#I shall sail beyond hardships (UA verse)
sunlitxshifter · 3 years
@etglacies​ started following Yukio
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“Hello! May I help you?”
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sunlitxshifter · 3 years
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It’s his birthday today and Yukio is very excited! His uncle had made some plans for him around dinner time, so he’s free to celebrate his birthday with his friends and classmates first.
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sunlitxshifter · 3 years
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“Trying to decide on a hero name is difficult. I’ve narrowed it down to a few but it’s rather hard to decide. Wildling, Feral, Beastmaster...”
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sunlitxshifter · 3 years
@metamorphxxhero​ because why not?
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“P-Pardon me! I hate having to bother someone but I seemed to have gotten lost. This is the right hallway towards homeroom 1-A correct?” Is a rabbit both speaking and asking a question? Why yes, yes it is.
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sunlitxshifter · 3 years
‘You dropped this’ - from mizuki
Simple Ice Breakers | Meme | @foolishhopes
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"Eh? Oh, my notebook! Merci beaucoup!" Yukio quips after tilting his head and spotting one of his fellow students returning his missing item. His first day at UA and he's already losing things!
"Sorry you had to go out of your way to return this! I guess today being my first day in class and all, my head is a bit scrambled." He chuckles, a bit nervous as he can't quite recall this student's name. Introductions had been made quite brief when Aizawa introduced him to 1-A, and there were so many people with different scents and sporting unique looks that it kind of overwhelmed the shifter.
"My apologies, I can't quite remember your name, but I'm Yukio as you know!"
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sunlitxshifter · 3 years
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“If anyone is feeling down, I’m always here to talk to! Or pet.”
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sunlitxshifter · 6 years
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“H-Hey, you can’t just decide the outcome before it happens. There are many factors in battle. Besides, if all else fails, I know your weakness Dallas!”
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sunlitxshifter · 2 years
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“Choosing a hero name and an outfit is...difficult.”
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sunlitxshifter · 2 years
‘ this will cheer you up. cats! ’ (Student!Hyousuke @ Student!Yukio?)
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"Eh? Oh, oh yes! Cats are adorable!" Yukio chimes, snapping his head up when a voice calls out to him, gaze slanting up to see the student who had approached him. Today marked a massive training segment for UA, with multiple classes grouping together to mix and match student groups together, combing under and upper classman with randomly selected groups and teams. The goal was apparently to teach the majority of the student body to learn and adapt to working with different people and different types of Quirks without prior knowledge of them.
Yukio had been selected for an assignment where students were chosen in pairs and the theme for the practical course was stealth. He had been instructed to find his randomly assigned partner, someone named Hyousuke Nekoda, and the shifter hadn't had much luck with the crowd of students he had been tryin to weave through. It had his mood sinking, but he didn't think it was that apparent on his features that a stranger would take notice.
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sunlitxshifter · 2 years
@mischievmagic​ here Rumi gets the good boi
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Staring starry eyed and slack jawed up at Mirko’s hero agency, his scouting application held tightly in his hands. This was one of the agencies he had been recommended to!
Now he just...had to work up the courage to actually go in.
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sunlitxshifter · 6 years
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“I heard you tend to be very shy, but you like cute things. So I thought it would be okay to introduce myself like this.” Shiba’s were cute, right?
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sunlitxshifter · 6 years
@anivoicehero continued from X
The task itself seemed simple enough, although instead of just wanting to do it as a friend to Koda, Yukio felt strangely drawn to obeying the command. It was as if the request was burned into his mind, and he could think very little aside from wanting to obey the command.
Not long after Koda commanded him to, Yukio found himself doing just that, body breaking out into a run as he leapt through the field on all fours, reaching the particular tree Koda had pointed out earlier and rubbing his nose up against the bark, before making his way back.
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“L-Like that?...How strange, I really couldn’t help but do it or I felt like I was betraying my instincts...Is that a part of your quirk?”
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sunlitxshifter · 6 years
@blazinghct liked for a starter
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After school, Yukio actually had a part time job he had picked up and worked into his schedule, only working for a few days every week to save up some of his own money for when he was ready to leave his uncle’s side. He was eternally grateful for his uncle taking him in and providing the expenses for both UA and Yukio’s many therapy session taken to help him adjust to the real world, and Yukio would never forget his kindness. 
However, the blond did not want to rely on him for everything, and now that he could apply for work and try and get somewhere on his own he wanted to try. Hence why he was currently greeting the next customer with a wide smile, his waiter uniform clean and pressed neatly.
“Hello ma’am welcome to Yumeke cafe’! My name is Yukio and I’ll be your server today.” He greets, smiling as he takes in his next customer, before blinking. He recognized this one, as another student from class 1-A.
“A-Ah you’re from UA? We actually have a discount for students attending there, just so you know. Anyway, let me show you to your seat.” He quips, before pulling out a chair at a nearby table for the girl to sit. 
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sunlitxshifter · 6 years
Yo kid! You alive over there?
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“Y-Yeah…Still alive.” Yukio heaved, his large feline body finally collapsing as he needed a moment to breathe. Today’s training exercises had been extremely harsh and grueling, and he knew he would certainly be feeling the ache in all his joints and muscles once today was fully over.
“A-Are we finally done with training for today?”
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sunlitxshifter · 3 years
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“Oh...Oh my birthday is in a few days isn’t it? I completely forgot!!!”
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sunlitxshifter · 3 years
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“I was practicing my Quirk on the training grounds but now Aizawa-sensei has picked me up and I’m too nervous to say anything!!!”
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