#I say as if I don’t rush to the enemy spawn myself to boop someone and die
gubbygoober · 3 months
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staysontheobjective · 7 years
Mini rant time
Let's face it, if you're reading this, then you have already heard or experienced the annoying side of Overwatch. There are the obvious trolls, the toxic community, the little whiny bitches that repeatedly select/deselect a character cause they're mad you chose someone they wanted to play, etc.
But out of everything, the thing that drives me the crazy the most are the players who think they're hot shit cause they got PotG, without really contributing much else.
And I really wish I could say this only happens in AI practice, but, no, it's the same on pretty much everything aside from ranked.
I haven't really been competitive at a game since MAAAAYBE Gears of War. So, for me to actually get as involved at Overwatch was both a surprise and a nuisance. I run my mouth constantly, I'm cocky as shit and do show off quite a bit....
How many times have you had a defense match on Anubis only to have half your team run by the spawn point to try to mow them all down? And how many times have you watched your entire team get mowed down, and find yourself facing a full enemy team while you are the only one on the point? Then you work your ass off and clear the point (sometimes barely) only to have them all run past you...
Right back to the enemy spawn point.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
Now, this may be my more competitive background talking, but doing this, even in AI training, makes for a bad player who, once in their groove, have a hard time in learning these practices. And sadly whenever new players start to play, they think this is normal and then have their asses promptly handed to them in any actual competitive match. It's not because they're not skilled, it's not because they don't understand their character or map, it's because they don't understand basic team tactic games. And honestly it's because a lot of games don't push this on you, youcan go run and gun, spawncamp, whatever dickholery shenanigans they'd like and not be penalized for it. You do that in Overwatch, then chances are you're gonna lose the checkpoint/payload/etc. and you've just extended your match by another 10 minutes. All because somebody thought because they're Roadhog with a Mercy they were invincible, and ran ahead disregarding any possible strategy or setup the rest of the team may have. When you end up losing your tank AND healer, that pretty much screams," Hey guys, huge disadvantage over here, why don't you come over and wipe us out?!?".
Another thing that drives me nuts is that so many people don't get what staggered respawn is. If I die and I respawn, and I see that my team is dying as well, I'm not gonna rush forward by myself, im going to wait on my team, so we can rush it TOGETHER. A lot of times as well Youll see someone with their ult ready, completely surrounded and alone, trying to be the badass hero of the day and wiping the enemy team. This is pure ego at its worse, seeing as your chances of being stunned/nappy napped/sacrificed to Cthulhu are pretty damned good. Now, if he had just said fuck it, died, and respawned with his team, and rushed together, THEN used your ultimate, chances are you will prolly get PotG AND helped your team out. You actually fucking earn it and the respect of your teammates instead of getting a lucky shot in and still die immediately after.
So in short: for all you players out their that aren't playing for the glory, the ones who aren't obsessed with self infatuation and disregard for your teammates, for the Bastions that pop a squat on the payload the entire match even though they never see a single enemy....for the healers that keep an eye to the sky to protect Pharah, to the D.va's that realize they can bulldoze enemies off the checkpoint and not have to instantly self destruct only to miss everyone.....
Boop. <3
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