#I see to use the tword til you fall asleep trope a lot
mysteriouslee · 3 years
(Day 1 + 4 + 5 of Sashannarcy week Forgiveness, Sleepover and Future)
Lee Sasha and Marcy Ler Anne
"Come back here !!" A now older Anne Boonchuy shouted at her girlfriends
"If you stop coming after us like an angry bull" Marcy shouted back at the Boonchuy
Marcy and Sasha tried to make breakfast for for Anne as a thanks for letting them sleep over, but had a little accident in the kitchen, Anne states that she wants to make them pay for it, but Marcy and Sasha doubt she means money, so it's best they don't stick around
Marcy and Sash run up stairs and Sasha and her slip into Anne's room and locks the door
As they though they escaped, a blue figure jumped in the window, Anne turned off her calamity powers and trapped Sasha in her arms
"Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait" a nervous Waybright shouted
Anne only smirked and scribbled her fingers on the blonde's hollows, which made her clamp her arms down, but it didn't stop Anne from getting her
'AHAHAHANNNE NOO" Sasha screamed
Anne didn't listen, she just kept tickling her blonde girlfriend.
'You know I can't stop until you lift your arms up, cuz I'm kinda stuck under there" Anne teased
Sasha felt like this is a trap so she tried to hold on for as long as she could
"Not giving me my hands huh, welp I don't need them" said Anne with and idea
Anne put her head down on Sasha's stomach
"Wait Anne let's talk about this" Sasha begged
"Ok let's talk, I'm gonna give you raspberries on your stomach, there we talked about it" Anne replied
It wasn't long before it came true, Anne blew raspberries all over Sasha's stomach as she mentioned and the blonde started screaming the house down.
Marcy knew it was a her cue to leave, although watching her girlfriends laughing and smiling is one of the best things to her, she knew she was gonna be next if she didn't run
"Where do you think you're going Mar Mar" Anne said as she noticed the raven haired girl started running, Anne let go of Sasha and started to run after Marcy. Marcy was about to get to the door but she wasn't fast enough for the tennis player for Anne ran in front her and pinned her to the ground.
"Anne no, we're sorry, we didn't mean to, we just wanted to make you breakfast" Marcy said in fear
Anne only smiled sincerely and answered in a gentle voice
"I know, I forgave you both already, I just saw you guys really sad about it and I wanted to cheer you up, I also heard your conversation about trying to make up for past events"
"Yeah, we have to, we caused you so much pain, so we want to put our all into everything we do for you because you deserve so much better Anne" Marcy replied
Anne frowned at Marcy's comment and wrapped her in a hug from behind and started to dig into Marcy's sides
"Aahahannne *snort* nahahaha" Marcy squealed out
"You both are so much to me, you guys are some of the best thing s that ever happened to me and love you both so much, don't you ever say things like that" said Anne
Anne lifted up Marcy's shirt to start nibbling into her torso. The ranger screeched out pleads and cries of mercy as she thrashed and turned, she couldn't handle it
"Anne stahahap ihiht, dohohon't" begged Marcy
"dont what" Anne asked
"Tickle me, WAIT NO" replied Marcy
"Your wish is my command Lady Marcy" Anne said with a huge smirk on her face
Anne looked up to see Sasha hiding by the door just watching the event unfold, she got up holding onto Marcy and started going after Sasha who saw her coming a ran. Eventually Anne caught up to her and gave her the same treatment she was giving Marcy.
After an hour or so, Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy came home to find the kitchen in a mess but all three girls on the floor sleeping.
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