#I think he's in the same camp as MJF for me
whysamwhy123 · 11 months
.........................................................................do I really want to write Ricky/Christian??
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dilf-in-peril · 5 days
As much as I'd like to say otherwise i didn't really like the punk hell in a cell promo. felt a bit mock intense instead of the real stuff he's brought out like in almost 99% of the promos in his career. did u think it was even in the same ball park as the we are chicago or the mjf valentine promo?
High camp performace, I'd say. Shades of Cody Rhodes. Preacher who is lying to me about the planes and villas he bought (Jesus told him so). Promo shot with a metaphorical plastic bag around your head. I also found it interesting to find out that he can and does just tear up on command.
My favorite punk promos are the Raven one where's insane and covered in blood or the ones he cut in WWE when he was a bald cunt. I like those but those are heel promos.
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Sorry you're having a bad day 😔
Are you going to watch Revolution? If so, what matches are you most looking forward too?
Hey sweets! Thank you. I appreciate that.
I am going to be watching Revolution and likely liveblogging here!
I am looking forward to it mostly for storyline movement because I think the card looks pretty predictable right now or I’m in the camp of “I just hope both teams have fun.”
I know that the tag team match is going to be incredible because the Young Bucks always put on a banger and even though I didn’t think they needed to be in the title picture for their current feud, I get why the title was tossed in. I know I’m going to be screaming from my couch.
Also, I am stoked for Adam on Adam action. I think it’ll be great and while I love Cole, I am here for Champion Cowboy Shit.
I think all of the matches are going to be great. I think I’m probably least excited for the Trios match but I am interested in how they’ve been sowing discontent between Hardy and the Office and hinting (in a very obvious way) at Jeff, who if my calculations are correct, is at 87 days post release so could pop up any time after Sunday.
I would love it if they surprised me with an MJF win, but think it’ll be Punk. I love a ladder match, but wish they’d done more with Scorpio after he took the same match last year so that we felt there was more weight behind the actual match stakes.
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