#I think You Are Of Their Ilk and Soldier Poet King are the two that are in the forefront of my mind atm as needing to be finished
eleanorfenyxwrites ยท 1 year
So I don't really believe in making New Year's resolutions (plus I'm an entire month late to make some anyway lol) but I just want to put it in writing for myself if nothing else that my main writing goal for 2023 is to finish all of my currently-ongoing WIPs. I'm tired of feeling like I've got projects hanging over my head keeping me from running full-tilt into new ones, they just feel like unfinished business and they're stories that I genuinely want to tell, so I'm going to do my best to tell them this year.....plus any others that crop up, cuz we all know I can't help myself ๐Ÿ˜‚
I'm gonna list the fics below the cut so I can come back to cross them off as I finish them, and if anyone has any thoughts or feelings on any of them in the meantime you just let me know haha
Plans To Make
You Are Of Their Ilk
Hope Is Home and the Heart Is Free
Soldier, Poet, King
Technically A Cutsleeve?
Why Not Me? (I know I already finished it before writing this list but it is, technically, the first WIP I've finished this year, so I think it still belongs!)
Opportunities to Practice (? - I left this one as a WIP way back when because I thought I might want to add to it, but I genuinely haven't thought about anything else for it since I posted it so. idk maybe I'll just mark it as finished and call it good as it is)
This actually isn't as bad as I thought! I guess sometimes all the extra WIPs in my drafts folder can make it feel more overwhelming than it is ๐Ÿ˜…
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