#Snarky Bruno is snarky
vaugarde · 2 years
been sitting on dusks toyhouse profile for a week and im embarassed bc the photos of her so far are just memes or whatever and then her description is the most depressing shit
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ratphecy · 2 years
@frstwomn​ liked for a starter    
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there was a small smirk plastered on the prophet’s face as he looked at Tasmin. of course, he wasn’t surprised. not really. he knew she was going to show up or visit at SOME POINT. after everything they’ve been through. it was only amount of time. it didn’t take looking into the future to know this. 
“ what honor do I have MADAM PRESIDENT? “
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weirdsht · 1 month
Die With A Smile - Cale/Reader
a/n: yes it's from the new lady gaga and bruno mars song. I noticed how reader always seems to be on the dying side in my fics so...
oh and I cried to the point of dehydration when I wrote this lol
tags: reader gender not specified, angst, tragedy, injuries, possibility of death, open ending
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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Cale Henituse is such a selfish person. 
He continues to make unreasonable demands even when in this crucial moment.
Can’t he see the tears streaming down your face? Can’t he feel the sadness and grief overtaking your entire being?
Can’t he tell that his the reason why you’re in this state?
He probably could. His Cale Henituse after all, the ever so intelligent commander. The young master that can ensure everyone’s survival even in the direst situations.
Everyone but his.
And that’s why his so so selfish.
“Are you really telling me what to do after you’re gone?”
You cried as you felt his weak hand caress your cheeks. His hands are soft, pampered. Unlike his hands when he was Kim Rok Soo; rough and calloused. Not that it mattered much.
As long as it was him, the man you loved, it didn’t matter what his hand felt on your skin.
Cale Henituse chuckled lightly as if nothing was wrong. As if it was just a normal day in the underground villa where the two of you are lazing around.
It made you wish that Raon was here to smack some sense into him.
But alas he wasn’t. In fact, no one was around. It was just the two of you. No Raon, no Choi Han, no Eruhaben, no Rosalyn.
No way out of this damned cave.
“Stop laughing! I’m not joking!”
You couldn’t help but shout at him. You’re hands working hard to wipe every blood that comes out of his mouth, his eyes, his ears, his… 
You can’t tell where the blood is coming from anymore. 
His blood-soaked hand continued to caress your cheek. Blood smearing everywhere, but you didn’t care. You can’t when you can feel his hand growing colder with each stroke.
Your lover was so selfish.
Oh so so so selfish.
“We’re both injured you dipship.”
“You have a higher chance of survival than me. I made sure of it.”
Despite everything, he still thought of you. Yet he failed to think of what you would be if he were gone. Never considered how grey your world would become without his unprompted snarky remarks.
“Is this your payback for me dying back on Earth?”
You laid down beside him. The ground was hard as you already sacrificed every piece of clothing you both had to make Cale comfortable. Everything was quiet and peaceful. If it weren’t for the fact that both of you were injured you would have relished in it.
“Maybe… perhaps I wanted you to know how I felt that day– Agh! Fuck it hurts!”
Cale tried to joke but was cut off because his entire body shook with pain once more.
Trying to ease his pain, you held his hand. Squeezing it as you felt your own injuries hurt and throb. Both of you found solace in each other in this dark cave.
“How are your injuries? Especially the one on your side?”
The redhead inquired as he felt your hold tightened. He was probably in so much more pain than you are. But still… still, he insists on prioritizing you.
“Better than your plate could ever be.”
You omitted the part where your side is still profusely bleeding. He didn’t need another stressor when he was already one foot on death’s door.
Turning over to your side hurt, especially since you’re now crushing your wound. But you did it, just so you could stare at his face for probably the last time in this life.
“I know that it’s bleeding. I’m not dumb, lie on your back.”
Silence lingered in the cave as you said nothing. It was enough to tell Cale that you’re not gonna follow.
For what felt like hours, the two of you simply held each other’s hand. Racing to see who will give in the their injuries first.
Cale rested his forehead on yours. It felt magnetic, or maybe that was just the sticky blood. You aren’t so sure, but it felt comforting.
That was until he opened his mouth once more.
“Hey what if I pass over my ancient powers��”
“Don't you fucking dare.”
Both of you could barely speak, yet here you are still arguing.
It reminded you of all the times the two of you bickered over the smallest things.
Then it reminded you of how this was probably the last time you would be able to do so.
Cale seems to have a similar line of thoughts as he shuts up once more. A faint smile was visible on his face, probably remembering the times you spent together.
You squeezed his arm as black spots began dancing around your vision. They looked tempting, they looked like they could relieve the pain you were feeling.
But you resisted, if Cale was fighting then you’re fighting too.
Cale Henituse started again after a few minutes.
“I don’t like this pain anymore…”
“You never liked pain…”
The love of your life chuckled because it was true. His chuckle was weak, almost lifeless. You tried to laugh too but couldn’t for you know the implication of those words.
Cale Henituse is reaching his limits.
And honestly, you were reaching yours too.
But you didn’t like that. You want for the both of you to live, to get out of this hellish place together.
“...I don’t like this pain anymore too.”
“See… I told you haha…”
You had no choice but to admit it. You don’t know what will happen after this. Cale said he ensured for you to have a higher chance of survival but it’s been hours. It’s a miracle none of you have dropped dead yet.
Removing your forehead from Cale’s you lifted yourself a little. It was so that you could kiss him.
Again, for possibly the last time in this lifetime.
You used the strength you didn’t have to land that one last kiss. Both of you are weak, but passion dominates the kiss. As if each of you were trying to put in the last of your vitality in this kiss. Trying to give it to the other person so they can live longer.
“I love you.”
“You’re my everything.”
Cale and you simultaneously muttered as the kiss broke. You laid back down once more to try and ease the pain that flared up over your little stunt.
Everything hurts, there’s a puddle of blood underneath the two of you, Cale was slowly losing consciousness.
But the two of you had smiles on your faces.
Because the two of you got to experience your last moments in each other's arms.
That was better than dying alone in this cold and dark cave that held you hostage.
However, tears fell from your eyes as you witnessed Cale desperately blinking to stay awake. It was finally sinking in that at least one of you might die here.
Both of you might die here.
There were still so many things the two of you didn’t do. Both of you had promised to take the children on another shopping spree next week. You promised Lock and the other wolf children that you would teach them some martial arts you learned back on Earth. Cale promised Choi Han that they would replenish the flowers in the cemetery in Harris Village.
Though that last one might turn into Choi Han having to lower flowers for both of you.
“My love… my dearest…”
You were so weak that you couldn’t continue your words. But Cale didn’t need words for he could understand you from your breath alone, and you from his.
“Don’t… cry…”
How dare he have the nerve to say that when there are tears streaming down his face too?
Cale used the very last of his strength to bring your joined hands towards his lips. It was his last act of comfort. His last act of love.
“I love… y ou… I’ll… al way s  will…”
With that Cale Henituse’s eyes closed. His hand still holding onto yours. Still pressed against his almost blue lips.
“I… I lo ve… you too…”
Then you followed suit.
As you closed your eyes you think you could hear desperate screams break the silence in the cave. Desperate and anxious screams that oddly sounded like Eruhaben. Then mixed in it are tensed orders from someone who sounded similar to Alberu.
But you didn’t have any strength left to check if you were hallucinating. So you closed you eyes and gave into the abyss waiting to comfortably embrace you.
You shouted the moment you woke up. You think you sat up but you weren’t sure. Too disoriented from your injuries and painkillers. 
You think you could feel hands trying to make you lie back down again but you weren’t sure. Even if you were, you didn’t care.
Ignoring the hands trying to subdue you, you tried to feel around for Cale. There were bandages covering your eyes, you realise just now. It seemed like you’re lying down on a bed as it felt soft.
But those weren’t the things you were looking for.
“Cale!? Where’s Cale!?”
You shouted, despair and anguish evident in your voice. There’s a bunch of textures you can feel. Lots of scents you could smell. Tons of voices you could hear.
However, none of them were Cale’s.
Not a single one of them felt like your lover’s.
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jollyfunvoid · 8 months
Bucci gang headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati
-Wes Andersson fan (his comfort movie is Grandhotel Budapest)
-fave era is roaring 20s (aesthetic & music wise)
-listens to electro swing, swing, jazz and blues
-has a very strong sweet tooth. His cravings are so extreme he is able to eat whole giant chocolate on one go and not gain a single kilogram. His favorite ice cream is stracciatella and his go to dessert is tiramisu. If you wanna bribe him, use sweets
-loves Golden Girls (Sofia is his favorite character)
-hardcore Eurovision fan, always prepares for the Eurovision weeks in advance, it's like a holiday for him
-brings small camera with him everywhere he goes, gets very emotional and sentimental when taking pictures, loves to keep all the memories
-shares an old record player with Abbacchio, they collects vinyl records together
-in charge of shared Netflix and Disney+ account
-has an ornamental lower back tattoo which matches the one he has on his chest. Has a lot of tattoos all over his body in general
-is very good at sailing and has a captain's licence. As a kid he used to be obsessed with pirates, he still lowkey fantasizes about life at sea
-surprisingly a very good dancer and hella skilled belly dancer. He is also very flexible
-Caterina Caselli number 1 fan
-drinks a lot of coffee, never starts a day without a cup of cappuccino
-obsessed with candles
-as a kid he used to build wooden ship models with his dad. Now as an adult he still does it sometimes, when he is not too busy
-bought himself a sewing machine because he is really into fashion and wanted to start making his own clothes. Isn't very good at it tho, his sewing skills are poor, so he always ends up zipping everything up with his stand and then acts like that's how the "sewn" piece is supposed to look like
-has a sweet melodic laugh
-extremely flirty, he is a snarky little shit who loves to tease others
-"Oh my god look at the sky! The colors are so beautifl!" *takes a picture* "And the clouds? Wow!" *takes another picture* "Guys, come look at the sunset!" *takes 20 more pictures*
-has a very low alcohol tolerance (3 glasses in and he is under the table)
-although he seems like a very well put together person, he is very messy and tends to misplace things, especially when he creates extra storage with zippers he can't find anything. He calls it "organized chaos"
-can easily sneak up on others, he just silently spawns out of nowhere. Is it his natural ability or is Sticky Fingers involved? No one knows
-is able to talk his way out of anything, uses his charm to his advantage a lot. Also the master of puppy eyes
-suffers from PTSD because of the attack on his father, that's why he always sleeps with a knife under his pillow. Everytime he hears noises in the middle on the night he gets paranoid that someone is hiding in or sneaking into his home with the intention of harming him and his love ones. When the panic attacks hit him really hard, he irrationally makes extra safety precautions, such as blocking doors with furniture or leaving the lights on. Also has trouble sleeping in unknown places because he feels vulnerable and exposed to potential dangers, he is always in a state of high alert.
-his favorite season is winter, he enjoys Christmas the most because he loves giving presents and being with his family. He definitely plays an old Ella Fitgerald vinyl records during Christmas time
Leone Abbacchio
-tea lover, his favorite is earl grey
-doesn't like sweets, however he enjoys dried fruit (especially figs)
-Narancia is his favorite kid
-movies enthusiast, has seen sooo many movies and is the biggest critic. He has a Letterboxd account where he writes reviews. Loves watching old horror movies the most because of the gothic aesthetic, but DC movies have a very special place in his heart
-hardcore Depeche Mode, Calabrese and London After Midnight fan
-goes jogging every morning
-after getting sober he tries to look after his diet more, thanks to Bruno
-knows a lot about occult stuff
-secretly watches RuPaul's drag race with Trish
-owns a motorcycle
-named his stand after Bruno's favorite music genre to honor everything Bruno has done for him
-takes very cold and brisk showers
-taught all the boys how to drive
-thanks to Mista he became a huge Gorillaz fan
-since Moody Blues doesn't have lips, she communicates with him via symbols on her digital forehead screen
-never puts down his headphones
-has a playlist for literally any occasion. Tends to gatekeep music, you have to be very special if he shows you his playlists. Has made a playlist for each member of the Bucci gang, the only one who knows is Bruno (Leone created him multiple playlists, they even have a shared one, which they play when they are alone)
-his skin is very prone to bruising
-Moody Blues also allows him to see fragments of the past when he touches various items, he is able to sense the overall vibe and emotions of their owner and the situation they were in while using the item.
-his clothes may be dark, but I know for a fact his socks and underwear are colorful af, wild patterns all over
-his favorite season is autumn, he loves rainy and foggy weather
-the biggest prankster of the group. Everyone thinks either Narancia or Mista are always responsible for the pranks, but it is actually Leone. No one ever suspects him, because he doesn't look like the type of guy who would enjoy such childish things. And thanks to his stoic appearance he always gets away with it.
-true crime podcast listener. Him and Fugo share this passion and often discuss their favorite podcast shows. Sometimes they watch detective movies together and bet on who will solve the mystery first
Pannacotta Fugo
-reads a lot of crime novels in his free time, always comes up with his own theories and tries to solve the case before the detective (got mistaken only once and couldn't get over it for a long time). His favorite author is Sebastian Fitzek
-loves watching cartoons and animated movies, because he didn't get to enjoy them as a child
-hates horror movies because of loud jumpscares, but doesn't mind gore
-drinking green tea helps him to calm down
-gets sunburnt easily
-either never gets ill, or is sick for several weeks straight
-developed not only respiratory, but also digestive problems because of Purpe Haze and feels nauseous a lot (also throws up very often)
-uses make up to cover his facial scars
-his skin is extremely dry
-has a very light sleep, he finds it extremely difficult to share room with others during missions (he is only able to fall asleep with either Bruno or Giorno because they are not noisy sleepers like the others)
-Sheila, Murolo and him have regular sleepovers and movie marathons. They also cook dinner together
-his favorite bands are System of a Down, Slipknot, Bad Omens and Motionless in White
-can't go on rides in amusement parks because he gets sick
-him and Abbacchio visit rage rooms regularly
-always carries a book with him
-chews a lot of bubblegum to release his anger
-everytime the gang travels abroad he is the one who has to translate everything since he knows many foreign languages. He speaks english, french, russian, spanish and norwegian fluently, his pronunciation is so spot on you could barely tell he is not a native speaker. Doesn't have an accent at all. Also knows basics of sign language and cyrillic alphabet. He uses these skills often in Italy too, when he gets approached by strangers on the streets he pretends he is a confused tourist who doesn't undertand italian
-gets overstimulated easily, he is especially sensitive to noises (suffers from misophonia)
-bites ice cream and ice
-"the book was better than the movie" type of person
-picky eater, very cautious with unfamiliar food
-takes extremely hot showers. Whenever he is in the bathroom it ends up looking like a sauna in there. Also the gang has an unwritten rule that if they share a room during a mission, Fugo can use the bathroom first because he hates feeling dirty and has to use the shower immediately, otherwise he will be grumpy and won't shut up about it
-has a nasty skin picking habit, which results in him picking patches of dry skin and scabbed-over cuts and scratches (many of his injuries never fully heal because of this)
-never leaves the house without a hand sanitizer
-fidgets with his hands a lot when he is anxious
-goes to bed first and also wakes up the first
Narancia Ghirga
-convinced Abbacchio to watch Brooklyn 99 with him (although Leone didn't like it at first, they now binge watch it together). They also watched Breaking Bad and What We Do In The Shadows
-has heterochromia
-thinks Orange Capri Sun is the supreme flavor and refuses to drink any other flavor
-created a shared playlist for the squad, he blasts it everytime the gang travels somewhere (it mostly consist of EDM, trap, phonk and rap)
-always beats everyone in Just Dance game sessions
-wears mismatched socks
-somewhat good at drawing, has a very unique cartoon caricature-like style
-hardcore Marvel fan (loves Guardians of the Galaxy the most), argues with Abbacchio a lot because he likes DC
-Mista, Trish and him had a podcast at some point
-his favorite candy is Kinder Surprise
-makes paper airplanes when bored
-bites people he love
-cries when animal dies in a movie
-suffers from seasonal allergy
-sleeps with tiny Creeper and Enderman Minecraft plushies, he takes them everywhere and even made them an instagram account, where he shares random pictures of them. When someone from the gang goes on a separate mission, he gives one plushie to the group or the individual, so they wouldn't feel lonely. And they also take pictures of the plusie and send them to Narancia.
-speaking of Minecraft, he manages a server where the gang plays together. He even created custom skins for everyone which look like their stands. Since he is the only one without humanoid stand, his skin is Mr. Smith, the pilot or Aerosmith. He wears a jacket with a picture of his stand in the back
-he is afraid of doctors and doesn't like hospitals. Everytime he gets sick or injured, he gets very anxious about his health. He hates dentists the most.
-loves when Fugo reads to him because he has a very smooth audio-book-like voice when he is calm
-experimented with different hair dyes couple of times, Trish and Abbacchio helped him
-die hard South Park fan, quotes the show on daily basis
-steals everyone's clothes. Can't find a shirt? Narancia is wearing it. Your hoodie is missing? It's in Narancia's closet
-has sticky notes all over his room, because if he doesn't have something written down, he will most likely forget it
-surprisingly very strong, the only person from the gang he is not able to lift up is Leone
Giorno Giovanna
-his emotions effect his powers (different flowers grow around him or from his hair when he gets excited, angry or scared), however he manages to control and hide it well
-master builder in The Sims game; doesn't care about the gameplay as such, he just enjoys building the houses and spends hours decorating them. Fugo loves to join his gaming sessions, but he on the other hand doesn't care about the houses or decorations, his goal is to always kill as many sims as possible (he loves to play around with various gruesome mods, which Giorno secretly enjoys watching)
-walking cottage core moodboard aesthetic
-goes on a picnic at least 2 times a week. In general preferst to eat ouside, terrace or garden are his favorite places
-has a very complex skincare routine
-heist movies enthusiast
-Trish got him into astrology and tarot cards
-loves theatre and poetry, even tried to write some poems himself
-writes official Passione documents on typewriter
-installed beehives in the Passione mansion gardens and makes his own honey
-collects dried flowers
-is the best liar in the group
-a bug magnet, there is always some type of insect crawling on his clothes
-him and Fugo have library & bookshop dates, they also visit museums together and exchange random facts about nature. Nerds in love, what can I say
-caramel is his favorite ice cream and dessert toping
-has a small floral tattoo on his wrist
-loves taking bubble baths
-takes part in any bet without hesitation, no matter how absurd it is
-very bad dancer, has no rythm, but he is the best singer from the group, his voice is angelic
-very rough driver; hits the breaks hard, pumps up the gas fast and does very sharp turns. Also drives hella fast
-learned how to differentiate the steps of other people (especially the fellow teammates, since they live together). This is an old habit from his childhood.
-he walks very quietly, others barely notice when he walks into a room or when he leaves
-hates the smell of cigarettes
-others think he has a very odd music taste, because he will be singing a song from a Disney movie and within a couple of minutes you can catch him vibing to Banshee. He is forbidden to play his music in the car because it consist of all kinds of genres it makes it almost uncomfortable to listen to. His fellow gang members say his playlists are inconsistent, but they just make sense to Giorno.
-speaking of music, he is a huge fan of Hozier, Die Antwoord, Ghostemane and Little Big
-very creative, his hobbies include all kinds of crafty ativities, such as sewing, embroidering, pottery making, felting, knitting, soap making, candle making…. you name it, if he can create something, he will. And he is very good at it
-extremely fascinated by venomous animals and poisonous plants. The deadlier the better. His obsession with killer plants led to him nicknaming Fugo "his aconito", because he associates the aconite flower with his stand (it disables nerves, lowers blood pressure, and can stop the heart, plus it's purple). His other favorite flowers associated with Fugo and Purple Haze are Nightshade, Love in a mist, Spider lily and Morning glory
-zones out a lot
-sleeps with dozens of pillows, when he sleeps he is literally burried under them
-when he gets overwhelmed he lights up an incense stick and it calms him down. He is very fond of nice smells.
Guido Mista
-enjoys shitty movies, especially buddy commedies and low budget rom coms. Abbacchio hates when Mista picks films for the movie nights. Bruno on the other hand loves it
-Adam Sandler number 1 fan
-signed up for an archery course, also tried to use crossbow at some point
-can fall asleep anywhere, snores very loud
-likes the weirdest food combinations (like ice cream and pickles and stuff), the type of person who eats fries with McFlurry
-kills bugs with Nerf guns, Giorno hates it
-plays airsoft and paintball in free time
-enjoys camping, rockclimbing and rafting. Outdoor activities are his thing
-hella superstitious, made up various rituals he repeats in order to avoid bad luck
-very religious, always says a prayer before every mission
-reggaeton is his favorite type of music
-idk why but him having diabetes makes so much sence, since Pistols have to eat regularly to keep his energy and sugar lvl. stable
-mayo is his go to dressing with everything (fries, hot dog, nachos...)
-him and Narancia have 1am fast food trips
-makes silly bets with others and always challenges them to do something stupid for money, Giorno is always the first one to participate
-the best hugger
-big brother energy, everytime the other teammates screw something up and are afraid to tell Bucciarati or Abbacchio, they go to Mista for advice. He is extremely responsible and can always keep his head clear in stressful situations
-claims to hate drama but is always down to listen to some fresh tea
-loves watching cooking competitions. He is always judging the contestants harder than Gordon Ramsay ever could, Abbacchio occasionally joins him because he finds it amusing
-whenever someone tells him "I love you" he replies "Ditto", referencing one of his favorite movies (Ghost, 1990)
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nonsensology · 1 year
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So I've had these Grunkle Stan crackships on my mind for almost a year now. Could be interpreted as platonic, but I think there's great and fascinating potential if interpreted fully romantic. Full musings and explanations below (Warning: very disjointed and random).
Uncle Chan from Jackie Chan Adventures
Maybe Ford and Stan stumble across the Chans on one of their globe-trotting adventures. Both groups fight off the same supernatural threat and surprise each other with their ease and familiarity with the weird and fantastical.
I feel Uncle is kind of a weird in-between of Ford and Stan. He is knowledgeable but not a nerd like Ford, is generally cranky but doesn't get into trouble like Stan does, although he does have a level of disregard towards authority if it gets in the way of his goals. He's quick to do research instead of impulsively charging into a situation.
I think Uncle's dynamic with Stan would be hilarious. They would argue a lot on how to deal with a threat, but once they agree to work together, they could kick ass. Once he gets past his initial annoyance, Stan would probably enjoy Uncle's quips, even more so when he realizes that Uncle does not say them to be funny, he's just naturally snarky.
Uncle is never shown having any romantic interest or relationships, so I kind of headcanon him as ace, but I think it would be really interesting to see what kind of queerplatonic relationship he and Stan could form.
Jade and Mabel would probably hit it off immediately, and while Jade isn't as studious as Dipper, she also has an enthusiasm for the supernatural so she'd probably get along decently with him. She'd also probably think Stan and Ford are super cool, especially considering their lax attitude toward giving children weapons. Though they do still take the kids' safety very seriously.
Jackie is doubtful of Stan, much like he was with Viper, but seeing Stan look out for the kids would probably endear him a little. Ford might also help ease his worries, and maybe they both could have fun discussion about archeology.
I think Tohru and Soos could get along decently, though Tohru would find Soos' eccentric musings odd at first.
Additionally, Uncle's shop is in San Francisco, practically next door to Dipper and Mabel in Piedmont. The kids would easily visit each other every weekend.
Bruno Madrigal from Encanto
Stan has been to prison in Colombia, so I don't think he'd willingly travel there for fun, and Encanto Valley seems relatively closed off from the rest of the world, so I imagine their meeting is accidental, maybe a result of the Stans getting caught in a storm or something. They stay for a while in the valley while repairing their boat.
Stan might initially be outraged at the idea of the Madrigals not charging anyone for the use of their gifts, but perhaps lightens up when he sees how close-knit the community is. He'd still come up with ways they could show off their powers Mystery Shack style, probably butting heads with Alma in the process, lol. He might encourage Bruno to adapt a more showman-like approach to his seer abilities to make it more presentable and less intimidating.
Bruno and Stan connecting over their shared feelings of isolation from family is definitely what drew me to these two together in the first place. If they ever got serious about their relationship, I can imagine the biggest hurdle would be deciding if they should continue a long-distance relationship, since neither is keen on asking the other to be separated from their family.
Yuuko Ichihara from xxxHolic and Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
Major spoiler alerts for both series. It's been many years since I've read them, and Tsubasa had so many plot twists that even CLAMP (the writers) admitted they were confused by the end result. I also might be misremembering some details, so bear with me. Factoring in the plotlines for both series and Gravity Falls would make for an incredible AU fanfic that I unfortunately am not qualified to write.
Due to Yuuko's shop being in Tokyo, a whole ocean away from Oregon, I like to imagine some timey-wimey space mumbo jumbo allowing Yuuko and Stan to meet in the dream realm. Maybe at some point, Yuuko's shop would obtain a door connecting it to the Mystery Shack.
Stan and Yuuko both have a mischievous side, though Yuuko is generally more reserved. They could start out as drinking buddies, though I imagine Stan would probably favor a light beer, while Yuuko loves sake.
They also both use aliases (it is never revealed what Yuuko's real name is), but Yuuko would likely be upfront about it. As their relationship progresses, Stan would probably feel comfortable telling Yuuko his real first name, even after she tells him the supernatural dangers of giving your real name.
While Stan scams his customers, he generally sells harmless entertainment and trinkets, whereas Yuuko grants wishes and operates strictly on an equivalent exchange basis. To quote the wiki, "All of Yuuko's customers must pay a price in order to grant their wishes, which can be no more or no less than the one demanded, or else harm will come to one's way. She is not one to tell the customer the most direct way to solve their problems because in the end, it can only be solved with that person's own realization and resolution to change themselves... Her abilities are not unlimited and may almost seem like a curse as it appears that she is unable to do anything for anyone or grant any gift (other than feelings) without it becoming a binding transaction." 
When Stan finds out just how powerful Yuuko is, I think he might react with a mixture of hesitation and awe, especially when she reveals she knows about his past, and Ford being lost in the multiverse. I am on the fence on whether Yuuko would use her powers to bring Ford home sooner, or let Stan continue working on the portal because he's already close to completing it and this would be significant in defeating Bill.
I found that the main villain of Tsubasa, Fei Wang Reed, surprisingly parallels Stan. Both endanger reality to bring back someone who is lost, but while Stan does it out of love and devotion to his family, Fei Wang Reed only did it in an arrogant plan to prove himself a powerful sorcerer. And in Fei's case, the person is already dead. CLAMP's universe establishes that the dead cannot be brought back to life, and Fei's wish to do so would cause the universe to be destroyed. I wonder if Bill would factor Fei as part of his plans.
Stan also surprisingly shares a lot in common with Fai D Fluorite. Both use their twin's name (Fai's real name is Yuui), and for much of the series Fai's tragic backstory regarding his twin is unknown, and he hides his trauma under a laid back exterior. I think Stan would empathize a lot with Fai, after he finds out his backstory.
Kimihiro Watanuki is revealed to have been created to fill a void left by Syaoran after the latter wished to turn back time. I remember Watanuki's character arc involved realizing that people cared about him. "Don't disappear", "Continue existing". Stan would probably take Watanuki under his wing, much like he did with Soos. Watanuki might find life with the Pines family far more chaotic than he's used to, but slowly warm up.
Yuuko is revealed to have died a long time ago and has basically been in magical stasis due to Clow Reed's unintentional wish. When time finally moves forward again, Yuuko eventually passes on. She doesn't return in the canon series, but Watanuki is stated to have also suspended his time to wait for her return. In this AU, maybe she reincarnates in the past and reunites with Stan and the Pines in the present day.
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rebouks · 2 months
Becca, hello. I'm here to announce that I'm throwing the towel and say that I ship dumbass stupid ass snarky ass Levi with Robin. I will even say it again. I think they'd be super cute. I'm cheeky enough to repeat it. I think they should at least give a little peck on the lips someday. Enemies to friends to lovers. Fantastic dynamic. There, I said my piece. I wrote it in big letters on the class blackboard and also drew a heart with their initials. Also: Fuck Bruno. Haven't seen the thundercunt yet, but death to him. Hope he slips on his bathroom and dies. Or whatever. Redemption arcs are great, too. I love your story and little guys, and hope you have a good day!
lmaoooo the heart on the blackboard made me chuckle 😂 idk how Levi's girlfriend, Penny would think about this ship tho!! i have a feeling she might pull your hair out for it ahahksjdksj.. i wonder if anyone else ships Robin/Levi? 👀
they're cute even if they're just friends tho let's face it 🥺
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and idk if you even WANT to meet Bruno ahaa.. lotta ppl are mad at him atm but some still love him! if u do wanna meet him tho u could always browse his tag ⚆_⚆
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greenvillainredemption · 10 months
Not to be another of those guys complaining about that modern gurlz video but basically yeah that’s what this post is. While I hate that people were complaining about Asha’s personality before the movie even came out, now that I’ve seen it I’m like... yeah there’s not much there. But I DON’T agree that Rapunzel, Anna, and Mirabel are like the same character just because they share similar quirkiness.
Rapunzel was quirky because she spent her entire eighteen year old life in one tiny isolated house with no social interaction aside from her seemingly loving but manipulative and demanding mother. She’s also curious, artistic, and friendly to everyone even if they’re scary. She wants freedom first and foremost, but ends up finding love along the way.
Anna was quirky because she spent most of her childhood alone, without ever seeing her sister or anyone aside from castle staff. She’s also naive, romantic, and snarky. What gets her in trouble is being too trusting of a man she barely knows. The same could maybe be said about Rapunzel, but Eugene is pretty upfront about being a wanted thief, and Rapunzel keeps a good friendly distance with him at first. It’s obviously still a Disney movie but there are no wedding proposals on the first date. Anna on the other hand is straight up, as Hans says, desperate for love.
Mirabel was quirky when she was trying to hide things (the fact that she doesn’t have a gift, the vision from the rest of the family), clumsy because she was trying to keep up with her magical family (lifting heavy things in the kitchen, running after luisa while luisa walks effortlessly, getting thrown around by isabela’s plants after her breakthrough), awkward when other people are awkward (bruno) She’s also pushy, determined, and ambitious. Her flaw is that she’s too self sacrificial. She almost fell off a cliff trying to find information and ran into a collapsing building to save the magic.
They are not the same!!
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gasstationpopcorn · 4 months
10 music albums chosen by Joker Out
from this article on rocker.si Bojan Cvjetičanin
Oasis – (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? (1995)
Daft Punk – Random Access Memories (2013)
Michael Jackson – Thriller (1982)
Big Foot Mama – Tretja Dimenzija (1999)
Beatles – Rubber Soul
ABBA – Live (1986)
Arctic Monkeys – AM (2013)
5h – Rapidol
Siddharta – Rh- (2003)
Trkaj – Rapostol (2007)
Kris Guštin
Dan D – Katere barve je tvoj dan? (2004)
Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007)
The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
Milky Chance – Blossom (2017)
The Kooks – Inside in Inside out (2006)
MRFY – Story (2018)
Kendrick Lamar – Good kid, M.A.A.D city (2012)
Nas – Illmatic (1994)
J. Cole – 2014 Forest Hills Drive (2014)
Rage Against the Machine – Rage Against the Machine (1992)
Jan Peteh
Jamiroquai – Automaton (2017)
Parcels – Parcels (2018)
Snarky Puppy – We Like It Here (2014)
Royal Blood – How Did We Get So Dark? (2017)
Pink Floyd – Animals (1977)
Emkej – Znajdi se (2012)
Iztok Mlakar – Rimarije iz oštarije (2001)
Fat Butlers – The Dawn (2019)
Vulfpeck – Hill Climber (2018)
Miles Davis – Kind of Blue (1959)
Martin Jurkovič
John Mayer – Where the Light Is – Live in LA (2008)
Radiohead – In Rainbows (2007)
Siddharta – RH- (2003)
The Kooks – Inside in / Inside out (2006)
Rage Against the Machine – Rage Against the Machine (1992)
The Beatles – Rubber Soul (1965)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Californication (1999)
Kings of Leon – Only By The Night (2008)
Trkaj – Rapostol (2007)
Matic Kovačič
Toto – Toto IV (1982)
Green day – Dookie (1994)
Michael Jackson – Thriller (1982)
Parni Valjak – Pusti nek traje (1991)
ABBA – Waterloo (1974)
Siddharta – Nord (2001)
Queen – Live at Wembley ’86 (1992)
Mando Diao – Give Me Fire! (2009)
Big Foot Mama – Izhod (2012)
Bruno Mars – Unorthodox Jukebox (2012)
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𝑆𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑢𝑠 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘! 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑊ℎ𝑜 𝑁𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑠
Song Inspiration: Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars, and "Everything works out in the end" ( especially that one and that damned trend in TikTok)
Insipirations: this, this
Warnings: Dumbledore Slander, Reader calling Voldemort "Noseless Bitch", a whole lot of angst at the end, fluff in the beginning.
A/N: I changed my phone and no one told me how hard it's to text on a big and tall phone, I'm crying frustratedly but I'll manage.
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"𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑦 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒, 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑦 𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑡 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑏𝑒ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑑."
-Gᴀʏʟᴇ Fᴏʀᴍᴀɴ
Sirius Black never felt like he could finally breathe.
It wasn't the rhytmic one his lungs already did by itself, no. It was the breathe of freedom, of all the tortures he went through and goes through to end and have his own life.
Away from his parents and their stupid ideals, if that was possible.
And his wish had come true. When he went into the train that would change his whole life, the 11 year-old boy Sirius wasn't aware what was waiting for him in there.
Three friends that would become his family, and a girl that would become his everything.
After he met and befriended those three boys and settled down with them, he still felt... empty? He wasn't entirely sure at that time, but the older he had gotten, the more he swore that his soul and heart already knew that it was missing its other part.
And that part came in the shape of a girl with unruly hair from running, panting from running to reach the train on time.
"May I seat here- Oh, it's full... I'm sorry to-" you stuttered out nervously, suddenly having the eyes of the four boys made you nervous as you started to take a step back. You were worried you disturbed them by how silent they were but was shocked when one with dark hair shook his head and patted the seat next to him.
"No, no, not all! Here, all the others are probably full anyways, we can fit!" James insisted hurriedly as he pulled Peter towards himself and you smiled, putting your trunk next to the door as you sat down beside the black and brown haired boys who you knew to be Sirius and Remus later when exchanging names.
And you pretended your heart didn't flutter when Sirius smiled at you before he showed you a cool rock he found before he arrived in the gar, as all of you laughed together and hoped that all of you would be in the same house.
Now, you were both a Marauder and also not. At least not in the way the other four were. They loved, even adored, pranking people and running away as chaos ensued whereas you rather sat back down and watched, sometimes assisting them and most often than not, help them out of detention. Because as they always liked to point out Minnie loves you more than any other student even though she refuses the claims of her having favourites.
Which was, in a way, true since she never gave you detention even if she knew the truth behind you standing before her desk with a bored look.
"Sometimes, I wonder how you can be friends with those four Miss Y/L/N..."
"Believe me, professor, I've been asking the same for four years now."
But, behind that golden student persona, laid another personality of yours. One that you didn't show around much but proved you to be a true Marauder...
Your snarky comments.
"I still don't understand why you are having a diet, love? Can you say it again?" Sirius asked as he eyed your plate with... a disgusted look as you frowned and hit his chest playfully. He wore his usual soft and boyish smile as he always did with you and leaned on his hand as he stared at you softly.
"Because I have a large tummy, Sirius, and stop calling me 'love'... It makes every girl here get mad at me." You groaned while continuing to eat, leaving Sirius confused as fuck.
Because, why would you think that the soft tummy he always adored to lay his head on was something to get rid of?
What was this abomination of behaviour?
"But... where will I sleep on? Who will I cuddle with?" He made his best puppy eye imitation as he wobbled his lip under your unimpressed eyes.
"I'm not gonna go and change my whole body, Sirius. I'm just gonna loose some weight. Stop being... dramatic." You had to contain yourself at the end of your sentence at how offended he looked when he let out a huge gasp, making you worry about his poor lungs, as he flipped his hair away. But... It was always nice to see him "agressively" motivate you and cheer for you, since y'know... He was your crush for the past 2 years or so. There were times you wondered what he really saw in you worth to cheer so loudly for, but then you realized how he just showed a rock he found to you when you were 11 and...
It made sense.
Sirius Black, behind that Casanova attitude, was trully a puppy. Adorable and full of love to give... Even if he did it by flirting.
"Then... don't get me wrong, but why are you eating that couldron cake?"James cheekily exclaimed from in front of you as you squeezed your eyes at him threateningly and pointed to him. "You are walking on thin ice, Potter... Any minute that I can go to Lily and-"
"Oh, is that Y/N having another cheat day I see?"
When all of you turned to look at where the voice came from, both you and James didn't back down from spitting a curse at the sight of Julie.
One of the many girls who fought for Sirius' attention and then insulted him when he didn't accept it( which was a shock to not only you and the Marauders, but to the whole school because why would he deny her so suddenly when he was the one flirting with girls all the time?)
Remus did know why, but Sirius made him swear to never talk about it so now, he was just watching as Sirius completely made a fool of himself in front of you every time you were near and snickered to himself.
Now, you were a simple girl who had simple priorities. If someone were to have a problem with your friends, they would have to face you... Just like how you gave hell to those gits who made fun of Remus at your first year and still continued to haunt them. "Getting cheated on by your boyfriend I see?" You noncholantly told her as you took a huge bite of your cake and looked at her with doe eyes as Sirius spurted what he was drinking as he choked, Remus watching you proudly as James' jaw hang open, all of them staring at the girl who had no chance to bully you as usual as she blushed and stuttered, suddenly feeling cornered.
No one had stood up to her after all, which was probably the reason why she had an ego as big as her ass and zero personality like her brain.
"Excuse me?!"
"Yeah, you are worried about the wrong person eating a cake, Julie, because your man is out there eating someone else's cake!" You spitted angrily as she ran away to find wherever her boyfriend was, completely sure that you were fucking with her...
Which you weren't.
"That's my girl." Sirius proudly said as he looked at you in complete adoration and you blushed. Sirius always knew that you were different, different to him and with him. The bond between you two was simply different, more deeper than the one he had with others, especially James.
He didn't let anyone braid his hair, and fall asleep on him( also doimg the same to the other one) after all. Or listened to gossips you had and even adding more to it... Or daydream about them all the time, wondering how it would feel like to kiss-
It was you why he dropped that old persona of his and now was a commited man to you... Not that you knew about that.
His entire focus was now on you, he always followed you around like a puppy and did everything you asked for... or didn't ask for, because in his eyes, you were royalty and you deserved to be treated as one. He carried your books, got you treats from Honeydukes and let you braid his hair which said enough of his feelings already.
And it was cute in your eyes, really. The way he flushed when you beamed at him and thanked him... It would have been better if he didn't demand a kiss every time he did that but, yeah. And who were you to deny that whenever he would be left dazed after those cheek kisses?
Though you always did as he asked with a cheeky smile and cute booping to his cheek, those were the times you wished you could be cruel enough to hit his head with a heavy book because of how much they made your heart beat faster and dream about him... or loose sleep because of thinking too much.
Were all of these a game to him? Was this real? Was he playing with you until he found someone else? Why would he love you that way? Would you two ever end up together? What would his lips feel against your-
Either way, your life was pretty amazing and a bliss even though the female population of Hogwarts hated you with some exceptions. Such as Lily, Mary, Marlene, Pandora and Dorcas.
Yep, Gryffindors really attracted the Slytherins for some reasons.
"In your dreams, Sirius, In your dreams..." you patted his back softly and whispered in his ear which made him sweat and blush, watching you walk away with Pandora on your arm while giggling at something she said. He was left absolutely flabbergasted while staring after you, dreamily looking with his head on his fisted hand as he played with what was on his plate.
"Definetly my future wife..."
Then, he continued to tease you with that nickname which would always end up in a bickering which was a common occuring in the Halls and classes, which often made the teachers get curious why, and he lived for those moments when you barked at him with an embrassed frown because he could get to watch you since you never realized what was happening around you when you were angry.
"Stop calling me that Sirius!"
"What the hell are they screaming at each other for?" Remus asks to James as he reads his book without lifting his eyes as James munched on his sandwich. He shrugged his shoulders. " The usual. Him not confessing his feelings and all."
Which was becoming a lot to bear watching as Sirius would always follow you around... which ended up with a book on his head all the time.
But, even if you were seemingly irritated by him and his clinginess, it was quite the opposite. You couldn't start your day without seeing that goofy smile as soon as you got our of your dorm, or watch hım roast someone who made a mean comment about you.
Or that time when he fell from his broom in Quidditch practice because you were wearing his number and name on your back and... he felt a certain way which made him loose his balance and fall as you giggled, thanking Lily internally for convincing you to do that after saying how much Sirius liked you.
His good looks, his attention to everything about you and his fun and kind personality were what drew you to him and you knew from the moment you first met that you would end up together, or you would fall for him.
But what made your feelings get stronger was his... enchanting, beautiful and big eyes. They were so full of love, adoration, and most of the times, mischief. They showed what he always felt at the moment, what he thought and they were trully the mirror of his bright soul. You really loved them the most about him, when people would always praise hım for his good looks, you always pointed how pretty and expressive his eyes were, only to those who knew how to read him.
The first time you said it so casually yet lovingly as you patched hım up, was the day he actually confessed his feelings after getting teary eyed. Because for the first ime, someone looked past his looks and saw his soul and how much weight was there sitting uncomfortably on his heart, waiting to be lifted by someone else... Someone who understood him, and how lucky he was that the person was you as he kissed your lips softly.
And you believed in his honesty by looking at his eyes and accepted to have a date with him, knowing full well that you would fall for him.
You just didn't think it would be him falling for you harder with each passing day.
Seeing their two friends, completely different than each other, being so happy made all the Marauders and the girls happy for you two. Only negative side affect was that seeing ghe absolute simp Sirius had turned to be.
"Okay, folks, it was nice to have you all but I gotta go!" He slapped his knees joyfully as he got up from the cushion in the Common Room with a happy smile while his friends looked at him weirdly.
"Where are you going? You never pass a hanging out together!"
"Miss wife wanted to go stargazing, I can't say no to her-"
"The-the what now?!" James' jaw hang open as the girls awed at Sirius and how in love he looked at the mention of your date and how he called you his wife, making him blush deeply as he smiled. It wasn't a secret that Sirius was one hell of flirty man, especially more than usual now that you two dated, but they didn't know he was smitten with you that much.
Enough to already plan calling you his wife one day.
He shifted his weight from foot to foot anxiously at the teasing eyes of his friends' eyes, the girls praising him for caring so much about you as James took a silent note to learn Sirius' tricks. He felt his cheeks heat up slowly as the awes rose up more, making him stand up abruptly and run away from the common room.
"Uh... Nothing! Gotta go, see you later guys!" He ran away as soon as possible with a heart beating harsh and hard against his ribcage, a heavy blush on his usually pale cheeks. It wasn't like he was ashamed for his actions, hell no! He was so damn lucky to have you, so grateful for you to have accepted him after your date and so lucky for finding someone who... understood him.
From the very moment when you two met.
He still remembered how anxious he was at the sorting ceremony. Your group in the train promised to always talk to each other and hang out no matter which house you guys were sorted in, and he still remembered how you noticed his anxiousness as the ever careful girl you were.
That was when he told you about his family after you sat down in the station, arriving to the school and letting others go. He knew it was way too early, but he also knew that you must have heard some things about them anyways and still befriended hım quickly without a worry.
He told you how he wanted to be sorted in Gryffindor, just to piss his Slytherin family off, but was scared of everyone's reaction since his family didn't have the best reputation. He was afraid of the Slytherins' reaction if he was sorted in a different house, and also the reactions of the house he would be sorted in since he was... seen as evil.
No matter which house you are in, we will be here Sirius, was what you told him as you held his hand thightly in yours and hugged him, squeezing him to yourself as he stood frozen for a few seconds...
Before he hugged you with tears in his eyes.
And indeed, you were right. The Slytherin side of his story was proven right but the other one never happened. That was the first time he realized how you always knew what would happen as he ran at you and hugged you happily with a twirl, making you also laugh at his happiness.
It would be years after that moment that he realized what that skipping of his heart meant as he hugged you and let you tug him towards the table where he was greeted by his friends as he held your hand under the table, feeling secure and safe for the first time...
Breathing for the first time.
He would always feel those insecurities and fears, no matter how long it had been, and would fear fighting alone and putting you in danger now that everyone knew just how much you meant to him but when he reached to where you were waiting for him, he knew that the promise ring in his pocket was very worth every problem you two might face together even if his friends would tease him to hell and back for being a simp.
This was real, he felt real and that ring would forever be the sign of it.
He was being emotional again, wasn't he?
Him being an absolute supporter of yours was no joke, though James and Remus often teased him with it. But they knew why he was so clingy and always with you.
Sirius never really felt true, unconditional love. And if he could show it with being a "simp" and always hanging off of you, he would do it because then... It would mean that yes, he was here and he got out of his torture and was living his best life.
But, of course as the goofy person he is, he didn't show that sentimental side of him and rather used it... to scare you by jumping on your bones whenever he saw you or showing that clinginess at its best.
For example when you speak with Lily or any other girls excitedly about a movie in the muggle theaters as Lily would suggest to go there all together and he would casually come and offer to come with you guys- because he knew for sure that the word would reach to his mother and piss her off, knowing that she wouldn't be able to do anything about it since he no longer was the heir-
Or he would always pull you to his lap as the Marauders planned their next prank while you especially made sure that they would let go of poor Snape, and let them do whatever they wanted to do, as he played with your hair and nodded absentmindedly, looking at you in a daze as your hand rubbed his chest lovingly, ready to do whatever made you happy.
Holding you thightly to never let go of you.
Now he knew he was protective of you, but he just couldn't help it. You were so kind so sweet, and unique. You caught the attention of many others, and that was something he couldn't let happen.
Not that he was jealous, of course not. He was the Sirius Black, why would he feel threatened by some boy?
"Sirius, what are you doing?" You turned your head to look at him as he laid his head on your shoulder, nibbling at your sensitive skin and leaving hickeys.
"Hmm, nothing love... Just kissing you."
"I can see that, enjoy it then~" you let your hands twirl his curls softly as your other one took the wand out of his hair and let the rest of it fall down on his shoulders gracefully. He smiled naively at you, not aware of the devious plan you had in mind...
Before you grinded on his lap. Hard.
He whimpered into your neck as you smirked, faux worry lacing your voice as your hand slipped inside his shirt from his collar. "What is it, love? Are you not feeling good?"
"You little minx, you are doing it knowing what it does to me..."
"Hmm, maybe?" You innocently said with a tilt of your head and smiled at him cutely as he groaned.
"I'm gonna get back-"
"Can you guys stop making out in front of us? There is family and children!" James yelled out as he closed his eyes alongside with Peter as Remus just continued to eat his chocolate without a care...
While James was peaking at you both through the gaps of his fingers.
"Shut it, Potter." Sirius huffed out as he pulled you with himself and right towards his dorm, feeling...
For the first time, uneasy.
Both because of something he couldn’t explain and the war raging just outside of the school as Voldemort got closer.
But, as the man he was, he chose to ignore it. You both were strong and had each other, there were many other wizards and witches fighting alongside you and if shit went down, he wouldn't care and just disappear with you.
They could take everything from hım, down to his riches and even his life.
But not you, Merlin not you.
Because as much as he denied, Sirius was dependant on you. His heart and soul craved you, called for you and you were the heart and soul of him. You were the reason he kept going, the reason he believed that all of this would end one day.
You were the reason he woke up for the next say as he watched your peaceful face and body pressed to his and imagined a... Family life with you.
And for those dreams to come true, to have a little you running around and after hım happily, nothing would happen to you and he and you would walk away from this War together, hand in hand with plans for the future you get to have with him..
The answer would be something he would never want to know, one that he feared.
One that destroyed him and whatever was left of him as he was left with the broken shards of his once happy picture...
All because of his arrogance.
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When tragedy hit the Potters, Sirius' first thought was to go and find that rat that gave their place away. He knew people blamed him for it, and he also blamed himself for not listening to your warnings about Peter and how he seemed... Off.
But he didn't care about the past anymore. He didn't care about his mistakes or what they brought to him...
Frankly enough, when he was supposed to care about it the most... he didn't, and there was only one thing in his mind: Revenge.
But all thoughts of seeking his revenge went out of the window when he reached the house of his friends, and was met with a note from none other than Voldemort himself, his sarcasm and triumphant voice almost reaching to his ears from the note on the yellow paper.
You should have listened to your wife, Black. Maybe then, she would have been alive to save you all...
Sirius sank on his knees on the ground right before the house of the Potters, his bestfriends, as he crumbled on the pavement with the note still in his hands as he looked at the dead body of his best friend, eyes unmoving and dead, knowing that Lily was also dead somewhere in the house.
It was Voldemort after all, he would have made sure to destroy anyone who could danger his plans.
"Why... Why did you have to do it, love?! W-why?!" He yelled as angry tears left his once shining eyes, the eyes you always complimented hım whenever you looked at hım.
Now, they were glimmering with tears, sadness and grief of loosing his loved one, his one and only.
He lifted his head in agony, his heart squeezing painfully inside his chest as his hand thightened around the fence, his ring weighted him down gradually and looked at the night sky as if something would suddenly help him out of this hell.
But he knew it was a futile attempt, the sight before hım was enough proof of that.
And he was left with the consequences of his mistakes.
"Why did you leave me to remember you for longer than I have known you... We-we," he coughed up harshly at the constrict his throat did, hitting his chest as if the pain would somehow make it not feel real. His eyes widened suddenly at remembering the locket around his neck, bringing it closer to his face as your smiling face came to his view and he tearfully smiled back, his finger trailing over your happy face delicately with eyes squeezed in pain and lips pulling up to form an "O", as if there was something in hım that wanted to say a millions of different hings but was forced to shut up.
He remembered how he teased you for being such a simp for him that you bought this locket for yourself, so that you kept him close to your heart ( as if he wasn't just as equally if not more enamoured by you) and you rolled your eyes at him at that time, telling hım that he would always be in your heart until you died and even then, you would love him forever.
He regretted not telling you at that time that he loved that little necklace more than anything and his heart beated painfully full of love at your adoring gaze. He regretted not telling you how much he loved you and how you would never get out of the confines of his heart even if you died, that he would never be able to forget your voice, your face and your love.
After looking at it for quite some time, only sobbing and swinging back and forth deliriously, Sirius let out one final heartwrenching cry of your name as he collapsed fully and laid there until the others found him.
"We had dreams together, why did you h-have to... I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for failing you! Please forgive me!"
Now, his life was once again incomplete. There would no longer be the lingering warmth your body gave off even after you got up long ago to prepare breakfast for both of you.
There wouldn't be his coffee and breakfast waiting for him on the kitchen table with a cute note from you.
He wouldn't be able to prank you by scaring you as you screamed bloody murder and he ran away all around the house laughing like crazy.
There would be no more late night dates on his bike as you both stopped at a hill and made out for hours, watching the stars together.
There would be no more snuggling while watching movies together as you scolded him for eating all the popcorn.
There wouldn't be laughter that gave hım hope and enough will to fight more.
There wouldn't be soft-spoken pillow talk after a passionate night, imagining your future and how one or two children who had his eyes and curls and your smile and personality would be so nice as the image of you playing with them while he took pictures would make hım smile and got teary at it.
There wouldn't be a lover who understood him and was there for him before anyone else would.
There wouldn't be an... another you to love.
And it was all his fault.
In the end, Sirius Black was left alone, as a mad man after the woman of his life was taken from him.
He was belittled by his entire family, couldn't protect his brother and as a result lost him, his best friend was killed by one of his friends and the blame was on him...
And now, he was left to rot in Azkaban, unable to take care of his godson, everyone thought he was guilty...
But none of them hurted him as much as the promises he couldn't keep, promises of a bright future and a safe place, always protecting you... to you, to everyone.
And now... He was left as the shell of the man he was, he lost the love of his life, unable to love you and cherish you like he promised in his vows, the meaning of his meaningless life. He promised to give you a life full of love and peace, he promised he would even buy that cottage-like house you both dreamed about.
In which you always replied with: "As long as İ have you, everywhere is home to me."
He would often tease you with kisses every time you did this, knowing that it was just a simple act to hide his tears from you- because holy shit, there was someone who loved hım that much and he got to have that for the rest of his life! He was really going to have the life he always wanted, with the love of his life, and he proved to everyone that he wasn't like his parents!
He was ready to have a family, marry you and have a life away from the war and everything, prove to whole world that he wasn't anything like his family.
But now, all of his dreams were... gone. Just gone, alongside you.
The Marauders once was James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Lily, Mary, Marlene and Y/N... Jolly students who either wrecked havoc or amazed people with their quick wit and smartness.
Then slowly, to six, then five. And now... Only three, with one of them refusing to ever talk.
And never again, mon amour would ever leave his lips in a soft spoken whisper as he kissed your forehead with both of you naked underneath the blanket, even if he hated French since it used to remind him of the pureblood nonsense to him but now, it was rather something he used to fluster you and see the cute blush on your cheeks.
He had no one to call as his family any more, my wife leaving his lips early in the morning like an ancient prayer.
Only thing he would remember for years even after Azkaban would be your last words, written on a simple note before you took on your journey to find Voldemort before he reached to the Potters, your friends, and get them killed.
Even when he begged you not to.
And it would be only years after that event, 12 precisely, that he would learn you found one of the Horcruxes and destroyed it just like his brother.
I know the path I had taken is dangerous, my love... But when you arrive to my side, which should better not be too soon, I will be waiting on that house just a bit away from the hill, just like we dreamed about...
I will always love you, and guide you like a lighthouse when you loose your way, Sirius, my greatest love.
Please don't loose yourself for revenge. Our deaths are not your fault, especially mine. Because I know for sure that you will blame yourself for it. It was my choice to do what I did, so that when that noseless bitch faces his equal, he would loose for sure.
Just... Live for me, and for Harry. He will need you a lot and if you learnt anything from this... Don't listen to what Dumbledore says even a second and get Harry away from him. To him, we are just pawns in his game and he doesn't care whether we die or not.
And... know that as I die, you will be my last thought, my dear husband. You were,are and will always be the greatest thing to ever happen to me and I am proud to be your wife even it was for a short time.
I love you, Sirius Black, the one who made my life better, my husband.
And as he cried his eyes out, screaming your name from the top of his lungs as his engagement ring swing around his neck, laying on the cold floor of his cell, he felt nothing.
He didn't feel his heart, his brain... his soul anymore. You were the only thing keeping him going, the only thing that brightened and warmed his heart with your childish laughter, you were the one that gave him hope for waking up the next day in this damned war...
And you were the only smart one to realize what Dumbledore always planned for them, without a single care for their beings, and who the real traitor was alongside your friend .
But as he replayed your last words in his mind like a mantra, there was a new fire, a scaring new, spiteful fire that he never had even when he saw his friends' dead bodies, only when he learnt of his little brother's death, did it start slowly... But your death was the reason why it had become the size of a Fiendfyre.
He might be a loser in everyone's lives, and his mother might have been right about that part of him, but... There was one thing everyone, including his parents forgot about:
There was a reason they were called "The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black" and there was a reason he was born as one.
But for now...
For now, he would wait. Silently. Crying until the day he gets to meet you once again, never daring to take his life since he promised and he... had to keep at least this one.
For now... He would let the rage slowly consume him until he wasn't the Sirius he once was.
For now, he wouldn't feel anything except sadness and pain, mourning your death until the day he died.
For now, he wouldn't feel.
Except only the cold tiles of the ground he was seated, knees close to his chest... And the screams of despair and pain of other prisoners in the Azkaban.
A chuckle leaves him emotionlessly, as he clutches his ring.
He was trully a loser.
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yellowcry · 2 months
Mirabel headcanons
Mirabel Braulina Rojas Madrigal. Born 6th of March 1935
Mama’s girl
Was a natural mediator. She generally doesn't like arguments and starts tearing up when somebody yells, even if it's not at her. 
Was very close to Luisa prior her ceremony. Hovewer, because of it, Mirabel was actually way more hurt by gentle distancing with Luisa rather than mych more agressive and bad relationship with Isabela.
Started learning embroidery in school and developed a great interest in it. (School in a rural Colombia would definitely teach about managing the household and self-care.)
Wasn't actually close to Bruno prior him leaving. In fact, they had barely interacted with eachother at all. Bruno was isolating himself for the most part by the point Camilo and Mirabel were born. And Mirabel was blamed for Bruno leaving
Mirabel got her eyes checked at the Christmas, few days prior Camilo's ceremony. Her sisters were checked too several times during their childhood
Teenage years pre-movie
She didn't play "mother's" role for Antonío. Antonío sees her as a big sister, not parent fugure. And Mirabel wasn't forced to babysit newborn all days long. Especially without an adult supervision. 
Isabela and Mirabel were getting agressive and snarky with each other around Isabela's Quinceañera and just got worse over the years. At the same time Luisa was using chores as a way to escape more and more.
Mirabel was/is a far better student than the rest of grandkids. Both because she wasn't distracted by her gift during the school time and she has a huge amount of patience and ability to focus.
Of course she is losing to her sisters (and everyone else) in terms of physical strength. 
Mirabel would walk around Encanto for hours after her parents tried to talk about her feelings. Just hoping that they would forget.
Likes showing what she made but is very nervous if she has to work in front of someone's eyes.
Mirabel acts like the family's cheerleader. Constantly praising them amd making her entire outfit dedicaded to them rather than to herself.
She is using optimism as a coping mechanism. Félix was probably a huge inspiration for her
Would never think bad about her family or think about leaving them.
Still has nightmares about Casita's fall. Usually she goes to Luisa (Or Luisa just grabs her) as one of the closest relationship she has. (Second to only Antonío, but he is a child  and Luisa is the family protector)
will NOT become the next matriarch/candleholder.
Her future job is clothes design and decoration. She will be the one to decorate clothes for the next gen. (And her own when they would need new)
Repairs relationship with her sisters during the rebuilding.
Mirabel stops acting all cheery and outgoing most of the time now that she doesn't show off her family. She will gladly tell evwryone about her family, but she doesn't feel like she has to run all over the place for this
Sane way to her sisters, Mirabel won't get perfect in just one day. She still blames herself, feels like she has to make up for her lack of a gift and other. It rakes a while to heal
To put it shortly, Mirabel wasn't close to any adults in the family. They essentially grow closer but as teenager, Mirabel isn't really interested in spending time with them.
Her relationship with Abuela took a lot of work, for the most part during the rebuilding. Hearing Alma's stoty helped a lot because of Mira's compassionate nature but it didn't fix all the issues. They are getting there
Out of the adults, Mirabel is the closest to her mom. Tho pre-movie Mira tended to avoid her as felt she didn't deserve attention and affection. But is definitely closer to hwr and has warmer relationship compared to the others.
Mirabel is also very good with Félix as they both tend to act as emotional support and try to find positive sides even in the worst situations.
Pepa aprecciates Mirabel and how she teaches Antonío like a sibling. Generally finds their relationship very sweet. But they also not very close. Not on bad terms, they like eachother. But they won't spend much time together either.
Mirabel finds her dad somebody relieving.  Despite being closer to Julieta, she will much rather go to him if there's something wrong and she needs to talk with an adult. As Agustín doesn't do nearly as much emotional support (he still does, but nobody can beat Julieta.) And they actually can seem closer because spend more time together. Mirabel was a bit more comfortable around Agustín and Félix pre-movie as they were giftless too. Hence why Isabela thought that Mirabel is Agustín's fav.
She gets to know Bruno better, but they aren't very close. Again, taking the fact that they never really spoke prior her ceremony and all the blaming. And Bruno would at first het close with his own generation rather than kids.
Dolores enjoys Mirabel's quiet company. Especially as two relatively responsible members in the family they tend to get along really well. And emboidery isn't a loud hobby either so Dolores prefers it to whatever the others are doing.
Mirabel finds Camilo very annoying. They aren't really close. Pretty much the same fashion as Dolores and Luisa where both prefer anybody else. But as Camilo and Mirabel are teens they also tend to he way more sarcastic and bitter with eachother. As oppose to just not spending time together.
Antonío is still Mirabel's number one friend. They grow apart as he gets a lot of animal friends now. But both are still close to eachother and will happy bond together whenever they can
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If NO ONE will talk about the connections between Encanto and The Outsiders, I will.
-the characters, okay, the character crossovers,
Ponyboy Curtis is Mirabel Madrigal (the quirkyyyy one who thinks differently/is differently main character energy)
Sodapop Curtis is Isabel Madrigal (the pretty one who often gets seen as only beautiful/perfect and shallow because of it, but really do have a kind soul and are willing to sacrifice so much for their family)
Darry Curtis is Luisa Madrigal!!!!!! (The strong one, heavily depended on for physical/emotional labor, always stressed and worried about taking care of the family)
Two bit Mathews is Camilo Madrigal (the comedic character that drops hints of a deeper person/meaning but no one ever talks about it, also secretly tired of having to keep up the jokes all the time and never being trusted with anything serious)
Johnny Cade is Antonio Madrigal (shyer more dependent character who is close to having a massive character change~ possibly coming of age)
Dallas Winston is Bruno Madrigal (I see the connection here not in personality but how people act about these types of characters- abandoned, taboo characters who get shoved away, deemed as wicked)
Steve Randle is Delores Madrigal (often ignored but actually carries a big part in the plot which is never discussed- this character has a lot connections and uses them, also worth noting that Delores kinda treats Mirabel like Steve treats Pony with the innocent seeming snarky remarks, if you don’t understand I am referring to “Oh, she didn’t get one” when talking about gifts which was absolutely unnecessary)
-not to mention the “big family” trope in both of them
-and they both have trio siblingsss
-both have similar tropes of “adults not understanding” and abuse in families
-not to mention the outsiders is a musical and so is encanto
-also like some of the Songs are sooooo coded for certain outsiders characters
-imma do a list of that tbh
“The Family Madrigal” ~Ponyboy Curtis coded, he would introduce the gang like this
“Waiting on a Miracle”~ I know is seems Ponyboy Curtis coded, but this is a motherfreaking Johnny Cade song at heart no one can tell me otherwise “Can’t keep down the unspoken invisible pain, always waiting in a miracle” like TELL me that isn’t Johnny Cade
“We don’t talk about Bruno” Dallas Winston, pretty straight forward
“What Else Can I Do?” Honestly even though Soda has a lot in common with Isabel I don’t think it’s his song- I think it’s Steve’s.
“Dos Oruguitas” SAME ENERGY AS STAY GOLD PONYBOYYYYT AHHHH I CANT~ Johnny Cade, Ponyboy Curtis coded ahhhh song
“All of you” Ponyboy in that one line of like “Hundreds of boys who maybe watched sunsets and looked at stars and ached for something better.” But really this song is whole gang coded in different moments
“Colombia, Mi Encanto” I get Two Bit Mathews energy from this song- celebratory, ​beautiful, happy
-honestly this is the Part One of a longggggggg series of rants
-also this isn’t a connection but Delores is evil go watch the MatPat film theory here’s the link
Comment anything or shoot an ask about any of YOUR connections!
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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Encanto Ride the Cyclone AU.
For @glowing-celesticpetals, based on the prompt: “maybe something about Antonio or Bruno in the Ride the Cyclone Au?”
This is the last you’ll see of the living side; the family grieving the loss of the four children.
Comments are always appreciated.
Warning, sensitive topics ahead: character death.
Just Another Tragic Fact
Bruno sighed to himself.
The four gravestones, all lined up, layered in a variety of plants - Isabela would have hated it if it was all just flowers.
Here lies
Luisa Amalia Rojas Madrigal
14th November 1930 - 14th September 1951
Beloved daughter and sister.
Here lies
Camilo Valentino Estrada Madrigal
28th December 1934 - 14th September 1951
Beloved son and brother.
Here lies
Isabela Cristina Rojas Madrigal
7th August 1928 - 14th September 1951
Beloved daughter and sister.
Here lies
Dolores Victoria Estrada Madrigal
31st August 1928 - 14th September 1951
Beloved daughter, sister and partner.
Seeing it makes it real.
Not that it didn’t feel real watching the crash and seeing their dead bodies be pulled from the wreckage.
The funeral had came and went.
The loss of the children, who had been dubbed ‘Encanto’s Four Saints’, had impacted the town itself. Everyone was draped in mourning garb and music and laughter almost vanished from the streets.
But, of course, it brought the most impact to the Madrigals themselves.
“I’m sorry,” Bruno says to them.
It’s a relatively bright and dry afternoon - considering Encanto has been living in a constant storm since the Cyclone accident.
Pepa must be asleep. She’s done a lot more of that recently.
He doesn’t blame her.
“I should have seen… I should have been able to warn you. Then maybe you’d still be…” he sighs, breaking into tears again.
“Tío Bruno?”
He sniffles. “Hey, Toñito.”
“What are you doing?”
“I thought I’d just come to see them. It’s a nice day.”
“You don’t have to say ‘sorry’. You couldn’t have known what would happen at the fair.”
“No, you all couldn't have known. This is my gift. This is what I’m for. But… I didn’t even think to look and now it’s my fault they’re gone.”
“Still. You can’t blame yourself.”
Tight arms fasten around him.
Bruno accepts the hug.
It probably should be the other way around, it’s not him who has lost his siblings and cousins.
Antonio doesn’t quite process that they are gone.
He knows they are dead, but… their family has a miracle, why wouldn’t it bring them back?
When a bunch of baby capybaras are born the following week, he names them after his siblings and cousins.
The quietest capybara he names Lola. She was the oldest of the four. She’s always hiding behind his legs. She insists she be carried up and down the stairs. He finds a pinkish red ribbon in Mirabel’s room that he asks his Mama to tie in a bow for Lola.
Next came Luis. He was the biggest of the litter, so Antonio didn’t need to mark him to tell him apart. Luis was more like a playful puppy than anything else, frequently managing to sneak out of Antonio’s room to wander around Casita in search of belly rubs.
Then there was Belita, or Bela, depending on whether or not Antonio was telling her off. Like her mother, Chispi, she was very confident and snarky. However, lacked her mother’s chill. She was full of energy - if Antonio didn’t put her to bed with her siblings, he would be sure she never slept.
And lastly there was Milo, possibly Antonio’s favourite but don’t tell the others. Getting his brother’s name, he was exactly like him. Mischievous, loves food, and maybe a little too dramatic. Milo was good at making him laugh and, after everything, that is what he needed.
He assembles them all before bed, so that when Mama or Papa or both of them come to read his story, they are there too.
Abuela would happily spend time babysitting the four of them while Antonio was at school.
If they came into the kitchen, Tía Julieta would offer them scraps or spare food they could eat.
Tío Agustín had built a little wooden cart that Antonio could pull them around in.
Tío Bruno pretty much adopted them alongside his many rats, as the best pets/children ever.
It was another week later that Antonio got an idea.
“What are you doing, mijo?” His mother asked one day. It was just before dinner - table already set up, but nobody had called them to eat.
Then she noticed the extra chairs and plates that had been added to the table. And Antonio having placed each capybara on their namesake’s chair, which was stacked with pillows, so their heads just about reached the table.
“I thought they could join us for dinner!” He offered. “And Chispi is here too to watch them. I got her a spare chair all by myself.”
Pepa didn’t know what to say. “Is your Abuela okay with this?”
“Why wouldn’t she be? She loves them. I saw her cuddling Milo and Lola when I came home today. I think she likes them more than Tío Bruno’s rats.” He informed, happily.
“Well, but, you know what Tía Julieta is like with animals at the table,” Pepa tried again.
“I don’t think she’ll mind. It’s like having the family back together!”
Thunder rumbled.
“I was meant to ask Bruno something,” she excused herself, brushing through her braid as she walked off.
Antonio stood in silence.
He glances at Chispi, “Did I do something wrong?”
It’s a silent night.
They are slowly coming out of mourning and adjusting back to normality.
Starting to work again.
The colours of black and dark blue and dark grey begin to fade away.
The eternal storm that Encanto has been wrapped in since September is slowly breaking away. Now it is just occasional spells of heavy rain and sleet.
Antonio has long since been put to bed, with the four capybaras.
The rest of the adults stay up.
What once would have been a night of some wine, a few cards games, music and laughter, is now just a solemn conversation in the candlelight.
They ‘um’ and ‘ah’ over what could have been.
Where and what the children are doing, now that they are no longer among the living.
“And the other one?” Agustín dares to ask. “Did anyone ever come for her?”
“Was she at least identified?” Félix inquires.
“No.” Alma answers. “The order was given for her to be buried today.”
Pepa tugs at her hair, shivering. “I can’t imagine it. A child. Just like the rest of them. Except in an unmarked grave, and not a soul to care.”
“Her poor family,” Bruno remarks. “My sympathy is with them.”
“No.” Julieta shook her head. “To let their child go… and they don’t even care. They either didn’t care to look in the first place or they couldn't recognise their own bloody child. It’s horrible. They don’t deserve any sympathy.”
“Julieta!” Her mother and brother both exclaim, in shock at her attitude.
All the family is, but Agustín and Félix are stunned into silence (not that they find a fault in her statement, it’s just unexpected for her), and Pepa is already nodding her head in agreement.
“I agree.” She said, turning to Julieta. “If it was one of our babies, I would have known instantly. Heartless people.”
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josiebelladonna · 18 days
last night, somehow, by some whim, i started reading about my favorite f1 drivers, and i’m talking back when i was watching it religiously with my dad—2005-2011; 2012, i was watching it for the most part by myself; i remember i quit watching in 2013 because things were getting way too political to be enjoyable and everyone i liked was either without a drive or they sucked in the previous season and i wasn’t in the best headspace then. then somehow, i caught the 2016 season, right after jules passed away and that was it after that.
one of my first cartoon endeavors was called “life in the paddock”: a hand drawn comic/fanfiction that i made when i wasn’t focusing on school. i made my last cartoon in summer 2011 when my home life was in shambles and i had to focus on going to college and also surviving; i wouldn’t even touch the cartoon world again until that following may with my soundgarden ones. i remember it so well, from january 2007 - july 2011. in fact, just last night, i got the honest to god stupidest idea to resurrect it from the grave, 13 years after its untimely demise à la soundgarden’s reunion—if i do, it’s going to have to wait until i finish my kinktober fics, which i actually plan on signing and sealing and queuing up all the way in the coming days. it + throughout the dark months of april and may could be a wonderful balance to my testament fics. things that go vroom vroom to balance out the complex crush that i never want to stop exploring.
my guys are always going to be kimi räikkönen, robert kubica, nick heidfeld, jenson button, mark webber, takuma sato (his winning the indy 500 back in 2017 was easily a bright light for me in that summer), adrian sutil, “the nicos” (rosberg and hulk), the schumacher brothers, and i even liked bruno senna and timo glock for a while; i had the weirdest fucking soft spot for vitaly petrov, too (and when i say weird, i mean it—the dude was backed by putin and the mob, so i remember being seen as like the “bad girl” or even the “hellraiser” on the old groups and boards i used to frequent—that title literally just stayed with me the last 12 years 😅)
it’ll never not be wild to me to see how much it’s changed now. how americanized it all is now. the fandom now is like kpop twitter before twitter fell under elon’s control, a far cry from the kind of sassy, snarky fandom i had cozied up with initially.
when i was watching, it was insulated away from everything. it was a very ritzy, very glamorous atmosphere. it was all very high tech.
i’m literally not sure what happened after 2016. it’s got this “how do you do, fellow kids” vibe but slightly to the left.
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row-boats3 · 1 year
I’m having such a hard time writing Bruno.
Like, he’s definitely not a pushover, he’s got some kick to him - His confrontation with Alma shows that, or even when Mira finds him. Bruno would 100 percent have some attitude in the form of snarky comments and sarcastic jokes to dish out in most situations.
The issue is that I am a complete pushover.
I don’t have any cheeky little comments to give him.
How do I give this man sass when I am simply not sass.
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Found a passage today containing the funniest citation that's ever been written, it fully took me out for multiple minutes. I'm still giggling. Bruno Latour, I love you forever, RIP you snarky bastard
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Latour's "Reflections on Souriau..." - Cited by Pignarre in "Latour-Stengers"
Bruno Latour was the grandaddy of the academic field of Science Studies, he practically invented it. He did this by being one of the earliest ethnographers to describe specific irl activities that scientists do at work to make the sciences. Because the problem of pissing on the poor isn't limited to this webbed site, some people hounded him for the last 4.5 decades with accusations that he didn't "believe in science". Which is, obviously, bullshit. Anyway, he's been seen as "the constructivism guy" in philosophy circles, even though he moved on to other ways to talk about the practice of the sciences later in life.
Anyway, to write "to say that a fact is 'constructed...'" and follow it up with '(and they paid me good money to know this)' where the citation would normally go, is the same as adding a citation that just says "(because I'm Bruno Latour LOL)"
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artastickk · 1 year
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Day 3 right one schedule! 🥰
✰ ─ SEXUALITY : Demisexual
✰ ─ GENDER : Female
✰ ─ HEIGHT : 5’1
✰ ─ WEIGHT: 112
✰ ─ IDEAL TYPE : Bruno Madrigal type aka Scrawny and Skrunkly
✰ ─ LANGUAGES : Spanish, English, French
✰ ─ SIGNIFICANT OTHER : Bruno Madrigal
Karina here is 17 years old 🥰
She has taken to learning French just for the sake she can. And Bruno loves when she whispers sweet nothings to him even though he has no clue what she’s saying.
She still loves taking long walks. Now that hshes older and her mother has lengthened her leash she spends a lot of timing just wandering the Encanto, people watching, memorizing landscapes.
She’s developed quite a sassy sense of humour. She’s normally pretty sweet but she is known for her snarky jabs, taking bites out of others with her words when people do wrong to her or the people she cares for (mostly Bruno).
She’s taken to teaching herself violin because the sound alone enchants her. She thinks it’s the most romantic instrument in the world. And romance is was she lives for. 🥰
She’s a huge astronomy nerd. Just a year before, Bruno bought her an enormous book on astronomy and she loves sneaking out late at night to stargaze and try and find the things she learns from the book. She’d sometimes “steal” an anxious Bruno to come with her. She’ll claim it’s for her safety, but they both know that’s not entirely true.
Her Victorian obsession starts taking root a little before this time. The triplets used to get their hands on smuggled in goodies. Mostly random cheap nick knacks, but the occasional newspaper or catalog would come through. Bruno invited her over to go through the “treasures” one day when they were 15 and she stumbled upon a dated catalogue of Victorian Fashions. She’s been in love ever since and even keeps that same catalogue tucked away in the desk of her shop.
Her and Bruno are deep in their puppy love phase at this time. They walked everywhere together with her arm hooked around his. And anytime he saw her out and about in public he’d usually end up ditching his sisters to go spend the day with her instead.
Earlier in the year, her father had an accident while wrangling a sick bull into one of the pens. He was pushed into the fence line with a lot of force and came home with his side gashed and a few ribs either broken or bruised. Being the prideful man he was he refused to let his family ask Julieta for help. Instead he made Karina stitch him up and he paid the neighbor boy to help with the cattle so he could stay home and rest. Karina never fully forgave him for that stunt and was riddled with anxiety for at least a month straight. She didn’t tell Bruno any of this until after her birthday later that year.
After worrying about her father’s mortality she began getting into some morbid interests. The biggest change was how she dressed. She read in a book once that whenever someone passed away it was expected of the family to wear black for at least a year. So she did. Though she never admitted why she did. And it infuriated her mother to no end. She went an entire year in all black.
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