#I still hinted at it before just in case but yeeaaahhh
crystalflygeo · 8 months
“…. that’s weird.”
meirin stared at the sigil of permission clutched in her hands, before looking up at the clear sky outside the window, as if it would yield the answer she was looking for.
is it because i have to be closer to liyue? no, she said she should be able to hear me from basically anywhere…
her hands straightened the talisman before closing her eyes. the smell of incense burning in the small censer wafted in the air, calming and sharpening one’s focus in their prayers.
“can you hear me? spring bringer, the doe of the geo archon’s eyes. the dream walker, the one who travels through dreams… my dear friend, this humble mortal requests for your aid.”
is she busy? no… even if she is, she would usually give me a sign—
the woman jolted, knees bumping hard against the table and sending the gold-lined censer toppling over. cursing under her breath, she straightened the item before limping a tad towards the direction of the kitchen, her knees throbbing from the impact caused by her reflexes.
“haitham, you okay??”
arriving at the scene, she saw the remnants of broken glass and coffee spilled all over the wooden floor. she stared in both worry and amusement at the way her lover glared at the cupholder in his hand, which clearly had failed its job in holding the now-shattered cup.
normally, she would be in a teasing mood, seeing the man so sulky without his coffee, but this time, dread settled at the bottom of her stomach.
what a bad omen, her mother would usually say in situation like these. by no means the young woman was a superstitious person — but this, coupled with how her friend wasn’t answering…
she received an irate grumble as the man stepped back from the mess to fetch the trash bin, “no, there’s no coffee left. i’ll have to brew you a new one.”
“that’s not it. let’s go to liyue.”
“….. provide a reasonable reason for me to write on my day off request.”
“you’re smarter than me. use your brain,” the woman tapped her index finger on her temple, grinning a little when he narrowed his eyes at her at the gesture she copied from him effortlessly, “anyway. liyue, tomorrow. get packing. we’re visiting my friend.”
i just hope she’s okay…
It must have made for an interesting sight, a handsome young man dressed in traditional Inazuman clothes, katana at his hip, walking side by side with a deer almost his size, with fur a soft brown, white and gold.
Together they trekked along Byakko plains, crossing streams and climbing small rocky hills, occasionally chatting but focusing on their goal of reaching Ritou. Foxes were common in the area and they stared at Crys with a mix of confusion and predatorial glee. It unnerved her a little, but mostly insulted her.
Crys had obviously not had a pleasant sleep but still felt well-rested enough from her previous time unconscious, if anything she was feeling rather restless and anxious, wracking her brain for answers to questions that seemed weirder and weirder still.
They rounded Konda village, not wanting to attract attention given Crys’… peculiar appearance, but set camp not too far away to eat something. Kazuha managing a quick trip to the village to exchange or buy some ingredients.
“They had some grain and um… vegetables? Not sure what you’d prefer.” He tells her rummaging a little bag, placing down a couple of small bowls as well.
She peeked at him. “What is that? Oh, more fried fish? Smells delicious, I love seafood!”
Kazuha blinked at her. He supposed it made sense, she’s no common deer...
They settle for lunch under a small low tree and thick shrubs, shielding them from the sun and from any traveler’s gaze. “So, you eat meat?” He asks. “Forgive me for assuming but I thought…”
“Don’t worry, I… actually do hehe. Though of course I wouldn’t touch venison.” She shivers.
“Deer meat.”
Her ears droop. “Mn, once when I was in Fontaine for some business dinner, we got served that since the staff hadn’t been announced beforehand. I was horrified and-”
She stops. Her new little teardrop pendant glows.
Kazuha stares at her. “Something wrong?”
“I remembered that… but then I… forgot.” She frowns. “His name… someone important was there with me. He…h-he’s…” Her voice breaks a little, the ever-present echo dimming down to a soft voice. The varunada lazurite dims just as well.
“It’s okay, take it easy, you remembered something at least. Little by little they’ll come to you, I’m sure.”
Crys shifts her eyes away, a little sad.
Kazuha does not like seeing her dejected demeanor.
He tidies things up a little and rests against the tree, pulling out a leaf, analyzing and folding it with precision before taking it to his lips.
And as he blows, a soft tune flows.
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Crys stares at him for a moment and relaxes. Her eyes close and she breathes slow and calm. Maybe he’s right. Let the answers come to you… relax and empty your mind.
Don’t worry.
Everything will be fine.
Your friends, your loved ones, those important to you…
The █ne who t█avels th█ou█h dream█…
My de█r frie█d…
Can you hear me?
Spring Bringer.
Once again, she breaks out of her trance with a startle “Spring Bringer!” She exclaims.
“Oh?” Kazuha stares at her. “What is-”
“That’s my name! That’s one of my names! Kazuha you were right!” She skips happily, rearing on her back hooves as if jumping for joy. “That is my adeptus name, it was bestowed upon me millennia ago.”
“It’s a beautiful name, very fitting.” Kazuha smiles softly, genuinely glad and happy for her.
“I am Spring Bringer! And I will make my master proud!”
"Loyalty and resilience... those are your marks, my dear Spring Bringer. You make us all proud."
“I-I cleared my mind and… and a friend was calling for me.” She calms down, panting. “She’s worried… oh no they're all worried for me...”
“Well I’d say we’re one step closer… both figuratively and literally, we can reach Ritou in a few hours if you’re up to it.”
“Yes! Let’s go!”
How strange….
It’s like I feel my powers returning, my memories…
As if part of me was back in place, fitting like a puzzle piece.
But there are still more questions…
A story woven in the breeze The doe skips, her name sings As told by the tune of leaves
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@i23kazu ebg Jan 19-26
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