#I think ALTTP could be cool --Minish Cap too --sksw too evidently
rawliverandgoronspice · 4 months
Just thought about Zelink for a bit and my opinion on it (and basically it's: makes sense in some games but not really in others imo, or it's more interesting for them not to be romantic in certain games even (OoT comes to mind, I love love love what their non-romance can be in that one and it has wild layers to unpack) but you do you as long as people don't get extraordinarily weird with it which can and do happen), and it kind of made me realize I dooon't... I don't think I really vibe with them as a couple in the Wild era? I know the game, especially TotK, kind of pushes that a little bit, but... I feel like they're too codependant in a bad way for it to be a good idea for either of them honestly? Zelda never really gets over her urge to destroy herself in order to overcompensate her shame at not being perfect nor embody a perfect idea of what she should represent, and Link never gets over his literal oath of dropping whatever he's doing to constantly reshape his life around her. I feel like, for them to be together and for it to be cool and a good time and not a constant loop of feeding into each other's negative tendencies, they would need to completely and utterly dismantle Hyrule and then be a little selfish and unimportant for a while. And even then, old habits would die hard I think.
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