#I referenced the winnie the pooh movie art
raintalon82 · 4 months
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TADC storybook AU
I made another page here
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eva-knits12 · 6 months
CE Characters Favorite Disney Movies
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Steve Rogers:
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Snow White. It was released on December 21 1937, which would make Steve 19 years old.
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Pinocchio. It was released on February 23, 1940. Steve would be 21 years old.
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Dumbo. It was released on October 23, 1941, which would make Steve 23 years old, and he wouldn't be in the army at that point. Pearl Harbor occurred six weeks after that, which got the US in World War II.
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Ransom Drysdale:
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Oliver and Company. Released on November 18, 1988. This is a modern retelling of Oliver Twist. The characters in the film are named after the characters in the book, or the character names have a variation of one of the characters, but only go by the last name.
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He relates well to Oliver. In fact, Oliver Twist is his favorite book. Oliver and Company was popular with 1980's kids. I grew up in the 1980's and 1990's and Disney was going through a huge revival during that time.
The Aristocats. Released on December 24, 1970. Ransom also relates well to this. Remember, Harlan leaves everything to Marta. In the movie, the Duchess leaves everything to her three cats. Ransom relates well to this.
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Colin Shea
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Camp Rock. Released on the Disney Channel on June 20, 2008. It's only fitting for Colin.
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101 Dalmatians. Released on January 25, 1961. Another movie that's fitting for Colin, given that one of the characters is a song writer.
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Andy Barber
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Toy Story. Released on November 22, 1995. This was the first movie under Disney/Pixar. A113 is referenced throughout the movie. It's the classroom at the California Institute of the Arts that many of the animators at Pixar studied in. Andy loves this one, even though it hurts. This was Jacob's favorite movie. Yet, Andy still has a soft spot for it. Now, Joy and Penelope love, it, too.
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Beauty and the Beast. Released on November 22, 1991. This is Joy's favorite movie, and Belle is Joy's favorite Disney princess.
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Winnie the Pooh. Released on March 11, 1977. This is Penelope's favorite movie.
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Jake Jensen:
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Toy Story. Released on November 22, 1995. Jake would very much like this one, because he's a kid at heart.
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Wreck-It Ralph. Released on November 2, 2012. With Jake being a video game nerd, he would very much love this. He's an old-school video game nerd.
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Ralph Breaks the Internet. Released on November 21, 2018. Jake works in Comm and Tech when he's with the Losers. When he's NOT with the Losers, he's an IT. So, Jake liking Ralph Breaks the Internet makes sense.
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Johnny Storm
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The Incredibles. Released on October 24, 2004. Johnny and his sister, Susan, are also superheroes, so this makes sense. Jake loves it, too.
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The Incredibles 2. Released on June 15, 2018. Johnny and Jake would very much like this. You like it, too. As stated above, with Johnny and his sister being superheroes, it makes sense that he would love a movie and it's sequel that's about a family of superheroes.
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This is the pinned post.
This blog will be used for posting public domain disabled characters, meaning they belong to no one, and everyone, because they are either purposefully created as public domain, or old enough that their copyright has expired. (IE: Dracula, Frankenstein, Sherlock Holmes, Winnie the Pooh, ect)
You can write about these characters, draw them, make movies, publish books, animations, music, literally anything you can think of. They belong to everyone. The only thing you can't do with them is claim you created them if you didn't, or restrict others from using the original character. (IE: Just because you write a new book about Sherlock Holmes does not mean you get to tell everyone they're not allowed to write about Sherlock Holmes anymore. That's not how this works)
Some of the characters posted to this blog will be from public domain books or movies as I find them, but probably most of them will be created explicitly to be public domain right from the start.
Even if the character wasn't originally disabled, a version of them that is can be posted here. Public domain means we get to do anything we want, including giving ourselves more representation!
This blog is safe for all Queer people, including trans and nonbinary people, including those who don't medically transition, and use gendernonconforming pronouns, lesbians of all kind, including Mspec and multigender and nonbinary lesbians, and all aspec people, including aroace people who are nonpartnering, and if you don't like that, that's just too gods damned fucking bad. Die mad about it.
You may submit character descriptions, citing the public domain source if there is one, or if they're your own original creations, as long as you understand that by submitting them here, you are giving everyone (including people you don't like) the right to use them in any way they want. You can't put restrictions on public domain creations, otherwise they're not public domain anymore.
If you don't want anyone to be able to use your characters for anything they want, do not submit them here. Post them to your own blog like you normally would.
All images posted to this blog will be given image descriptions, so if you are submitting art, please write one yourself, or be resigned to the fact that posting it will have to wait until I can write one for you.
Art is not necessary for submitting a character if you don't want to write an image description, it can just be a detailed text description.
I will try to link all books referenced from here so you can find them on Project Gutenberg.
Art from picrews is not allowed to be submitted unless you created the picrew yourself.
All public domain characters will be tagged with their name, source if applicable, and "public domain disabled characters" as both all one word and normally so it's easy to find.
"Disabled" means all disabilities, including physical disabilities of all kinds, not just things like ADHD / autism. (Looking at specific authors with this one, some of these people very clearly love writing neurodivergent characters but hate the thought of physically disabled people existing)
It also includes disabilities that can only exist in worlds with magic.
Characters do not have to be human.
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whatshehassaid · 6 years
Favorite Things
I’m bored out of my mind at.... hell, I don’t even know what time it is. 
Food and Drink
Favorite Fast Food Restaurant? 
Umm, it really depends. I like Chinese/Asian type foods and pizza and a lot of things, so... I can’t really choose one? I really love Thai Express though.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
It’s a toss up between pistachio and mint chocolate chip. Chocolate chip cookie dough is really good too
Favorite Chocolate Candy?
Ferrero Rocher or anything with a chocolate/hazelnut mix
Favorite Fruity Candy?
Sour Skittles or wine gums
Favorite Flavor Starburst?
Either the pink or the red
Favorite dish at Olive Garden?
I’ve actually never been to Olive Garden.
Favorite kind of sushi?
Uramaki (California rolls)... I also like maki.. (oh boy, now I’m craving sushi)
Favorite Asian dish?
I’ve really only had Westernized type Asian food, so.. I love spring rolls, sushi (see above), chow mein...
Favorite Italian Dish?
There’s a lot to choose from there as half my extended family is from Calabria... so...  chicken parmigiana or angel hair primavera
Favorite food of all time?
There’s a lot to choose from there... I really love steak though. Like, a little too much. 
Favorite way to cook a steak?
Medium, sometimes medium well
Favorite pasta dish?
Angel hair primavera
Favorite cookie?
White chocolate macadamia nut
Favorite fast food french fries?
Favorite cereal?
Raisin Bran. Don’t @ me
Favorite breakfast food?
Mmmm, omlettes. 
Favorite pizza toppings?
Pepperoni, green pepper, sometimes pineapple.... sometimes olives.
Favorite fruit?
It’s a tie between strawberries, cherries and pomegranates. 
Favorite vegetable?
Favorite dessert? 
White chocolate cheesecake.
Favorite comfort food?
Homemade chicken soup
Favorite way to eat bacon?
On its own, honestly.
Favorite thing at a buffet?
I don’t really go to buffets..... 
Favorite pumpkin flavored treat?
Pumpkin spiced lattes........................ don’t start with me
Favorite dish at Thanksgiving?
Favorite cake?
Strawberry shortcake... or angel cake w/ strawberries.
Favorite ice cream sundae toppings?
Hot fudge, maraschino cherries and whipped cream
Favorite thing to cook?
I love making pizza..
Favorite soda?
Cherry coke.
Favorite alcoholic drink?
Vodka coke.
Favorite drink at Starbucks?
Skinny cinnamon dolce latte
Favorite flavor coffee?
I just.... coffee? and espresso... I love espresso.
Television & Movies
Favorite 80′s movie?
Um, toss up between ET, the Indiana Jones movies (Last Crusade has always been my fave), and The Shining.
Favorite Harry Potter movie?
Toss up between Prisoner of Azkaban and Half Blood Prince in the HP series... Crimes of Grindelwald (so far) in the Fantastic Beasts series.
Favorite Hobbit from Lord of the Rings?
Favorite Simpson’s character? 
Favorite cartoon cat?
Felix the cat. 
Favorite TV sitcom?
I Love Lucy. Does that count as a sitcom?
Favorite cartoon?
Peanuts (does that count?) or Looney Tunes
Favorite scary movie?
I’ve watched a LOT of horror movies, but Halloween (1978) hands down.
Favorite funny movie?
Hmmm... I don’t watch many comedic movies, honestly.. Bridesmaids? I don’t know..
Favorite celebrity?
Y’all really gonna ask this? We all know it’s Jude Law.
Favorite South Park character?
I never really got into South Park, tbh.
Favorite chick flick?
Um, The Holiday and maybe Confessions of a Shopaholic....
Favorite Pixar movie?
I’d have to choose three ‘cause I can’t choose one... Ratatouille, Coco, and Toy Story
Favorite Family Guy character?
Don’t really watch it. I watched the first season. Stewie, I guess?
Favorite Leonardo Dicaprio movie?
Aw, you gotta do this to me? Top 3: Titanic, The Great Gatsby and Shutter Island.
Favorite Actress over 50?
Do people who are dead count? ‘Cause I’d choose Marilyn Monroe in a heartbeat.
Favorite Marvel movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Favorite TV Show?
A tie between Hannibal and Twin Peaks.
Favorite cancelled TV series?
Hannibal. Definitely Hannibal.
Favorite show on the Discovery Channel?
I don’t really watch it all that much.... can I use a show from the History Channel instead? (Hunting Hitler)
Favorite classic movie?
Niagara (1953) or Dracula (1931)
Favorite Beatles song?
Golden Slumbers
Favorite string instrument?
Acoustic guitar
Favorite instrument?
Favorite band or music artist?
I have too many so, Neutral Milk Hotel, Nirvana and Lana Del Rey.
Favorite music genre?
Indie, alternative, whatever.
Favorite style of dance?
I love the way swing dancing looks.
Favorite boy band?
Oof, ya outtin’ me. NSYNC.
Favorite disco song?
Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough - Michael Jackson or Night Fever - Bee Gees
Favorite 80′s song?
I love a LOT of 80′s music so... I can give you a few (I can’t choose one, that’s impossible): Call Me - Blondie, Take on Me - Aha, Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler, You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Dead or Alive, A Criminal Mind - Gowan, Maneater - Hall & Oates, Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson (THERE ARE A LOT MORE)
Favorite cover song?
Byaginc’s version of Losing My Religion - REM and I also really like Lo-Fang’s version of You’re the One That I Want.
Favorite one hit wonder?
Sex and Candy - Marcy Playground
Favorite song you’re embarrassed to like?
Ummmmm.. if I have to pick one.. Irresistible by Jessica Simpson (also the version with Lil Bow Wow is a banger?)
Favorite foreign band/artist?
Catatonia (does that count, I mean, I’m not Welsh.. so). I also like Pink Floyd.
Travel & Recreation
Favorite state you’ve visited?
I’ve only visited one state in the US and it was Florida.
Favorite country you want to visit?
Italy or England
Favorite thing about America?
If you’re referencing the US, I live in Canada, so... I don’t know?
Favorite kind of vacation?
I love beaches... but I also love art and architecture so *shrug*
Favorite car?
1950′s VW Beetle. 
Favorite road to drive on?
I don’t drive.
Favorite way to travel?
Car, I hate planes.
Favorite beach?
I haven’t been to many honestly.
Favorite place to go with family?
Favorite vacation you’ve taken?
The first one I ever went on to Universal Studios in Orlando.
Favorite fictional place you’d want to visit?
Hogwarts, let’s be real.
Favorite ride at a carnival?
Those swing carousel things.
Favorite thing to do at the beach?
Favorite rollercoaster?
I do nOT do rollercoasters.
Favorite theme park?
Favorite thing about traveling?
I love nice hotels, I don’t know why that’s my fave part, but it is.
Nature & Animals
Favorite dinosaur?
Um, I’ve never really thought about that? T-Rex, I guess?
Favorite breed of dog?
Favorite season?
Favorite flower?
Favorite animal at the zoo?
Elephants... if they have them or pandas
Favorite type of bear?
Panda bears
Favorite natural disaster?
....what kind of question is that?
Favorite reptile?
I love snakes.
Favorite animal?
Tie between cats and sloths.
Favorite bird?
Favorite thing in the sky?
The moon.
Favorite thing about a rainy day?
Hearing rain on the roof.
Favorite sea creature?
Can I say the Loch Ness Monster? (haha) Jellyfish.
Favorite color rose?
Light pink or dark red.
Favorite small mammal?
Favorite big cat?
I love snow leopards. 
Favorite thing about spring?
Favorite wild animal you’d like as a pet?
A sloth.
Favorite sport?
Favorite extreme sport you're too scared to do?
Does snowboarding count?
Favorite Olympic sport?
Figure skating.
Favorite football team?
Don’t watch American football.
Favorite basketball team?
Don’t really watch that either.
Favorite hockey team?
I know I’m Canadian, but I’m honestly not that invested. I’d choose the Maple Leafs ‘cause I’m from TO, but they’re.... aw f ul.
Favorite baseball team?
Blue Jays
Favorite sport to play?
Favorite winter sport?
I do not do winter sports. I’m a klutz as it is.
Favorite sport you wish you were a pro at?
Figure skating would be AMAZING.
Favorite professional athlete?
Serena Williams, Evgenia Medvedeva
Favorite sport to watch in person?
Favorite nursery rhyme?
Didn’t really have a favorite.
Favorite childhood memory?
My grandfather. 
Favorite board game?
Monopoly or Scrabble
Favorite children’s show?
I looooooved Looney Tunes. I still do, honestly.
Favorite toy as a child?
I had a Barney the Dinosaur plush (I had Barney everything)
Favorite teacher?
My sixth grade teacher was a pretty cool dude.
Favorite thing about school?
Art class.
Favorite age?
Don’t really have one, maybe 4 or 5?
Favorite Christmas present?
My mom bought me a N64.
Favorite Dr. Seuss book?
Green Eggs & Ham
Favorite Halloween costume you've worn?
Technically I wore it as a teen, but the Silk Spectre II costume I wore when I was 17.
Favorite lunchbox snack?
Favorite Winnie the Pooh character?
Pooh & Eeyore. 
Favorite thing to do during recess?
Favorite superhero?
Wonder Woman.
Favorite video game?
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Favorite color Power Ranger?
Favorite fairy tale?
Does Beauty and the Beast count?
Favorite game to play outside?
Catch the flag.
Fashion & Beauty
Favorite department store?
Does Sephora count as a department store?
Favorite place to shop?
There’s a lot of places I love to shop. Mostly bookstores though.
Favorite store in the mall?
Indigo/Chapters (I love my books)
Favorite perfume/cologne?
YSL Black Opium or Chanel’s Coco Mademoiselle
Favorite hair color?
On me? A mix of auburn and dark brown
Favorite makeup you can't live without?
Eyebrow pencil 
Favorite shoes?
My thigh high dark brown suede go-go boots. ;)
Favorite occasion to dress up for?
I’ll honestly dress up for anything. I love dressing up.
Favorite hairstyle?
Anything wavy/curly with or without braids.
Favorite outfit you have?
Right now I have a super cute wrap dress that I like.
Favorite soap scent?
I like the smell of Dove soap, is that weird?
Favorite article of clothing?
I love high waist mini skirts.
Favorite place for a piercing?
Upper ear.
Favorite piece of jewelry?
Right now I’m a dork for the replica pendant from Crimes of Grindelwald. I also love this bracelet/ring/hand jewelry thing I have.
Favorite thing to wear to bed?
Sometimes lace and silk stuff ;) Sometimes just huge t-shirts
Favorite luxury brand?
Favorite candle scent?
I love coconut scents.
Favorite extracurricular activity?
.....reading? (again)
Favorite day of the week?
Favorite holiday?
Does Halloween count as a holiday?
Favorite website?
Well, I’m on Tumblr QUITE a bit...
Favorite way to communicate?
Usually face to face.. I hate talking on the phone. Text message is a close second.
Favorite Youtube video?
I love this dork. [x]
Favorite kind of house?
Favorite car color?
Favorite baby boy name?
I don’t know...
Favorite baby girl name?
Charlie, Evelyn
Favorite thing to do when you’re sick?
It’s an odd habit of mine to watch The Mummy or HP or Spice World for some reason
Favorite person you’ve never met?
Famous? Bryan Fuller Person in my life? MY THREE BEST FRIENDS!
Favorite question you’ve answered so far?
I don’t know...........
Favorite thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours?
I literally slept most of the day. Don’t judge me.
Favorite place to meet up with friends?
Kitty Cafes and.... cafes in general.
Favorite hobby?
Reading, making art.... listening to music
Favorite way to cheer you up?
Anything to do with Jude Law usually does the trick, bahaha
Favorite thing to look forward to?
Leaving this god awful small city to go explore other places.
Favorite kind of gift to receive?
Things that are heartfelt... things that people make whether it be handmade or... whatever... it’s really sweet.
Favorite crafty thing to make?
Does sketching count? Funny story, I used to get in trouble in art class in high school for sketching human anatomy (hands, collarbones etc) instead of reviewing art history notes, which I also loved by the way.
Favorite way to relax?
Reading, bubble baths.... other ways ;)
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shaniroseh · 4 years
Week 8 Research log
this sub topic was a little more difficult than the previous ones as I had taken it on a literal aspect. my idea of technological development was how different the book printing methods were back in the 1920′s compared to modern printing and how much of an impact that has made on Winnie-The-Pooh books. as well as how far technology has gone to develop from being limited to only pen and paper, to the devices and software's we use now (computers, tablets, apple) Harvard referencing is a little difficult for me as I have never actually Harvard referenced before, so as I go along im beginning to work my way through it. 
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A.A.Milne, (1924), original first edition book, When we were very young, illustrated by E.H.Shepard
Since the release of the first book “when we were very young” Winnie the Pooh has constantly developed. Even more so since Disney had acquired the rights to Winnie-the-Pooh in 1961, after the death of A.A.Milne in 1966, and significantly so in the recent releases of the movies “Christopher Robin” and “Goodbye Christopher robin”
 Printing the books 
Back in the 1920’s, book printing was much different to the methods we use now. As mentioned in (Laws, 2017) The text would be printed using a ‘Forne’ where each letter and character is a separate piece. Whereas for images, a line block would be used. This method of printing allowed Shepard’s illustrations to be placed within the text, thus allowing each page to become exciting and appealable. It was especially an effective method of producing for illustrators like Shepard, who often made pen and ink line drawings.
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It was years after (in 1932) where Shepard had introduced new water coloured Winnie-The-Pooh illustrations to the books, which was the first-time colour was brought to the world and readers of Winnie-The-Pooh, which only made the literature that more enticing.
As of now, with Winnies new and modernised designs, most printing is done digitally and technologically, which highly boosts Winnies production. Printing now requires a lot less physical labour and can easily be done through a computer/programing.  
 Traditional to digital 
Compared to now, illustrating in the 1920s meant was more traditional than anything, although it truly was a seminal time, and it clearly didn’t stop them. As printed illustrations were made through etchings, engravings and stamps. E.H.Shepard at the time was limited to only traditional, as he commonly used watercolours, pencil sketching’s and ink to produce his illustrations, but incredibly so it was the traditional work that made the illustrations so alluring by making it his own. He worked by employing a rich variety of marks in his pencil sketches through zigzags and squiggles.  
Whereas nowadays, more accessible forms of art have been developed and Winnie has followed on that journey along with us. Since Walt Disney was Granted character Rights in 1961 (Laws, 2017) they have continued on A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard’s legacy.  Although while even Disney’s profound style cannot compare to aesthetics of Shepard’s traditional style, it’s fair to say that Winnie going digital truly is something special. But in the end pixels do behave different to graphite. While the books were one great thing, following onto animation and digital media allowed Winnie and his friends to truly come to life and become even more profound. Because for the first time, rather than just a picture on a page were given the opportunity to really get to visualise the characters and their world. 
Laws, A. B. (2017). Winnie The Pooh, Exploring a Classic . London .
When we were very young, First edition 
Winnie the pooh franchise 
Word count : 481
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tonystarkbingo · 5 years
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Week 21 Roundup!  As of today, we have 62 days left in our TSB - Round Two!  That’s just shy of 9 weeks!  
Title: About A Little Boy That Lived In A Blue World - Chapter 4: Loki, A History Collaborator: camichats Link: AO3 Square Filled: K5 - Abuse Ship: FrostIron Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Arranged marriage, first kiss, first time, explicit sexual content, past abuse, misunderstandings, getting together Summary: Fill for Tony Stark Bingo K5-Abuse Word Count: 10,444
Title: Minus One Day Collaborator: Amy (InnitMarvelous) Link: AO3 Square Filled: A3 - free square Ship: Pepperony Rating: Gen Major Tags: angst, major character death, grief/mourning Summary: "If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.” – Winnie the Pooh  In the aftermath of the events of Endgame, Rhodey grieves for the loss of his brother. Word Count: 2607
Title: everything in its right place Collaborator: cvdmus Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - dark fic Ship: Tony and Peter, implied future Starker Rating: Teen Major Tags: dark Tony, demon Tony Summary: Peter starts to hear whispers from his closet, he is intrigued. Turns out destiny has a play for him. Word Count: 2146
Title: Took You Long Enough Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: S3 - poker night Ship: Natasha/Reader Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: fluff Summary: Your weekly poker night with the crew is always a fun time. This week’s wager? Dates. Word Count: 1239
Title: Art for  Speed Dating (Isn’t Supposed to Happen in Cars) by @orbingarrow​ Collaborator: feignedsobriquet Link: Tumblr Square Filled: R3 - picture of tony stark in his racing suit Ship: WinterIron Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: art of mechanic Tony and race car driver Bucky and Dum-E
Title: Love finds a way Collaborator: ethereal-lullabies Link: Tumblr Square Filled: K5 - Team Bonding Ship: OT6 Avengers Rating: Teen Major Tags: moodboard Summary: canon divergence where the team was always in a relationship, other events still the same, though no Clint’s family, no Steve kissing Sharon, Thor dating Jane, Tony with Pepper, etc, ends with no one dying or hurt after Endgame and them having a movie night that ends up in a cuddle pile
Title: all the time in the world Collaborator: cvdmus Link: AO3 Square Filled: T1 - gardening Ship: FrostIron, FrostWidow, IronWidow Rating: Gen Major Tags: Afterlife/Heaven, Endgame spoilers, polyamory, domestic fluff Summary: Tony Stark dies and finds himself in the afterlife which is basically a beautiful lake, surrounded by lovely flowers and trees and a cozy cabin decorated by Natasha Romanoff. Loki is also there, and they have the most common thing they can have: Love. Word Count: 3398
Title: Coming Together (Falling Apart) Collaborator: Iron_Eirlyssa (Eirlyssa) Link: AO3 Square Filled: T5 - Anticipation Ship: Tony & Steve, Natasha, and Clint Rating: Teen Major Tags: Steve POV, Avengers family, implied/referenced torture, hurt Tony Summary: Rescue is finally coming... though it's taking longer than Steve would like for it to. Word Count: 10,296
Title: Fancy Meeting You Here- Chapter 2: Square R4 - Date Night Collaborator: dracusfyre Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Date Night Ship: Eddie Brock/Tony Stark Rating: Gen Major Tags: Eddie POV, BAMF Tony Summary: Eddie sees an unexpected person from his past and decides to give him a hand. Word Count: 2248
Title: DUM-E's Drawings - Chapter 3: TON-E's hero Collaborator: LBibliophile Link: AO3 Square Filled: R4 - Tony in workshop Ship: Dum-E & Tony Rating: Gen Major Tags: art Summary: TON-E is not very good at remembering about lab safety. That is why DUM-E has to be ready to protect him!
Title: The Only Worlds We Know Collaborator: lokivsanubis Link: AO3 Square Filled: K2 - Wish Ship: Stuckony Rating: Gen Major Tags: major character death, grief/mourning,Celtic mythology & folklore, widowed Steve, angst and feels Summary: “Just yesterday. I found new ways to say I miss you, my god how I miss you all.” - Michael Lee, The Only Worlds We Know  A widowed Steve Rogers recounts his birthday to his lost loves on a sunny morning in July. Little does he know it won't be long till he sees them again. Word Count: 1888
Title: Only In New York Collaborator: Trashcanakin Link: AO3 Square Filled: A2 - Only In New York Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: preslash, banter, crack, sort of animal death, innuendo, fluff Summary: Tony and Bucky go out on a mission, it definitely does not go as planned. it was supposed to be a simple mission, what did they do to deserve this? Word Count: 9549
Title: I Missed You Collaborator: queen-of-the-avengers Link: Tumblr Square Filled: T4 - robots Ship: Tony/Reader  Rating: Not Rated Major Tags: fluff Summary: Tony is gone all the time, and you can’t leave the tower. So, what do you do? Your imagination is limitless. Word Count: 1416
Title: You had me at 'goodbye' Collaborator: feyrelay Link: AO3 Square Filled: S1 - Peter Parker/Spider-Man Ship: Starker Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, angst, cheating, sneaking around, not a happy ending Summary: Short & not so sweet. Tony Stark, genius-billionaire-philanthropist-family man. Word Count: 1028
Title: You're My Playground, Love - Chapter 1 Collaborator: feyrelay Link: AO3 Square Filled: T4 - KINK: collars Ship: Starker Rating:  Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, BDSM, water sports, daddy kink, age difference, electrocution, collars Summary: Flash has been bullying Peter over every little thing he says at college. Tony, as usual, over-engineers the solution. Word Count: 7749
Title: You're My Playground, Love - Chapter 2 Collaborator: feyrelay Link: AO3 Square Filled: S2 - whump Ship: Starker Rating: Explicit Major Tags: explicit sexual content, BDSM, water sports, daddy kink, age difference, electrocution, collars Summary: Flash has been bullying Peter over every little thing he says at college. Tony, as usual, over-engineers the solution. Word Count: 7749
Title: maybe we could find new ways to fall apart Collaborator: CVdmus Link: AO3 Square Filled: S5 - high school Ship: IronStrange Rating: Gen Major Tags: soulmates, soulmarks, student/teacher relationship Summary: Tony never believed in finding his Soulmate until his student from the Physics class, Stephen Strange talked about his Mark on his chest. He does what everyone would do. You’d push them away, right? Right? Word Count: 2595
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Cult Horror Game Devotion Will Not Be Re-Released After Joke About Chinese President
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Cult Horror Game Devotion Will Not Be Re-Released After Joke About Chinese President
Taiwanese game developer Red Candle Games has issued a new statement on the status of its horror game, Devotion, which was pulled from Steam in February over a Winnie the -Pooh joke. And it appears the developers will not be re-releasing the game.In its new statement, Red Candle confirmed it will not be putting Devotion back up for sale, following controversy about an included joke that referenced Chinese president Xi Jinping and Pooh together.
“For the past four months, the art asset incident related to ‘Devotion’ has caused immeasurable harm to Red Candle Games and our partner. We would like to offer our most sincere apology to all impacted teams and personnel,” the Red Candle Games team writes in a public Twitter statement.
Greetings, we are Red Candle Games from Taiwan. To all of our players, industry and media friends, we would like to provide an update on ‘Devotion’. pic.twitter.com/wfGTUbHtHx
— redcandlegames (@redcandlegames) July 15, 2019
And although Red Candle says it’s still in “business mediations” the Red Candle co-founders, “have reached a unanimous decision to not re-release ‘Devotion’ in the near term, including but not limited to obtaining profit from sales, revision, IP authorization, etc. to prevent unnecessary misconception.”
The tweet from Red Candle Games is the first public statement in four months since Devotion was pulled from Steam. At the time of the initial controversy Red Candle Games told players the team was in the process of negotiating Devotion’s return to Steam. But the developers stayed mostly silent after the controversy first broke. Red Candle Games also pulled all of its Devotion trailers from its YouTube channel.
There were also reports from Iain Garner, a Taiwan-based games publisher, that Devotion’s Chinese publishing partner, Indievent, lost its business license since the Devotion controversy. But it’s unclear if that incident is related to Red Candle’s game being pulled from Steam.
Unfortunately, anyone looking to play Devotion again soon may have to wait awhile, if not indefinitely.
Why Red Candle Games Pulled the Critically Acclaimed Horror Game Devotion from Steam
Red Candle Games rose to prominence after the release of its 2017 horror game Detention. Detention takes place in the 1960s during the White Terror period, where political dissidents in Taiwan were suppressed. Critics praised Detention’s scares and originality, and IGN named it one of the best horror games of 2017. Detention was also adapted into a live-action horror movie set to be released later this year.
Red Candle Games followed up Detention two years later with Devotion, which the studio released on Steam back in February 2019. Reviewers again praised Red Candle’s second game, including IGN Japan which scored it a 9.8 out of 10.
But a week later Devotion was pulled from Steam following a review bombing campaign led by Chinese citizens. The review bombing resulted from the inclusion of an art asset with a reference likening Chinese President Xi Jinping to Winnie the Pooh in the launch version of Devotion.
The reference to Pooh was found in a poster inside the game, which when interacted with, would flash the words ‘Xi Jinping the Winnie the Pooh moron’ in Chinese. The reference would not be easily recognizable to anyone who can’t read Chinese, so the controversy was almost exclusive to Chinese-speaking territories.
When it was discovered, however, the subsequent backlash from players caused a chain of events that led to Devotion getting pulled from Steam less than a week after its release.
Much ado about Pooh
Winnie the Pooh has become something of a taboo subject on the Chinese internet. Since Xi became the leader of China in 2012, internet users would use images of the cartoon bear as a way to lightly joke about the president. Pooh was used as a physical comparison to Xi, but the meme became mainstream and subsequently censored on Chinese internet services, including social media platforms like Weibo.
The censorship of Pooh in China has been so widespread that the country denied the release of the Disney live-action film Christopher Robin. And in video games, Chinese game websites went so far as to censor Pooh out of images for Kingdom Hearts 3. As far as the Chinese internet goes, Winnie the Pooh is a serious red flag.
The Internet’s Response to Red Candle’s Apology
There’s been an outpour of support for Red Candle Games since its new statement went live earlier today — especially since many see the apology as unnecessary. Prominent video game developers have come out to defend Red Candle Games and to protest its continued absence from Steam.
“This is hard to read. What happened wasn’t fair to the studio and many completely innocent people suffer because of it,” one game developer on Twitter wrote in response to Red Candle’s tweet.
This is hard to read. What happened wasn’t fair to the studio and many completely innocent people suffer because of it.
— Blazej Krakowiak (@Lexmechanic) July 15, 2019
“Reminder to the gamers who promise to “rise up”: this is what actual censorship looks like,” Ubisoft Monetreal programming team lead Gavin Young wrote.
Reminder to the gamers who promise to “rise up”: this is what actual censorship looks like. I know you love your anime tiddies, but maybe get outraged about something worthwhile for once? https://t.co/4y5pKy6pBa
— Gavin Young (@GavinDYoung) July 15, 2019
“[S]olidarity and solidarity and solidarity with [Red Candle Games]. [R]eading this twists my stomach up. [M]y thoughts are with them,” Friends at the Table podcast host Jack de Quidt wrote.
solidarity and solidarity and solidarity with red candle games. reading this twists my stomach up. my thoughts are with them https://t.co/Fl3f4XF5GO
— Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal) July 15, 2019
“As regretful as the incident was, we have to bear its full consequence,” Red Candle Games writes. In the meantime, the developer asks commenters to not harass any of its publishing partners and reiterated that the studio bears the full responsibility for the controversy. However, this is the latest incident to show how a seemingly innocuous internet meme in China can have dramatic consequences. The historic tensions between Taiwan and China no doubt also intensified the gravity of this controversy.
We reached out to Red Candle Games asking for further details about its ongoing business mediations and whether the studio has seen the outpouring of support from developers and fans.
Matt Kim is a reporter for IGN. You can reach him on Twitter.
Source : IGN
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