#I think Perrin saw this over my shoulder cause now she's laughing at me
pkmnsciencej · 1 year
your girlfriends evil now? when did that happen
Since forever??
Listen I don't ask questions. My job is to be a prettyhandsome trophy futch that oohs and awes over her, okay?
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Petty Teen Drama 4 (Mallory finally got some sense knocked into him)
Plot: Mallory finally comes to his senses and apologizes to Ava.
The final installment of the “Petty Teen Drama” saga (lmao)
Kinda short, but I hope you all still like it :)
Camp had been nothing but hell for Mallory lately. His bullies back at school were nothing compared to the ones he’s endured almost all of summer, and he’s lost count of how many times Ella Cate had beaten him up to a pulp, and with much pleasure, as well as his visits to the infirmary shortly thereafter.
But worst of all was that he had lost almost all of his friends at Camp, only Una and Harper stuck around, and Gloria would only talk to him about how to not be a Nice Guy. All of this because of what happened between him and Ava several weeks ago, in which he had confessed to her his feelings for her, but only to be rejected and sent to the Friend Zone, as well as to discover that she had strong feelings for Jasper, who was the living personification of what every girl dreamed of in a guy: tall, handsome, played the guitar, and had The Hair. All of those traits in which Mallory desperately lacked in, and longed for so bad.
But even with all of that, after spending so much time at the infirmary with no one other than his two friends and Gloria, as well as his thoughts, Mallory came to the realization that he did, in fact, screw up. He knew he shouldn’t have called Ava a bitch (and a skank, and a whore), because she didn’t deserve it. Ava was the sweetest, loveliest, and kindest girl he had ever met, it was the very reason why he loved her in the first place, and even after getting rejected, he still stood by those facts. So he knew that he owed Ava an apology--big time--and he knew that he had to do it sooner or later, which honestly frightened him, but he knew it had to be done.
He found Ava at the dining pavilion, along with a few of her half-siblings. They were all laughing and chatting, while eating their lunch. Mallory gulped and felt his hands already sweating, but he kept moving forward. And as he approached their table, he saw her half-siblings change their expressions one by one the minute they laid eyes on him, until finally he reached Ava, who also had the same change of expression.
Mallory never felt more nervous in his life, not even when he confessed to Ava was he this nervous, but he managed to smile and wave at them. They didn’t reciprocate.
“U-Um, hi...uh...can I...talk to Ava….privately?” he asked, clearly afraid.
“Why?” asked Perrin (one of Ava’s half-siblings), giving him a very intimidating glare.
Mallory stammered for a while, constantly glancing to the side in order to avoid his glare as much as possible, while fumbling with his fingers and cracking his knuckles more than once.
“I...I want to apologize...for what I said…” Mallory finally said.
Everyone looked at him, surprised, then turned to Ava who also had the same expression. Perrin leaned closer to her, telling her that he could stay with her if she wanted, but she shook her head in denial, then faced Mallory.
“Okay.” she said. “Go ahead.”
Mallory waited for her half-siblings to leave, and they did one by one, each siblings giving him a death glare, and Perrin’s final glare shook him the most, but he tightened his fists and marched on over towards her, taking a seat across from her at the table.
Ava looked at Mallory, waiting for him to start. He cleared his throat.
“Ava, I know what I said was wrong--well, now I know, ‘cause at the time I thought I was right--b-but now I know that I was wrong! I was wrong for expecting that you’d correspond to my feelings, when clearly you didn’t owe that.
“And I was wrong for calling you names, that was...gross of me. I was angry, I was hurt, but...that’s not an excuse because you’re none of those things I said, in fact, you’re the opposite, you’re...you’re so sweet, and nice, and kind, and...you were my friend…
“I was so hung up on my own hurt, that I didn’t even stop to think that I was hurting you, my friend. And now not only did I lose the chance of being with you--which honestly was never there to begin with--but I lost the chance of being your friend again, which...honestly...matters a lot more to me than whether you have feelings for me or not.
“It took me a while to understand this, it took a lot of punches from Ella Cate, a lot of scolding from Una, and a lot of effort in re-educating me from Gloria, that what I did was...awful, and I’m so, so sorry. Really, I am.”
Mallory paused for a moment, observing Ava’s demeanor, wondering if she was going to lash out or walk away, but instead she remained seated, and looked as calm as ever. She was paying very close attention to him, and not once did she show any sign of disappointment or content.
Mallory cleared his throat once more, and continued to speak.
 “I understand if you don’t forgive me, and I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, but I felt like I needed to say this--well, actually, I felt like...I owed you this. So...yeah....”
Ava remained quiet while looking down at her folded hands, as though she was processing everything that Mallory had said, debating whether or not to forgive him. Mallory kept picking at his hands, trying so hard to contain his anxiousness. He didn’t know what to expect, what her reaction would be, or what she would say, but in the end he braced himself for the worst.
Finally, she looked up at him, and a smile slowly crept across her face.
“I’m glad you came to this realization.” she said.
Mallory swallowed, unsure what she would say next.
“Your words did hurt me,” she continued. “A lot, actually. It kept playing in my mind for weeks, and--overall, I guess I was just shocked that someone would do such a thing, especially someone that I considered a friend…
“But, I’m glad that you reflected on that, and found the strength within yourself to come and apologize, because most people wouldn’t. In fact, most people wouldn’t even stop to think whether they did something wrong to begin with, so...I’m glad that you did that.”
Mallory smiled. Even though he was still feeling a little wary, he was relieved that Ava took it so well, and he felt as though a big weight had lifted off of his shoulders, and for once since this whole thing started, he felt that he could finally breathe.
“Wow, um, I really wasn’t expecting this.” Mallory confessed, running a hand through his messy curly hair. “I thought you were gonna, like, lash out or something…”
“You’re trying, and that’s what’s important.”
Mallory nodded. “I guess I’ll see you around then?”
“Yeah.” Ava smiled.
And after wishing each other a good rest of their summer, they left the dining pavilion, each going their separate ways.
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gaysparklepires · 7 years
27. Human
Read on AO3
I didn’t get very far before driving became impossible.
When I couldn’t see anymore, I let my tires find the rough shoulder and rolled slowly to a stop. I slumped over on the seat and allowed the emotions I’d fought in Jacob’s room crush me. It was worse than I’d thought—the force of it took me by surprise. Yes, I had been right to hide this from Jacob. It would have made everything infinitely worse if he saw this.
But I wasn’t alone for very long—just exactly long enough for Alice to see me here, and then the few minutes it took him to arrive. The door creaked open, and he pulled me into his arms.
At first, it was worse. Because there was a part of me that craved a different set of arms. A part of me that was fighting to become the dominant part. So then there was fresh guilt to season the pain.
He didn’t say anything, he just let me sob until I began to blubber out Charlie’s name.
“Are you really ready to go home?” he asked doubtfully.
I managed to convey, after several attempts, that it wasn’t going to get better anytime soon. I needed to get past Charlie before it got late enough for him to call Billy.
So he drove me home—for once not even getting close to my truck’s internal speed limit—keeping one arm wrapped tightly around me. The whole way, I fought for control. It seemed to be a doomed effort at first, but I didn’t give up. Just a few seconds, I told myself. Just time for a few excuses, or a few lies, and then I could break down again. I had to be able to do that much. I scrambled around in my head, searching desperately for a reserve of strength.
There was just enough for me to quiet the sobs—hold them back but not end them. The tears didn’t slow. I couldn’t seem to find any handle to even begin to with those.
“Wait for me upstairs,” I mumbled when we were in front of the house.
He hugged me closer for one minute, and then he was gone.
Once inside, I headed straight for the stairs.
“Beau?” Charlie called after me from his usual place on the sofa as I walked by.
I turned to look at him without speaking. His eyes got wide and he lurched to his feet.
“What happened? Is Jacob…?” he demanded.
I shook my head furiously, trying to find my voice. “He’s fine, he’s fine,” I promised, my voice low and husky. And Jacob was fine, physically, which is all Charlie was worried about at the moment.
“But what happened?” He grabbed my shoulders, his eyes still anxious and wide. “What happened to you?”
I must look worse than I’d imagined.
“Nothing, Dad. I… Jacob and I had to talk about… some things that were hard. I’m okay.”
The anxiety calmed, and was replaced by disapproval mingled with concern.
“Was this really the best time?” he asked.
“Probably not, Dad, but I didn’t have any alternatives—it just got to the point where I had to choose… Sometimes, there isn’t any way to compromise.”
He shook his head slowly. “How did he handle it?”
I didn’t answer.
He looked at my face for a minute, and then nodded. That must have been answer enough.
“I hope this doesn’t mess up his recovery.”
“He’s a quick healer,” I mumbled.
Charlie sighed.
I could feel the control slipping.
“I’ll be in my room,” I told him, shrugging out from underneath his hands.
“Okay, Beau,” Charlie agreed. “I’m sorry, kiddo. I know that couldn’t have been easy for you. Take as much time as you need, okay?”
I think I nodded, but I couldn’t be sure. I stumbled blindly to my room as my tears started pouring out even heavier than before.
Once in my room, I fought with the clasp of my necklace, trying to undo it with shaking fingers.
“No, Beau,” Edward whispered, capturing my hands. “It’s part of who you are.”
He pulled me into the cradle of his arms as the sobs broke free again.
The longest of days seemed to stretch on and on. I wondered if it would ever end.
The night dragged relentlessly, I tried to think back if it was the worst of them. At least someone was here to comfort me tonight, and that was something.
Charlie seemed to understand that I needed space, so he left me alone, though I was not quiet—he probably got no more sleep than I did.
My hindsight seemed unbearably clear tonight. I could see every mistake I’d made, every mistake we all made. Every bit of harm I’d done, the small things and the big things. Each pain I’d caused Jacob, each pain he’d caused me, every would I’d given Edward, and every wound he’d given me, all of them stacked up into neat piles that I could not ignore or deny.
And I realized that I’d been wrong all along about the magnets. It had not just been Edward and Jacob that I’d been trying to force together, it was the two parts of myself, the two halves of my heart—the half held by Edward and the half held by Jacob. Two halves of me. They existed in direct opposition to each other, even though they were exactly the same.
So much damage done.
Edward said little; he just held me on the bed and let me ruin his shirt, staining it with salt water.
It took longer than I thought it would for me to cry myself out. It happened, though, and I was eventually exhausted enough to sleep. Unconsciousness did not bring full relief from the pain, just a numbing, dulling ease, like medicine. Made it more bearable. But it was still there; I was aware of it, even asleep, and that helped me make the adjustments I needed to make.
The morning brought with it, if not a brighter outlook, at least a measure of control, some acceptance. Instinctively I knew that this tear in my heart would always ache. That this fracture was just going to be a part of me now. Time would make it easier—that’s what everyone always said. But I didn’t care if time healed me or not, so long as Jacob could get better. Could be happy again.
When I woke up, there was no disorientation. I opened my eyes—finally dry—and met his anxious gaze.
“Hey,” I said. My voice was hoarse. I cleared my throat.
He didn’t answer. He watched me, waiting for it to start.
“No, I’m fine,” I promised. “That won’t happen again.”
His eyes tightened at my words.
“I’m sorry that you had to see that,” I said. “That wasn’t fair to you.”
He put his hands on either side of my face.
“Beau… are you sure? Did you make the right choice? I’ve never seen you in so much pain—“ his voice broke on the last word.
“Pain is a part of being human,” I said softly.
“I’m sure, Edward.” I touched his cool lips. “What Jacob and I had—what we could have had—would have been great. Amazing, even. But we both understand that we aren’t meant to be… not in this life, anyway. This life is mine and yours, Edward. You’re who I choose.” I took a deep, slightly shaky breath. “I can only hope that some day Jacob finds someone who loves him the way he deserves to be loved.”
“Beau, I can’t stand for you to be miserable. Maybe…”
“No, Edward. There’s a part of me that’s always going to love Jacob Black, and that’s just something you’ll have to learn to accept. But I love you, and I choose to be with you. I fell in love with you first, after all.” I tried to smile, but it took more effort than it should.
Edward wrapped his arms around me. “I love you.” He whispered into my hair.
“I love you. I know what I want and what I need… and what I’m going to do now.”
“What are we going to do now?”
I smiled just a bit at his correction, and then I sighed. “We are going to go see Alice.”
Alice was on the bottom porch step, too hyper to wait for us inside. She looked about to break into a celebration dance, so excited was she about the news she knew I was there to deliver.
“Thank you, Beau!” she sang as we got out of the truck.
“Hold it, Alice,” I warned her, lifting up a hand to halt her glee. “I’ve got a few limitations for you.”
“I know, I know, I know. August thirteenth is the date, you have veto power on the guest list, and if I go overboard on anything, you’ll never speak to me again.”
“Oh, okay. Well, yeah. You know the rules, then.”
“Don’t worry, Beau, it will be perfect. Do you want to see your tuxedo?”
I laughed. “Sure.”
Alice’s smile was smug.
“Um, Alice,” I said, blinking, “When did you get me a tuxedo?”
Edward squeezed my hand, smiling.
Alice led the way inside, heading for the stairs. “These things take time, Beau,” Alice explained. Her tone seemed… evasive. “I mean, I wasn’t sure things were going tto turn out this way, but there was a distinct possibility…”
“When?” I asked again.
“Perrine Bruyere has a waiting list, you know,” she said, defensive now. “Fabric masterpieces don’t happen overnight. If I hadn’t thought ahead, you’d be wearing something off the rack!”
It didn’t look like I was going to get a straight answer. “Per—who?”
“He’s not a major designer, Beau, so there’s no need to get too worked up. He’s got promise, though, and he specializes in custom tuxedos which was exactly what I needed.”
“I’m not getting worked up.”
“No, you’re not.” She eyed my calm face suspiciously. Then, as we walked into her room, she turned on Edward.
“Wait, why?” I asked.
“Beau,” she groaned. “You know the rules. He’s not supposed to see until the day of!”
I chuckled softly. “It doesn’t matter to me. And you know he’s already seen it in your head. But if that’s how you want it…”
She shoved Edward back out the door. He didn’t even look at her—his eyes were on me, wary, afraid to leave me alone.
I nodded, hoping my expression was tranquil enough to reassure him.
Alice shut the door in his face.
“All right!” She muttered. “C’mon.”
She grabbed my wrist and towed me to her closet—which was bigger than my bedroom—and then dragged me to the back corner, where a long black garment bag had a rack all to itself.
She unzipped the bag in one sweeping movement, and then slipped it carefully off the hanger. She took a step back, holding her hand out to the tuxedo like she was a game show hostess.
“Well?” she asked breathlessly.
I appraised it for a long moment, playing with her a bit. Her expression turned worried.
“Ah,” I said, and I smiled, letting her relax. “I see.”
“What do you think?” she demanded.
I couldn’t help but smile widely at the tuxedo.
“It’s perfect, of course. Exactly right. You’re a genius.”
She grinned. “I know.”
“Nineteen-eighteen?” I guessed.
“More or less,” she said, nodding. “Some of it is my design, the coat, the waistcoat…” she turned and pulled something off a nearby shelf and showed it to me. “The cufflinks are vintage,” she smiled, opening the box. “Do you like it all?”
“It’s beautiful, Alice. Just right for him.”
“But is it just right for you?” she insisted.
“Yes, I think it is. I think it’s just what I need. I know you’ll do a great job with this… if you can keep yourself in check.”
She beamed.
“Can I see your dress?” I asked.
She blinked, her face blank.
“Didn’t you order your bridesmaid dress at the same time? I wouldn’t want my maid of honor to wear something off the rack.” I pretended to wince in horror.
She threw her arms around my waist. “Thank you, Beau!”
“How could you not see that one coming?” I teased, kissing her hair. “Some psychic you are!”
Alice danced back, and her face was bright with fresh enthusiasm. “I’ve got so much to do! Go play with Edward. I have to get to work.”
She dashed out of the room, yelling, “Esme!” as she disappeared.
I followed at my own pace. Edward was waiting for me in the hallway, leaning against the wood-paneled wall.
“That was very, very nice of you,” he told me.
“She seems happy,” I agreed.
He touched my face; his eyes—too dark, it had been so long since he’d left me—searched my expression minutely.
“Let’s get out of here,” he suddenly suggested. “Let’s go to our meadow.”
It sounded very appealing. “I guess I don’t have to hide out anymore, do I?”
“No. The danger is behind us.”
 He was quiet, thoughtful, as he ran. The wind blew on my face, warmer now that the storm had really passed. The clouds covered the sky, the way they usually did.
The meadow was a peaceful, happy place today. Patches of summer daisies interrupted the grass with splashes of white and yellow. I lay back, ignoring the slight dampness of the ground, and looked for pictures in the clouds. They were too even, too smooth. No pictures, just a soft, gray blanket.
Edward lay next to me and held my hand.
“August thirteenth?” he asked casually after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
“That gives me a month till my birthday. I figured I should give Alice some time to throw everything together, but I also didn’t want to cut it too close.”
He sighed. “Esme is three years older than Carlisle — technically. Did you know that?”
I shook my head.
“It hasn’t made any difference to them.”
My voice was serene, a counterpoint to his anxiety. “My age is not really that important. Edward, I’m ready. I’ve chosen my life—now I want to start living it.”
He stroked my hair. “The guest list veto?”
“I don’t care really, but I…” I hesitated, not wanting to explain this one. Best to get it over with. “I’m not sure if Alice would feel the need to invite… a few werewolves. I don’t know if… Jake would feel like… like he should come. Like that’s the right thing to do, or that I’d get my feelings hurt if he didn’t. He shouldn’t have to go through that.”
Edward was quiet for a minute. I stared at the tips of the treetops, almost black against the light gray of the sky.
Suddenly, Edward grabbed me around the waist and pulled me into his chest.
“Tell me why you’re doing this, Beau. Why did you decide, now, to give Alice free rein?”
I repeated for him the conversation I had with Charlie last night before I’d gone to see Jacob.
“It wouldn’t be fair to keep Charlie out of this,” I concluded. “And that means Renée and Phil. I might as well let Alice have her fun, too. Maybe it will make the whole thing easier for Charlie if he gets his proper goodbye. Even if he thinks it’s much too early, I wouldn’t want to cheat him out of the chance to walk me down the aisle.” I laughed, picturing it to myself. “At least my mom and dad and my friends will know the best part of my choice, the most I’m allowed to tell them. They’ll know I chose you, and they’ll know we’re together. They’ll know I’m happy, wherever I am. I think that’s the best I can do for them.”
Edward held my face, searching it for a brief time.
“Wedding’s off,” he said abruptly.
“What?” I gasped. “You’re backing out? No!”
“I’m not backing out, Beau. I’m just letting you off the hook. Whatever you want to do, however you want to do it.”
“Beau, I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to make everyone else happy. And I don’t care about anyone else’s feelings. I only need you to be happy. Don’t worry about breaking the news to Alice. I’ll take care of it. I promise she won’t make you feel guilty.”
“But I —”
“No. We’re doing this your way. Because my way doesn’t work. I call you stubborn, but look at what I’ve done. I’ve clung with such idiotic obstinacy to my idea of what’s best for you, though it’s only hurt you. Hurt you so deeply, time and time again. I don’t trust myself anymore. You can have happiness your way. My way is always wrong. So.” He shifted under me, squaring his shoulders. “We’re doing it your way, Beau. Tonight. Today. The sooner the better. I’ll speak to Carlisle. I was thinking that maybe if we give you enough morphine, it wouldn’t be so bad. It’s worth a try.” He gritted his teeth.
“Edward, no—“
He put his finger to my lips. “Don’t worry, Beau, love. I haven’t forgotten what else you wanted—what we wanted.”
His hands were in my hair, his lips moving softly — but very seriously — against mine, before I realized what he was saying. What he was doing.
There wasn’t much time to act. If I waited too long, I wouldn’t be able to remember why I needed to stop him. Already, I couldn’t breathe right. My hands were gripping his arms, pulling myself tighter to him, my mouth glued to his and answering every unspoken question his asked.
I tried to clear my head, to find a way to speak.
He rolled gently, pressing me into the cool grass.
Oh, never mind! my less noble side exulted. My head was full of the sweetness of his breath.
No, no, no, I argued with myself. I shook my head, and his mouth moved to my neck, giving me a chance to breathe.
“Stop, Edward. Wait.” My voice was as weak as my will.
“Why?” he whispered into the hollow of my throat.
I labored to put some resolve into my tone. “I don’t want to do this now.”
“Don’t you?” he asked, a smile in his voice. He moved his lips back to mine and made speaking impossible. Heat coursed through my veins, burning where my skin touched his.
I made myself focus. It took a great deal of effort just to force my hands to free themselves from his hair, to move them to his chest. But I did it. And then I shoved against him, trying to push him away. I could not succeed alone, but he responded as I knew he would.
He pulled back a few inches to look at me, and his eyes did nothing to help my resolve. They were black fire. They smoldered.
“Why?” he asked again, his voice low and rough. “I love you. I want you. Right now.”
The butterflies in my stomach flooded my throat. He took advantage of my speechlessness.
“Wait, wait,” I tried to say around his lips.
“Not for me,” he murmured in disagreement.
“Please?” I gasped.
He groaned, and pushed himself away from me, rolling onto his back again.
We both lay there for a minute, trying to slow our breathing.
“Tell me why not, Beau,” he demanded. “This had better not be about me.”
I laughed.
“No, my beautiful idiot, this is about me.”
He looked at me, confused.
I took a deep breath, and I stood up.
“We’re doing this the right way. Because it’s how I want to do it. I want to give Charlie and Renée the satisfaction of seeing me married. I want Alice to have her fun. I want to have a wedding. I want to tie myself to you in every human way possible… Because I’m choosing me. I’m choosing to be human, Edward.”
His eyes widened, and he stood with me. “I don’t understand, you said you didn’t want to cut it too close…”
“Well, I don’t want people making a big fuss about a wedding anniversary and my birthday all in one month. I might explode.”
“But, what about giving Charlie a proper goodbye?” He asked, his eyes blazing.
“I’m going to be moving out, either way. Be it for college, or getting married, or whatever. I want Charlie to know I’m being taken care of. I want everyone to know what I chose. I’m choosing you, Edward—but I’m choosing to stay human.”
He wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled.
“This wasn’t just a choice between you and Jacob. It was a choosing the right path for me. I’ve faced death and loss and pain in your world. But, I’ve also never felt stronger, more real, more… myself. Because it’s my world, too, Edward. It’s where I belong.” I smiled at him. “But I belong in it exactly as I am. Human. Because that’s how I’ve faced it so far, and how I’ll face it from now on.”
He smiled down at me, wistful. “If you change your mind…”
“You’ll be the first to know,” I promised.
The rain started to drop through the clouds just then, a few scattered drops that made faint thuds as they struck the grass.
I stared up into the sky, smiling widely.
“I’ll get you home.” He brushed the tiny beads of water from my cheeks.
“Rain’s not the problem,” I sighed. “But it does mean that it’s time to go do something that will be very unpleasant and possibly even highly dangerous.”
His eyes widened in alarm.
“It’s a good thing you’re bulletproof.” I teased. “I’m going to need that ring. It’s time to tell Charlie.”
He laughed with me now. “Highly dangerous,” he agreed. He laughed again and then reached into the pocket of his jeans. “But at least there’s no need for a side trip.”
He once again slid my ring into place on the third finger of my left hand.
Where it would stay—for the rest of my human life.
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nicknchris09 · 7 years
Old Friends Chapter 22 Impatient
New Years passed and now it was February. Rachael and I were due then. Rachael texted Seth telling him she went into labor. I was jealous, cause I wanted this baby out of me. I was now trying everything to get him out to come. Walking, eating pineapple, bouncing on an exercise ball, even a lot of sex with Seth. But our boy was stubborn. I was getting frustrated. Seems like Seth was too, especially with how I was getting. Now Rachael gave birth to her daughter, Perrin, and I was still a whale. I wanted our son out. I went into the bedroom to find Seth working and sat on the bed. I moved closer to him and began to kiss and suck on his neck. He gently pushed me. "Not tonight, baby."
I smiled, seductively and said as I moved closer, "Come on, baby. I want you, baby."
"I'm not in the mood." He said, sternly.
Then I got angry and sat back on the bed. I crossed my arms and breathed heavily as my anger consumed me. Seth noticed, "Don't get like that, love."
I whipped my head to look at him. "Why? Why don't you want me? Do you find me repulsive?"
"Of course not."
"Is it cause I am as fat as a whale."
"You seeing someone else?"
"God, no!"
"Then why don't you want me, I mean, I don't understand. We have sex all the time. Most guys would love a girl who wants it all the time. Like I am at a lost. Am I do something wrong..."
I didn't know it as I was rambling but Seth kept saying my name over and over to get my attention, but I just kept rambling. Finally he yelled out, "It's cause you make it into a chore now!"
I looked at him, confused and scrunched up my face. "What?"
He looked at me and let out a breath. "You have literally sucked out the fun of sex. Before it was great, but now you demand a time, tell me how we should do it and you don't even want intimacy, you just want us to release and then that's it. Then you wait for a few hours as you get more and more pissed that your labor didn't jump start. Like you literally make into such a chore that I don't want to have sex with you again till this baby comes."
I knew he wasn't try to be harsh, but it felt harsh. I sat back on the bed as I let it sink in. Instantly, I knew I was going to lose. Damn, these hormones are a bitch. I quickly got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat on the toilet lid. I fell apart as I felt bad and angry and unwanted. Yeah, hormones were a bitch. I heard a knock at the door and I yelled, "Go away, Seth!"
"Baby, please let me in. I didn't mean it like that." He said from behind the door.
"Yes, you did! And the fucked up part about it is that you are right!" I cried harder. "I just want this over."
Just then, he unlocked the door and walked in. "Ho..." My voice trailed off.
"Do you really think I don't know how to get a door open in my house." He said with a smile.
I just looked away from him and said, "I don't want you to see me like this."
He walked over to me and knelt down in front of me. He took my hand and asked me, softly, "Baby, what is going on with you?"
I looked at him with sad eyes and said, "I am fat, Seth. I waddle when I walk, I have a hard time getting up when I sit, I have to pee every five minutes. I cannot sleep cause I am so uncomfortable. I just want him out, Seth. I want to be done with being pregnant."
He smiled at me. "First of all, you are not fat, you are pregnant, huge different. And I know you want this over with, baby. But he is almost here."
"It's not fast enough." I pouted.
He laughed as he stood up and pulled me to him. I stood up and was instantly in his arms. "Come on, baby. We should try to get some rest."
"Okay." I breathed.
The next couple days, I was more miserable, but one day, I set it to the side. Rachael was home and I wanted to see my new niece. So, while the kids were at school and Seth was at work, I drove over to Rachael's. I rang the doorbell and Spencer answered the door. He smiled. "Hey, Maggie, I should have known you would come over."
"Of course, they already put me on maternity leave at work and Seth is at work as the kids are at school, so I thought I could get some quality time with my niece." I said to him, happily.
He nodded. "Come on in. Rachael and Perrin is in the living room." As I walked past him, he asked, "So, when your little one suppose to make an appearance."
"Hopefully soon." I breathed.
We walked to the living room and Rachael was sitting on the couch with her little one in her arms. I smiled, instantly. I walked over and looked down at the little baby. "Oh my god, Rachael. She is beautiful."
I sat down next to her and she asked, "Want to hold your niece?"
"Yes." I replied, excitedly.
She handed the baby to me and I looked down at her. I awed at the little face. "She looks just like you." I told her.
Rachael smiled. Then she asked, "How you doing?"
I sighed as I looked back at the little one in my arms. "I am ready for my boy to come. I am so miserable. I do not miss being pregnant at all.I am actually jealous that you had Perrin already. Our boy is stubborn."
She chuckled. "You do realize, you due date is not for another week right."
"And?" I almost scoffed. "He needs to come, now."
"He will be here soon. Then you will have sleepless nights and a crying infant." She reminded me.
"That part I can deal with. I can't deal with being uncomfortable. Hell, holding her is difficult." I told her.
"Here. I have an idea." She said as she tooked the baby from me. Then she said, "Sit back."
I did and she placed the sleeping baby tummy down on my large stomach. Perrin shifted slightly, then relaxed. She basically cradled my stomach. I smiled at this. My boy had been quite active all day but he even calmed once she was placed on me. I put a hand gently on her back so I made sure she didn't move. Rachael smiled and said, "Now that is precious. I have to get a picture."
She took her phone off the coffee table and snapped a picture. I smiled. This actually made it not so bad. I enjoyed this and was more then ready to have my boy with me.
Seth's POV
I follow my sister on twitter, so when my phone went off and saw she posted something, of course, I checked it out. I smiled as I saw it. My niece was laying on a large belly and even though I couldn't see her face, I knew it was my woman. The caption read 'My little girl already loves her cousin.' This warmed me. Just made me more excited about my boy coming. I worked late as I did this a few nights so when my boy came, I could spend some time at home and just enjoy having our baby there. I got home and the kids were already in bed. It was quiet. I went upstairs to my room and didn't see Maggie in the room. I then heard the shower running in the bathroom and knew she was in there. I waited as I sat on the bed. I answered a few text messages as I waited for her. She walked out but didn't noticed me, as she was using a towel to dry her hair. She had another towel wrapped around her waist and large belly. I smiled as I knew, soon, our boy would be here. She moved the towel out of her hair and pushed her hair back. Then she jumped as she noticed me. "Jesus, Seth. You scared the shit out of me."
I chuckled. "Sorry, love. I didn't mean to."
"How long have you been home?" She asked.
"Just a few minutes." I said with a small smile.
She then moved over to the dresser and pulled a drawer out. I watched as she pulled out some clothes, then placed them on top of the dresser. I got up and walked over to her. I wrapped an arm around her as I cradled her belly, my other hand was on her hip. I said with a smile, "I saw the picture of you with Perrin. I have to say it was beautiful."
"Yeah?" She turned to head and looked at me.
"Yeah." I said, softly.
"Being with her just makes me want our boy to hurry up and make his appearance even more." She breathed.
"Seeing that picture makes me want the same thing." I said, softly.
I then moved my lips to her neck and started to kiss it softly. She moaned, softly, then said, "I thought it was just a chore now."
I smiled against her neck and said against it, "Not when I have a different goal in mind."
She giggled at this and I began to kiss her neck again. She moved her hand over mine and held it as her breathing hitched. As I continued, she began to grind her ass on me. I moaned against her neck. We kept at it for a few minutes. I wanted her. I broke away and she turned around. I moved my lips to hers and took them, deeply. She kissed me back, passionately. I moved my hand to her towel and undid it. I let it drop to the floor. She then began to undress me. We were both finally naked and I broke the kiss. I took her hand and moved her to the bed. I gently pushed her to the bed and she got on it. She laid her head on the pillow and I moved next to her. Her belly has made some things difficult in the bedroom but we found a way around it. Once I was next to her, I kissed her deeply. We kissed for a bit, then I moved hand to her thigh and lift it slightly. She knew what I was trying to do and rolled to her side so her back was to me. I pulled her close to me and I still had her leg lifted. I adjusted myself to get between her legs. I slowly pushed into her. She moaned out, softly. I let go of her leg and she settled it back down on top of mine. I, then, began to move inside her. I, softly, kissed her shoulder and neck as I moved. She just kept letting little moans slip out. I was enjoying this as we needed to just be together and not when we were just trying to jump start her labor. Right now, that was the last thing on our mind. I kept moving as her moans increased. She was getting close. I moved a little faster as I wanted to send her over. I kept this up. Then she moaned out as she came. She kept herself down as she didn't want the kids to hear. I moved my face to her neck and then moaned out, softly, as I too arrived. I pumped a few more time as I rode out our orgasm, then stopped. I moved my arm around her, over her stomach, just under her breast and held her close to me. We both were trying to catch our breath. She the said, softly, "Mmm, that was nice."
I smiled. "Yeah, it was. So much better when you aren't trying to accomplished something other then what it is. More relaxing."
"It is." She said, tiredly.
She yawned and I smiled. "Sleep, baby."
"Okay." She breathed.
I moved the blanket over us as she was already tired. I knew the pregnancy was hard on her body and she needed the rest. I just settled against her as I, too, drifted off.
I don't know how long I was sleeping, but it didn't feel like long, when I was shaken awake. "What?" I groaned.
"Seth, wake up." Maggie said.
"Maggie, I am very tired. Let me sleep." I complained as I still had my eyes closed.
"No, get up now." She almost demanded.
"Maggie, go back to sleep. Please." I was getting annoyed.
She said, almost loudly, "My water broke, Seth."
My eyes sprang open and I looked at her. "What?"
"My water, it broke. I need to go to the hospital." She told me, calmly.
I sat up in bed and was almost in a panic, "What do we do?"
She almost laughed. "Call your dad, then call Dave, him or Miranda will come to watch over the kids. We will get dress and go to the hospital when your dad gets here."
"Okay." I just nodded.
I did as she told and my dad said he would be on the way. I got dressed and Maggie was already dressed. She was so calm and I was in a panic almost. My son was on the way and I was ready. I was ready to become a father finally.
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