#I think I shall call the shadow core ghost Keeper
puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Had a random Danny Phantom Au idea that won't leave my mind.
Shadow Core Danny.
Now Shadow Cores are unique in the fact that they can mimic other elements. Not unlike how both Pariah and Fright Knight have flames, despite them not having a type of Fire core themselves.
And mimicking isn't exactly the right word, but mirroring isn't either. But that's what a shadow does. It follows, it mimics your every move, your every action perfectly. Until it doesn't.
Wow that's suddenly spooky, but anyway.
Danny with a shadow core and somehow finding his way to where the [insert shadow core tribe name not unlike the yetis for ice cores] reside. And not exactly getting a mentor, not with how varied each Shadow Core is depending on its adaptations and stressors. But he gets someone he can ramble to and ask questions about how the duck this power works.
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Hey Tay, I would love it if you wrote a fic of Royality and the prompt "Your safe here because the sun never sets here
Hey Damion! I shall do my very best. Patton and Roman are the two most difficult sides for me to write so I apologize if this is OOC! Also, sorry this is so late!
The Sun Never Sets
Pairing: Royality (can be read as platonic or romantic)
Warnings: Talk of nightmares, panic attack (if there are any others that I missed, please let me know)
Summary: Patton has a nightmare, and who better to protect him from the dangers that lurk in the dark than a dashing prince?
Moonlight filtered through the blinds covering Roman’s open window, spilling onto the floor in a pool of shimmering silver. The gentlest of breezes blew through the room and brushed across the sleeping creative side’s cheek. His face twitched ever so slightly but the man remained asleep. Serenity coated his features as vivid images danced through his never-stilling mind. His brow furrowed, however, when he sensed a darkness clouding the edges of his unconscious. Fierce brown eyes snapped open and the prince summoned his sword as he leapt from his bed. There was a foe somewhere within the mindscape. Somewhere within the dreams of his companions. As the keeper of Thomas’ dreams, it was his responsibility to slay the beasts that corrupted the whimsical fantasies he crafted. There would be no nightmares this evening. Not on his watch.
Roman stalked down the hallway, his sword at the ready. His first stop, Virgil’s bedroom. More often than not, when there were nightmares, they originated from the emo’s room. But when he silently pushed open the door, there Virgil was. His bangs were plastered messily across his face as he lay in what looked like an incredibly uncomfortable position, but he was indeed sleeping quite peacefully for once. The ghost of a smile tugged at Roman’s lips as he gently closed the door and resumed his search. Next up, Patton. A short while ago, he wouldn’t have even considered that their perpetual ray of sunshine could ever spark a nightmare but after their exploration of the father figure’s room, his eyes were opened to just how much Patton hid.
Roman needed to show him that he never had to hide ever again.
As he approached the moral side’s door, he nearly froze in his tracks at the sound of muffled sobbing. Newly motivated, he rushed toward the room, his sword vanishing as he did so. This was not a situation where bursting through the door swinging a sword would do much good. Ignoring the ice that was seemingly flowing through his veins, pushing through the fear that pulsed through his body, Roman twisted his hand and flung the door open.
Stepping into Patton’s room, the prince was shocked to find himself enveloped in a darkness so complete that the dim light from the hallway seemed to evaporate once it passed the doorframe.
“Patton?” Roman called into the void, unsure of how much the nightmare was distorting the dimensions of the room. The sobbing, which had abruptly stopped when the door opened, began again.
“Ro-roman?” Patton’s whimper came from somewhere to the prince’s right. Roman made his way farther into the room, his boots clicking loudly against the seemingly wooden floors. It wasn’t like he could see them anyway.
“Patton, I need you to keep talking darling, I cannot see in here. Where are you?”
“I-I’m on my bed, I think you’re to my left? Keep-um, keep…” the fatherly figure paused momentarily, a shaky breath echoing through the silence, “keep walking forward.”
Roman pressed onwards, following the sound of Patton’s frightened voice. Suddenly, his knee struck a soft surface and he stumbled, collapsing onto the moral side’s bed. Patton gasped at the sudden movement and the prince struggled to right himself.
“Hey Padre, can I touch you?” He asked softly. After a moment, the frightened side gave a noise of assent. Roman slowly reached out and brushed his fingers against his companion’s arm. The uncontrollable trembling of the man next to him struck concern into his very core. Patton quickly flung himself into Roman’s arms, tears streaming down his face and soaking the prince’s clothes. Roman knew that Patton could not stay in this room at this particular moment and, gathering the shaking man into his arms, sunk the two of them out of the darkness.
Sunshine struck his eyes, creating patches of brilliant light that danced across his vision. Blinking against the sudden brightness, he looked around at their new surroundings within his realm. Rolling hills covered in lush grass stretched as far as the eye could see. Patches of stunning flowers dotted the hillsides with splashes of bright red and pale blue. The sun was directly overhead, unmoving in the neverending sky. The gentle breeze rustling through the grass was the only sound.
It was beautiful.
“Patton? Do you want to talk about what happened?” Roman interrupted the near-silence, his voice low as he continued to cradle the other man in his arms.
“It was so dark Roman. I couldn’t-I couldn’t see anything and…and…I hated it so much Roman I was so scared! I could feel a presence in the dark but no matter what I did…I couldn’t see them and I’m still so scared.” The moral side sobbed, his breath coming in short, quick gasps. The prince remained silent, slowly running his hand up and down Patton’s back while they sat in the grass. After a long moment of comfortable silence, during which Patton’s breathing began to even out, Roman spoke.
“Patton, you’re safe. I promise you. You’re safe here because here, the sun never sets. You never have to be in the dark again. Not if I have anything to say about it.”
Tags under the cut:
General Writing Taglist: @virgil-my-diamond @ajdraws0430
Fanders Blog: @fandersfic-royality
Romantic Royality Taglist: 
@nyxwordsmith@starlightlogan@logan-exe@potterlover394@logically-sided@kentato-kenart@deathbyvenusftw@siriuswhiskers@milomeepit@thepusheenqueen@funsizedgremlin@katesattic@johnnyboylaurens@multi-fandom-trash-x9000@trashypansexual@poundland-twoface@deadinsidebutliving@purpleshipper@saphirestrike@inkwasalwaysherere@allthemetalsoftherainbow@ashbash-the-trashcash@minamishipsit@catsandrandomness@too-precious-to-process@depressed-alone@silversunshine2012@k9cat@romanssippycup@paxtonlovestea@voices-and-stardust@starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer@asalwayss@angeliclogan@AskolotlQuestions@vulnerablevirgil@micha-like-you-find-in-rocks@urtrashhq@katatles-the-fish@migraine-marathon@skylagamingfea@kurna-kovite@emovirgil@candiukas@XxxxWitlee@nymphaedoratonks@evilmuffin@minshinxx@cashmeredragon@clueingforblogs@too-random-for-me@cinderlunarcyborg@thecrimsoncodex@cinquefoilelove@theanxietyofbeinganxious@sanderssides-deathangel@musicphanpie-b@pansexual-cat@ive-given-up-on-it@planetsanders@robanilla@thestoryofme13@virgil-has-a-houseplant@mollycassmith@the-feels-are-coming@faacethefacts@rptheturk@theshipqueenarrives@lana–22@muontsy2@shadow-walker-1201@the-prince-and-the-emo@prplzorua@shygirl4991@pearls-of-patton@rose-gold-roman@thats-so-crash@hamster-corn @dementeddracon@mercythemermaid@jade-dragon226-fan@pansexual-cat@pieces-of-annedrew@artistictaurean@faithhopefelony@superintrovertfangirl@jughead-is-canonically-aroace@sanders-trash-4ever@ocotopushugs@heythereprincey@thomas-must-get-to-sleep@grey-lysander@savingshae@nightly-illustrator@yourhappypappypatton@lei-brokeit@treblesanders@musicsavedmefromdeath@redundant-statements-for-400@storytellerofuntoldlegends@magicmapleleaf@fandergecko@aph-roma@trashfireiplier@violetmcl@confinesofpersonalknowledge@pinkeasteregg@proudhufflepuff@reba-andthesides@strangerthings-and-phan@ill-interested@sanders-sides-things@patchworkofstars@all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2@radioactivebread@purplepatton@thesilentbluesparrow@ono-its-ryane@cripplingchips@theworldismysupernova@baileystarsketches@strangerthings-and-phan@thegreyacefromspace@do-rey-me@notveryglittery@sanders-fam-ily@spacenerrrd@unknownsandersfan@on-lock-like-attica@tree4life25@angered-turtle@a-blog-just-for-sanders@theworldismysupernova@asterias-confused-writings@toujours-fidele@karmicmayhem@the-optimism-of-the-ostriches@hanramz-the-fander@ace-v-p-d@anonymouseandkeyboard@captain-loki-xavier@thought-u-said-dragon-queen@smokeyrutilequartz@thisisshien@justmyshitandmoreshit
Platonic Royality Taglist:
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