#I still have not actually been able to start drawing BnR s3 and so I’ve been beating myself up over that too
speremint · 1 year
I posted this minor vent to twitter, too, but I definitely neglect my tumblr these days way more despite myself feeling the most comfortable here.
I’m really sorry for my inactivity, I tbh have hit the point where my mental health and anxiety have been fucking me over physically as well.
This is the 2nd day of insomnia keeping me up all night to the point where I finally dragged my iPad out to try to work, and then just being paralyzed with burnout.
I’m so sorry for not having new art or anything to show these days, my mental health has been in the shitter and I’m like… two years in, now, on trying to find any sort of medication that will actually work for me. So tired of this 💀
I’m going to *try* today. It’s 6 am and tbh I didn’t eat hardly anything these past two days because of lack of appetite, so I might do a sleepless Starbucks run, but yeah.
It’s been so hard for me lately, but I have no damn good reason as to why, and I’m sorry y’all.
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