#I shouldn’t complain…. as least mitama is always there for me
justsquibby · 5 months
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Oh jeeOh gosh-Oh how did that happen
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bigboobshaunt · 8 years
Sleepless in Hoshido, Chapter 2
Rhajat/Mitama fluff, a commission for @ingleaisle
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A knock came at Mitama’s door, rousing the girl from her umpteenth failed attempt at falling asleep, that evening.
The young priestess forced herself to her feet, sluggishly moving to slide open the door and let her special guest in.
Rhajat looked completely in her element, amid the darkness, illuminated only by the odd firefly that chose to dance near Mitama’s house.
“May I come in?” Rhajat joked, though she looked quite eager to set down the hefty bag of ingredients she had brought along to their sleepover.
“Though there could be some comedic value to locking you out of something I invited you for, you could probably blast this door open with your hexes, if you wanted to. Come in, come in,” Mitama mused, motioning towards her peaceful sanctum.
“That was ONE time!” Rhajat lied, pretending to cast a curse on Mitama, and then throwing down her bag on the floor.
Rhajat crouched beside the large, black bag and retrieved a small pillow from inside of it. She then set it down right beside one of Mitama’s own.
“Wait… that’s the one I made for you that time, isn’t it?” Mitama asked, kneeling to examine the pillow. “I’m pleased to see you kept it!”
“Oh… I guess it is. It’s uh, very fluffy and pleasant.” Rhajat admitted, playing with a lock of her own hair. “You must have a very low opinion of me, if you thought I had thrown it away...”
“Oh, Rhajat... you know that’s not what I meant!” Mitama said, before she settled herself in a comfortable position on the floor.
“Heh, you’re right. You know, you’re one of the very few people I trust completely… and besides, you’ve even made me a handmade pillow, so you’re useful to have around,” Rhajat smiled, sitting down in front of Mitama’s lying figure. “It’s… my favorite one, too. I can’t seem to sleep without it, these days. It’s like a curse.”
“Aww, that’s actually kind of sweet to hear! Except for the curse part, I mean,” Mitama replied, unable to suppress a smile. “Who are you and what have you done to the gloomy Rhajat?”
Rhajat perked up one of her eyebrows, before pointing her index finger at the other girl. “It would be extremely easy to make this sleep spell into a permanent sleep spell, I’ll have you know.”
“If you’re letting me know, then you won’t do it. I know already know how you operate,” Mitama giggled.
Rhajat grumbled curses to herself, before grabbing two vials from her bag. “I may not be able to threaten you, but it remains to be seen if I can treat you.”
“I hope so… I haven’t slept in two days. I no longer recognize myself,” Mitama complained, burying her head in her pillow.
“Wow there, don’t suffocate...” Rhajat deadpanned, before she urged Mitama to look at her. “I’m just going to apply this powder under your eyes. It’s made up of crushed spiders and mud, plus a dash of wyvern dung.”
“I’m… going to assume you were just joking about that last part, but whatever it takes, I suppose,” Mitama told her.
“Oh no, the mud thing is very real, I assure you,” Rhajat cackled, scooting closer to Mitama and carefully spreading a little bit of the yellowish powder on Mitama’s cheeks and on the bags that had formed under her eyes.
The powder had no apparent, dung-y smell that Mitama could recognize, and she exhaled a breath of relief. Her senses picked up on different things, however.
Rhajat’s fingers were surprisingly delicate on her skin, and her nails were impeccably-kept, with perfectly-applied black nail polish.
The only essence Mitama’s nose could sense at the moment was the pleasant aroma that unmistakably came from Rhajat’s hair. She had always admired how soft and lustrous Rhajat’s hair was, as well as how its dark color suited her.
“Mitama?” Rhajat called.
Their faces were close enough that the priestess could notice and be momentarily caught up in how piercing and striking Rhajat’s greyish-purple eyes could be.
“Oh?” Mitama responded, shaking her head in an effort to think straight. “How do I know if this powder works?”
Rhajat huffed and threw the vials inside her bag. “It doesn’t. If it did, you wouldn’t even have the time to ask this.”
“Ah… well, it was worth a shot, and I appreciate that you tried,” Mitama admitted, finding the current, unbearably-fast rhythm of her heartbeats to be a new annoyance she had to deal with in her quest for sleep.
“Oh, I’m in no way through with you...” Rhajat teased, pulling out a bottle with some blue liquid inside of it.
The tone of Rhajat’s voice was enough to give Mitama goosebumps, though distinctively not from fear. “Maybe it really is just the writer’s block. You don’t have to waste so many precious ingredients on me.”
“Quiet, you! This is the most important task on my list, at the moment,” Rhajat declared, taking Mitama’s hand and helping her sit back up. “Open up.”
Mitama did as she was advised, allowing Rhajat to slowly pour some of the liquid in her mouth. It didn’t particularly taste of anything, though it left a surprisingly sweet aftertaste.
“This one is for that hypothesis of yours about the writer’s block… it’s made of the juices of Artist’s Wings. I’m sure you’ve heard of that one,” Rhajat noted.
“Gods... that’s a crazy-rare plant, Rhajat! You went through all of this trouble for me?” Mitama asked.
“It wasn’t that hard to get my hands on it… I had my best man on the job,” Rhajat giggled. She had thanked Kiragi profusely for the help, as much as it cramped her style. “I wouldn’t do this for just anyone. You’re worth it.”
Mitama’s hand came to rest over her heart, entirely by reflex. She was glad they were in the dark, or Rhajat would have been able to see her flushed cheeks.
“A-Are you alright? Guh… I’m certain I got the dosage right. This shouldn’t be happening...” Rhajat gasped, grabbing Mitama by the shoulders.
“I’m fine!” Mitama told her, trying to steady her breathing. “I’m just a little… I don’t really know.”
The two of them stared at each other In silence, without changing their positions, until Rhajat noticed she might have been using too much force on Mitama’s shoulder with her hand. Before she could withdraw it, Mitama grabbed it, securing it in place. “Mitama?”
The sound of her name in Rhajat’s low timbre was pleasant. Mitama yearned to hear it again and again.
Slowly, Mitama placed her free hand on Rhajat’s right cheek, and through some hesitation, she inched herself closer to her face.
Though surprised, Rhajat welcomed the kiss, marveling at the courage it took Mitama to make the first move.
Rhajat thought she saw glimpses of stars right at that moment, although she knew those were only the curious patterns of Mitama’s eyes.
“I… think I might have found my muse again,” Mitama smiled against Rhajat’s lips.
“If you’re going to call me that, at least add some dark adjectives to it,” Rhajat joked. “You should still test it, though. The uh, kiss part wasn’t really part of the spell.”
Mitama giggled, before she took the pen in her hand. It already felt right in her grasp, once more.
Bird's wings black as coal / Romance found where one least expects / Heart soars unabated.
“Well, that’s a pretty good one…” Rhajat complimented her. “Maybe a little too on the nose.”
“Sometimes there are things you just don’t notice, even if they’re right in front of you,” Mitama stated, smiling wide about the return of her poetic skills.
“You can say that again...” Rhajat patted her lap, inviting Mitama to lay her head on it, and the narcoleptic healer happily obliged.
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