#I thiiinnkkkkk that kinda makes sense
sweetest-honeybee · 3 years
Hels Scar stuff bc I told you I made one earlier :)
His name is Sever (like severed hand) (this was a nickname given to him by helsuma)
In a constant state of uh….revenge?
So basically, he doesn’t trust ANYONE (well, except 1 person, and it’s the worst possible one tbh). He thinks everyone’s wronged him in some way even if he’s never met them before
Bc of this he’s a very either kill on sight person or immediately plots to kill people upon meeting them person
Something that helps him with the plots is how observant he is. Even little things, he could use to kill you or, if he’s feeling just slightly merciful just this once, you’re not leaving with your armor, weapons, food, potions, or just whatever. Trust me, he’ll get em from you
Maybe through a bit of haggling, maybe a bit of pickpocketing, who knows. But you don’t
Okay backstory time and gonna connect some dots for y’all
After the vex worship thing kinda died down, they vex were upset bc they wanted to keep scar n cub to do it forever
So, they enlisted the help of a particularly powerful evoker who created these clones of them
But, the clones were just as hostile as the vex/evoker and they really didn’t like that bc they refused to do anything the vex asked them to do so the vex just banished them to hels
Cub clone went off somewhere, but Scar clone eventually found some other hels hermits
He spent a bit of time with them, particularly Clap Trap (hels mumbo)
And one day Clap asked him if he wanted to test a contraption he made with the help of Waltz (hels tango)
Curious of course, SC said yes, even though he’s seen what these contraptions do and he probably shouldn’t be strapped to this chair but sure why not
That definitely didn’t end well, he got his head chopped off (now you see why I named him Sever). Clap knew it would do this, and he just assumed it would kill him (it didn’t)
Waltz uh…didn’t like that. He knew it would do that too just….no. That was too far, even for him (he’s not even from hels in this au anyways, tango’s the hels, so he’s tried to stay away from gruesome stuff until this happened)
Upset, he went and told helsuma
Helsuma didn’t like this. Really, he doesn’t care much for the helsmites, but killing a Helsmite permanently is highly frowned upon in hels.
Like seriously even herobrine doesn’t actually kill them, just tortures them or scares them
And bc he didn’t like that, Helsuma asked boogeydubs for a small favor. Bring SC to him, and Boogey can do whatever he liked to Clap
Boogey took up the opportunity ofc, so he cursed Clap
Helsuma got the head back on SC’s neck, jokingly called him Sever instead of Scar
The name just stuck
Sever owes him for that for sure, but on the other hand Helsuma is the only one he thought he could trust after that…but I mean he trusted Clap after a while and look how that ended
But the man put his head back on and treated him somewhat better than other helsmites so ???
As of now
Server’s tried to kill Clap several times. Really, mostly just wants to bring him back over and over to chop of his head over and over
Scar n Cub still have no clue these guys exist
But sometimes as a Halloween prank, Sever plays headless horseman to scare the server (his head is removable now without killing him)
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