#I should be allowed to talk and say dumb unimportant stuff no one asked for... right?
kalloway · 2 years
Me: ‘Be productive so ppl don’t forget u exist! :’)’ Also me: ‘what if I start a third video game this week and don’t finish/post *anything*? 🤔’
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kachulein · 5 years
Please hear me out, I want you to read this...
This is a post I've wanted to make months ago, I've even written it out and had it ready to post but when I did tumblr messed up and deleted it. I forgot about it for a while until there was a situation a few weeks back when I felt like a friend of mine really should read this, so I wrote it down again and sent it to them.
Then I remembered how I've wanted to make this post before and never did, and now is a time, again, where I feel like some of my friends should read this and that I just want everyone to read this in case they needed to hear something like that. So I hope you'll stick around and hear me out.
Let's begin.
My psychologist works a lot with resources and I feel like through that she's been helping me change my mindset from a negative to a positive one. I've realized how powerful our minds can be and how we have the power to decide how much certain things affect us and how we go on about them and how we view certain situations. The thing is, even without the issue changing, you can make it easier to deal with it by changing your perspective. Now, I'm not saying this is as easily done as it's said because it definitely is a journey and a long process since you can't simply change the way you view situations, problems, even life as a whole overnight but I think it is worth it and it is what eventually will help you overcome dark times.
There's this quote that goes along the lines of "Happy people aren't grateful, it's the grateful people that are happy."
And there's a lot more to this quote. We often find ourselves asking what is real happiness? When am I really happy? How can I be happy or will I ever be happy? The thing is, you can only experience happiness when you know sadness as well, and one cannot exist without the other. However, sadness isn't anything bad and we shouldn't label it as a negative emotion. It's simply that, an emotion and emotions need to be felt and let out in order to make yourself feel more relieved. Bottling stuff up will always lead to greater pain, so I hope you have someone you can talk to when feeling down or that you write down how you feel in a diary, even if there's no one that listens, it can feel freeing to get stuff out of your system by writing it down. I also think we often feel confused and like we have a huge chaos in our head and by writing down what's going on and how we feel, we try to organize our emotions and feelings and it may also help making you feel less suffocated.
The thing with life is, it won't magically become amazing and you won't magically feel happy, but that's pretty obvious, right. There will always be fucked up things happening, there will always be sorrow, pain, and trauma and sadly, we can't change that. However, you can change your perspective on these subjects. You have the power to decide how you view life and everything involving it and you have the power to create your own happiness. Like the quote is implying, it's not that people are just happy, it's people who make an effort (in this example by being grateful) to achieve happiness. And this can seem impossible to many people because you might ask, what can I do to feel happy? I think I've learned a way how you can do that.
At first, it definitely isn't something that just magically works but you can start by slowly shifting your mindset and take on another point of view. There will be setbacks and times when you feel like you're back to square one, but that's okay. The important thing is that you're trying to make a change and with time it will come easier to you. It's taken me 2 years already and I'm still not at a point where I can say I'm a happy person, but I've noticed how it's slowly getting better and how I'm walking into the right direction, and I do think it's a journey worth taking.
When we watch the news on television, everything is always so sad and depressing, right? We hear about all the bad things that are going on in the world and it makes us lose faith in humanity. However, at the same time there's also a lot of good things going on. There's people helping people, there's people helping animals, there's people fighting for what they think is right and there's people trying to make a change. We're always fed negativity and positive things get swept under the rug and aren't of as much importance which is sad because I think these things are what would give hope to the people. But it's not just the media that's doing that, it's also ourselves; our brains. We naturally tend to focus on the negative things, we think about everything we want and don't have in life, we think about everything that's negative and all the problems and issues all the time, all the while forgetting to pay attention to good things happening around us and to what we actually have in life.
I know, it may sound stupid and you may think "everything is shit, I feel like shit, everything is breaking down around me WHY ON EARTH should I pay attention to small, unimportant 'good things' now" or you may feel like there's nothing good left in your life. I surely used to think like that and I was pissed when my psychologist put so much focus on positive things instead of talking about my problems, however, with time I've realized it was necessary and I needed that. If you've looked at a happy person, you may have realized it's not that they have a perfect life with no problems and are happy because of that, what actually makes them happy is the different way they view life and how they find happiness in the small things of life. There's rich people who could technically get everything they want or may already have everything they want, yet they are deeply unhappy. And then there's people living on a budget and you might think 'they must have it hard' and they probably do, but they are happy and it leaves us mind-blown because we don't understand how they can be happy without having a "perfect" situation in life.
There's things you can do to start paying attention to the small, good things in life and even if it seems pointless and unimportant it will help you reprogram your mindset. One thing that is very important is to practice gratitude. Be grateful for the things you have each day, you may write it down for it to be more effective. I know it seems dumb when you're in a dark place and everything is awful but when you try to shift your focus from everything that is negative and makes you feel bad to things that make you feel good, it will reflect positively on you as a whole. These things you're grateful for don't have to be huge, in fact it's just small things. You can be grateful for having good food to eat, you can be grateful for warm and sunny weather, you can be grateful for a friend you had a good conversation with or you can be grateful for having had a reason to laugh that day. Same as with gratitude, try to find small things of happiness each day. Again, it doesn't have to be huge things, it can just be really small things. You can be happy about eating your favourite food, you can be happy about listening to your favourite song or artist, you can be happy about seeing a pretty field of flowers, you can be happy about feeling the sun rays warming your skin or you can be happy about meeting a cat or a dog and petting them. Sometimes it's hard to find something to be grateful for or happy about, especially when you're really feeling bad, but if you try to write down 1-3 things you're grateful for each day and 1-3 things you're happy about each day, you will notice how you start looking for these positive things more often.
At first I thought this was bullshit and I didn't want to do it and was too lazy to do so or I felt like everything was shit and there's nothing to be happy about or grateful for. However, that is a very toxic and stubborn mindset that will only make you feel worse over time. If you really try to go through with this method and find things to be grateful for and happy about, it will get better. The use of this method is not for you to just write down stuff mindlessly and it's also not meant to make your problems any less severe, they are still there and we won't discredit the hard time you're going through. The point of this method is psychological, it's meant to teach your subconscious to lay more focus on positive things instead of negative ones. If you follow through with that and actively think about positive things, you will train your brain into shifting your mindset from a negative to a positive one and at some point you don't need to write these things down anymore because then your mind does it on its own and you can appreciate life more again because you finally notice the small, positive things you've overlooked before. (And you could also get a nice journal for this and decorate it, just make it to your own little safe space and book of happiness and resources.)
Of course, this doesn't solve your problems and there will still be things and situations to be sad or angry about and when something bad happens, you're obviously allowed to feel bad, to be angry, to feel sad and to grieve and just let it all out. That is totally okay and that is necessary, like I said, emotions are humane and here to be felt. However, what this method is teaching us, is trying to be happier despite your current situation, to make it easier for you to push through and deal with everything, to give you hope and something positive you can hold on to, something that will lift you up when you've fallen down. So I hope, this may help you in a way.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk I guess?
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swarkler · 5 years
When Karolina gets a text from Gert asking her to meet for breakfast, she doesn't’ worry. Sure, they’re right in the middle of the week and they live in completely opposite sides of town, so it’s not exactly something they do often - they usually prefer to hang out on weekends - but she figures it’s probably just some last minute wedding stuff, nothing out of the ordinary.
The thing is: Karolina’s life is good, and has been like that for a while now. She goes to a great school that she loves, she lives close enough to home to see her childhood friends all the time and she has the world’s greatest girlfriend by her side. There was a point in Karolina’s life in which she thought she would never be able to let go of her past, but now? Now she lives in the present, and the present is good, so good that she never catches herself looking back anymore.
(Well, never might be a stretch, but most days she doesn’t).
She spends the 40 minute drive to Gert’s favorite diner listening to the upbeat playlist she and Julie made together, not letting the heavy traffic get to her. At the very least she knows the place has good vegan options, and it has been such a long time since she’s had anything other than almond milk banana smoothies for breakfast.
Gert is already waiting for her when she arrives, an anxious smile plastered on her face. Karolina begins to suspect something is wrong, but tells herself she’s reading too much into it. Gert is getting married in less than a month, of course she’s nervous.
“Hey there, bride to be.” Karolina greets her old friend with a grin. “Let me guess: you’ve changed your mind and want me to be your maid of honor after all.”
Gert’s laugh seems forced. “C’mon, you know Molly would kill me if I even considered it. She says is her right as a sister.”
“Never thought I’d see Gertrude Yorkes defending nepotism, but okay, I get it.” Karolina jokes, trying to lighten up the mood.
“I know, right?” Gert fidgets with the pepper shaker in her hands, avoiding Karolina’s eyes as she speaks. Something is definitely wrong. “But there is a new development in the wedding department that I thought you should know about…”
“Just say it, Gert.” Karolina says softly. “Whatever it is, I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
“I spoke to Nico last night.” She spits the words all at once, her voice trembling. “She’s coming.”
Karolina feels as if all of the air had suddenly been sucked out of the room, leaving her gasping for breath, and the fact that she is so taken aback by Gert’s words really is a testament to how much she has moved on. Not so long ago Nico would have been literally the first thing on her mind. Now, she hasn’t even heard her name spoken aloud in ages .
That name, along with all other Nico-related memories, has been confined to a neat little box pushed as far back as possible inside Karolina’s brain for so long it takes her a long moment to fully process what Gert is saying. Nico. Coming. Nico is coming to the wedding. Karolina is also coming to the wedding. Both Nico and Karolina are coming to the wedding. The same wedding. Therefore, Karolina and Nico will be at the same place. At the same time. In the very near future.
Gert shakes both her hands in front of Karolina’s face, trying to pull her away from her thoughts. “You look like your brain just short-circuited.”
“How did you even get her number?” She doesn’t even know why she asks that. Out of all of the questions running through her mind, it seems like a fairly unimportant one, but she’s probably not ready to handle anything more just yet.
“Well, Chase’s mom is married to her dad, so… It was not that hard to get.” Gert frowns.
“Right, sure.” Of course it wasn’t hard to get. Karolina herself probably could’ve found it too, if she wanted to. God knows she has thought about it many times in the past. Not lately, though. Not at all. “I had no idea you guys were still in contact.”
“We weren’t, Chase and I just called her last night. Neither of us has seen her in years. She never comes over, not for Easter, not for Thanksgiving, not even for Christmas. She tells Robert she’s spending it with Tina but…”
“She probably tells Tina she’s spending it with Robert.” Karolina completes the sentence without even thinking. It’s annoying, how even after trying so hard not to think about that girl, her subconscious still knows Nico like the back of her hand. Knows how she operates. Knows how she lies. “What happened? Why call her out of the blue like this?”
“We’ve been talking about it for a while, actually. She’s Chase’s step sister. She is - was - one of my best friends, and I know things aren’t exactly the same as they used to be but it just... felt wrong, getting married without her there.”
Seeing Gert talk so fondly about Nico catches Karolina by surprise. She’s so used to thinking about Nico as her past she sometimes forgets that she was important to everybody else as well. “So, how did that phone call go?”
Gert smiles a little. “Well, Chase guilted her with the whole step-sibling thing, and I gave her a whole speech about how, if it wasn’t for that one time in high school when she made us do seven minutes in heaven together, this wedding probably wouldn’t even be happening, so she absolutely has to be there to witness the patriarchal nightmare she put me into… And after about an hour of listening to us ramble in complete silence she just said okay in that dumb Nico tone she uses whenever she doesn’t want to talk about her feelings.”
Karolina knows exactly which tone Gert is talking about, and she catches herself picturing the way Nico’s nose must have scrunched up a little as she spoke, another classic sign of her discomfort when faced with emotional talk. She’s so distracted by the image in her head she barely notices Gert is still talking.
“...And I know this is a lot, specially for you, but I thought that maybe now that you’re doing so well and things with Julie are going great it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. I mean, it’s been like, what, four years?”
Three and a half . Not that Karolina’s counting or anything. She nods along quietly.
“Maybe now is the right time to patch things up, you know? I mean, Chase and I miss her, and I  know Molly does too. Even Alex probably does. Don’t you?”
Karolina can’t allow herself to even think about what the answer to that question would be, so she ignores it. “Is she coming just for the ceremony or…?”
“She’s coming for the Hostel thing, too. She said she’ll be here for the whole week.”
A week. Nico is going to be back for a week. Surely Karolina can handle having Nico around for a single week, can’t she? Definitely. Just seven quick days and then she’ll be gone and everything will fall right back to normal.
(Karolina had never thought her idea of normal would be one that doesn’t include Nico Minoru, but things change).
. . .
It feels like she’s been in the kitchen for hours, staring silently at her untouched cereal while she waits for Victor to wake up, Gert and Chase’s words still echoing in the back of her head. They’re getting married. How crazy is that? Back in high school she practically had to physically smash their heads together to get them to admit their feelings for each other, and now they’re getting married. And, for reasons she will never understand, they want her to be there. And how can she say no to that? They may not be in the greatest terms now, but for most of her life they were like family.
(But then again, Robert is literally family and Nico skipped his wedding without thinking twice).
(She regrets that now).
Truth is, she misses them, all of them. Gert, Chase, Molly. God, Molly must be what, 19? It’s crazy. Part of her has always selfishly thought that Brentwood would stay exactly as she left it, frozen in time forever. Clearly, that isn’t the case. Gert and Chase are getting married, Molly is probably in college, Alex must be working on some groundbreaking AI technology and Karolina...Nico tries not to think too much about Karolina. She just hopes she’s happy.
As for Nico… she’s okay. It took a long time and an overwhelming amount of effort, but she’s managing, which is why she agreed to coming to this wedding in the first place. Finally, she’s ready to face the ghosts from her past. Or at least she thinks she is. But she definitely can’t do it alone.
“What the fuck, Nico, how long have you been sitting there?” Victor asks groggily as soon as he comes into the kitchen, his eyes barely open and his hair uncharacteristically disheveled.
“A while.” She shrugs. “I couldn’t sleep and I really need to talk to you, so.”
“You could just wake me up, you know.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Nico lets out a breathy laugh. “You’d kill me if I messed with your beauty sleep.”
“Fair point.” He smirks. “So, what do you need me for?”
“How would you feel about an all-expenses paid trip to Cali? My treat.” Nico puts up her best saleswoman attitude, even forcefully attaching a smile to her words like they do on really bad commercials.
Victor is definitely not buying it. “I’d say there’s a catch hidden somewhere… didn’t you, like, grow up in Cali?”
“That might have something to do with the trip, yes.”
He furrows his brow at her impatiently. “Just spit it out, Minoru. I don’t have all day.”
“A couple of old friends from Brentwood called me last night. They’re getting married and… they want me to come, apparently. So I need you to be my plus one. Please.”
“Your old friends, huh?” His voice is still reluctant but his eyes soften immediately. For the billionth time in the last three years Nico feels immensely grateful for having Victor Mancha in her life, even though she definitely doesn’t say that to him as much as she should. Talking about her feelings isn’t her strong suit, but she’s working on it. “I’ll think about it. When exactly would this little trip place?”
“About a month from now. We’d be staying there the whole week.”
“Whoa, a whole week? What kind of wedding is this?”
“It’s not a weeklong wedding, dumbass.” She rolls her eyes at him. “But Gert said that since our friend group has been sort of scrambled around the country for a while, they wanted to give us a chance to reconnect before the ceremony or whatever, so we’re all staying at the Hostel for a week.”
“Weeklong bonding trip? And you agreed to that? You must really miss these people.” Victor raises an eyebrow at her, amused. “Anyway, what’s the Hostel ?”
“It��s sort of an underground mansion thing on a mountain range near LA. Gert’s parents own it, we used to hang out there a lot when we were teenagers. It’s got a really beautiful view, I get why they chose to get married there.”
(Maybe Nico, too, had once imagined her own wedding taking place in the Hostel).
“Underground mansion, huh?” Victor eyes her teasingly. “Sometimes I forget how absurdly rich you are.”
“You didn’t seem all that bothered by it when I bought us the VR kit for your PS4.”
“ Ay, cariño , no need to call me out like that.”
She really hates it when he calls her cariño , but that’s not really a priority right now.
“So… will you come with me? Please?” She glares at him, pleading. “I need you there, Vic.”
“I don’t know, Nico...I mean, it’s a whole week. The kids…”
Nico already knew he would bring this up. It had been her first concern, too. “I already texted Carol. She says she and the rest of the crew can cover for us for the week. Plus, we’ll have our phones, and as you said, I’m absurdly rich. If anything goes wrong we can be back in New York in 6 hours.“
Victor is still not convinced.
“What about you, Nico? A week is a long time. Are you sure you’re up for it?” In a different time Nico might have been angry at him for questioning her like that, but she understands it now. She knows he’s just genuinely concerned. “Did you speak to Steve about this?”
“Um, yeah. He totally thinks it’s a good idea.” It’s not exactly a lie. Steve has said several times that he wants her to reconnect with her old friends eventually , but he definitely didn’t know she’s planning to do it within a month.
“Okay, then I’ll come. But only because I’m really curious to meet your super rich friends… specially the famous Karolina Dean.”  
Nico’s stomach twists immediately. Maybe she’s already regretting this.  
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bigskydreaming · 6 years
1/6 You realize Teen Wolf is an ensemble show and not The Scott Mccall/Tyler Posey show, right? You are just bitter 'cause every single character is their own person and their life does not revolve around coddling and worshipping your personal fave Scott 24/7 like you so desperately wanted to.
2/6 As for the pack reacting to Theo for what they did to them individually instead of making poor little toddler Scott their priority and putting him first… Malia got literally shot by Theo, and yet you claim not only that Malia shouldn’t have been affected by what Theo did to her personally, but that Malia should have been affected only because Theo murdered SCOTT 
3/6 and should have reacted only because Theo murdered SCOTT - because ofc according to you Malia’s feelings either doesn’t matter or are less important and valid than Scott’s. Same for Lydia’s, Stiles’, Liam’s and everyone else’s feelings and traumas. Lydia got literally put in a comatose state thanks to Scott’s canon incompetence, hypocrisy and stupidity,
4/6 but somehow hating Theo for murdering SCOTT should have been Lydia’s priority, right?? Scott’s canon incompetence, hypocrisy and stupidity almost costed the Sheriff’s life, but somehow hating Theo for murdering SCOTT should have been Stiles’ priority, right?? Because ofc according to you the only character that matters is your personal fav Scott Mccall and everyone else’s feelings are either invalid or unimportant
5/6 because all their lives/actions/motivations etc. should always revolve around poor little toddler Scott only, lol! As for everyone abandoning Scott after he failed rather spectacularly at being a decent leader by the end of season 5a: they may be Scott’s pack and friends but they are still their own persons with a life and other affects and interests outside of coddling and supporting Scott 24/7,
Like, are you done? Is it over? You kept saying (x)/6 with each one making me think there’s supposed to be one more ask coming, but idk maybe you’re just as bad at counting as you are at reading?
Cuz LMAO wow did you go off about something I did not actually say ever. I mean, kinda predictable given that not even two hours ago I JUST made a joke about how the only thing that pisses anti-Scott fandom off even more than the characters acknowledging his good traits is saying that the characters didn’t acknowledge/appreciate all that he’d been through. Thanks for proving me right!
ME: *cites multiple canon examples of times other characters received comfort, support and reassurances from the others, INCLUDING from Scott, and then compares that to multiple canon examples of times where NO other character offered Scott any comfort, support or reassurance as should be expected from even an ENSEMBLE show, because see, relationships are supposed to be a two way street? Meaning if a character is constantly shown caring about his friends, being concerned and worried about them, kissing their boo-boos all better or apologizing to them when they hold completely unwarranted grudges for things that weren’t actually his fault no matter how much other characters (and you) want to blame him…well, its only reasonable to expect the same to be shown in return, with like…him being murdered being a fairly logical place to demonstrate these other characters giving a shit*
That’s you. That’s what you sound like. Just FYI.
LOL, nowhere anywhere did I say or even imply that Malia shouldn’t feel however she damn well wants to feel for any of the things Theo did to HER, personally, like shooting her with a shotgun. What I SAID was that when she, like the other characters, brought up SCOTT’S death specifically, it was always in the context of what THAT specific event had to do with Theo, the rest of the pack, how they interacted with Theo or viewed him as a result of it, instead of it ever being about ‘hey, so Scott being murdered is kinda a weird rallying cry to express just how much we all hate Theo given that none of us has really bothered to talk to Scott about y’know….how he was murdered and that must have sucked and all that’. 
Which is where you get me saying something like its a problem that Scott’s trauma from being murdered became almost an afterthought whenever the event was mentioned, like it had nothing to do with anything.
Like, did I break that down far enough for you? I don’t mean to sound condescending except that actually I totally do, because when people insist on shouting at me over shit I’ve never actually said haha guess what, I totally get to be a patronizing prick about it, so……let’s do basic math here:
Theo shooting Malia with a shotgun = Malia’s trauma = its about Malia, any discussion of it should be about Malia and center how Malia feels about it and how she was affected by it.
Theo murdering Scott SHOULD = SCOTT’S trauma = its about Scott, any discussion of it should be about Scott and center how Scott feels about it and how he was affected by it.
Now, point me to all the scenes where Scott’s death was brought up and HIS feelings and reactions to it centered instead of everyone else just mentioning it to make a dig at Theo and then going back to pretending like it never happened and shouldn’t affect him in any way.
Because y’know, like you pointed out, they all have their own issues and concerns! Like Malia, who had all that stuff going on with her mom…..which Scott repeatedly asked her about, told her he understood whatever she wanted to do because of it, literally found time while trying to stop the Beast to come up with a plan using the Garuda talons to give Malia an edge so she could beat her mom.
Or like Stiles, who had all that stuff going on with his dad….which Scott repeatedly asked him about, tried to help with, even after Stiles physically and verbally attacked him, locked him out of the car when Scott tried to go with him to find the chimera who attacked his dad, went ahead and while still wounded and hurting from being murdered less than a day before, found the chimera so he could save Stiles’ dad anyway DESPITE Stiles petulantly refusing his help even when it was his dad’s life on the line because holding a grudge apparently takes precedence over his dad’s health which is what takes precedence over Scott’s murder which is…what he’s holding a grudge about, that Scott was off busy being a corpse while his dad was getting attacked by a chimera none of them had any idea even existed before that day.
Or like Lydia, who was comatose in Eichen House because of what Theo did….which is why Scott went and got Kira back from the Skinwalkers, begged Stiles and Malia to put aside their issues with him and help, put aside his own issues with Liam who’d just been trying to help murder him a few days before, all so he could rescue Lydia from Eichen House, a process which got him severely electrocuted and hurt on top of the sucking chest wound he still had from you know, being murdered, and which Stiles got all the credit for despite Scott having to plead with him to even get him involved at all.
I mean, you really got me. I had completely failed to consider that all these characters had their own issues and drama going on and preoccupying them while Scott was selfishly neglecting them and not caring at all, so why SHOULD they have been able to find a spare moment or ounce of compassion to show their friend who’d just been MURDERED, its not like Scott was willing or able to multitask and care about their issues and help with those even while dealing with like, say, still being wounded and hurt from that time he was murdered a few days ago without any emotional trauma resulting that whatsoever.
I bow to your superior interpretation of canon AND my own thoughts on the matter! I see now that the points you raised AREN’T completely off topic and not at all relevant to the issue I thought I was demonstrating, and in fact, your completely ignoring the actual content of my post and substituting  your own version of what I said is really the best thing that ever could have happened to my post! And its actually not at all the totally predictable and often-relied upon method anti-Scott fandom loves trotting out to derail any and every discussion about him they don’t like because they can’t actually refute on its own merits. Aka just about every discussion ever had in this fandom about Scott.
Anyway, now that I have seen the light, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your day to share these insights with me so I can stop being the clearly bitter and resentful one here, and have the peace and happiness that eluded me for so long while I labored under dumb ideas like OMG WHAT IF SCOTT’S FRIENDS CARED THAT HE WAS MURDERED.
I don’t want to take up any more of your time or energy, and I really don’t think there’s anything you could possibly add at this point that would shed further light or clarity on this matter, so please don’t feel you have to send any followup asks on this matter, I’ll just delete them so as to save us both time and trouble, alrighty?
Thanks again and have a nice day! You’ve been SWELL.
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wowza48 · 7 years
Batfam Content War: Halloween week edition: Fifth Prompt Haunting/Spooky/(Jack Fenton voice)GHOST!!
When there’s something something... insert parody of ghostbusters theme here... who you gonna call? GHOST DAMI! *budadadadat* Yeah okay another S/I Dami story, but with a twist~. Two takes, one male, who will appear again in tomorrow’s death prompt (which will be a prequel to his part in this one), and one female, who already appeared the the celebration prompt day 2. Unimportant, but they reincarnated from the same person, but were raised/treated/acted differently, hence similar ideas here or there, but somewhat different personalities/outlooks.
Further information- Those who already read that prompt know fem!s/i!Dami has psychic powers, the male!s/i!Dami does not. He did, however get a healing factor- I’m not saying how, it will be revealed in tomorrow’s story. Both timelines mix multiple continuities, so Steph (as Spoiler) and Cass (as Black Bat) are both... somewhere. Not near the building. Fighting... ninjas. Yes. That’s why they aren’t there to stop Damian from dying. Because ninjas.
Also, to answer the question of- since the other two Batgirl’s are no longer Batgirls, does this mean Barbra Gordon is Batgirl or Oracle. The answer is- Yes. As in- she’s both Oracle AND Batgirl, although she created an Oracle AI to assist her when she went back to being Batgirl, but she NEVER stopped being Oracle either because she’s awesome like that. She’s also no where near the building because of ninjas. I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but there are a LOT of ninjas. Like, way too many for it to show realistic statistics.
Lastly, if someone wants to write from another character’s point of view for either of these, as long as you link it to this story, either the tumblr link or Fanfiction one once I submit it there, and then tell me about it so I can read it, you have my permission. To be fair, if I even make one or both of these into full multi chapter stories I’d probably include my own take on other peoples reactions, plus the lectures/yelling at Ghost!Dami for being a dummy head, but I wouldn’t mind seeing someone else’s belief on what would go through the minds of the characters.
Anyway, information done, now get ready for.... GHOST DAMI!
“So... I’m a ghost now... does this mean I still have to go to school even though I’m dead?” I ask, raising an eyebrow as my botched up, age accelerated clone with a by FAR inferior healing factor tries to stab my ethereal form. I make a motion of brushing dust off my black and grey outfit- nope, not out as Robin. Nor Redbird- though I have been both of those too. This outfit’s called Mocking Bird “And could you quit that? You already toyed with my physical body, longer than you thought due to my gaining a healing factor, there’s no need to attack my ghost on top of that- I’m actually somewhat impressed you managed to kill me despite my healing factor, by the way, I mean I was in too much pain to be impressed at the time, but now I’m without that pain it’s actually quite a feat if I do say so myself.”
I turn towards Bru-Da-Fath-Batman, no even thinking that they are the same person when in public, being dead shouldn’t change that rule, who is staring at me strangely. “You still haven’t answered my previous question. Do you think the school would still require my attendance despite my no longer being alive, and do you think Father would let me?” I ask, pretending I’m merely talking to a vigilante under Father’s payroll and not Father himself.
Forgot to mention- I kinda hooked up a bunch of cameras and microphones weeks beforehand, and then today I hacked mother’s broadcast and connected the audio and video of my fight with Heretic -and I didn’t turn on the stream until I was about to start that fight, in order to keep my siblings’ and father’s identities secret at least-, plus streamed it online, linking the stream to multiple major news outlets prior to arriving at my place of death. It appears to still be running, since it’s being show on the screen is shared with mother, actually. I... did remember to have the stream linked to Gordon and the Batcave so they could shut it off when necessary? Ah, they should know about it by now, plus Richard and Tim aren’t dumb enough to miss their being filmed live so as to not mess up their secret ID’s, even though I did that to myself. To be fair, though, I thought I’d be at least badly injured, if not killed- which did happen- but I didn’t count on becoming a ghost. Speaking of-
Heretic is still swinging his sword through me. “I’m a ghost. That’s not going to work. Stop doing that.” Batman seems to regained enough sense that he knocks the sword from his distracted opponent, who- is still trying to hit me even though I’m lacking a corporal body now. Well, at least Batman is under control of himself. Ah, Richar- I mean Nightwing is waking up. I’ll go bother him next, while also pointing out we’re being filmed.
It took me a week to get an answer to my question though- the answer was yes, as I was a ghost, I still did have to go to school despite being dead. Just like when Luthor stole those 40 cakes- it was just terrible.
Oh, and Colin, Jon, Maya and Suren all ganged up to yell at me. So did Maps and her little club... and Supergirl... and Huntress... Okay, basically everyone I knew yelled at me for getting myself killed. But hey, I’m a ghost. And that’s pretty cool- and Grandfather’s trying to kidnap my corpse, DANG IT!
(Meanwhile, in the timeline where the celebrations prompt took place)
So first thing I noticed when the pain stopped was that I can still read minds. Second thing I noticed was that- nope, being able to read minds does not mean I’m still alive, in fact I’m deader than zombie- which is pretty dead. So... if I’m dead, how am I- ooooh, I’m a ghoooost, silly me. I psychically shut off the cameras I had previously set up, and the screen went back to showing just mother. And now that I wasn’t distracted by arrows sticking out of me-
**FWOOOSH** “STRIKE! Into the wall with you, Heretic! Don’t you know it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird?” I grin cheekily, pointing him as my grey cloak goes SWOOSH as it flaps behind me- even though there’s no reason for it to as the wind shouldn’t be affecting me as I’m a ghost.
“*Ahem*” I freeze at that. Forgot Batman showed up shortly after I died. Keeping in mind that there were, in fact, people not in the know within seeing and possibly hearing distance, even if they aren’t exactly conscious right now- actually one of them is, but whatever- I remind myself that Batman is OBVIOUSLY not my father, and just an offshoot of multiple personality that takes over father’s body from time to time, and as such a completely different person.
“Hiya Batman. Kinda.... ruined my secret identity right before I died, ah well. Never good at keeping that thing anyway. Well, either of those things.” I pause and strike a thinker pose- you know, those ones where you tilt your head slightly one way, and poke your chin with your index finger, pouting slightly? That one. “You know, I wonder how Ivy and Harley will react to this. they didn’t exactly like mother anyway, especially after I told them about how I grew up. Plus Croc liked my cheesecake. I actually made one to give to him later this week- not possible now, I guess...” He is sorta batglaring at me, sorta not. Probably because Father’s upset that “Daddy’s little girl” is dead, but also annoyed that I put myself in so much danger, and the fact that my being a ghost means he can lecture me about it. Which I SO do not want to deal with. “... soooo, uh... I’m gonna just... head home if that’s okay with you?” And that’s when Richard started to wake up.
I did end up getting lectured, not just by Father in Batman Mode™, Alfred, my siblings, my psudo siblings (Maya, Steph and Colin), my friends who didn’t count as psudo siblings, my civilian teachers from my attending school in my civilian persona, my few mentors from when I was growing up that AREN’T dead, everyone I worked with or got taught by as Robin or Redbird or Mockingbird that do not fit into the above categories, even Grandfather when he showed up to steal my corpse- and an additional one when I decided to blow up said corpse with my still working psychic powers. Hell, BATCOW got into the lecturing too, taking advantage of the fact my powers allow me to understand other languages, even animal ones- do NOT CALL ME A DISNEY PRINCESS I WILL FITE!- so basically I got lectured by everyone I knew.
Oooo, did you know ghosts could change their outfits with their minds? I found that out, so now I can wear anything I want, even if it doesn’t actually exist in the living world. Meaning FREE COSPLAY, without the hassle of putting the stuff on, or letting Steph (and sometimes Cass) use me as a doll.
Another good thing about being a ghost? Can’t fall asleep, nor do I need to, meaning no nightmares- which is good because I got brutally murdered. If I was brought back to the physical plain, I’d totally have nightmares, and that would ruin my mood, by, a lot. Enough so that I could miss the Halloween Ball! I was looking forward to that... I convinced Jon to be my “date” for the night and everything... Ah well, no reason I can’t go as a ghost. I mean, it’s not like I’ll be brought back to life, thus leading to traumatizing nightmares that would prevent me from wanting to leave the house, possibly even my room, now my body’s been turned to mush, right? .... Right? Why are you looking at me like that, reader? Like you know something I don’t? Tell me! Please! Get back here and.... tell... me why....
... p...l....e...a...s...e....?
nuuu Dami don’t cry! Nuuuuu I made her cry I’m a terrible person! TT^TT Especially since I wrote the celebrations one before this, but it takes place AFTER and she was so scared and confused and whyyyyyyyyy
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