#I shamelessly stole this from that mob psycho episode
acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
Happy Encanto Milk Day 🥛🥛🥛❤️
"Laughter is all you need. Laughter is life. Laughter is love. Just laugh and you'll forget all your worries." 
Bruno scoffs. Loudly. 
The split in the mountains has brought many new and interesting things to the Encanto. Modern marvels that Bruno has only ever seen in visions before. 
But something about their community also seems to attract very weird and eccentric individuals. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. A lot of them fit right in with the weird and eccentric villagers (and with the Madrigals, even though most of the Madrigals vehemently deny having anything in common with the weird and eccentric even though they are the most weird and eccentric around for miles) and enrich the community quite nicely. 
Not this one though. This one obviously doesn't want to enrich anything but his own wallet. 
The middle aged man is dressed in a long, flowy robe made out of satin and his hair is gelled back with so much oil that it glitters in the sunshine. The smile on his face is so wide it can only be fake. He has positioned himself in the middle of the plaza, standing on a shoebox and calling out to the gathered crowd, claiming to want to help them find the way to true happiness. 
The little hat for 'donations' next to the shoebox tells Bruno all he needs to know about this guy's intentions. 
True happiness indeed. 
The man has heard Bruno and immediately spots him in the crowd. He hops down from his shoebox and walks towards the Madrigal with a weird glint in his eyes. Mirabel, who has accompanied Bruno into the village, grabs her uncle's sleeve. She doesn't pull him away, but Bruno can tell that she readies herself to do so at the first sign of danger. So protective, his brave little Mariposa. 
"Ah, the prophet." The man simpers. "I have heard of you. Say, why would you try to look into the future when all you need for true happiness is a smile upon your face? I can teach you to way to true illumination and greatness." 
"You know what would bring me true happiness? Watching your back as you leave this valley. No one is buying your nonsense. Literally by the way, since the Encanto hasn't used money for transactions in years. So why don't you pack your things and go?"
The man is visibly taken aback by the money thing. He inconspicuously takes a look at the empty hat. Well, not quite empty. Some kids have thrown buttons into it and someone else seems to have relieved themselves of empty candy wrappers. A sneer works its way onto the man's face, but he is an actor, much like Bruno. Soon he is smiling again and throwing his arms wide. 
"Oh, but friend! I'm not doing this for monetary gain. I just want to bring a smile to people's faces. A smile is all you need to make your problems go away." 
Bruno crosses his arms. The crowd watches them with baited breath. 
"I'm sure you can think of other means to get paid, can't you? Doesn't matter though, a laugh is not all you need to make your worries go away." Bruno would know. Mirabel squeezes his arm. "And telling impressionable young people otherwise is dangerous." 
"A man burdened by the future. You probably don't have much to laugh about, don't you?" Bruno's hackles rise at the condescending tone. "Ah, but I know. How about a little bet? A milk drinking contest. We both drink milk and try to make the other one laugh. Who laughs first loses. If it's me, I'll leave. If it's you, you have to admit that laughter really is the best medicine. What do you say?"
Mirabel snorts and shakes her head. "That is the most ridiculous idea I've ever-"
"Let's do it!" Bruno interrupts. 
"Excellent! Someone get us some milk!" The man shouts and rushes towards his little pack next to his shoebox.
Mirabel gapes at her uncle. "Tio Bruno! Why would you agree to that?" 
Bruno smiles absent-mindedly. Because, you see, dear reader? The only reason Bruno would ever willingly agree to such an asinine bet is rather simple. 
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This will make at least a tiny bit of sense if you are familiar with Mob Psycho 100. If not... *throws this at you and runs*
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