#I swear Backlight was my fav before I learned it was about being obsessed with Shanks
I’m late as hell to the party and literally nobody asked but I’ve finally delivered. here is my Totally Very Official™
One Piece Film Red Song Ranking
from worst to best because tradition or something
I’m going off the original japanese versions, from the album rather than the movie because I feel like it. also that way I get to include Binks’ Brew which everyone knows is a banger
#8 (track 6) The World’s Continuation. this is a good song and I like it! it’s also the only song from Film Red whose melody I can’t consistently call to mind, which makes it by default the worst one. also when I’m listening to the album in the car it’s the one I have to skip because it puts me to sleep, which probably has something to do with why I can’t remember it, but listen, it doesn’t matter. it’s still a lovely song, if a little forgettable
#7 (track 8) BINKUSUNO SAKE. listen I love Binks’ Brew as much as the next pirate but it simply does not suit Ado’s studio-recorded voice as well as it suits drunken sing-alongs. really this just goes to show what bangers every other track on this album is bc from here on out the ratings are all super close
#6 (track 1) New Genesis. GOOD fuckin song. highly recommend starting your road trip with this. for maximum drama, try and time it so the drums kick in just as you hit the highway and step on the gas
#5 (track 2) I’m Invincible. errbody loves a villain song, right? also I would absolutely have ranked this below New Genesis if not for the week or so where it got stuck in my head like twelve times. New Genesis is great but New Genesis did not give me that level of earworm so clearly this track was doing something right
#4 (track 7) Where the Wind Blows. this song is fucking gorgeous and I love it. still gets stuck in my head regularly. the only reason it’s not ranked higher is because fucking look at what is, my dude, cut me some slack. 10/10 ballad, absolutely stellar, literally the only downside is that I can’t bop to it
#3 (track 4) Fleeting Lullaby. SPEAKING OF SONGS I CAN BOP TO. HOT DAMN. this song is so fucking weird and funky and energetic and insane and I love it. a musical fever dream. Uta is insane, Ado’s voice is insane, this song is a total banger
#2 (track 5) Tot Musica. YEAHHHHHHHH BABY. the first song I heard from Film Red, & the first thing that convinced me it’d be worth my time to actually watch the movie. everybody loves Tot Musica. it’s the eardrum-blowing-out song. also it was composed by Hiroyuki motherfucking Sawano which explains So Much. but yeah this song fucks so hard
#1 (track 3) Backlight. listen. LISTEN. Tot Musica may hold a very special place in my heart, and I do love the drama, but I will ALWAYS be a slut for a good rock number. also the whole second verse (which they cut out of the movie for whatever reason) is about being obsessed with “red”. wonder who that could be. anyway this song was my fav even before I looked up the lyrics, it’s just such an absolute banger and I love it so much. the perfect mix of showy, yet singable, & funky, & angry as hell, & so many lines just scratch my brain itches so good, like the lyrics just sound good you know? good fuckin song
Final Thoughts: good songs, great album, literally better than the movie tbh. highly recommend buying it if you’re a CD-buying kinda guy, it’s available on Interscope Records’ website for only like $14USD or something like that
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