#j responds
pkmnsciencej · 9 months
(@friendball-irl) 😇👿?
Gray, I mean it when I say you're one of the most kind, compassionate, and talented people on this platform. Your drive and energy are incredible, and it shines in everyone you interact with.
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saltedpeppermintmocha · 7 months
we miss you jess!!! hope youre okay❤️
Aww! ❤️
Thank you so much! I'm doing alright. Depending on which fandom you follow me for, you may or may not know that life has sent me a LOT of curveballs lately. BUT I'm back and determined to finish all of my wips!
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jomeimei421 · 2 months
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Felt a bit nostalgic watching RT shut down…Here are the og faves again for old times sake 💙
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ventiswampwater · 9 months
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Kurt Russell as R.J. MacReady THE THING (1982) dir. John Carpenter
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hindahoney · 10 months
Don't let threats against synagogues scare you out of going. The people making these threats want you to be scared. They want you to be so scared that you don't feel safe living your life as a proud and visible Jew, so scared that you take your menorah out of your window and remove your mezuzah from your doorpost. The more you concede, the more they feel like they're winning and the more emboldened they get.
Now, more than ever, we need Jews to be loud, proud and unapologetic. You should not be afraid to exist as a Jew. Wear your star of David. Wear your kippah. And take pride in who you are and where you come from.
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nina-ya · 7 days
Hey hey! I’m here to follow up on my Father in Law Shanks post. I loved your take and now I just have to know: did Law always know reader’s dad is Shanks, or did he find out later and think ‘that’s makes a stupid amount of sense, actually’? What was this poor man’s reaction?
EEEE im glad you liked my take!! Thank you for sharing in the first place!!!
I am in love with the idea of the latter. You and Law being together for a while, and Law knows that your family is important to you. However, you've kept the specifics of who your family actually is under wraps for whatever reasons you may have. And one day, you are with the heart pirates out at sea and suddenly a ship is spotted in the horizon. It belongs to the Red Hair Pirates. Of course, the ship immediately becomes tense at the prospect of a potential clash.
And then, you casually walk up to Law with this smirk, nonchalantly saying "It's time for you to meet my dad." Law would look at you utterly baffled and confused, asking what exactly you were talking about. Before he can get an answer directly from you, you are already running on the deck, waving energetically towards the approaching ship yelling "Hi, Dad!"
Law would follow your gaze and he would be in complete and utter shock as he sees Shanks standing at the bow of his ship, grinning widely and waving back at you.
The pieces all clicked into place in Laws mind. Your adventurous spirit, your tendency to get into trouble, your fearless nature, your likable personality all suddenly made perfect sense. Law had fallen for the child of an emperor. uh oh. cue a moment of internal panic that he is not going to be executed right then and there for dating Shanks' child!
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pumpkinhrat · 10 months
your gerry and michael are the only things that matter in this world anymore
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Kicking my feet, twirling my hair - and so are they :P THANKYOUU!!
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Gerard Keay and Michael the Distortion. The angle of the drawing suggests that Gerry is taking a picture of himself and Michael. Gerry lies on his stomach with his feet in the air while twirling his hair. Michael is in the background behind him and he's making a heart with his hands above his head. End ID]
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So uhhh…yesterday huh. That….that happened.
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(Banner by @awigglycultist)
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the-darkestminds · 3 months
Okay I know I've already posted about this but I can't get over the fact that if the next book is about Elriel, then as readers we will be entering their story having missed all of the early romantic development between them, because it has happened off page. We have not been privy to a single private conversation between the two of them aside from the very brief bonus chapter. Not to mention we have zero Elain POV thus far. It would be so unlike Sarah to plop us into a romance that she developed without the us along for the journey. This is why I felt so awkward reading their almost-kiss. It caught me off guard, because despite seeing evidence of a growing friendship between them, there is no indication of any lust in ACOWAR and onward. They interact, but briefly, and these interactions are only observed from other character's POVs. We see Azriel defend her and rescue her, and we see Elain gift him a gift. But we don't get to hear what they talk about, or what they do when they are alone. This is what bothers me most about Elriel. I love the growth Sarah gives us between the two characters she's focused on. We get to see the love blossom slowly and thoroughly, but that wouldn't be true in the case of Elain and Azriel. We will have missed a big chunk of the build.
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shanecrowart · 4 months
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fine, here you go. have to make dirk comfortable i GUESS.
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idliketobeatree · 6 months
Crowley as the new Duke of Hell: I mean, Supreme Archangel Aziraphale, what the hell? not saying he can't do it, but as a concept? disgusting. revolting. absolutely nasty business. the moment I see his eyes flash purple I'm throwing up
Aziraphale, actually having a Thing for seeing Crowley in charge, ordering the demons around:
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pkmnsciencej · 9 months
your girlfriends evil now? when did that happen
Since forever??
Listen I don't ask questions. My job is to be a prettyhandsome trophy futch that oohs and awes over her, okay?
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hellsite-detective · 4 months
Question: how did you get started as a detective? Where did you learn how to track down tumblr posts?
ah! a fun story indeed!
i started my detective career behind the scenes with Madame Curator, mainly helpin’ her find various posts that i felt deserved to be immortalized on her blog. my first post i ever tracked down for her was the iconic “mr sandman man me a sand” post back in october
from there, i would track down random posts i thought were funny with the sole purpose of havin’ Madame Curator post them. then, in december, i was talkin’ to her and joked about how “i should make a gimmick blog dedicated to trackin’ down these posts” and she said it was a great idea because no one had done it before! so, i made the blog pretty quick after that!
as for how i how i learned how to track these posts, in all honesty, i didnt! i never actually “learned” how to do this. it was just a skill i had seemingly naturally! sure, i may have learned more tricks just from doin’ the job, but i never learned the skill as is, makin’ startin’ this blog a real easy time!
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xxkazuna14 · 4 months
N: That shirt looks great, Uzi! Uzi: Thanks. J: But I bet it would look even better on V's floor. V: Are you hitting on Uzi… for me?
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serial-desigation-vee · 2 months
*@effective-leader-sdj suddenly lands beside you* "Hey."
V barely looks up, flexing her claws. "Hey," Their tail flicks behind them. "Need something?"
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Moots, we should just do a reblog chat because I'm getting bored and I cannot find amusement
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