#I shouldn’t beeee introducing new stuff right nowwww
devil-doll13 · 11 months
The Call of The Deep.
That is what your diving instructor called it.
She told you never to panic when diving; if you do, you’ll only sabotage yourself. But one of the others found himself entranced by the abyss, staring into vast emptiness. You suppose it was not unlike that odd, unnerving thought one had when too near a cliff’s edge. That strange compulsion.
Or maybe it was just that, down here, if you accidentally get flipped upside down you can no longer tell where the surface is. You would swim desperately forward, only to find you had doomed yourself. This is what your diving instructor tells you.
Humans were not meant to live in the ocean.
Before diving, you’d seen photos online of all sorts of submerged crafts. Planes, boats, broken submarines. They are eerily vacant. At one point they must have been inhabited. You suppose that no one would ever find you, should you die down here.
But it would not be difficult to imagine a worse fate even than drowning, not when you see that sinkhole. It forms an even darker navy blue than the waters you’re in, until it becomes almost black. That is true nothingness; but what could lurk inside?
The Call of The Deep.
You feel it now.
Remembering marble statues, architecture that no one could explain, perhaps you felt that longing to understand why. Why do you feel such an odd, nonsensical terror? Why does it haunt you, lure you in, despite your fear?
You separate from the rest of the group. But you are not alone. You were never alone. You do not see for the dark, only feel it clamp down on your ankle.
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