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@rcbcllixvs inquired: A care package is delivered to Idia's room, signed with Hana's online handle (complete with cute chibi ferret doodle). Inside there's a basket of Idia's favorite snacks (with a post-it note labelling them as "healing items~"), a cat-shaped pillow, a couple of plushies, a few charms, a figurine of one of Idia's favorite characters and a coupon with a code for the early release of Idia's favorite videogame. Everything is topped with a doodle of Idia's in-game avatar striking a victory pose, with "To overcome everyday's challenges" written on the bottom in Hana's handwriting.
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⁕| Unprompted |⁕
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What the heck is this..?? Upon first receiving the package, Idia thought it was some kind of prank. Honestly, who just sends random things to people.?? Yeah, the students in Ignihyde have mad respect for their dorm leader and his hacking skills, but Idia highly doubted any of them would bother to send him something. Did he forget his birthday again.?? Was this some anniversary of some kind.?? Idia couldn't figure out a reason to receive anything.
But upon reading Hana's gamertag on the package, Idia grinned and started opening it. It was weird that she would suddenly send him something, but hey, he wasn't about to complain. He went through the contents of the package, his grin only widening. Sweet, this was some pretty cool gear!! He still had no idea why she would bother to send him such an awesome gift, but hey, it's not like he was going to send this stuff back. There was a preorder for the video game he's been wanting to get!!
He'll send a message to Hana online to thank her later. For now, he just had to dig into some of those snacks~
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hamadacare · 1 year
when the night calls for @rcbcllixvs
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One moment, he was driving on his moped back home, the next, he is snatched away from his vehicle by a tentacle that wrapped around his waist. The moped operates itself seconds longer before it skids and slams itself into a nearby tree.
Time swallowed everything so quickly, that Tadashi wasn’t given the chance to react except stare with wide eyes at his red ride being left behind while he is taken in the opposite direction. And only when it is a red dot far away, Tadashi is able to concentrate and realize the world around him; he is being kidnapped. He is being whisked away in the night, away from the road back home, where his family is waiting for him, expecting him safe and sound. Tadashi’s mind begins to panic; This can’t be happening to me! I can’t let them worry about me!
Consumed by these intrusive thoughts, the young man begins to squirm in place, attempting to loosen himself from this constricting hold.
“Let go of me! Ah!-”
His plea is met with a brief strangle in return, resulting in Tadashi gasping so violently, that it sounded as if he just barely kept his head above imaginary waters at the end of his words. Though a short, sharp gesture, he is left with a coughing fit. Things get worse-
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Ohh … no!
With possessing tentacles, comes its impressive quantity of appendages. This mercenary, an anthropomorphic octopus, seizes another hostage in a similar way as he did Tadashi, unsuspecting and vulnerable at this late hour. This time, a child. A child who screams, frightened until she is silenced with a tentacle censoring her mouth. Children as bargaining chips fetch more money, don’t they?
One must be late out at night in the isolated part of this city to see the danger in the shadows. Lucky for the villain to be agile, but stupid to run past a hero on a night stroll.
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the-solar-panel · 1 year
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@rcbcllixvs asked:
"Back off!" (Touya for Zhongli)
Send “back off” to grab the arm of someone who attempted to touch my muse without their permission and shove them back.
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Zhongli doesn't interfere, instead letting Touya handle the stranger as he sees fit. Once they're gone, that's when the Archon speaks up. "Thank you, Touya. I have the sneaking suspicion they wanted to try and take my coin purse. Granted I did not bring it today, but still..."
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@rcbcllixvs is giving Jogo a kiss AFTER A LONG TIME APART.
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Jogo hadn't seen Touya for months even after he had gotten back from his stint undercover. From what he could tell, Touya was the biggest protester of him even going in the first place, and with good reason. He wasn't sure what he expected when he heard Touya was finally going to be transferred home again. But this was the best outcome.
He wrapped his arms around Touya tightly, tears spilling down his cheeks even as he returned the kiss. He was desperate for the contact, the love, the familiar scent, all of it. He only pulled away because the fellow officers behind them began to whistle at them.
"I-I know they debriefed you on everything, but I'm Okay I promise. I've missed you so much." He couldn't help the shake in his hands anymore than the shake in his voice.
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nightiingaled · 1 year
💎 (HanaMiyo)
MOODBOARDS R US | accepting
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Hana-Miyo & Their Hero Agency
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crmtn · 2 years
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@rcbcllixvs said: ❛  is it my fault?  ❜ (Touya) 🐝  *  ―  𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. || open
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"No, of course not." Managing a weak smile, Akito raises his burnt arm for emphasis. "It's not even that bad, see? Just a little red and raw." Which is... an understatement, really. It's blistered, too, and it certainly doesn't look pretty-- but Akito plays it off as if it's nothing to him. Because he has to learn resistance, right? Rather, RESILIENCE, because neither of them have natural resistance to their flames. But to be heroes like their father wants them to be, that's something that they'll both have to overcome, right? So Akito isn't going to let this pain get to him, if he can help it.
"This is from my own flames," he goes on to explain, lowering his arm to let it rest in his lap now. "We both have Mom's cold constitution, remember? Just because we were sparring doesn't mean my burns are always your fault. This one would go away with time anyway."
Adjusting his position, Akito moves to hug his knees to his chest and rest his chin on top. His gaze now falls from Touya's, staring down at the floor with his burnt arm lining the bottom of his vision-- weak smile remaining there all the while.
"Guess that means we're done for today? Sorry, Touya-- but... maybe you can train with Dad, if you don't wanna wait around for me to recover." Awkward little laugh falsl from lips before he decides to meet his twins gaze once more.
"Just be careful if you do, alright? I'm sure the last thing he needs is for both of us to end up out of commission for a while because we got too reckless with our flames and weak bodies."
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crownshattered · 19 hours
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@rcbcllixvs inquired: ❝ demons after money. what ever happened to the still-beating heart of a virgin? no one has any standards anymore. ❞ (Poe @ Rosalie)
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⁕| Buffy Prompts |⁕
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"What, do you not like it?" the woman replied with an amused chuckle. As it turns out, there were two writers in the family. Apparently Edgar was an excellent mystery novelist while Rosalie's talents lay in poetry. And while Rosalie was naturally more "progressive", perhaps Edgar was more traditional in his writing. Like with the traditional idea of "demons".
"Aren't you bored of the same idea of demons seeking souls or the still-beating hearts of virgins, as you put it? This is the modern day, and real demons among us are only interested in satisfying their own greed." Or, at least, that's how Rosalie saw it. She thought it would make a pretty good idea for a story, but if he disagreed... Perhaps she can turn it into a poem instead.
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smol-sirens-garden · 4 months
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@rcbcllixvs Has Asked: “  you look cute all frazzled like this.  ” (Touya @ Kunikida) I Morning After Starters
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He yawned softly, stretching a bit as he did. It had been a long night, not that he was going to complain about it. It was nice. Though now that he was morning he probably looked a bit off. He was also pretty sure that he had over slept.
"I slept so long I think I forgot what day it is. What time is it even?"
He sat up, hair a mess, stealing a kiss from the other and pulling him close. "Good morning."
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shinrci · 7 months
@rcbcllixvs said: i need to run into town to grab a few things. will you come with me? (Hana @ Kaira)
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THOUGH KAIRA HADN'T HAD ANY PLANS OF THEIR OWN TODAY, they're a bit surprised when Hana asks them to come along. For a moment, anyway. But then surprise melts away to make way for a gentle, almost imperceptible smile ( unless one knew to look close enough to spot it ). It's an offer they certainly can't deny-- spending time at her side is always a treat, of course, but Kaira finds a special sort of joy in the mundane little things. Anything with a semblance of a normal life outside of killing for a living. Not that they could easily admit to that spark of joy, or ever want to change the life they have now ( as doing so would mean losing the people they've come to value ), but it remains the simple truth.
"I would love to," comes their quiet, raspy answer. That much in itself, they hope, speaks of their delight in even the simple errands alongside Hana. Nothing of honor or duty ( the latter hasn't had a place in Kaira's feelings for her in a long, long time ). Just simple and plain comfort in even the thinnest veneer of normalcy for a pair of people who tend to have anything but.
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"Shall we get going, then?"
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kyukicho · 1 year
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@rcbcllixvs asked:
"A little birdie told me it's your birthday today~"
Hana shows up at Mikuni's shop with a tray of cupcakes and a wrapped gift, which when opened reveals a soft scarf shaped like a snake.
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The bell to the front door jingles, announcing her arrival. He'd been expecting her, really. Knowing somehow she'd figure out the date and come to wish him well. It was so very like her.
"Little birds should keep their tweeters shut." He teased. Knowing she likely found the information in some back corner of the web. But he humbly accepted the gifts, the treats did look delicious after all. "These will go great with a new tea I bought. Want to join me?"
Setting the gift down he prepared the kettle before unwrapping it at his desk. Eyes lit up, he was always one for soft warm accessories and the shape was delightful. "So cute!" He cooed wrapping it around his neck and giving the snakes head a little pat. "Jeje will be jealous. Thanks a ton."
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@rcbcllixvs inquired: ❝ hang on a second, i'm gonna record this — ❞ (Hana @ Idia)
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⁕| Prompts for Little Shits |⁕
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Idia snickered through the mic on his headset. It was always fun to go back to a low-level area on the map once you're one of the top players. Maxed out level, legendary gear... He will demolish the enemies here. It was actually pretty funny to think about. No wonder Hana wanted to record it.
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"Hehehehe~... Let me know when you're recording~" Idia replied as he went into his menu and started equipping his best gear. While yes, he enjoyed playing with Muscle Red and chatting with him, it was a completely different experience to play with Hana. Muscle Red was great to actually grind with. Hana was great to wreck shit with~
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nightiingaled · 1 year
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“ you are not your father's child. not by anything other than blood, and that’s not even on the spectrum of importance. ” - @rcbcllixvs (hana)
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It was a bad day. A day where they remembered all the horrors, a day where the horrors were too difficult to push away. But they hand Hana and she tried - oh did she try. That golden light in their darkness. "But I have his quirk," they signed, features annoyed - not at her, but at the words. "I have his rage."
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crmtn · 2 years
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@rcbcllixvs said: ❛  are you still mad at me?  ❜ (Touya) 🐝  *  ―  𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺. || open
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He wants to be able to say no, of course not. Because he SHOULDN'T be angry, right? Not at Touya, nor any of his other siblings. They all suffered just the same. It'd be unfair for Akito to go thinking that he was the only one.
But for years he has been angry-- LIVID, even. Containing that much rage has been difficult, and for a long time now he's been ready to release it on almost ANYONE. Besides, it's not as if his siblings haven't hurt him too. Perhaps not to the same extent as their father-- and maybe he's even overreacting. Still, how readily some of them seem to be with the idea of their father trying to atone, and how he still feels as if the lot of them brushed him off when they were younger... That has always stuck with him, festering silently no matter how much he used to try to will it away.
And Touya... Well, Akito just can't understand him. To chase that same path that their father laid out for him, despite the way Enji ended up turning Shouto into his puppet and largely disregarding all the rest... Why would he want that for himself? Why not throw it all right back in Endeavor's face the way Akito had? He'd TRIED to convince his twin of doing as much, but to no avail.
Maybe that's why he's really mad. That feeling of being ABANDONED, this time by the one he trusted most.
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"What's it matter? We both know how this story's gonna end anyway." A scoff, then he gives a rather dismissive wave. "Get out of here already. All you're gonna do is get yourself killed if you stick around here, hero."
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the-solar-panel · 1 year
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@rcbcllixvs asked: "What happened to you?" (Touya @ Zhongli)
Send "What happened to you?" and my muse will respond having been recently injured. Specify muse for multimuses!
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"Nothing serious."
This was his attempt to wave the gash on his arm off -- but Touya is persistent, and the Archon sighs softly in resignation. "...just a highwayman. I took care of it. He just got lucky."
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godofvillains-arch · 1 year
rcbcllixvs asked:
🕹️ (Hana @ Tomura)
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"I can't tell if you didn't know this game DOESN'T have friendly fire.. Or if you just shot and killed me to piss me off..."
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tempered-in-flames · 2 years
🫂 (Touya)
{{Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them. }}
Coming home still felt odd after everything that had happened. It hadn't really ever been a place Shouto considered safe. How ever one thing he will never get used to, no matter how many times it had started to happen, was hugs from his eldest brother. As warm arms wrapped around him as he closed the front door, Shouto would jump for a second, eyes turning to see who it was hugging him before relaxing into the embrace.
"Evening, Touya." He would do his best to turn around in the hug to return it as he spoke, a small smile in his tone.
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