 22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? -linda/ella 23.What are you NOT looking forward to? -this fucking easter egg hunt and it's gonna be so busy with hella kids coming in prob tryna get hc and shit 24.What ARE you looking forward to? -i can't even think of anything. i'm just going through these days and hoping it'll be good 25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it? -bitch i dont know 26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do? -honestly, i'd have a panic attack, go to the bathroom and silently bawl my eyes out , then pretend like i took a shit bc i'll be in there for 30 minutes prob talking to linda about what happened :') 27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year? -i want to, butttt it's like i'm OK rn. it'd be nice but no one's down to fucking move out!! 28.Are you a forgiving person? -depends what they did, but usually i am. it sucks. i'm too fucking patient too... for why 29.How many TRUE friends do you have? -like 4 30.Do you fall for people easily? -i mean baby crushes yeah, but falling falling, it might take a little while 31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? -no 32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth? -dicc.... jk i wish... rubber bands for my braces 33.Who was the last person you drove with? -mom, i have to pick her up everyday from work now bc she's too lazy to find parking 🙄 34.How late did you stay up last night and why? -3am bc i was tweaking 35.If you could move somewhere else, would you? -i'm chillin rn, i like the bay 36.Who was the last person you took a picture of? -idk 37.Can you live a day without TV? -i don't even watch tv like that 38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? -a month ago hahahaaa 39.Three names you go by... -D, Ylle, Durl 40.Are you currently in a relationship? -currently depressed 41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie? -idunno 42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate? -yes, maybe even multiple ones 43.What’s your current problem? -i'm stuck between trying to move on "for the better" but also acknowledging my feelings and not forcing myself to. yes i do still have feelings for him, and oh fucking well?? if i do find out that he finally is with someone else then i will move on, bc what's the point? but at the same time i know we won't end up being back together but there's that hope that we will. and idk, i'm just letting myself get through this day by day. why should i keep liking someone who doesn't even talk to me anymore lolol fuck idk just run me over maybe? 44.Have you ever had your heart broken? -bitch stop 45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships? -depends on how far they live... like my ex thought we were on LDR but this fool lived like 45 min away... so to me, it was good bc we saw each other twice or even more in a week. i think there was a good amount of time to miss each other. and i don't know if i like the idea of seeing your sig. other everyday, although that would be nice. but i feel like they'd get sick of me tbh 😭 as long as you are both making the effort and being consistent then it's fine. but he just stopped being consistent and i just kept getting disappointed that i pushed him away. ANYWAY, both people just need to put in work, and if not, then leave 46.How many kids do you want to have? -max 5 lol, i want a big family so the parties can be litty 47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them? -before YES. but i've been more straight up nowadays that if i were feelin you, i'd prob tell you. but that's IF i'm reallyyyyyy feelin you
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