#I think Laura Lee might’ve been there but I guess she was cool with it?
unlikely-course · 1 year
Anyway since AO3 is down I will tell you all for free that two months ago I had a dream that was just like a weird fully fleshed little yj au in which Lottie is sent to a convent by her parents and meets there Tai, Van, and Jackie who are also postulants (more or less against their wills) and is shown the ropes by “Sister Joan,” (no prizes for guessing that’s Nat) who basically washed up here as a young teenager and ended up taking vows because she didn’t know what else to do and it was pretty chill as far as convents went. Obviously Lottie and Nat have like a connection, and meanwhile Jackie has resigned herself to the whole nun thing in spite of Shauna repeatedly showing up to try to get Jackie to come away with her. Literally there was a “scene” in which they were all out like gardening in a space next to the church and through the gate and across the street you could just see Shauna leaning against a building smoking furiously (in like a really great coat). Everyone was like “so are you gonna go…talk to her?” And Jackie was like absolutely not!!!! and just kept ineffectually going at a raised vegetable bed with a shovel.
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