#I suck at Catherine so Akira sucks at Catherine;;
tricksheart · 2 years
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@siilkyhearts​​ said:  [  guide  ]  sender  helps  receiver  through  a  difficult  video  game (from Chiaki :) )
“I just don’t know why this game had to be timed.....”. Akira called out lamely as the girl next to him was easily climbing up the edges and cliffs of the first stage. Honestly, who ever made this Cathy game needed to be fired, setting out a time limit as the blocks kept falling and falling. Still, maybe it had to do with his more lazy attitude or not liking to be rushed on things that made it more difficult for Akira to actually progress more into the game. Whatever the case, he pouted and crossed him arms more than he usually did when upset.
He hadn’t looked up until Chiaki had quietly said that she finished the final boss and everything. Which was fine, she was the ultimate gamer for a reason. The bad news was that she only unlocked one of the three routes and that since she did a demonstration for him, Akira would had to do the other two. He sighed, not really paying attention to detail because he was still a little upset and didn’t follow upon what Chiaki had done to beat all the levels, let alone her choices from the non-puzzle games. Better cut his losses while Akira was still ahead.
“Ya know what? I still need to finish up some retro games from like waaaay back so uh, I’m going to do that instead. Thanks for your uh, help with this”. Akira rubs the back of his head sheepishly as he returns the disk into the case and makes a mental note to go to a game shop and return it for some small trade in money.
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