#I say god(dess) because I ascribe to genderfluid Naruto
Current delightful thoughts!:
Rn I’m imagining an au where Naruto’s seal breaks pretty early on as a genin but he doesn’t tell anyone (mixture of reasons, but with the way they treat him for being a container, being a “broken” container in their eyes? much more terrifying) but through the sheer force of being such a bright sunshine of a kid he convinces Kurama not to go on a rampage, so instead the fox just hangs out inside the seal but can leave and go as he pleases
This is just the setup for the scenario I’m imagining which is:
One of team 7 or all of them minus Naruto getting captured and the village that captures them considers killing them so Naruto comes up with a great plan!
He’s gonna pretend to be a water god(dess)!
He’s got the whole thing planned out, clones disguised as servants, his toad summons announcing his arrival, he’s gonna pop out of the water in disguise, and he has Kurama hiding in the water making waves and making it seem like Naruto has dominion over water
(Kurama hates hiding in the water but as a fox he can’t resist a scheme)
So Naruto pops out of the water, his toad summons start saying how they’ve upset the little sea god(dess) on their birthday with their cruel and unnecessary violence and they should let team 7 go as appeasement and it works!
Too well!
Because his team doesn’t know about Kurama being able to leave his seal, and they can clearly see what looks like a giant fucking sea creature?? with terrifyingly huge eyes in the water behind the disguised Naruto and have no fucking answer for what that could be
Panic all around! Kurama and the toads are loving this, Naruto’s so happy to be helping
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