#I rlly wanted to put Illuminae on this list purely on the basis of form but I haven't finished it yet :')
top 9 books!
Tagged by the iconic @oatflatwhite to post a list of my top 9 books!! Not easy!! I ruled out poetry, non-fiction, anthologies, compendia, & reference to make it easier, so this is basically my 9 fave novels lol. TO THE LIST:
"Invisible Cities" ~ Italo Calvino
"The Eyre Affair" ~ Jasper Fforde
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" ~ Douglas Adams
"The Odyssey" ~ Homer
"Cain's Jawbone" ~ Torquemada
"Ella Minnow Pea" ~ Mark Dunn
"Look Who's Morphing" ~ Tom Cho
"The Puzzle Ring" ~ Kate Forsyth
"The Martian Chronicles" ~ Ray Bradbury
HONOURABLE MENTION: The Menelaiad (38pg short story) from the book "Lost in the Funhouse" by John Bath! I know I said no compendia but this story made me BSOD during my very first reading & I have not recovered yet 😊 thank u for yr understanding
Tagging @clareguilty (or is it @clare-guilty?), @swampgirl666, @coldforest, & @gothic-goon 💌
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