#I think it's just stress but she's been throwing up and not as cuddly with me and my heart is breaking
samagrant · 7 months
I had a bout of inspiration to just ~*paint*~ literally anything and just make something for the first time in ages, then I went upstairs to make tea and now I'm laying on my bed with nothing but guilt that I haven't made anything
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bataddictedloony · 1 month
Today I had to bring my cat to the pet cremation centre. Leaving her there was one of the hardest things ive ever done. And thats saying smthn since i climbed up and down a mountain yesterday with 0 training.
it feels wrong for her to be there, with people she doesnt know, in a place shes never been. Its awful to think about what theyre gonna do to her. The fact that i’ll get her back tomorrow doesnt really feel like a comfort, cus she wont be herself, she’ll be ashes. But then i think “she’s never gonna be herself again, cus she’s gone.” And i have this pain in my chest all the time, that started the second i got the phonecall and hasn;t gone away yet.
they put her on a lil pillow and put some flowers next to her, and i pet her and held her lil paws and told her i miss her and i love her and tht she was the best cat and it just ripped me to fuckin shreds
I feel guilty that i wasn’t there. I was on holiday, my first relax holiday in ages, and i thought it’d be alright to go just a few days and have my parents check on her and by day 2 of vacation, she was gone. And she was mewing before i left, like she was telling me not to go, it’s almost time, pls stay with me. She had been more clingy than usual the past few weeks, and i just feel like i should’ve known and should;ve canceled my vacation. Like intellectually, i know it’s fine. My parents spent the evening with her, she cuddled with my dad, and then the next day they found her in her favourite sleeping position so we know she went painlessly and comfortable. And i still feel guilty that i wasn’t there to hold her.
i just feel sad. This overwhelming sadness that takes over the body. My back aches and i’ve been throwing up everything i’ve been eating. Though the muscle aches might be the consequences of climbing that damn mountain. Mom says the heat and the stress from pretty much grieving my best friend for 18 years prolly isn’t helping so there’s that.
i have to live with the reality that she’s gone and no longer in pain and that her living up to age 18 meant she had a fantastic life and all that is true. Mostly i just want her back with me, alive and annoying and cuddly.
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strayheartless · 9 months
I have more Babyroth/ First babys things bouncing round my head. So here have whatever this is:
Based on this post
I think I should make it clear that these version of ASG will grow up different. They are still integrally them but without the angst and the jealousy. Sephiroth for one, doesn’t speak the same. He’s a little less formal and up tight. He’s still quite well spoken but Sephiroth “seph” Lockhart Strife is far more likely to yell “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK GENESIS?!?” When something goes wrong.
Genesis is far less confrontational. He’s still a pyromaniac don’t get me wrong - Cloud spends his life spraying things with fire extinguishers - but it’s usually cause he’s been messing with materia and it’s an accident rather than he’s mad and wants to burn down the world. He and Seph still get into arguments, but Gen is also far more likely to apologies when he knows he’s wrong.
Angeal is the chillest of the three kids. He likes to garden with his Uncle Barrat and and cousin Marlene; he’s quiet and cuddly; he’s a complete Mamas boy as well. Where Seph grew immediately attached to Cloud, Angeal kind of thinks Tifa can do no wrong. He likes to bake with her and helps her with food orders in the bar a lot.
Bedtime is Clouds domain. Tifa is very clear that yes, she’s their mom but she’s not giving up the bar, and Clouds work Schedule is far more flexible. Usually during the day Tifa entertains them while Cloud pops in and out on jobs, but the clock hits 4:30 pm and they swap places for the night. Cloud also tends to handle getting children out of bed. The way he sees it it he took them on, their his responsibility, Tifa should not have to deal with more than she chooses.
That being said, they are a pretty good team. It would be difficult to wrangle both Seph and Gen if they weren’t. Cloud gets them up; Tifa feeds them; Cloud handles learning; Tifa handles exercise and community work; Cloud makes dinner and introduces new foods; Tifa strong arms them into the bath; Cloud reads to them and gets them to sleep; Tifa makes sure she says good night before she leaves and checks on them when she come in from the bar. It just works for them.
When Angeal and Genesis turn up on the door step Sephiroth is about 16 months old so theirs a bit of an age difference between them that’s a reverse of the original one. He did NOT immediately take to no longer being an only child. Specifically he took umbrage with no longer being Clouds only priority.
This is because Genesis was an extremely sickly infant. They weren’t actually sure if he’d make it at some points. He’s got childhood Asthma -but he grows out of it; he is in a constant struggle to put on weight; he’s diabetic, and occasionally is right kidney just decides to give up for a bit. Vincent has hypothesised that it has something to do with his past (future?) degradation. But it’s later revealed by Tseng that “no, he was that ill as a child originally, Hollander just used to send test drugs to his parents occasionally.”
Angeals a pretty emotional kid. He’s not headstrong and rough like Seph and Gen but he cries pretty easily. As he grows up he’s still pretty easily set off and all cloud can think of is that thinly little ravenette boy who used to shuffle into the living room with his blanket and curl up next to Cloud because he had a nightmare. Clouds gone soft, Sue him.
One of the most memorable childhood incidents between the tree of them is the time Seph got Gens head stuck between the banister rails on the stairs.
Angeal once swallowed a spider and then proceeded to panic himself in to throwing up on the kitchen floor.
4 year old Seph is of the opinion that Cloud is “older than God” to which Cloud replies “it’s the stress of looking after three cracked out racoon children, it adds years to your face.”
Genesis tells the kids at school not to be mean to him because he’s uncle Vincent is a vampire and will “eat your liver with white wine sauce”. Vincent does not deny this when asked about it by a teacher at pick up time… yet nor does he confirm it. Everyone is unnerved.
Angeal insists on pulling up garden weeds and hiding them in his bed. Cloud is tired of explaining that plants are for pots ore the garden NOT for beds!
Yuffie likes to play a game when she comes to visit it’s called “did Cloud say this to his children or his dog?” Her favourite is “please do not lick the screen door, I just cleaned it!” He did not say it to the dog.
To answer Salty’s question no Zack and Aerith do not come back in this AU, mostly because they both found peace with each other. But also because they were not crack head evil lab experiments in their previous lives. Angeal gets added on the technicality that he did a lot of shit while being “conflicted by honour”
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seijorhi · 10 months
Hey! I was wondering, in your bonten fic, is there any non-sexual physical intimacy that exists between them and the reader? More than just sitting on their laps or such. I was especially curious about Sanzu and the Haitanis, they don’t see much for cuddling or even throwing an arm around you as you sleep.
Also, do they ever…talk to her? I know they basically use her as a sex toy that they have an obsession with, but would any of them ever try and talk to her? Like do they know (or rather, care to know) anything about her and her past, for example? Or just have any meaningful conversations (beyond telling her what to do)?
Thank you and take care!! I’ve missed seeing you on my dash so I’ve taken to rereading some of your older fics :)
mikey, kaku and koko are a different story, but you asked about the haitanis and sanzu so i'll focus on them and say.... sort of.
all three of them are, in a word, psychotic. they've been shaped that way and there isn't a lot of room left for soft intimacy, much less for the girl mikey's decided to let them keep in the penthouse.
she exists, particularly in the early stages, in this weird sort of limbo where she's slightly above the other girls they keep around for entertainment and stress relief, but still y'know, a captive who very clearly does not want to be there. her life before them is irrelevant, her wants, dreams, desires – irrelevant.
but they don't exist in a vacuum, either. it's not sex and violence and killing people every second that they're not asleep. so as far as talking goes, yeah. is it going to be deep and meaningfuls? probably not (at least with those three) but they stop talking at you and start talking to you.
and i think that whilst it was mostly about breaking her, there is something to be said about the three of them letting them see her brother's confession and execution, and sanzu dragging her along with takeomi to get rid of the body. might not be how normal people show affection but... it's something??? fhdjksdjhvgfdjs
but tbh it's more in the little moments, when the twins are done fucking her and she hesitates on the edge of the bed, clearly torn between running back to the safety of her room and getting in trouble for leaving before she's told she can, and one of them just grabs her by the arm and drags her back in between them, groaning at her to shut up and go to sleep. or when sanzu's coming down hard and, again in an effort not to make things worse or draw the wrong kind of attention, she starts to run her fingers through his hair, nails lightly scratching at his scalp and fuck if he doesn't like it.
they're never going to be soft and cuddly. they're demanding, selfish and mean at the best of times, but there's moments
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albatris · 1 year
Tell me about grub! I love grub!
here she is, courtesy of the lovely @polyacerine :3c
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Grub is Nat's rescue kitty from a local shelter! she was a..... gift? surprise? I guess?? from Quinn, although not without ulterior motives >:3
basically Quinn and Alex are attempting to win Nat’s trust and get him to depend on them or even just to LIKE them to start with, but they don’t really. know. an awful lot of useful information about him because he’s sorta paranoid and cagey. two facts they do know are that 1. he likes animals, especially cats and 2. he’s excruciatingly pathetically lonely
Quinn wants to integrate Nat into some of their own social circles and help him make some friends, but for the first week or so after turning he’s too nervous to leave his apartment except for work. he’s super fucking intimidated by other vampires, Alex included, and he doesn’t want anything to do with humans because of his newfound tendency to want to eat them
so Quinn eventually gives up trying to coax this anxious trainwreck of a vampire into getting out of the house and starting to be a person again n is just like. fuck it. maybe I’ll just throw a cat at him?? he’s just spiraling into a crisis all on his own, he’s barely willing to talk to us, and this will maybe be a foot in the door in terms of getting him comfortable being around other living creatures again??
so they get him a cat. Nat is home one day when a delivery of pet supplies arrives and he's like "nononono this must be a mistake I didn't order this and I don't have a pet" and the delivery person is just like. well it's addressed to you so! good luck!
and Nat is busy going hhuhhh???? about this when Quinn arrives and asks to be buzzed up to the apartment, and convince him by going “hey I brought you some blood for snacks <3” but then when they get up there they’re like “AND ALSO HERE’S A PET CAT TOO”
anyway, he’s initially super nervous about having a cat living with him although he LOVES her. because he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt her if he gets stressed out or hungry ;-; Quinn talks him into it by insisting that she is the least appetising creature on the planet because she is Genuinely Just That Ugly and also smells real weird. like literally what vampire would want to eat this. Nat is like hmmm yeah ok
so he acquires a cat!
she was a stray before she got to the shelter n has obviously been through some rough times, though has clearly been a housecat in the past, she loves people :3 she’s old! she’s got elevator music in her brain! she’s blind in one eye and near deaf in both ears! she’s got scars! she’s missing half her tail! she’s fluffy! she likes to murder shoelaces and make beeping noises!
she’s a bit skittish at first, but doesn’t take long to warm up to Nat c: she’s very VERY needy and affectionate, she cries whenever he’s not home, and will snuggle right up next to him on the pillow when he’s asleep. they’re both very glad to have a friend I think c:
vampires are creatures who are instinctively drawn to being warm and cosy and cuddly, so vampires and cats pair well together hehe
he can’t go anywhere in his apartment without her trailing after him and yelling for attention and love. Quinn finds this vaguely annoying. Nat loves it and it makes his heart melt n this weird little cat is responsible for like 90% of his emotional wellbeing. Grub stops him from spiraling too badly.... like, Nat just likes to feel needed and useful and loved, and he enjoys having something to look after and be responsible for :3 plus it's a friendship that's a little easier to manage with his schizotypal anxiety and paranoia, not that Quinn put THAT much thought into it
man idk if Nat actually genuinely doesn’t believe Grub is ugly or whether he just refuses to narrate as such. either way, he’s horrified when other people insult her, but like. yeah. he’s well aware most people find her somewhat bad to look at, and he takes great joy in showing people the EXTENSIVE collection of Grub pictures on his phone and going “isn’t she cute?? isn’t she the most beautiful cat you’ve ever seen?? she’s perfect and adorable right?? right??” in a cheerful-but-increasingly-threatening voice. and watching people squirm and lie through their teeth. because he’s a bastard and he finds it very funny
he does this to some random guy Quinn’s kidnapped and handcuffed to a chair for him to eat at one point and this poor guy is like. fucking sweating bullets and internally screaming just sort of like……. what kind of sick power play is this…. is this normal vampire behaviour….. is this guy going to rip my throat out if I don’t say his cat is cute convincingly enough….. what the fuck is happening
whereas Nat’s thought process is just “I have zero interest in actually eating this guy but he is handcuffed to a chair with no means of escape which means I can ramble to him as long as I want. of course I am going to take advantage of this for a while lmao”
hmmmmm and one wholesome fact is that Nat often makes Grub extremely fancy little homecooked meals when he feeds her. like. healthy safe meals for cats! but still just. yep. he lovingly cooks for her frequently. this is also funny because Nat is a vegetarian and refuses to cook meat for any of his friends (except Lloyd occasionally), but WILL cook meat specially for his cat
he will also make up little nonsense songs about how cute and special she is and he will sing these to her while dancing with her around the apartment. it is incredibly silly and incredibly cute. I cannot emphasise enough how much he adores her
aaaaand this has been Grub Facts with monday!!! have an excellent day :D
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yukidragon · 1 year
Oh my goodness! I completely understand if you don’t immediately want to write more about Alice having Ian’s baby au, but the next time you would like to I would love to hear more about it! Your au’s and ideas are always so well crafted! I can’t get enough of your writing or Sunny Day Jack ideas!!! :)
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Thank you so much for your sweet praise. It really means a lot for me to hear. I'm glad you enjoy my writing and headcanons!
I'm really glad this pretty dark AU has been entertaining for you and others despite some of the heavy topics in it. I appreciate that you want to hear more, but I think I'll want to take a bit of a break before I dig deep into it again given how heavy it is, especially since I just did a follow up of sorts discussing Ian's more problematic traits when it comes to his relationship with MC. It might be a good idea to focus on something a little lighter next as a palette cleanser, hahaha.
Though maybe I could think of a couple bright spots for that particular AU. Hmm...
Alice's family, at least those still living at the King house, do all chip in to help her take care of Lily. This is good since her health took a hard hit from the pregnancy and she would struggle otherwise. This allows her to have more time to rest and recover.
This also allows Jack more time to talk to Alice one on one despite the presence of a newborn demanding mommy's attention. Granted, a lot of time is spent just resting in the guestroom or outside in the garden when she's not taking care of the baby, but Jack does his best to keep Alice entertained while she's recovering, and he's the absolute best at being a cuddly teddy bear for her when she has to lie down.
The King house still has plenty of baby stuff in storage, so they're well prepared to help Alice out with the baby. It's more reason why mama Lycoris wants Alice to just move back home for good. Their house is big and she won't mind, nor will papa Zephyr.
Yup, papa King has a name now too. Guess this AU is oddly helping me with picking out names, huh?
Jack is really good with children, and whenever Lily starts crying, he just has a knack for getting her to calm down. It's almost like magic how he can just radiate calm emotions and help her understand that there's nothing to fear. Alice can't help but feel the same way about Jack really. He's just such a wonderful presence in her life after things have gotten so hard on her. He's been invaluable to help Alice take care of Lily and minimizing her stress.
Jack's empathy cheat and connection to both Alice and Lily really comes in handy at this point doesn't it?
While Alice is going to need more time than in Sunshine in Hell to even think about being in another romantic relationship, she does grow really close to Jack very quickly. Although... he's not the only guy crushing on her who wants to help out.
When Shaun comes back in town, he would have crashed with Alice for a while, but since she's a guest at her family's place, that's not doable. He does, however, get a nice bed and breakfast nearby until he finds a new place to settle down in, and he stops by as often as possible, much to Jack's annoyance. Alice is grateful for his visits and he never fails to make her laugh, which is also to Jack's annoyance.
Shaun even brings Moonpie over to visit Alice, and he mock fights with her over whose baby is cuter. Alice and Shaun eventually concede on a draw of a vote of one vs one... until Jack acts as tiebreaker and throws in his vote for Lily. That will probably be how Alice decides to try introducing Jack's existence to Shaun, though it's possible Alice will tell one or more of her family members about Jack before that. Coraline would just be thrilled to meet a ghost after all.
Needless to say, Shaun is both excited to meet Jack and a bit wary given Alice is in a vulnerable state. Still, she does insist Jack helped her, especially when Ian kept trying to see her, so that does give Jack some brownie points in Shaun's book.
Not that the feeling will necessarily be mutual from Jack. Shaun is yet another obstacle between Jack and his sunshine after all. Who knows though, maybe they'll bond over their mutual disdain for Ian and desire to protect Alice here too.
Huh. This got longer than I expected it to. I guess there are some more bright spots even in this dark AU than I thought. Then again I'm always a sucker for thoughts about my OTP being cuddly and sweet. I'll leave this post on that note with the image of Jack spooning Alice from behind while she nurses Lily, being this big protective teddy bear to his beloved sunshine and little sunspot.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Breed P7
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Media IRLX Scifi Fantasy
Character Thomas Brodie Sangster
Couple Thomas X Reader
Rating Sexy + Sweet
Series Breed
I smiled as I sat watching the little embryo move inside the protective casing, the nurse maids had given me one of the little stands from the nursey that cluch the whole thing closely to prevent injury and provide the correct things it will need to go, It had been a week since I gave birth and I found myself strangely unable to let it go. 
"You're still cuddling her?" Thomas laughed as he arrived back from his meeting with Millie 
"She likes cuddles" I smiled 
"Ummm I know, she always wiggles for cuddles with her mummy" he smiled coming over slipping his shirt off imiedatly I noticed his chest
"what happened?"
"Oh? this? don't worry about it" he says coming to coo at her too "Hello, hi, Yes I know I know daddy's here" 
"Thomas please what happened?"
"Millie didn't take the news well"
"The news?"
"About little one. She was rather unhappy about my success with you"
"Its alright, don't let her sour things" he says giving me a kiss "Now if your done cuddling little Lisbeth. Shall we get to making her little brother?"
"You're fertile. You can produce. So we shall produce. she won't be walking and talking for a year, we have lots of time to make her some siblings" he smirked tugging me towards the bed 
"Alright, but I don't like lisbeth. Macy I like better"
"marcy, Okay marcy, but I wanna use Lisbeth at some point" 
"Thomas?" I asked laying on his chest after a particularly passionate session
"Umm?" He asks clearly half asleep
"Do you think Millie hates me?"
"... I don't think she hates you, I know she hates you." He laughed "don't let her bother you. She's just jealous she can't make her own beautiful little babies" he Cooes playing with my hair "she's just mad she'll mellow. Don't let her stress you out, stress is bad for breeding."
"If there was a fire?"
"...where are you going with this?'
"And you could only save one of us me or Millie?"
"You. Obviously."
"Your not just saying that because it's me"
"No I mean it. Between you and Millie I'd shove her in a fire for you. She's my bitchy wife I was forced to marry for politics and who regularly throws stuff at me. Your my cute little breeder I picked out special, who cuddles me and kisses me, and is mother of my child. I'd always pick you y/n" he Cooes kissing my head
"Really" he smiled "I really do like you. Even love you."
"You do?"
"Of course I do. I know the idea of a breeder sounds so medieval but... you've given me a daughter. I was fearful of never have children most linley men are. I can't thank you enough for our little girl even if you ran to the stars now I'd still be happy that I have something to love for the rest of my life" he Cooes "I really do love you as much as I love Marcy"
"Ummmm" I smiled hugging him tighter
"Why so cute and cuddly? You feeling okay?' he asks
And in that moment I realized it wasn't from after our session
"I think I'm pregnant again."
"W- really!" He asked jumping up excitedly
"Maybe... it's really hard to tell" I said as it has only been a few minutes since our session and I did Still have that feeling like air in me like last time "it kinda feels like it. But also not"
"You'll get more use to the sensation" he chuckled "lay down" he says pushing me down gently licking his fingers and slipping them inside me gently moving around not too deep then pulling them out noticing how thick the wetness inside me had got with a colour not sure what sort of colour but something was forming "yes! Yeah your pregnant again."
"I told you we're fast and fertile." He explained "you are such a good breeder"
"Okay so a few hours and we'll have another little one"
"We will. I wanna be here the whole time this time. I don't want to miss a moment" he smiled kissing my stomach 
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meowcatonini · 20 days
Chapter 1: Early Days of Motherhood
Becoming a mother is a beautiful but challenging experience, mostly during the initial few months when both mom and baby are still adjusting to their new life together. Mommy Lealyn is one mother who is in this exciting yet mostly wearisome early day with her 2-month-old baby boy.
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Now two months old, her baby boy has begun showing traces of development in that he is able to move his head from side to side, loves sucking his little hands, and is even beginning to follow things with his eyes, giving sweet little smiles when something catches his attention.
Mommy Lealyn also noticed that her baby gets more active. He can hold on, leans on some things within his reach and may throw them in an instance of being frustrated or upset. His favorite? A cuddly stuffed toy that always seems to catch his attention.
She proudly shares how fast her baby is growing: He had gained weight and grown taller compared to the time he was born, but amidst the hustle of motherhood, Lealyn has confessed she forgot to jot down the exact numbers during their last visit to the clinic.
Another thing that also amazes Lealyn is when her baby's eyes light up every time he hears a sound or sees movement in front of him. He carefully follows it with his gaze and even tries to answer when someone speaks with him.
As time goes by, Lealyn notices that her little boy is now recognizing familiar faces, mainly his family. When it is a new person who holds him, he tends to cry, but when it is people he knows, like a family member, he responds with a smile. Is it not amazing how early babies can form attachments and create bonds with those whom they can most trust?.
Lealyn believes in talking with her baby every day; she thinks that this way he learns more quickly. One day, while cooking, she left him for some time, and he cried loudly. As soon as Lealyn picked him up, he stopped crying. This simple moment showed her that even in the youngest stage of a baby's life, babies know how to express emotions and show what they want or need.
Like many new moms, Lealyn has also been sleepless for many nights. She says that even at times, while tired, she just can't sleep as her mind is occupied with her baby, especially when he appears to be uncomfortable. This fear, I assume many moms have: that the baby might catch a cold or fall sick. All these stresses, besides sleepless nights, drain her; yet she is tough, for she knows it is a phase that will pass.
Yet even amidst this all, Lealyn remains hopeful and prayerful. Drawing strength from her family and partner, which emotionally and mentally brace her at tough times, she says nothing is as close to her heart as keeping her baby happy and healthy. But for now, she will enjoy the little man's growth, waiting for more smiles and milestones, like rolling over.
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Motherhood is a rollercoaster, especially within the first months, with ups and downs of pure joy, deep worries, and so much love. The story of Lealyn is a witness to the strength and resilience of mothers through good and bad times of taking care of their small loves.
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sm0lb0dygaiii · 2 years
Loving is Easy ♡︎
siyeon x gn!reader (request)
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You and Siyeon had this cliché but adorable tradition of going to each other's houses for movie night, which mostly took place at your house as your robot girlfriend lived with her members and she didn't want to have to deal with the girls' silly fights while you were there. Even though you told her how much you liked the chaotic atmosphere of her place, she wanted to spend some quiet time with you; although the real reason for her disagreement was that she didn't want to share you with her members, you were HER island paradise all to herself.
Who would have thought that the charismatic wolf Lee Siyeon was actually a cuddly and jealous little baby.
This time it was her who invited you, which surprised you at first, of course you had accepted because it had been so long since you had gone to see her at the dormitory. And even since the comeback you hadn't been able to see her very often, which you could understand, but finally being with her was so nice and comforting for you, knowing that she cared about you just as much despite her busy schedule.
So excited to see your beautiful girlfriend that you were already fully dressed since 2 hours and finishing packing her favorite dishes in tupperware while singing your song of the moment "Maison" of course, you were a partner but also her number 1 fan, you never missed a comeback, live or stage because how could you not be so proud of Siyeon and her members when they were so talented.
When you finally arrived at the door of the dormitory, you could feel your heart start to flutter with stress and joy even though it had been a few years since you and Siyeon, you were still blushing as much as on the first day of your relationship.
Tapping on the door hesitantly and immediately taking back your bag of tasty food in your arms, because you knew that your korean girl was always happy to see you appear with food ; and as if that was out of your thoughts Siyeon opened the door with her usual childish smile and held back from screaming when she saw what you had in your hands, grabbing your heavy bag and trotting into the kitchen to put it down, before running back to you and clinging to you like in the romantic movies.
You couldn't help but smile at her being so dramatic, stroking the top of her head to calm her energy surge and while you still had both feet in the lobby the girl was already on your back plunging her face into your neck.
— Siyeon-ah, I love you but I can't move forward if you're standing on my back like this.
You couldn't hold back the giggle knowing that your girlfriend was already pouting at your remark
— Let me hug you, I missed you so much!
She had gotten off your back dragging her feet in a sulky way to be in front of you and plunging into your arms in the sweetest way you had ever seen; and to think that you were in a relationship with such a wonderful and strange creature that you couldn't help but kiss her all over her face.
— So tell me what do you want to watch tonight, serial kisser ?
Siyeon always had a knack for coming up with the most strangely affectionate nicknames for you and you loved it.
— Oh I saw a trailer for an anime movie on Netflix, wait I'll get it!
Jumping on the spot remembering the movie, you were all happy to finally see it as you remembered that it was released a long time ago but you didn't have the time to see it.
You wrote on the Netflix search bar the animated movie "Over The Moon" it had caught your attention since its release and as you knew your girlfriend loved cartoons you didn't hesitate a second to start the movie.
Siyeon was already sitting on the couch with her arms wide open to welcome you and all your warmth and affection, she loved to feel you close to her and her heart knowing that unfortunately she couldn't do it every day and she would never stop showing how much she loves you.
So when you see her like this, your heart can only melt at how cute she is, you throw yourself into her arms sitting on her lap and resting your head on her chest as she wraps her hands around your waist.
Now concentrated on the movie in front of you since 1 hour, you were really happy to have chosen it it was a really beautiful and interesting animation, some passages were funny and others very surprising but worth preferred were the songs because you could not stop dancing and singing in company of Siyeon.
But strangely the anime comes to an end and you hear less and less your girlfriend on whom you were lying, you think at the beginning that she is asleep which can be understood, however at the time of the last scene you feel the legs of the singer shaking and feel sniffing near your ear. You wonder if she got sick and you turn your head to look at her, and what was your surprise to see your wolf's eyes filled with tears, her cheeks slightly pink and her nose turned up in the most adorable way you have ever seen.
— Are you crying ?
You were often worried when Siyeon started to cry because you knew that the girl used to hide her feelings so as not to annoy those around her, but seeing her crying like this and wiping her cheekbones with the sleeves of her oversized sweater, you couldn't help but laugh out loud at her reaction as you came to pinch her cheeks like the baby she was to you.
— Stop laughing at me, the movie was really sad, she lost the love of her life and had to live on the moon...all alone.
Even though she was trying to explain the reason for her sadness, you were just standing there giggling at that while hugging her affectionately.
— My baby is moved by a kid's movie ?
At your mischievous remark Siyeon gently hit your arm showing her pouty face, she who had a routine of teasing you.
Then you jumped out of the sofa and headed to the kitchen with an idea in mind, Siyeon didn't really know why you got up all of a sudden for no reason, but when she was about to get up too to see what you were up to, her ear was titillated by the clicking of the old CD player that had not been used for many years but she remembered the sound.
You were with your back to your girlfriend putting the right CD track and when the rhythm started, you turned around in a ridiculous way with a ladle in your hand and sunglasses on your nose that you had found in the cupboard (there was everything and anything in the kitchen, especially the stuffed animals in Minji). Singing the beginning of the lyrics in a deep and exaggerated voice to amuse your wolf.
And Siyeon was completely confused at first, it was the first time she saw you singing and dancing even though it was humorous, but remembering your movements as a parody of the scene from Guardians of the Galaxy on the song "Come And Get Your Love" she could only smile at your nonsense.
She soon joined you in grabbing another pair of sunglasses and kitchen tools to use in her noisy musical performance, sometimes joining in with your extravagant dance steps, and jumping up and down on the couch like children on euphoria as you continued your broken vocals.
The playlist continued to scroll and you continued to dance with Siyeon but more gently and your hands clasped between them. Your antics continued until the sound of your partner's laughter, it was a moment that you knew that she was not so sad anymore and that you could finally rest from your performance, you decided to sit on the cool floor with your smiling wolf.
— I'll always remember the day you cried in front of the movie Boss Baby, it was just as hilarious
— It's embarrassing don't mention it!
This time the korean girl's cheeks were red with embarrassment at your anecdotes about her crying over children's movies, and as much as you enjoyed teasing her about it, it was a reason why you loved Siyeon even more, she wasn't afraid to remain the child she sometimes was and allow herself to be emotional.
You can't help but kiss your girlfriend on her whole cute face, stopping her in her justification speech, this side of her was perhaps the most beautiful of her personalities to you because knowing that she was opening up about her feelings in this way was one of the most honest proofs of love to you.
— Lee Siyeon, I love you and everything that goes with it, you don't have to be embarrassed
Even more shy upon hearing you say how much you love her, Siyeon wrapped her arms around your back and hid her face in your neck hugging you in a way to show you all her love too and she whispered so faintly and close to your ear so that you could hear her say those few words just to you.
— It's so easy to love you and I appreciate that... I could easily want to spend my life by your side Y/N
| Sorry for the wait, I have so many exams right now, I hope you like it, I know it's short and I hope one day to be able to do longer and better quality |
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
SKZ as animal hybrid boyfriends
Pairing: Reader x Members
Word count: 2.9k
Genre: Fluff | Headcanon | Animal Hybrid/Shifter AU | Boyfriend AU
Warnings: Very brief mention of spiders
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A husky hybrid
Has the CUTEST pair of gray and white ears that stick out of the top of his head
Also has the most gorgeous pair of pale blue eyes that glow in the dark
He has a fluffy white tail that wags like crazy whenever he’s excited because he doesn’t know how to stop it from showing
He’s also the sweetest boyfriend in. The. WORLD!
Always asks how you’re doing
Makes sure your not missing any meals and that you’re always hydrated
Every morning, he wakes you up with cute good morning texts and he always tries to send you good night texts sometimes forgets because he gets so caught up in work
He makes up for it tho
Sends flowers to your place whenever he forgets uwu
Chan’s the perfect boyfriend
The only problem is that you’re allergic to dogs
He didn’t realise why you always seemed to sneezy and stuffy whenever you would come over to his place
Until you told him
And his reaction makes you feel like you just told him the most horrific thing in the world
To him it is!!!!
Because he’s the reason that you’ve been having allergic reactions around him!!
He starts vacuuming his place more often to keep any fur away and makes sure to keep the area super clean so that you’re clear from anything that could cause a reaction
He also starts lint rolling and vacuuming his clothes before giving them to you so that you don’t take any of his fur home unless you ask him to leave his fur
Chan gets confused whenever you tell him that you don’t want him to vacuum or wash his hoodies before giving them to you
But you like them because every time you see the strands of gray and white fur sticking out of his hoodie, it reminds you of him
So instead,
Chan starts buying a crap ton of allergy meds
Puts them in every corner of his house
In the bathroom
The kitchen
The living room
The bedroom
Literally everywhere just in case you get a super bad reaction
That way he’s always prepared for anything
A maine coon hybrid
The most luscious fur ever known to man
His cat ears are so fluffy and always well groomed
He has this beautiful fluffy orange tail that he’s gotten pretty good at hiding his feelings with
Usually a hybrid’s animal features would probably give away their emotions, but Minho learned to control his ears and tails really well
It’s just that his ears are really sensitive and they flick around every few seconds whenever he’s in a crowded place
He has a pair of yellow eyes that are constantly in the shape of slits simply because he wants to intimidate everyone around him
Also always has his claws out because they intimidate strangers
Wouldn’t tell anyone, but Minho lets his pupils dilate when he’s alone with you (´∀`)♡
He also likes to tease you a lot but you know he’s just joking because if he was serious, his tail wouldn’t be so related
You try not to tell him because then he’ll start working harder to hide his tail swishes
Is the most precious yet teasing boyfriend out there
He’ll make a joke about you eating a lot of ice cream whenever you’re sad, but he’ll always have your favourite ice cream in the freezer
If you complain about some kind of muscle pain, Min would call you weak but then also come home with muscle relief patches that he’ll stick to you himself
Minho likes to shift into cat form if you’re stressed because then it means that he wouldn’t really disturb you a lot
His footsteps are way quieter when he’s in cat form as compared to human form
So if you’re stressed or tired and you ask him to give you time
Minho would shift and hide in one of the cat towers he bought for himself until he hears you coming out of the bedroom
The moment he hears the sound of the bedroom door opening, he’ll lift his head and peek out from the top
If you sit on the floor right in front of the tower, Minho will scurry off of the tower to sit in your lap to
But if you don’t even look at the tower and you instead go to the kitchen, he’ll wait a bit longer to give you more time
Yk I wanna say he’d be some cursed Dwaekki hybrid the skzoo dwaekki haunts me in my sleep
But I genuinely feel like he’d be something really threatening like a wild animal
So if Chan’s a husky and Minho’s a maine coon
I’m gonna throw Changbin in as a grizzly bear because he’s a tank of a man and I love him for that
His ears are dark brown and rounded, poking out from the top of his head
His eyes are super dark brown and sometimes you can’t even tell if you’re able to see the white in his eyes bcs his pupils are just that big
His hands have these huge black claws that could claw someone apart if he wanted to
Also has a cute brown tail that he often hides underneath his clothes because it’s small enough for him to sit on
Sometimes shifts into bear form just to cuddle you because it’s cold and relying on the heater might make it too warm
So Binnie likes to use his own fur to warm you up if he notices you shivering
Also would not hesitate to bear his teeth at anyone who tries to hurt you
Changbin doesn’t really tell anyone this
But one of his proudest bear traits is his ability to vocalise like a bear
Which means that whenever he feels the need to protect you or whoever’s around him
He will growl like a bear
And it’s terrifying
You didn’t even know that Changbin could roar until one night when a stranger wouldn't take your ‘no’ as an answer and your boyfriend almost lost his mind
He pulled you behind him and grabbed the collar of their shirt and just roared at them
The stranger being a hybrid of a smaller bear species immediately scrambled off
But Changbin also immediately switches back into sweet, cuddly boyfriend the moment he turns back to you <3
A sphynx hybrid
Very dramatic
Very loud
He has pink cat ears sticking out of the top of his head with a little black splotch on his left ear
He also has this naked pink tail that sticks out from underneath his shirt
Every minor inconvenience and Hyunjin’s meowing and whining to you about it and you think it’s funny every time he does
Like the time he misplaced his sock and was crying all over your shared home looking for it until he found it underneath the bed
His claws are retractable, so he usually hides them because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone on accident unlike Minho
He’s VERY cuddly both in human form and cat form
Hyunjin likes to do the ‘kneading the dough’ thing whenever you’re cuddling
And ends up leaving holes in your clothes because his claws would accidentally grab onto the fabric
Would also feel really bad afterwards because now he’s ruined your shirt
You reassure him that it’s fine
But Hyunjin’s dramatic also kinda wants an excuse to go shopping with you
So he cries about it and it leads to him dragging you to the mall so that he can buy you a new one
Ends up getting distracted at a cat cafe because he’s made conversation with one of the cats there
And he’s basically talking to them like he’s a middle aged wine mom talking about their weird husbands
You have to remind him what the goal is
But he’s so immersed in the conversation with the orange tabby that you can only watch in amusement
Hyunjin’s talking to it in English while the cat nods with it’s tail swishing every time he asks it a question, mewling every once in a while as a response
You watch with a smile on your face, chin resting against the palm of your hand as you listen
You can only gather that Hyunjin’s telling the cat about why you’re at the mall
And the cat turns to you with a bored expression on its face before meowing
“She says good luck on finding a new shirt”
You nod and reach out to pet the cat’s head as thanks
You and Hyunjin leave after a while
And soon, the trip to get one shirt turns into a shared shopping spree
Kinda obvious but he’s a squirrel hybrid
He has a pair of rounded, light brown ears on the top of his head
A bushy light brown tail that bumps into everything whenever he’s in cramped spaces
And the CUTEST pair of brown eyes EVERRRRR
His squirrel trait is where he gets the habit of stuffing food into his cheeks whenever he eats
Ji’s really good at climbing
So he has this long ass piece of wood that he keeps in the living room of his home so that he can still climb something in squirrel form if he can’t go outside
He also has tiny black claws that he uses mainly for practicality when he's in human form
So stuff like cutting into plastic, through strings and to open mail
He just slides his finger across the top of the envelope and boom
Jisung’s quite clumsy
It doesn’t help that he has this huge, bushy tail behind him
He bumps you with it a lot and he’s always so apologetic over it
But it’s fine because it’s his tail and it’s soft and cute and it’s part of Jisung UwU
There were a couple of times where you would wake up and his tail would be tickling your sides
So you’d wake up giggling
And it would wake him up too
He’d turn around and immediately wrap his arms around your waist to cuddle into you
You love playing with his ears
Jisung’s really responsive whenever you pet his squirrel features
So if you touch his tail in public
He’s jolting forward like AHHH
And you like to gently rub his ears whenever you’re cuddling
Jisung usually ends up cuddling into you more because he really likes it whenever you play with his ears
He has a habit of making those squirrel squeaks whenever he’s uncomfortable
So in public, if he feels like he’s overwhelmed or wants to leave
He’ll cling onto your arm and start squeaking softly so that only you’re able to hear
And it’s an easy way for you to know that he wants to leave without him actually telling you
Horned owl hybrid
He has two sets of white and brown feathers that poke out from the top of his head and curls to the back
He does, however, have talons at his fingertips that he doesn’t really like because it gets caught on a lot of things
Has feathers running down his arms, but can’t actually fly in human form
His eyes are this beautiful amber colour
He also has a lot of hanging stuff in his house that he likes to fly back and forth to whenever he shifts into owl form
Absolutely loves doing the head spinning trick because you freaked out the first time you saw him do it as a human
Felix also has really light footsteps
So sometimes you don’t even hear him coming into a room and suddenly he’s beside you
Which scares you sometimes
Overall, Felix is just unintentionally scary.
Because he has really good eyesight at night
And because he’s nocturnal
He sleeps in the day
Which means that all of his work is done at night while you’re asleep
His hearing is intense which means that he could hear the smallest pin dropping in the kitchen from the bedroom
So when he hears something strange coming from the kitchen
He’s immediately crawling out of bed and peeking out of the bedroom door
That’s when he sees a spider crawling out from behind the fridge
A huge spider
Now, Felix does NOT like spiders
But he knows that if you wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink, then you’re going to be freaked out by too
But he should be able to toss it out the window in owl form
So Felix pops open one of the windows and shifts
His silent flying and sharp night vision make it a quick mission that’s executed without much hassle
He manages to grab the spider with his talons and just tosses it straight out of the window
By the time Felix has returned to the bedroom
You’ve woken up because you realised he wasn’t beside you anymore
So he climbs back into bed and lets you hold onto him while you fall back asleep
Labrador hybrid
Has a pair of golden ears flopping over the top of his head
Also has a golden tail that he usually hides because if he gets over excited then it’ll wag all over the place and might bump into things
Is a relatively quiet person and is also a quiet dog
He doesn’t say or bark that much
But you’ve come to learn how to read his body language
Because his posture both in human form and dog form speak his thoughts
Like whenever he’s standing tall then you’ll figure that Minnie’s probably uncomfortable or feels threatened
As quiet as he is
He’s extremely attentive to your needs as well
Seungmin’s able to catch your body language way quicker than you are at reading his
Which means that the moment you look uncomfortable, he’s immediately moving to stand beside you with an arm wrapped around you
Think of it as that TikTok trend that’s like ‘using my scary dog privilege’
In this case
Seungmin’s more than happy to be the scary dog that lets you walk around alone
He’d bark and bite at anything or anyone who would try to hurt you
Even in human form, he’d growl as a warning to other animal hybrids that are around you
Whenever you’re out in public, Seungmin tries to stay by your side just in case anything happens
But when he has to part from you to talk to another group of your friends
He keeps you in his line of sight
He’d always angle himself in conversations so that the person he’s talking to has their back facing you so that he’s able to see you
And when a cat hybrid suddenly approaches you
Seungmin’s more on the attentive side but he hasn’t gone into protective mode because you don’t look uncomfortable
But then your frame starts to shrink
He immediately changes his posture
Which scares the people around him because suddenly, Seungmin looks so scary
He waits a moment longer and the moment you start looking around the room for him, he’s shoved his drink into the hands of Hyunjin so that he can make his way over to you
He slings his arm over your shoulder and glares at the cat hybrid who’s now extremely intimidated by the presence of the labrador hybrid
Seungmin leans close to the cat and growls at them until they run off
He stays with you for the rest of the night and the way he stays in protective mode makes you feel safe
Until you get home and Seungmin’s back to this ball of cuddle fluff that you absolutely love (。♥‿♥。)
Fennec fox hybrid
Has a big pair of white fluffy ears that poke out of his head
Has a fluffy white tail that blends into a more golden colour that’s long enough to poke out from underneath his shirt
He has super insane hearing
Even if he has headphones in, he can hear the outside world
Bodes well for him because whenever you walk into his apartment, he’ll walk out immediately to greet you
He never actually feels hot or warm because his body heat radiates off of his ears
Is always cold in human form
In fox form, his fur insulates his body instead so he doesn’t feel much of a difference
Has a habit of not drinking for hours because he can get stuck in his fox form
Also has a habit of chewing on your desk plants if he deems them edible
Unfortunately for you, that means you’ll come home to your beautiful plant babies half eaten and munched away because your fox boyfriend wanted a snack
To solve this problem, you filled the fridge with berries and vegetables for whenever he feels like snacking
But sometimes he goes overboard and he pretty much eats everything he can find when he forgets to eat for a while
He’s a fox hybrid that doesn’t know how to shift on command
Usually he has this big urge to shift but he’ll be stuck in one form for a while before being able to switch
He doesn’t know any other fox hybrids
So Jeongin has to learn to control his animalistic instincts with the help of you!
His human partner
Lucky for the both of you
You have a friend who’s a red fox hybrid
She’s not a fennec fox
But she still shares similar instincts to Jeongin because they’re both fox hybrids
So now Jeongin comes to you with the biggest smile on his face whenever he’s accomplished something, gushing about how Fox Noona taught him how to shift on command
He’ll show you
And you watch as he shifts into this tiny little fennec fox with a big smile on his snout (T▽T)
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
The Peach/Plum hug drawing makes me think of the two having some kind of word or phrase to let the other know to cut out the mockery/bickering, sort of like a softness safe word. Idk why but I like the idea of one of them saying “Pinap” for example, and the other just goes from bitchy to cuddly.
That'd be both cute and practical, considering Peach has to deal with some pretty heavy stuff in her job, it'd be healthy for them to come to some agreement eventually.
At the start its nothing but hostility and competitiveness between the pair, but after a few months, Peach has one of those weeks where nothing goes right, pokemon die on the operating table, a widespread volatile case of Pokerus sweep the island, a particularly tough Rocket invasion, whatever it is, it just wears our angry professor down.
So she finds herself on a sofa, trying to not think about the issues she's got, and Plum comes in like usual, hot headed and ready to throw down, but Peach is a tired and broken version of herself. The hostility is not there, not even a little bit, and it throws the ranger off her game. She takes all the snide comments without retaliation, doesn't even snap back once, just sits there and humours it as best she can.
Plum finally gets close enough, gets her arm grabbed, pulled over to the sofa, bundled up in a surprisingly soft hug, just real gentle for the bigger woman. She's calm and tired, and plays with the rangers hair, is just a useless gentle being for a rare moment. Plum finds it unnerving at first, almost fights it, but the whole things so soft she quickly falls into the trap. The usual sarcastic, competitive, snide and down right aggressive attention of Peach gives Plum a rush, like fronting up something feral, like adrenalin. But this? This docile, somewhat compliant behaviour? It's a glimpse at a tamed version of her rival. It's hard for the ranger to not want it, makes her feel weirdly powerful having some form of control over something so much bigger and stronger than her. Peach is being entirely chill.
They spend a moment in that peaceful space, before Plum brings it up, mentions how they need a gentle safe word for days just like this one. Admittedly she's struggling to focus, Peach is hardly listening to her, just tracing patterns on her arm and side, it's really distracting having such a soft connection.
They agree on 'honeymoon' seeing as it's not a word that'd ever come up otherwise. Every now and then one of the pair will utter it and the whole hostile energy shuts down in an instant. If plum says it, Peach just scoops her up and whisks her away to be kissed endlessly everywhere until she starts to laugh from the attention. If it's Peach, theres no room for thinking, only soft. She's given the freedom to put down the anger and just be loved, a rarity admittedly but it does happen.
Even Grey gets in on it, he's been let in on the word, and upon hearing it will join in on the adoration. He may never be hostile or mad towards the girls, but if the safe word is said he'll jump at a chance to be a gentle soul for them. Rarely he will utter it too, and his partners will dote on him until he's feeling totally loved, forgetting about the stresses of his day.
A wise tool in their day to day life.
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babyboy-cody · 3 years
Hi I’ve recently stumbled across your new Dolan twin stuff and the way you write is amazing!! Are your requests open? If so can you do something w gray where he’s all soft and needy and cuddly and she needs to get school work done so she just sits in between his legs doing work and he plays w her hair etc etc.??
thank you!! and yes, requests are always open! ^.^
Finals week was possibly the hardest and most stressful thing you’ve ever done in your entire life on Earth. Studying for midterms during your junior year of high school, applying for colleges, applying for jobs, studying for your driver’s test - all of that was a piece of cake. You checked it off as though it was a grocery list, moving on to the next thing in order to finish your day. But finals week for your final year of college was a mix of Adderall, panic attacks, no sleep, and bitten nails and nail beds. You’ve never experienced such stress, and it worried not only you, but Grayson as well. You rarely ate, barely showered - he even had to buy you blue-light glasses because you complained about your vision being blurry and getting intense migraines.
He deeply and terribly missed you. He understands how difficult finals can be, and he supports you till the end. But what you’ve been doing is unhealthy. You don’t have a steady schedule to separate your academic life from your personal life, and it’s been causing lots of issues. You’ve been unintentionally snapping at Grayson, especially over the littlest things. For example, Grayson was incredibly sweet enough to clean up your desk area. He stacked your books in chronological order, neatened up your notes, wiped away dust that caused his allergies to spike. Accidentally, he misplaced your glasses. And you had a fit and nervously paced back and forth while biting your already bitten nails.
“Baby…” he softly spoke. “They’re over here.” And he had pointed to your side of the bed where he had put them. You didn’t mean to raise your voice, and you had broken down to tears, to which Grayson quickly pull you into his arms and hushed you quietly while giving you kisses. He understood and he never once held that against you.
Today, you had finished one of three finals. You had one thesis paper you had to research for and a chart project for your liberal arts class. So far so good, you mentally told yourself. Your laptop was open to numerous tabs as you had your books open in front of you. Highlighters, pens, and pencils were spread around the bed. Your back ached and you repetitively cracked and stretched your muscles. You desperately needed a massage, specifically from Grayson because he is the king of back massages. Just thinking about his large, warm hands kneading into your skin while whispered praise in your ears had you sighing softly and closing your eyes.
“What’re you thinking about?” You heard Grayson’s voice as he enters the room, holding a plate of vegan sausages, cauliflower nuggets, roasted potatoes that are seasoned so well that you can smell it from your spot on the bed. He holds a glass of cold green tea in the other and motions for you to scoot over. “You gotta eat, babe.”
Your mouth instantly waters as you take the plate and thanks him with a tired smile and a gentle nudge on his shoulder. Grayson observes you silently as you dig into the delicious vegan dinner he cooked. The small moan you let out as you continue eating. He almost wanted to do a happy wiggle because you were eating without telling him “one more minute” or “i’ll eat later.”
“I missed you,” he quietly told you, pushing you hair away from your face as it gets to close to your chewing mouth. He tucks it behind your ear with his thumb. He strokes the back of your head, smiling you when you nudge your head back further against his hand. “When you’re done eating, we’re gonna set a healthy schedule together, okay? And then you spend time with me for a little bit.”
You sigh quietly and hand him your empty plate. “Gray, baby, I’d love to… but I have so much work to do and have zero time to relax for even two minutes,” you told him in a quiet apologetic tone.
“Okay, it’s okay,” he quickly reassured you when he saw the panic in your eyes. He gave your cheek a few small kisses and put your plate and cup on the table. “I just… missed you, ya know.”
“And I missed you more.” You felt him sit behind you, legs on either side of your crossed arms. His arms wrapped around your stomach, immediately pulling you into his hard chest hidden underneath his Dolan Twins merch sweatshirt. “Gray..”
He whined deep in your shoulder as his arms tightened when you tried to move away. You stifled a laugh by biting your lip and looking up at the ceiling. He always got so needy when you didn’t give him enough attention. If you two are in the same room and sitting too far from each other, he’ll send you a text and look at you over the top of his phone, feeling giddy when you roll your eyes jokingly and get up from your seat to go to him.
“Just a few minutes,” his voice muffled behind your shoulder. You laughed at his childish antics and brought your laptop closer to you. Grayson was happy that you didn’t shrug him off. You allowed him to do as he pleased while you finished your small project. “So pretty..”
“Thank you, baby,” you laughed quietly when he pulled your hair behind your shoulders to braid it. You remember him telling you a while ago that he learned how to braid from Cameron. He was always a curious kid growing up and wanted to learn something new everyday.
Grayson hummed in content as he finished the braid and tied it with the small hair tie he kept around his wrist for his own hair, which is getting a bit long, but he knows you’ll throw a huge fit if he gets a haircut. He wrapped his arms back around you and laid his head against your back, eyes shutting and body slouching. The weight of him got more and more heavy, slowly pushing you forward. You tried sneaking a look over your shoulder, pausing your typing for a second. The movement made Grayson let out a sluggish hum.
“Baby, come lay down on my lap,” you told him, stacking up the books you didn’t need and putting your writing utensils into your case.
Grayson lets out a small “yay!” and quickly moves down next to your lap. When he lays his head down, he gives your thigh a kiss and wiggles his shoulders. You shake your head down at him and use one hand to slowly type while the other makes its way into his thick hair. The slow clicks of your keyboard mixed with the feeling of your fingers massaging his scalp and playing with his hair has him lulling to sleep. When you hear small snores, you look down and felt your heart melt. You quietly grabbed your phone and took a picture, his cheek smushed against your thigh and his lips parted.
When you posted it to Instagram, the caption was:
thank you for always supporting me and making sure i’m mentally here. i don’t know what i’d do without you. 💜 @/graysondolan
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randombtsprincessa · 3 years
Brush His Picture
All Rights Reserved. © RandomBTSPrincessa, Tulips98.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Words: 12.6k I am sorry for getting carried away...again.
Genre: Fluff, Angst cause it’s me
Rating: General!
Summary: Your job of writing a bio for Kim Namjoon is thrown for a spin when feelings get involved...
Warnings: It’s Namjoon. I have gushed. I am not sorry.
A/N: Firstly a warm and cuddly hug for @wynniewright​ for whom this fic is written. I enjoyed our conversations and look forward to more of those! Secondly a big hug and heaps of thanks to @casuallyimagining​ for the gif banner because I suck at those. Thirdly thanks to @thebtswritersclub​ for hosting the wonderful exchange!
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Smeraldo Books, in your opinion, was the best building in the small corporate complex located just a little walking distance from your little apartment. It was slate gray; concrete and glass which gave off a cold, aloof appearance from outside, but when you entered it, it was rich creams, warm browns with tons of plants and flowers. The smell followed you, as you climbed up the floors, multicolored as should be the place where you entered new dimensions via books.
Your own floor was pastel blue, pine wood and deep tones of red and browns sprinkled here and there. If you looked hard, you’d find some pink nestled somewhere too. Today it was on your own desk. You had outdone yourself to be early today. You’d packed up everything you could think of in a sensible tote – notepad, tablet, pens, pencils, heck you’d even thrown in a sharpener and ruler scale. You’d grabbed your hello kitty travel mug, filled it with yummy hot chocolate with a touch of espresso and strode down the street to work.
You would be getting the first assignments of the incoming season today and since it was your first writing assignment overall, you wanted to make a good impression – a very good impression. Your pressed clothes and smart shoes were testament of your frazzled fluttering last night, preparing for today. Making sure you had everything; you took a deep breath and made to enter the conference room at the back of the floor.
Each floor had one, for on-floor calls and projects undertaken by the different subsets of the publishing house you worked for. Yours, in particular, was the same blue and pine, a long oval table in the centre with purple and blue mismatched chairs around it. Light streamed in clearly from the high wide windows, with glass animals on the sill throwing rainbows on the wall. In the very centre of the table was a vase, sporting the very flower that the company was named after. The ethereal blue petals blushing with pinks and violets at their veins curled delicately, recently sprayed to look dewy and fresh.
You adored these flowers; you had three pots of them at home.
Rena arrived at sharp 9:45. Her hair was pulled back in a sleek high ponytail that you were semi sure could cut if she – ahem, whipped her hair back and forth fast enough. You’d mentioned that during a drinking night, and had been friends since. She was your mentor in more ways than one, and you relied on her heavily, this being your first year at Smeraldo. Your appearance today would reflect on her too and you wanted her to know that she could trust you.
“Good morning, Y/N.” She smiled at you.
“Good morning, Rena. Any news for the morning?”
She shrugged, unbuttoning her navy suit. She crossed her legs. “I know seasonal meetings are important, but you don’t have to be quite so stressed about them.” She winked at you. “Don’t worry, you’ll ease into it.”
You sighed in relief. If Rena was this unbothered, you had absolutely no reason to worry.
Your steady breathing remained until about ten minutes, when at 9:55, the door was opened and the head walked in with her assistants and the other members of the floor. You shuffled to the front of your chair as the meeting commenced.
As Rena had said, it really wasn’t anything to worry about. Your head was chill enough when she presented spreadsheets, delegating people to watch the stats and curves before the real reason for the meeting was dealt with.
The ‘projects’ were the writing, the works, the foundation of Smeraldo. Every ‘project’ floor had three to four of those. The stars, who would usually grab the opportunity to head out there, do the work your creative writing professor preached about and bring in the digs. The rest of the floor was the sheep, handling excels and graphs – like commoners.
This season began with two fantasy drafts, both quickly given out to the oldest, most experienced Stars, no questions asked. They were to draft first, present later before Smeraldo published them under their banner.
“Right then,” She looked up. “Now, I don’t suppose you need to be reminded that last year we joined hands to collaborate with HYBE. It is an honor that they chose us and we intend to honor them right back, don’t we?” The words were intimidating enough for us to all nod.
“We have already worked with them so it should be easier for us to get going on the contract this time around. Right Kayla,”
We all turned to look at each other while there was silence from where the Head pointed.
As a part of the Smeraldo-HYBE collaboration, personal booklets for each member were released along with quarterly albums, as a sort of promotion. Last quarter, it was Min Yoongi. Now the big season project fish was Kim Namjoon. These works were separate from Smeraldo fictions but equally as important, and if the Head was to be taken seriously, even more so.
After all, BTS was worldwide famous. To do them wrong, would mean our name was mud.
Kayla was the third writer on your floor, senior to you and she had handled Mr. Min’s book. It was a given that she would take charge for the other member’s books as well…
…only…Kayla was absent…at a seasonal meeting…
The fuming ears of the floor Head suddenly told you that maybe you did have something to worry about. With all due respect to Rena, you quietly celebrated showing up an hour early.
“Where the hell is she? What’s going on?”
We stared back dumbly.
“She didn’t call in sick or called off today.” One of the assistants supplied helpfully but cowered when the Head glowered at her.
“Well, that’s all very well, but who do I brief now?”
“Not to worry, you can brief Y/N.”
There was a longer pause in which the members of your floor, simultaneously, turned to look at you. Your jaw nearly dropped, head whipping to look at Rena; the picture of ease. She looked at you and smiled.
To her credit, the Head looked equally thunderstruck. “I…Y/N?” she asked.
You looked around meekly. “Yes ma’am.”
She looked at you askance, before resolutely glancing at Rena. “You will watch her, yes?” At Rena’s nod, she turned back to you. “Miss Y/L/N, I won’t remind you that this project is extremely important to Smeraldo. I would expect your utmost best, understand?” You quickly nodded your head.
“You will be meeting with Bang Sihyuk and Namjoon himself in two days. All information about the album and the HYBE workings will be in a dossier in your mail. Don’t disappoint me.” she cast another look at Kayla’s empty chair, sighed in annoyance before swiping her files over to her assistant.
“Until next time, people,”
When the room finally emptied, you immediately turned to Rena, “Why would you do that?” You demanded.
Rena looked exactly the opposite of how you felt. Stretched onto your nerves now lay the weight of the world, your world. You had been thrilled to get an internship at Smeraldo, working your entire life around the business and after scoring an actual job here you had never thought that one day so soon you’d be at the risk of losing it.
If Kim Namjoon’s book tanked – you were dead. Dead, dead and very much dead…
“I told you, Y/N, you worry too much. This job is probably the easiest ever and since Kayla decided not to show up…I mean, come on, you’re one of our writers…the job was bound to come to you. Head madam just needed some time before she came to you. I hurried the process up. Besides, how will you learn if you don’t actually do the work?”
“But…it’s Kim Namjoon…” You mumbled.
“He’s hardly going to bite your head off, Y/N. Chin up and head to the meeting like the champ you are. You’ll be fine.” She tipped your head back with her hand before walking out herself, leaving you to scurry to your desk, feeling nowhere near as consoled as you should’ve been.
Two days in and you were getting dressed up yet again. Only this time, your nerves were sparking like a frayed wire no one was paying enough attention to. You chose a simple but professional outfit, worrying if there was any way anyone could nitpick on it. You ended up switching to something much more formal (and in your opinion, stuffy) attire in the wee hours of the morning, unable to get back to sleep.
HYBE’s building was situated in one of the most upscale business locales in the city. You had to take a cab to get there, already deciding that no way would you have enough time if you took a bus or the train. Already the buttons on your top felt like an over-tight corset. Thankfully, you seemed respectful and important enough to the cab driver that he stepped on the gas pedal, having you step out on the pavement in front of the building with almost twenty minutes to spare. You swigged at the espresso chocolate mix in your cup before stuffing it back into your tote.
You could do this. You had all the qualifications…if not the experience.
You could not possibly screw up that bad, could you?
According to the dossier, the meeting was set in the lounge, somewhere comfortable and open, probably a request of Namjoon’s himself. You knew enough about the man to take a guess.
Inside the building, security quickly but thoroughly sorted you out. You were patted down by a friendly lady, who smiled as she scanned you out an ID and rifled through your purse. She spotted your Hello Kitty cup and chuckled, giving you a wink that had you blushing all the way to where you were supposed to meet – directions given very kindly.
Along the way you knew. You knew that if you ever had to change jobs, you would dearly love to take one at HYBE. The place was an eclectic mix of practical and fun. There were artist posters and records and awards sprinkled around, the most prominent being BTS of course. Sunny gold lined the areas, with crisp blues and greens.
You might have even passed a little park arena.
When you reached the lounge, a sprawling area of lush moss like carpets and pink and purple art work on peach walls, there were only two other people in. The ones you were here to meet.
You recognized Namjoon from the door itself.
Insanely tall and thickly built in all the right places, he stood at a window. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his baggy khakis, a thin blue sweater hanging over his frame, hiding just how muscular he truly must be. Your lips twitched at the deep rose pink hue of his hair.
The other man must have been Mr. Sihyuk, grey suited and glasses perched on the tip of his nose, steadily going through sheaves of paper. Both men looked up at your knock on the glass doors.
Mr. Sihyuk stood up first, hand outstretched but his smile looked a little confused.
“Um, Miss Kayla…how nice to see you, again…”
It seemed like a question, his eyes scanning over your face as if trying to place you and you froze. Your hand paused just a little away from his, eyes darting around to the Idol who joined his CEO.
“It was wonderful to have you with us again on the bio projects for the albums,” He continued, seeming unfazed by your gob-smacked face. “You did a brilliant job on Yoongi’s. I was sad to be unable to meet with you before.”
Oh…dear…they didn’t know it wasn’t Kayla who was going to be on the job. Suddenly you felt like sinking through the soft carpets, right underground. They probably had dossiers of their own, with Kayla’s name across them. They didn’t know that she had slept in that one day and they didn’t know that they were now stuck with you.
“I’m – I’m afraid there's some misunderstanding, Mr. Sihyuk. My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I’m afraid Kayla was unavailable for the project.”
There was absolute silence on both ends after you finished. Mr. Sihyuk’s shoulders fell at your words, mouth parting as his eyes went scanning you again. This time you could distinctly feel him sizing you up. His eyebrows twitched up just so.
“Well then,” The other man, Kim Namjoon, the one you were supposed to write about, extended his hand. “I suppose we should rehash that welcome. Hello Miss Y/L/N, my name is Kim Namjoon. I look forward to working with you.”
You jolted a little, even stumbling forward to shake his hand, now thoroughly shaken out from your humiliated stupor.
“Forgive us, we must not have read the email citing the change.” Bang Sihyuk continued, spreading his hands genially.
“Don’t worry about it. These things can happen.” You fiddled with your bag strap with a tight smile, ignoring the urge to sway on the balls of your feet. The thick tension had still not dissipated as the three of you stood in a triangle, wondering who was going to make the first move.
It had to be you, shockingly. “So, um, shall we begin?”
You were shown a plush red armchair, Namjoon and Bang-PD taking the matching sofa as you were given the preliminary data. A small biographical book of sorts, more of a booklet if you were being honest; talking about an important segment in Namjoon’s life and his process and journey throughout the inspiration and creative take of the upcoming album. Standard, new age stuff…same as Yoongi’s…you already had Kayla’s old notes on the write up forwarded in your email.
You scribbled in small notes in your notepad while Mr. Sihyuk slid a small calendar across. “This is the tentative production and release schedule that we want to follow. There is, of course, plenty of time for you to follow Namjoon around and get a feel of the work environment, the studio life and of course, Namjoon himself. You’ll have quite a lot of time to write. The book will be issued and launched before the press conference and promotions will be done along with availability of the bio in stores.”
You studied the calendar before slipping it into your bag. “Thank you, Mr. Sihyuk. This is most helpful. We’ll be starting work from next week then?”
You were met with nods.
“Well, I’ll be off. It was wonderful to make your acquaintance, Miss Y/L/N. Please, forgive us about the whole Kayla mishap.” Bang-PD stood, you and Namjoon following and with a parting handshake he marched out of the lounge.
You began to slide in your pens and notes back in the bag when you noticed that Namjoon hadn’t followed his CEO out. Instead he stayed back; hands behind his back, watching you pack up.
You glanced up at him in question, meeting his impish small smile with a confused one of your own. “I’m sorry, I just feel so bad about the…thing before.” He said.
“Oh please, really, don’t worry. I’m, like, very new to this so it was bound to happen.” You waved a hand, slinging your tote on your shoulder, preparing to leave.
“Drive safe.” He said, gesturing for you to walk before him.
“Don’t have a car,” You blurted out instinctively before mentally slapping yourself.
“Oh, do you need a car? I’m sure we can get one to take you back to the office.”
“No, no, please.” Your ears burned at the thought of taking one of HYBE’s no doubt lavish company cars to simply take you back to Smeraldo. “I’ll just take a cab.”
You didn’t wait for his reply, shooting a quick smile and wave as you nearly rushed towards the exit.
Next week saw a dip in temperature, with you arriving at HYBE wrapped in a coat and scarf. You pulled off your beanie when the kind lady at the desk handed you your lanyard, this time stamped across it were the words EMPLOYEE/ COLLABORATOR. It felt heavy around your neck, the figurative noose as it were, in case you messed up.
Namjoon met you near the reception desk, jogging over from one of the elevators. “Hey!” He smiled wide, rosy hair glinting under the lights. “You’re right on time.”
“Oh,” You wondered if they were watching you for slip-ups and punctuality was one area they were scrutinizing. “On time for what?”
“To meet up; it’s so cold we’re all taking coffee breaks every ten minutes. I thought we could just work in the café?”
Namjoon rubbed his large palms together, drawing your attention to his fingers – soft and perfectly formed. You cleared your throat, shocked at yourself – tightly smiling back.
“Sure, lead the way.” As if you were going to refuse a request from Kim Namjoon himself, you and he walked the same route as you had the first time you’d come here. Only this time, you passed the lounge and followed another hallway which led to what was obviously the cafeteria. The back was lined with counters and serving tables of buffets. There were couches strewn about, booths, and tables. You felt like you were back in school. You hoped the food would be better.
Namjoon led you first to the serving tables. Stirring himself a simple cup of coffee, he turned to you. “Anything you want, you can find here. Sandwiches, subs, ramen, noodles, yeah, we have to go out if you want something more…sustainable.”
“No, this is great.” You gratefully tore open a mixer packet of hot chocolate, bringing out your own mug to put it in. you’d sipped the drink in the journey over, before finally realizing you’d emptied it.
Your new muse raised his eyebrow at the Hello Kitty but didn’t say anything, only suppressing an amused smile. You pretended not to notice that.
Once you were sitting at one of the tables near the windows, you spread your recorder, notebook, pens and cup, ready to work. “Ok, shall we start?”
Namjoon took the final gulp of his coffee, nodding.
“Right so, you’re going to be writing the prologue of the book yourself.” You muttered, flitting through the primary requirements.
“Yep, it’ll be more of a front to my thoughts which you’ll be writing about. It’ll be a personal note to the members, the staff and ARMY from me. Something that is completely mine but it will set the tone for your work.” Namjoon turned his phone to you, tapping a note on it. “I already have the first draft for it. It’ll be revised of course but I’ll email it to you so you can start with that.”
You picked up your pen and then it was only Namjoon talking about how the primary idea for the album came to life and began to gestate in his mind. You found it incredible, how a small incident or a sound could inspire someone like that. You’d never had any experience that moved you like that. You told him as such, wistful of the kind of inspiration that might never ever come.
Namjoon placed an elbow on the table, looking keenly at you. “You’re a writer.” He pointed out.
“Not really; I am working as such, yeah, but I wouldn’t say I’ve been inspired by anything. You have. I think you’ve been inspired since you were…what, fifteen?”
“I had a different beginning than yours, yes. But you can’t compare inspiration with experience. Experience comes after inspiration. Before, there’s only the feeling, the emotion that leads to it. Would you say that you started writing out of just an everyday inspiration, or did you feel something for the craft that drove you to it?”
“I wouldn’t say that’s a fair comparison.” You fiddled with the pages of notes. “I know your beginning, of course, everyone does. I didn’t have that kind of harsh circumstances pushing me to motivation. To be very honest…I’d say I’ve breezed past life. I love my job, but I don’t have much to show in the journey to it.”
Namjoon was silent for a few moments. His tongue poked into his cheek as he regarded you shrewdly. Finally, he gave you a sweet smile, eyes scrunching and dimples popping. Your pen stopped twirling in your fingers, blood easing in your veins at the simple change of expression.
“And that’s okay,” he said, “Not everyone should have to suffer through awful situations to achieve things they aim for. Success shouldn’t be measured in tears, Y/N. The point of life, in my opinion, is happiness and in the end that is what matters; the fact that you end up happy.”
You blinked as Namjoon’s blinding smile dimmed, turning into moonshine as he ran a finger over the rim of his empty cup. The seconds stretched by, you silently removing your gaze from his and taking down everything he had said. Your eyes wanted very badly to return to his face but you kept them firmly on the page, pondering his words, until you realized through your daze that he was speaking again.
“I’m sorry again, about PD-nim and the whole Kayla thing. The email we got was sitting in the inbox but we weren’t informed and neither did we think of checking the company email before the meeting itself.” His voice had softened, turned apologetic that had you hurrying to ease his conscience.
“I already told you, it’s no biggie, really.” You insisted.
“It must’ve been nerve-wracking, especially on the first day.”
You huffed, air whistling from your lips at him, before acquiescing, “Yeah, ok, maybe a little.”
That moonshine smile brightened again, defeating the sun beams that streaked through the windows. “Allow me to make up for it by giving you a tour of our studios. Same time, tomorrow.”
At that time, you were only glad that you could gaze at his face without an excuse.
It took you a few days, getting used to the new schedule. You were used to the short walk from your home to Smeraldo. You were used to the morning crispness on your cheeks, the thud of your feet on the pavement and then the warm confines of your office cubicle.
The new pattern involved you having to catch a cab everyday to HYBE. It wasn’t too expensive thankfully, and the hours you spent in the expanse of HYBE, shadowing Namjoon to his haunts and work areas was starting to prove much more enjoyable and rewarding than anything you’d be doing in Smeraldo.
You were drawn into the chatter and gossip of the makeup artists, the lady who intercepted you daily at the desk struck up more conversations with you when you entered. She had a son, you’d learned. Her husband worked away from the city but he commuted every weekend and they found time for getaways whenever they could.
The most jolting experience was meeting the rest of Bangtan.
Namjoon had asked you to accompany him to one of the group practices and when you entered the huge mirrored room, you spotted the rest of the boys sitting here and there, some on their phones, the other stretching.
“Hey guys,” Namjoon slipped the strap of his work out bag over his head, turning slightly to the side to show you standing behind him to the rest of the idols. You raised a hand awkwardly, waving.
“You brought a friend?” One of the men at the back asked – Jimin, with his baby features and an inquisitive smile.
“Actually, this is Y/N. She’s the one doing the bio book for the album for me this time.” He placed a hand gently on your back, pushing you ahead when you failed to step forward.
“Uh, hi,” you mumbled, “nice to meet you all. I’m Y/N.”
“Yeah, Hyung just said.”
Your cheeks immediately heated, helplessly turning to the one who’d spoken.
“Yah, Jungkook-ah, be nice.” A taller man – Jin - smacked the back of the maknae’s head, before smiling at you. “It is very nice to meet you, Y/N. Are you going to be working while we practice?”
The gentle voice of the older man did wonders for you. Reminded of Rena’s composure, you immediately brightened, bowing to them naturally. “Yes sir, I am supposed to be shadowing Mr. Kim so…I hope you don’t mind.”
This made them burst out laughing – Namjoon included.
“‘Mr. Kim’, wow, Namjoon you’ve traumatized the girl. Please don’t be so formal, we’re not used to it.” Jin chortled.
Namjoon rolled his eyes, taking your elbow gently to guide you to sit on one of the cushions against the back wall. “You can sit here and watch. We won’t kick you in the face that way.” He winked and you managed a weak giggle back when you had recovered enough.
Why, oh why did he have to be so attractive? In those loose black shorts, that blasted white tank, you hadn’t been able to quite meet his eyes ever since you’d met him today.
You decided to obey the laws of ‘work’ as BTS practiced their routines. You pulled out your usual supply of pens and your trusty notebook and began to scrawl everything you’d observed, this time the process of choreography and how the dynamics between the group members and Namjoon worked in these hard routines. It took you about five pages, filling out and circling details that you would highlight in the bio.
Soon enough, you ran out of work to distract you. You folded your hands in your lap neatly, simply watching in awe. Each member hit the beat with a different type of attitude. If Jungkook was sleek as a panther, Hoseok was a coiled serpent, but none of them ever missed a beat. There was a tandem between them all, which made you sure that they took this very seriously. After all, they were known for their work ethic and it was their bread and butter.
They couldn’t slack in this just as much as you couldn’t slack in the bio.
Your eyes drifted back to Namjoon. Even though you knew, he wouldn’t describe himself as a dancer primarily, he was no less behind in his steps than his members. He moved with an awkward grace not unlike people of his height. God of Destruction – you remembered – and yet, you couldn’t help but watch when he moved. His chin jutted in concentration and you balled your fist under your chin, chiding yourself.
You were self aware enough to recognize the flow of your emotions and right now, they were particularly worrying. You were in awe of Kim Namjoon, anyone with any semblance of sense would be. He was intelligent, chivalrous, generous, charming, thoughtful, and humorous and in the days you’d worked with him, more than just books and music. He was a fun and charming person to be around and he attracted people like moths.
But…he was way beyond human leagues.
Someone like Kim Namjoon couldn’t be human. He had to be some eldritch being, put together into conception out of pure matter and stardust. There was no way his mind and his soul were meant to be meandering on this planet. And while you were aware he was far from purposeless, you wondered if he would ever be satisfied with his purpose in time.
Maybe…maybe not…
And you, as the self aware person as you were, couldn’t – shouldn’t – be having such tumultuous emotions regarding him. He was pink roses, a dusty shade of gold that had been polished and made to shine from a young age and he basked in the glow of adoration. He was at a peak you couldn’t hope to touch.
Never mind the fact that feelings mixing with work were always dangerous. You had no room for failure if these got in the way. You couldn’t afford to lose your job. You would lose everything you had staked and for what? You couldn’t throw your life away for an unattainable man. You sighed, closed your eyes and ducked your head before any of the men could notice your hard stares.
If you had to pick a climax for your journey with Namjoon, you’d pick the day he texted you a weekly schedule filled with interviews and media covered events that you couldn’t shadow him to. What would you do? You couldn’t exactly carry a notepad and pens in your mouth after him like a loyal puppy while he did his job. The interviews were okay, all you had to do was stand at the back behind the camera and note the way he answered his questions and if it was an English interview, the way he deflected stupid and rude questions from his members. Although it was clear by their now unimpressed faces they knew exactly what was going on.
The trouble was the red carpet event that you couldn’t push through. It would be a shame too, since this would be one of the prime times to jot a piece of Namjoon down. In front of flashing cameras, strutting with his head held high, knowing and projecting assurance. It would’ve been a great detail in the bio.
Apparently Namjoon thought the same, because as soon as he saw blue ticks in your text chat, he called you.
“So, what do you think?” He asked.
“About what, the event…? It’s too bad, I’ll watch it on TV and you can tell me how it goes over ice-cream.” You answered, in the face of his snort.
“Or…you could just come with me as my plus one. As a friend, of course, you can sit with that little note of yours and keep writing while people scream in my ear.”
You clutched the phone hard. He wanted you to come with him? He wanted to take you with him to an event? A red carpet event at that…on his arm, with people around…but as friends of course…
“Um…it’s kind of short notice…I don’t even have a dress.” You hedges unsteadily, hoping he didn’t notice the abrupt breathiness of your voice.
“You don’t have to worry about that. I have a fashion extraordinaire handy. Text me your dress size,”
The next you heard from Namjoon was when a huge, pure white box made its way to your apartment door. The delivery man took your signature on a tablet, wearing a sleek blue shirt and pressed pants that nowhere in the world could be a uniform for couriers.
You carried the heavy box to your couch in confusion, fingers fluttering with the navy blue ribbon around it in trepidation. Should you dare open it? It looked very expensive. Maybe this was a mistake and it got delivered to you in a mix up. But it couldn’t be. The name on the tablet was yours, the address yours…
You took a deep breath and pulled the knot loose.
The ribbon fell away gracefully, the top of the box grasped in your fingers and then you opened it up.
If you weren’t holding your breath…you’d have gasped.
Inside was a gown. Ok, that was a massive understatement. The fabric was thick, layers and layers of silk and glitter draped over each other to make a thing of dreams. The delicate straps of it felt like gauze, slipping over your skin when you pulled it out in pure awe.
You couldn’t possibly wear something like this. You could never pull it off. You glanced at the mirror near your door, the skirts catching the light of your room and sparkling.
You’d be wearing a million stars sewn on your body.
Your phone chimed the very moment your weak fingers were about to drop the dress, a sacrilege that proved you unworthy of it.
Hope you liked it J I’ll pick you up at 7.
And he didn’t take your calls. He didn’t hear you out. He didn’t listen to you list the reasons why you couldn’t do this, shouldn’t do this.
Your heart was already beating drums in your chest, each set letting you know that it was misreading this gesture. Namjoon wasn’t wooing you with this dress. He was simply making sure you didn’t look like a garbage can next to him. After all, red carpets meant celebrities, paparazzi, superior expectations. He couldn’t afford to show up with someone looking like they had barely been able to put together an outfit fit for the walk.
After hours of trying, at five you gave up, beginning to get dressed.
You washed and dried your hair, putting it up in a roll that was easy and you had mastered for your interview. It couldn’t be faulted…maybe it was a little simple but hey, you hoped the attention wouldn’t be on your hair. Not with that dress…
As you had guessed, the dress was heavy, weighing your body down till you had to carefully bunch handfuls of the sparkling skirt just to walk. You paired it with the lowest heels you owned, and a simple silver set – a gift from your parents upon graduating.
The brilliant shade of lipstick applied, you prayed and prayed that Namjoon wouldn’t find you disappointing. Of course, only so; that you wouldn’t be a source of embarrassment to him and HYBE and Smeraldo. It had nothing to do with you wishing you could be swallowed by the earth if Namjoon looked even slightly put off.
He arrived sharp at seven, even climbing out to greet you. Your trip in the elevator had been thankfully solo. No peeking neighbors to comment on your appearance but of course the building manager caught sight of you, gaping through the glass door of his office. You hoped he wouldn’t attempt to raise your rent.
Sleek and pristine in a black suit and silver shirt, open at the throat, your breath did catch at the vision he made. His hair was pushed back now and he grinned when you slowly tottered over. “Hi,” he said simply, eyes glinting in the glow of the dress.
“Hey, you didn’t take my calls.” You blurted out, again wanting to smack yourself.
“Yeah, I’m sorry; I got busy with speech training and fittings. They messed up though; I’m wearing shoes one size big.” You and he both glanced down at the polished black shoes with silver toes. you shook your head at the distraction.
“Namjoon, this dress…it’s too much; I can’t say anything right now but thank you.”
“Don’t thank me – it was Taehyung who picked it out.” His eyes moved down the dress before he looked away suddenly, hand moving to rub his neck. “You look great – beautiful, I mean.”
“Thank you.”
“Shall we?”
Namjoon helped you climb into the car, bending down so he could collect about nine drapes and pleats of silk to lay them on the car floor before shutting you in. You glanced at the driver of the Cadillac that Namjoon had brought and decided to stay mum for the drive.
The sprawling expanse of the hall where the gala was taking place sent you into nervous jitters. You touched the edge of the top, wondering if it was tight enough, if the necklace was enough to draw attention away. Of course, the dress was the highlight of your outfit, but suddenly all you could think of were the faux pas that could get you kicked out and possibly fired.
You had no time to turn to Namjoon with these worries, to beg him to allow you to stay in the car when valets were opening the doors.
Flashing lights, camera with too bright heads blinded you momentarily and all you heard was a quiet ‘wait’ from Namjoon before he was exiting the car.
He shot easy smiles at the front line of the media before turning to assist you. Maybe they realized that Kim Namjoon had indeed brought someone with him because the screams increased in pitch and volume, deafening you as well.
You were completely disoriented when you felt Namjoon’s arm go casually around your waist, one hand still holding your skirts so he could walk you at least to the main photo calls and away from the paps.
“Hey, easy, okay, they’re always like that. Are you okay?” Namjoon mumbled in your ear when you were a safe distance away, turning you to face him.
“Yeah…yeah, I’m okay…I just…wow, it’s a lot to take in.” You grabbed the skirts that Namjoon had let go and began to set them around you properly.
“Okay, all we have to do is walk this bit, get some photos, talk to that man at the end and then we can head in.”
You followed Namjoon's instructions quietly. Smiling lightly, when Namjoon posed in the centre of the carpet with the logo of the sponsors behind you two; Your posture probably wasn’t the most glamorous because the camera man shrugged before letting you pass – to the interviewer.
“Kim. Namjoon.” The white suited man gasped as if Namjoon had just landed from outer space and said something scandalizing.
“Oh dear, should I be worried?” Namjoon laughed breezily but his hold on your back stiffened.
“Not at all, it seems…who is the lucky lady? We’ve never seen you. Are we finally seeing the elusive RM being snatched up off the market?” The man took the time to level a polite smile at you before Namjoon waved his hand.
“Rubbish; I could never hope to snag someone like her. This is my friend; she’s accompanying me as part of a job.”
You noticed he never gave your name, thankfully.
“Ah…just friends? Pity, you look stunning together.”
“She is stunning but I would never claim to be as lucky as that. Do please excuse us, heels and all.” The interviewer laughed as Namjoon ushered you inside the hall.
Your smile had glazed over by now and when Namjoon sat you in one of the chairs next to him, you made sure to not move too much while he had to mingle.
As heavy as the gown was, the weight of it was something completely different now. Your wings had wilted back into nothingness, bringing you down to the earth with a less than pleasant thump.
Here, in the hall with actual stars around you, it didn’t matter if stars covered your body tonight. You couldn’t be part of this. You belonged in your cubicle at Smeraldo with books that had been your lifelong companions.
You weren’t stupid. You knew Namjoon being an idol was a consequence as well as reality. His proximity had blinded you, with those bewildering smiles and irresistible dimples. He’d poetically woven a spell that with him being now gone was breaking.
You were worlds apart.
Maybe this could be a story someday.
But it would never be reality.
Your realization couldn’t have come at a more opportune moment. As days went by, time spent with Namjoon waned; instead you went back to your little pastel cubicle, typing away at your laptop, pouring facts mixed with sentiment onto the digital document.
Soon, pages of this would be flying off the shelves along with an album. Your connection with Namjoon would be severed and you both would part ways as acquaintances.
That would be that. You tried not to think too much of it like that. It colored your work a little melancholy and you’d have to go back and redo it so it would be upbeat.
It was one of those days of you clacking away when a shadow fell over your cubicle. You didn’t lift your eyes at first, engrossed in the mild noises your keys made when the presence started to…feel hostile. You glanced up curiously, meeting the curve of an arm first and perched on it, was the weight of Kayla.
She wasn’t looking at you; instead her eyes were on the screen of your laptop, reading your work with a tilt to her head that – to you – was condescending.
“Kayla,” You called in confusion and her eyes flitted to you.
“Carry on, carry on, I’m just going to watch. I want to see how you’re going to do this.” Maybe you were paranoid…but she definitely sounded snide.
“Do what, type…?” you mumbled under your breath, about to turn back to work but she heard you and decided to answer.
“I want to see the new worker ruin Namjoon’s story. That way we can all go back to our normal lives.”
You stopped. Your eyes widened in surprise at the blatant vehemence. You turned to her.
“Excuse me, but I’m not ruining anything. It was you, who decided to sleep in and you who missed the meeting. If anything, you’re the one who ruined your shot.”
“It wasn’t a ‘shot’ for me, Y/N. It was a guaranteed project. I was sick, it happens. I’m just surprised they let the newbie take on such a big collab. But then again, being a lapdog pays in this industry. Connections are more important than talent, I’ve heard.”
“Yeah, you definitely would be the one doing Namjoon’s story justice with that attitude.” You snapped back. If there was one thing you wouldn’t stand for, it was her sullying Rena.
She smiled again, removing herself from your cubicle wall. “Petty fights don’t matter to me, Y/N. I’m still your senior and soon enough I’ll be back to doing my rightful share of work.” She walked off in a very final manner, leaving you to stare after her a good while before you could turn back to your screen.
The blinking cursor taunted you, each second that passed without it budging, a point in proving that Kayla may have been right. You growled internally, rubbing your dry eyes.
You needed a change of view.
Your laptop was now perched on the same table you and Namjoon had sat on that first day. Your back was to the rest of the café, eyes free to drift out the window. You sipped on a simple smoothie and tapped away, making good progress. At this rate you could hand in the first draft in less than a week. A hundred pages worth of a booklet formed much easier when your mind was clear. You wondered again if you could change places here.
You hoped at least this way you’d be safely out of Namjoon’s path and could also enjoy the lovely environment of the building. After all, one sin didn’t have to equate to ditching another, did it?
No sooner had your mind finished that thought when you heard his voice. Your fingers rattled over your keyboard, printing the stupid version of words on your screen and you had to halt in case he had seen you and was coming over.
When you didn’t hear that cheerful deep voice that was now uncomfortably familiar to you approach from behind, you took the chance to peek over your shoulder, just to see how he was – just that.
He wasn’t alone, thankfully. Next to him stood another familiar figure; much shorter and just as broad. Min Yoongi hadn’t been very verbose with you when you’d been introduced but then again, you knew the man wasn’t a fan of small talk with strangers. He was under no obligation to chat you up and you weren’t expecting him to either.
They finally picked up their orders, sitting at one of the tables in your line - Comfortably far away so that they wouldn’t notice you; but also within earshot of you. You sighed, returning your attention to the document on your screen.
“So, how’s the book coming? Any news yet?” You heard Yoongi’s baritone.
“Not yet, but I’m sure it’s going to come along fast. Give or take a few days maybe,” Namjoon took a loud gulp, scrolling through his phone.
“I hope so. She was new, wasn’t she? I didn’t remember seeing her when it was my turn. It was that other girl…Kayla something. What’s your girl’s name again?”
You silently cleared your throat, expecting Namjoon to snap in that you weren’t ‘his girl’ but he only hummed. “It’s Y/N. We messed up that day, called her Kayla. Guess we must have thrown her off her game that whole day, but she was amazingly professional. It was stupid too, that email was sitting right in the office email, and an intern missed it and didn’t tell us.”
“That’s what happens when you don’t treat your workers right. Even interns are deserving of respect. Maybe if they were catered to the way the company expects them to cater to it, it would -,”
“Hyung, I love your rants – but please.”
Yoongi shrugged, taking a bite out of his sandwich. You cracked a smile, biting your lip to stifle a giggle at Namjoon’s dazed expression.
“So, what’s she like? You hung out with her quite a lot.” Yoongi’s voice dipped, muttering something to Namjoon whose fingers stopped scrolling, a pensive expression on his face now. You glanced back at your screen, frowning, wondering what Yoongi must’ve said.
Namjoon didn’t answer for a long time and you had to keep glancing over, just in case he was actually muttering too and you were just not hearing anything but nope. He remained silent for a good long while, staring down at the coffee cup in front of him.
“I think…I think I would’ve preferred to work with this Kayla.”
You froze, your fingers hovering over the keys, making zero noise. You wished the other people in the café would quiet down and Namjoon would repeat himself but only this time you’d hear something else, something positive, something not so utterly crushing.
“Oh, she’s not up to the standard?” Yoongi asked.
“It’s…its stupid. I know it’s a shitty thing for me to say, but -,” But he was still going to go ahead and do it. He was still going to get those words out, unaware that you were able to hear him and have your gut wrenched.
What was wrong with you? Why were you not good enough to work with Kim Namjoon? Was it the rambling or blurting out thing? Was it the inability to retain composure? Had you messed up during a meeting that he was holding a grudge against? Did you somehow embarrass him during the gala? Had he already complained about you to his management and members, told them that this was the last time you were to work with them?
They had hushed up now, clearly having a private conversation and you were thankful. You didn’t know how you could handle hearing more. And you definitely didn’t want the rest of HYBE staff to hear how pathetic you were to their stars. If word got back to Smeraldo, you’d be fired. You’d lose everything.
You shut the laptop screen quietly, a hand sliding your things from the table top straight into your bag. Slinging your stuff onto your shoulders, you walked out of the room – out of the building – away from anything related to BTS.
You were resolute the next day, walking into Smeraldo with no words of greeting spoken to anyone. You got to your floor and then marched straight into Rena’s office, hurriedly knocking the prologue to the urgency of your matter.
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” Rena frowned, actually getting up from her seat when you stumbled in.
Something did happen, yes. I got way in over my head.
“I…I…need to um, change – the BTS project. I can’t do it anymore.” The words rushed out, thick and unintelligible but Rena apparently got the gist of it because she dropped her shoulders, crossing her arms.
“What happened?” she asked flatly.
I have a crush on my subject and he thinks I’m the worst thing to happen since the rise of patriarchy.
“Nothing serious; I just…I’m not cut out for this Rena. I told you that day of the meeting. It’s too much, I can barely sleep, can’t eat.”
Ok, provided that was only one day because your mind was too obsessed thinking about what you heard but still – you could definitely apply the cases.
“What are you talking about? You just gave me your stats two days ago. You were fifty three pages in and climbing.”
“Yeah well I’m not happy with it. I’ve been writing in a daze. Please Rena.” You begged; you’d have gotten on your knees at that point but mercifully, after about nine seconds of shrewdly eyeing you, she finally sighed.
“Well, I can’t say I’m not disappointed – and very, very surprised. You’re one of the better writers at Smeraldo, Y/N; I wouldn’t have pushed you for this if you weren’t. I believed in you. But I can’t make you work if you’re not happy and I certainly can’t let it affect this collaboration. It wouldn’t help anyone – so…fine. We’ll make the change. I’ll have the boss send an email…and you can personally go and hand Kayla all your material on the job so she can start as soon as possible. We still have time to make it up I think.”
You nodded, surreptitiously wiping a streak of moisture that had escaped without notice before you paused. And then you put in a request for Rena to consider before grabbing all your notes, drafts and your work laptop and walking up to Kayla’s more spacious cubicle.
She was reading a magazine when you tapped the side wall, eyes rising up to yours before her eyebrows raised at the amount of things you were carrying. Without preamble, you let them crash on to her neat desk.
“Uh, what the hell are you doing?”
“I’m not doing Namjoon’s bio anymore. They want you to do it.” Namjoon wanted her, in particular.
Kayla stopped scowling, looking at you in confusion before her face darkened again. “Listen Y/N, I don’t care much for charity -,”
“It’s not. I swear it’s not Kayla. I really, really can’t do it anymore. Please…please just take it off my hands.”
Slowly, her face cleared, eyes still examining yours for any insincerity before she picked up your notebook, carding through the pages.
“It’s a little shocking, I’ll admit but fine. But you…why are you giving it up? It’s BTS. It’s probably the biggest break you’d ever get.”
You shrugged, unwilling to converse more than necessary about this. “I just felt bad…and ill about it.” You didn’t exaggerate and Kayla didn’t ask you to elaborate. You glanced down at the biggest bag which you’d placed under her desk. The box was still exquisitely white and unblemished.
“Can you just do me one last favor?”
“When you see Namjoon, can you give that bag back to him? Tell him thanks for everything.”
The days passed quickly, each one easier than the last as you decided to stuff your stupid, pointless feelings – hurt and otherwise into one single compartment: DO NOT TOUCH.
Namjoon had had to meet with Kayla quickly, to put in effect the plans that the senior writer was going to play with. She already had your notes, but they would still have to spend some time together just so she could get a feel of his prologue and run with it.
It had taken about two visits from Kayla before your phone started to act up.
He sent a text first. At a decent time…you were at work, taking a small break when the ping came. You promptly slid the notification aside and pushed the nagging in your head to look at it into that one compartment. An hour passed…then another before another message came. You couldn’t help but glance at the words even as you slid it out of focus.
Are you ok? What’s going on?
Namjoon didn’t text again for the remainder of the day and you heaved a sigh of relief. It would be easier to not mess with that box of goodies in your head if only anything pertaining to Kim Namjoon was taken out of your path.
Only…he decided to call you…
As soon as you entered your little apartment and took off your shoes, flexing your toes, the trill of your ringtone made you fumble in your bag. You almost slid the call to accept, catching yourself just in time when you saw the big white KIM NAMJOON flashing on the ID.
You stared at the name, a proverbial finger dancing over the latch of the compartment. But you couldn’t…you couldn’t mope over him again; you had given an entire day of wallowing up to his name.
Again, you heard him preferring Kayla. You placed the phone onto the coffee table and went into the bathroom to change.
Namjoon’s persistence remained impressive though. He called and texted every day ranging from thrice to five times. Almost every time you frowned. You had given him Kayla. What more could he want? He was desperate to know if you were okay, wondering if something had happened to you and that Smeraldo was trying to cover it up but you couldn’t bring yourself to put him at ease.
Also, it was getting steadily difficult to keep his name out of your life. BTS was worldwide, he was a global entity. He was everywhere…the media, the news, there were even fucking standees in malls for them.
But your job was keeping you busy, mercifully.
The day you had gone to Rena to ask her to put Kayla on the bio project and take you off, you’d also asked to be moved to a different section of jobs, just for the time being – till you could come back to yourself, or so you told her.
In reality, the editing and beta reader position that you now held was time consuming and kept you focused and engrossed enough to not think about the idol. Not every piece of writing was amazing, but fiction was fiction and you gladly succumbed to romances and fantasies that were wildly improbable - simply because they were possible in their worlds.
You could not be more grateful to Rena for this. You finished more than your quota of three manuscripts a day, sometimes even staying up at night if one was particularly interesting. You knew you’d have to go back to writing someday but for now, you wanted to do a good job so you wouldn’t let down Rena more than you already had.
You shuddered to think of returning to your laptop. It was a mistake to think that you were cut out for this job. There was a certain level of coldness required to be a writer – the sheaves of paper in front of you proved that. You had none of that ruthlessness in you. You were too soft, too sheltered. You had grown attached to a subject that you were supposed to present as facts. Instead you had painted him in a fantastic palette of misdirected emotions that he was under no obligation to act upon.
And so now you were hurt…and it was your own fault.
To write again, you would first need a spine, one forged in titanium instead of the malleable clay that had wrapped around the fingers of others so easily.
In some days of your ruminations…Namjoon stopped calling and texting and you were then rudely interrupted by Kayla, striding over to deliver news you hadn’t asked for.
“Mr. Kim took the dress back.” she announced as soon as she pressed herself at your desk. You looked up from your fourth manuscript of the day, peering at her through your glasses. Your back was sore and your neck felt lodged.
“He’s asking about you.”
“Okay,” you said slowly, clearing your throat before reaching for a bottle of water. “I’m okay.”
“He said he reached out but you never responded. Why don’t you respond? He’s obviously concerned.” She continued, putting an unnecessary emphasis on ‘obviously’. It irked you.
“He was my subject matter. Now he’s not. It’s inappropriate.” You barely kept from snapping, shrugging noncommittally. Kayla was still there, eyeing you in that way, that made you feel smaller than her.
“Well, I don’t think he feels it’s inappropriate. He’s enquiring about someone he considers a friend. He’s been known to care about friends.”
You put the manuscript down finally. You looked up at her blankly but she didn’t flinch. Instead Kayla returned your heavy look with one of hers, raking you down with an appraising look. After a few moments of silence she gracefully straightened and turned on her heel, returning to her cubicle.
You picked up your manuscript again.
The cursor was blinking again. The walls of your cubicle needed a wipe down. Some of the pens in your drawer needed replacing. You revolved on your chair once – twice – thrice before facing the darn cursor again.
It had been two days since Rena had asked (basically commanded) you to return to your original post. One because you had gotten through the work she’d set aside for you. Second because Smeraldo’s projects were lining up and they needed their writers to buck up. You being one of them now needed to get in the game.
Or you would lose your job. After all, even though Rena treated you like a sister, it didn't mean she was going to baby you forever. Her own job would be on the line.
So you returned, starting out slow, with slogans and advertising scripts. Only…advertisements meant media research…and you knew what you were going to see the first thing you delved into that.
When your phone rang, you were almost eager to get to it. Namjoon hadn’t called in a while – it was safe again. You glanced at the unfamiliar number once, curious before you pressed the accepted call to your ear.
The deep thrum of his voice reverberated in your ear, travelling straight through your heart – setting it to thump unsteadily – and landed deep in your belly, burning uncomfortably.
Your fingers tightened around the device, unable to speak, unable to pull it away from your ear, unable to comprehend simply hanging up. Instead you helplessly muttered his name. The two syllables were heavy on your tongue, some emotion injected in them that you doubted he could sense over the phone.
It irked you that you had so easily been caught unaware. You had paid attention to every text, every call for so long, swiping him out of your sight to avoid the temptation and here he was, smartening up and using another number altogether.
You guessed his IQ really did pay off.
When he spoke again, there was no weight in his tenor, no sense of concern that Kayla had said he felt about your absence. If anything he sounded cold, indifferent – as if you were just another person he was talking to.
And you were...you couldn’t mean anything to him.
“How have you been? It’s been quite some time.” He said, formal, aloof.
“Yeah, I’ve...I’ve been keeping busy. What...about you? How are you?” You mumbled.
“I’m fine. The bio is going on fine, I heard from Kayla.” He seemed to be moving while he spoke, you could hear distinct shuffles around him.
“That’s nice. So, is something wrong? Did you need something? If you lost Kayla’s number –”
“Can I not call you unless there was something wrong?” he cut you off smoothly, pleasant while you stumbled to correct yourself.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I was just –”
“Anyway, so the boys wanted to throw a party in celebration of the album finalization. It’s a dinner and games thing so be prepared to be bored if you’re not into that. They wanted to invite you because you were part of the bio making process.”
They...they were inviting you, not him. It seemed silly, to be stung by such a tiny little detail but you couldn’t help the down-turn of your lips, the frown settling upon your brows. “What about Kayla?”
“I don’t know, maybe one of the boys will get to it. So, do I count you in?”
“Why me, Namjoon, I left the project, didn’t I?”
“Is that a no?”
You sighed, annoyance surging at the way he deliberately ignored your pointed remarks. “Fine, I’ll be there.”
“See you at 7. You know where the dorm is. Just tell the front desk you’re here for BTS and give them your name.”
He hung up before you could spill out another question, pose another objection. You looked irate at the blackened screen, feeling used and mocked yet again. He had reached you so long after you cut him off and he had had the gall to sound miffed with you? You stuffed the phone back into your back.
The evening would last long. You vowed that this would be the last time you would have anything to do with Kim Namjoon.
You had been intimidated by the idea of BTS before. After spending a few days with Namjoon, you could appreciate them being normal men, seven men who just wanted to make music, who were young, a little dorky but overall just themselves.
Coming here, standing in front and looking up at the gigantic building that housed the dorm of BTS and their separate private apartments, you could only feel the previous nerves spiking again.
Your fingers were shaky as you pushed open the heavy glass door, thick enough to stop bullets and made your way to the marble front desk.
The concierge, decked out in a cream vest outfit, politely smiled at your approach – too professional to not rove his eye critically over your modest dress. You were at the dorm of BTS, after all. You couldn’t show up in jeans for a dinner party.
He nodded when you relayed your name, giving Namjoon’s reference which had them flurry to get you an elevator. Once trapped in the sleek metal box, the chiming numbers indicated your rising panic.
What were you doing?
Why were you here?
You had cut them out of your life for a reason. Why would you willingly show up again? Inside, of course, you knew the reason. You had unsettled issues. You wanted to talk this out with him. But you couldn’t – which again, added to the question as to why you would accept his invitation in the first place?
There was no way you were brave enough to stand in front of Kim Namjoon and ask him to explain himself.
When the doors opened; the wide hallway only led to one set of double doors. You looked around once; just to make sure that you were on the right floor and not about to barge into some unwitting souls’ suite.
Walking to the etched wood, you knocked a hurried patter that sounded abnormally loud. You didn’t even have to wait long. The door swung open almost immediately, as if he was waiting right inside for you.
Namjoon stood in a simple black long sleeve, rolled up till his elbows. His jeans stretched tightly along the length of those legs. Huh, he was wearing jeans...go figure...
“Come in Y/N.” He said, walking back into the house. You followed, slower, clutching your bag strap like the first day.
It was...relatively clean, being the house full of men. It was also too big for you to take in everything. You supposed they needed the space, each one with a personality of their own but together all the time. You wondered if they had studios in the two storey house too.
You focused on Namjoon, who had by now moved to the sitting area, flicking through some pages, not paying any attention to you. There was no sound. No one came to greet you, not even Jin who you thought was the actual host.
It was...suspiciously quiet.
“Namjoon,” You called. “Where is everyone?” 
The man only shrugged his shoulders for a second and it seemed that he wasn’t about to answer your question at all. However, at the very last moment when you were about to repeat yourself unwillingly, he muttered. “They went out to eat.”
They were out to eat? After calling you over to have dinner and play games? 
“So...we have to go and join them or something?” you asked.
Namjoon sighed painstakingly, as if you were disturbing his peace but he finally dropped the papers onto the coffee table and stood up, hands in his pockets.
“No, Y/N, we’re not going to join them.”
What the hell was going on here exactly?
“We’re going to talk.”
You had opened your mouth when he finished his sentence, pausing in contemplation to what he could possibly want to talk about. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m saying I want answers, Y/N. Why did you stop coming over all of a sudden? Why did you stop working on the bio and give it to Kayla? Why didn’t you pick up your phone when I called you? Why didn’t you answer my texts? What the fuck happened?”
You blinked, once, staring at him in shock mingled with annoyance. There was a lot to Kim Namjoon; you would be the first to admit it. But you never took him to be this cruel.
“Why are you even asking me these questions? I wasn’t competent enough for you. So I did the right thing, I gave the work to someone who could match your standards. End of story; I don’t understand why you had to bring me here.” Your vehemence faded by the end of it, leaving you to drop your head and mumble half the words at your shoes.
You kept staring down when Namjoon didn’t say anything in retaliation. Seconds ticked by and finally you had to glance up to see Namjoon’s face tight, jaw clenched and he drummed his fingers over crossed arms. 
“Unfortunately,” He began when your eyes met. “Doubt and Insecurity are two things that every artist struggles with in their line of work. There are no ways around them; you simply have to push through them. Work through them, Y/N; but you can’t let it take you away from your passion. If you felt doubtful of yourself, you should’ve talked to me, or any of us...you didn’t have to brand yourself incompetent and give into this negativity.”
If you had two cents of courage you would’ve screamed at him. Indeed, Kim Namjoon was a cruel man – a blind man.
And your nerves had finally grown into something more ferocious.
“I gave in? I’m sorry, Namjoon, but when your client is the one that ‘brands’ you incompetent, you kind of have to give in. You are the one who said you preferred Kayla. So I gave you exactly what you wanted. So stop pretending like you care about my insecurities and my doubts.”
Namjoon gaped at you like a fish, eyes wide and thoroughly confused. He held up a hand immediately. “What the hell are you talking about?” 
You snapped. “I heard you, that day, talking to Yoongi about how you would’ve preferred it if it was Kayla who was working on the bio rather than me. If I was bothering you that much or if you found me – I don’t know, not a good writer, you could’ve at least been professional about it. You could’ve emailed the company and asked for a switch, instead of bad-mouthing me to your damn members!”
Both of Namjoon’s hands were up in the air now, defensively. His eyes flickered around his house as he attempted to place the scenario you were describing to him. You saw the light bulb go off about a few seconds after. His demeanour changed immediately. His hands lowered, face cleared and his eyes scrunched before he did the worst thing imaginable that he could’ve done at that moment.
He laughed.
His body bent forward, hands clasping his stomach as his shoulders shook. His head dipped, chortles echoing around you as you stood rooted to your spot, stricken by his mirth.
In the moments that he managed to raise his head, he caught sight of you and laughed again, eyes watering.
You were seeing red. His frame lit up in flames in your head, fuelling you to whirl about on your heel. You marched away, almost at the door when fingers wrapped around your elbow, stopping your next steps.
You turned, seeing Namjoon already there, still smiling.
“Let me go.” You said firmly.
“I didn’t say I would’ve preferred Kayla to you because I thought you weren’t a good fit for the job, Y/N.” He said instead, hand loosening on your arm but not quite letting go. “I said it because...well, I was afraid I would be breaching our contract. Since...I kind of wanted to take you out.”
You stood there, watching Namjoon’s eyes flicker between yours, waiting for a reaction. His hand was still loosely cupping your elbow, fingers warm and splayed out over the skin. His thumb briefly brushed over the bone as if checking that you hadn’t frozen over.
But you had...you were standing stock still, staring up at the idol, uncomprehending the words that had spilled out of him. He had just said something very controversial, very brave...and very confusing.
You thought back to all your hangouts. The long talks that you scribbled down with your tongue poking out the corner of your mouth, the walks that you took, sometimes huddling together with shivers due to the cold weather, sharing hot coffees and chocolate ice creams. Telling him about yourself when he wanted a break and needed to listen instead of supply conversation. Then they changed to his texts, the good morning or good night texts that he would send, the occasional music recommendations and book suggestions.
And then the night of the Gala...that stunning dress...his behaviour...
Nowhere in any of these cases had you seen anything that spelled anything other than friends being friends. He had never flirted brazenly with you, simple banter being the only form of cheek you could recall. He was after all; your client and anything that could offend or upset him would result in your suspension.
“That’s...that’s...impossible. You never – not even once – I didn’t ever get the idea, not ever,” You fumbled over your words, pulling away or trying to once again but Namjoon shrugged, smiling sardonically.
“Well, I couldn’t exactly come out and say it, could I? You were working with me, for my company. I know the kind of pressure you must’ve been under. If I did say something, you’d have been obliged to agree because you’d think you owed it or something, just to keep the job. I didn’t really want to put you in the spot like that. The night of the gala I got carried away. I had a plus one and if I had to take someone, I wanted it to be you. I begged Taehyung to put the outfit together because I’m shit at high end fashion but you looked absolutely gorgeous and yeah, I owe Tae a thousand favours now but it was worth it.” He took a breath.
“I was waiting for the project to be over so I could actually, properly ask you out but well, I guess you heard me being an idiot that day and...” he waved his free hand vaguely.
“Oh,” you mumbled, your eyes leaving him and travelling back down to the floor. What else could you say? Sorry, I was eavesdropping on your conversation and got my feelings hurt and acted like a child? Yeah, you didn’t think that’d go over well.
“Which brings me to the question, why did you stop?” His thumb brushed over your skin again, prodding your attention to him and you shrugged like him, mumbling something about doing right by the client.
“Bullshit, if you wanted to do right by the client, you would’ve waited for me to say something. Changing people like that could’ve resulted in a breach lawsuit and I doubt you’d have risked that.”
You looked up at him again, irritated. Why did he have to poke holes in your admittedly stupid story? Hadn’t he shaken your world enough by telling you that THE KIM NAMJOON wanted to ask you out?
“You hurt me.” You hissed. “You made me think I was inept and it hurt my feelings because I’ve been attached to you and this book since day one. I finished the bio at home, for fuck’s sake. I lost objectivity when it came to you because you’re adorable, scary smart, caring, generous, a total goof and it doesn’t help that you look like a damn sculpture all the time.”
You yanked your arm one last time, successful this time around because Namjoon smiled widely, shyly, deep dimples poking into his cheeks that had you internally melting from how cute he was.
“I want to kiss you.” he said simply. “May I?”
What were you going to do, say no?
Instead, horrifyingly you started to sniffle. “You better, because I’m really ashamed right now and I will start crying.”
Namjoon was quick to cup your face, cooing over your squished cheeks in his large palms and he brought you closer, closer and closer to himself. Your hands clutched at the sleeves of his shirt while he pecked you lightly, dropping a flurry of equally soft and fast pecks on your cheek, the tip of your nose and chin before returning to your lips, delving deeper, testing the waters.
Your eyes fell shut, revelling in the plumpness of his lips as he delicately trailed them over yours, smacking kisses over you till you let out a giggle.
“Finally, she smiles.” Namjoon beamed at you, leading you back until you were gently propped against the door, your head comfortably resting on the wood and he deepened the kiss, bowing and moulding his body with yours.
“Should we be doing this here?” You asked nervously, when his lips began to travel over your jaw.
“The boys won’t be back for a while but we can head to my room if you want?” He wriggled his eyebrows at you, heat pooling into the skin he still held between his hands.
“Uh, I’m good here.” You muttered to his amusement. His eyes travelled back to your mouth, eyes hooding and then he was slowly leaning in again. You met him halfway and his mouth opened with the barest brush of tongue when loud pounding sounded right on the other side of the doorway, laughter and footfalls sounding the arrival of the rest of the band.
You moved away just as the door flung open, six boys piling in, “Can you believe none of us thought to grab our wallets, we have to go back and tell manager-nim to get the car again –” Jin grumbled with the boys stopping to gape at you in Namjoon’s arms as the two of you blinked at them like deer in headlights.
Then chaos erupted.
The whoops and cheers of ‘finally’ made you drop your head in a shy grin with Namjoon groaning behind you.
“Namjoonie finally got some!”
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Three hours ago. I was convinced Buddy was dead. 
I put a collar on the girls for the first time ever with their name and phone number because I am paranoid about all of the different access points to the outdoors in the new house. Minnie was fine with hers, Buddy was not. I think so many doctors have fucked with her at this point, anything like that spooks her. She hated it and was acting weird all day with it on - I decided to give it 48 hours to see if she could get used to it (I am going to attach an airtag to it so it reduces my anxiety to be able to find them/her if she gets outside in the new house.
I wrap up my last call and she is simply nowhere. I rip everything up - all of the moving boxes. all of her hiding places - she’s nowhere. Of course I’d left the door open because she loves to sit right by my door - I immediately search everything, disgusted with the half-packed chaos and the stress they must be feeling. I’m trying to do the right thing, not bring stuff to the landfill and give it to people who need it, but I haven’t been balancing the peace of their environment. 
She was just.....gone. I searched for a mile outside with a flashlight. My neighbors searched every nook and cranny of the building (she was in the basement of the building the last time she got out). I was picturing moving without her, so desperate. Picturing the NextDoor ads I’d have to create, the shame of enabling this because I keep the hallway door open so she can sit out there in peace. Not believing this has happened before and I did it again.
I was numb. I said to my neighbor, “she is dead. I killed her. I did this I kept the door open because she loves it out here but she somehow got out of the building and she’s never been outside and now she is on the street in this super busy street, confused and likely dead or stolen.” What is most chilling is now I started distancing myself from her. It was surreal as I was looking outside on the busy street, outside in the bushes, in the crawl spaces, even under cars. I was in shock that I had allowed this to happen again. 
I went back to the apartment and searched again. Gone. She just wasn’t here. She always always always comes out; especially when I have a treat for her. She was gone, she’d gotten spooked because she was freaked out by the collar and someone who was working here let her in the stairwell and she got outside. and now she’s gone. I knocked on every unit, no one saw her. Scott my neighbor sent an email to the building, we wondered if she had gotten trapped in someone else’s apartment. She is such a cuddly baby, I wondered if someone stole her. 
I flashed back to my dream last night - the evil trying to pull me out of bed - and said see, you can’t have everything. It is still here, it is still pulling you back. 
I was in despair. Numb. I decided to look halfheartedly in one last place, shined the flashlight, and there was her little face. Buried deep deep deep behind a pillar and my moving boxes. I ran to my neighbors and said “I found her”. They rushed over and wanted to see for themselves, and immediately said “You need wine immediately.” 
I proceeded to get incredibly drunk off of a very generous pour. 
Something happened in the dream. I don't know what did and no one will believe me but this....thing....has been coming after me all of my life since I was little. Yesterday, several people reached out to me in need of some significant help and I panicked a little, but helped them. This is what always happens when I do that, when I tell myself “everything you have is from God. Everything. This isn’t yours. Give to who needs it and don’t worry about the future.” 
I am still in shock that she is OK. I go from 0 to 700 so fast. I don’t know that I am going to have people in and out of here anymore looking for things to take for themselves. I might just shut it all down and throw it all into the dump. We’ll see tomorrow. 
I am honestly still in shock. 
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Fools pt.2
[Zuko x Reader]
<- previous next ->
Summary: Zuko and Y/N had liked eachother for a while even though neither of them knew it. Y/N tries to get over her crush for him, failing miserably. So just when she decides to let go and embrace her feelings, the new Fire lord finds himself feeling jealous and decides to take matters into his own hands.
A/N: I’m so happy you guys liked this cause I like it so much toooooo and I was worried my writting would mess the idea up but it ended up pretty good. This once again got a little long so it’s def gonna need a pt.3 but I’m gonna wait til someone requests it to write it.
Side note, I’m not a native speaker so if some of the grammar is wrong or something let me know <3
Warnings: Angst but it will end well i promise
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The sun had set on your way back to the palace. You couldn’t really remember when you’d fallen asleep, you tried to stay awake as long as you could but you’d spent the night before awake worrying about what would happen the next day. The weather became more forgiving as the night sky glimmered above you, you’d dare to say it even got a little chilly. What woke you up was a set of slender and calloused fingers putting strands of hair that had fallen to your face back into their place. Before opening your eyes you heard Zuko’s soft voice. “Hey... we’re almost at the palace.”
You finally opened your eyes and were shocked to see where you had fallen asleep. “Zuko...” you muttered in a raspy and still a little sleepy voice “why am I using you as my pillow?”
The Fire lord chuckled softly and you could closely hear the vibrations that sent through his chest as you were slightly laying on it. A faint blush ran through your cheeks as it had done many times that days.
“You fell asleep and then started chattering your teeth. It was pretty annoying honestly, so I sat over here to help warm you up.” Zuko explained as his fingers kept playing with your hair. His arm was around you and you were pretty much leaning on him fully. It was just then you realized how warm he was, one of the benefits of being a fire bender you guessed.
You faintly smiled looking back down and before you could say anything else the carriage stopped. The small door opened to show you the front view of the castle and that helped clear your memory. Aang and the others were here, that’s why you came back. You jumped out of Zuko’s grasp and out of the carriage to start walking fast to the entrance. As soon as the big doors opened you saw Katara’s face smiling expectantly. You didn’t wait more than a second to run into her arms and squeeze her into yours. Her laugh filled the room as the two of you almost fell from how hard you’d ran into her.
“Y/N, I’m loving this but I kinda can’t breathe” she muttered in a muffled voice.
You laughed and let go of her taking a look around you for the first time. The next one to receive your unforgiving hug was Sokka. You wrapped your arms around his neck and made him stumble a couple steps back before he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Someone’s happy to see us.” He expressed as he tightened the hug before letting go.
“Are you kidding? It’s felt like forever since I last saw you, and it’s actually been forever since we’ve all been here together.” You turned more to your left to give Suki her hug, feeling how she was the strongest and most stable one of the three. She was a strong hugger too so it was you this time who had to let go.
Finally you walked up to Aang being a little more forgiving with him, as you’d always felt like if you hugged him to tight he might break. When you were done you looked at all of them in surprise, barely even hearing Zuko’s steps behind you. “What are you guys doing here?” You asked
It was Katara who spoke first. “Well it’s almost been a year since the war ended” she turned to look to Zuko this time as he was greeting Aang and moving on to her. “Your uncle was the one to call us here, he’s organizing a commemoration gala and wanted us to surpise you.”
You moved your attention from Katara to Zuko and asked “You knew about this?” as you saw his golden orbs go back to you.
“I had no idea” he assured you. “Is my uncle here too?” He asked once again to Katara.
“He had business to finish in Ba Sing Se but he’ll be here by tomorrow” it was Aang who intervened this time.
Before anyone else could speak Toph appeared around the corner. “Oh great, you’re back. How was your date?” With those words your heartbeat stopped and restarted again at an impressively fast speed.
Every pair of eyes in the room turned to look at you and Zuko realizing for the first time the two of you had been out together and alone. “Date?” Sokka asked raising an eyebrow. You knew he was never gonna let this go.
“It wasn’t a date” Zuko said from a place he’d stood in behind you. Your heart fell at those words. I mean, yeah he never explicitly said it was a date, and deep inside you knew it wasn’t, but you had hoped that in a way it could’ve been. What hurt you the most was how fast he was to correct Toph, as if he couldn’t stand the idea of your picnic being a date. “Y/N was bored to death and I was too stressed from Fire lord stuff so we took a day off and ate lunch.”
The silence that came after surely couldn’t last more than a couple seconds but to you it was so awkward and shameful it might as well have been two hours. Finally Toph was the once to speak once again. “Well... are we gonna stay here all night and freeze or are we going inside to eat? I’m starving”
You did as much as you could to not let Zuko’s comment ruin your night. You got to spend time with your friends for the first time in a while, and at first, swallowing the tight feeling in your throat was hard, you didn’t want to look at Zuko for the rest of the night. The worst part was you knew Zuko hadn’t done anything wrong, it was you who was dumb enough to think a day out could become something else... something more, he was being kind and nice and you turned it into something you knew would end up hurting you. If anything the one you should be mad at is yourself.
But after just a few minutes at the table, listening to Katara and Sokka’s stories about how it was like to go back home after so long, how they’d received them like heroes, how gran gran was so proud of them, Aangs tales of how the other nations are doing and Suki recieving good news from the Kioshi warriors sometimes, soon enough the feeling faded. It would resurface every now and again when Zuko’s eyes would meet your own, an almost worried look on his face but faint enough for only you to notice, but you managed to keep your attention on everyone else.
When dinner was over, Suki was the one to propose the idea of having a girls-only sleep over. Toph, Katara and you agreed, while Sokka told Aang and Zuko they would have a boys night then. You wasted no time making your way to Toph’s room and away from the dinner table. As soon as you walked in you threw yourself dramatically to her bed as the rest of the girls walked inside after you. Toph was the last one and closed the door behind her.
“So... are you gonna keep drowning in your sorrows or are you gonna tell us what happened today at your date.” She jumped to the bed as Katara and Suki took a seat too.
“It wasn’t a date, Toph.”
“You sure wanted it to be” she joked leaning back into her pillows.
“Toph!” You yelled throwing a small cushion at her face which surprisingly she caught with her hand.
“Um... Y/N? Did we miss something? Are you and Zuko...” Suki said looking at you expectantly.
“No! There’s not a me and Zuko, things are like they’ve always been, we’re friends, that’s it.” You responded exasperated
“But... you want to be more.” Katara added, it was more of a statement than a question.
“Ugh i don’t know.” You replied covering your face with your hands. “I mean yeah but it’s dumb and it’s not gonna happen, so no.”
“Well he did seem pretty concerned when you sprinted out of the dining room” She pointed out moving over to braid your hair. She liked to do that because she said it reminded her of when her mom used to do it to her.
“You didn’t tell us what happened today in your little trip” Toph interviened pushing you softly with her foot.
“Nothing, i think. I mean... at one point I think we were about to kiss? But then a guard interrupted us with the news of you guys being here so we had to leave.” You felt a heat take over your body as you remembered the moment when Zuko’s face had been only inches away from yours. “Oh and I kinda fell asleep on him on the way back and he hugged me to warm me up. That’s it”
“That’s it? Y/N you’re really dumb sometimes.” Toph said “If he almost kissed you and you were all cuddly in the carriage then there’s no way he doesn’t like you.”
“He called himself my ‘friend’ while we were eating, and you saw how he got when you said we were on a date. It’s like the idea of it it’s unbearable to him.” You sighed deeply as you felt Katara finishing up your braid. “I think the best thing I can do is get over it.”
“Don’t do something you’ll regret later, Y/N” Suki advised you as she put a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah...that’s what I’m trying to do.”
That night you had more fun than you remembered having in a long time. Gossiping about boys was first on your sleepover to-do list. You heard Suki complain about all the Southern Water tribe girls who would dwell over Sokka, and how he would be so oblivious about it, it could become so frustrating. “It’s like he doesn’t even notice how all this girls have their eyes glued to him when he tells stories about his travels and basically need a bucket to store all their drooling.” And Katara didn’t have much complaining to do on that area, she said she sometimes would catch girls looking at him in awe but honestly that’s how everyone looked at Aang, besides she was sure Aang was too busy to even pay attention to anyone other than her. Despite complaints about their boyfriends, the two girls seemed to be very happy.
You talked, laughed and ended up falling asleep cuddled together by the end of the night. You missed that, you really did.
But as all good things, it had to come to an end. The sun was rising on the horizon by the time you woke up and decided to go to the bathroom. With your eyes still half closed from the light, you didn’t even notice when you walked into Zuko. You felt his strong chest covered by his work attire and a pair of hands holding you so you wouldn’t trip.
“Y/N” he said surprised to see you. “Good morning.” Zuko smiled at the sight of your sleepy eyes and morning head.
“Hey” you greeted him back “working early?”
He put his hands down from your shoulders and back to his sides before answering “Yeah, actually. I want to get some things done before mid-day. I’m taking all of you to the market to find something to wear for the gala. I asked around and it sounds like Uncle went all out.”
“He’s getting here today right?”
“Later tonight, yeah” Zuko replied. You tried your best not to but it was impossible not getting lost in his eyes for just a second. You’d never noticed how bright they got in direct sunlight, it was like you could even see the golden and orange specks flying in his orbs, just like a wild burning flame. You couldn’t tell if you wanted this to happen so bad you imagined it or if it actually happened, but you could swear his eyes drifted down to your lips for a split second. He was the one break the silence again. “So um... wake the girls up and tell them to get ready, we’ll be on our way at mid-day.”
You were taken out of your trance and forced to answer. “Yeah, will do.” And with that the Fire lord was on his way back to his office and you were left standing alone, like you had many times before.
The market was filled with people that day. It was bigger than any market you’d ever been in before, it took up blocks upon blocks where sellers would set their carts or open their shops for costumers to come in. There was an entire street dedicated to clothing, so you and the girls decided to separate from the group to go into a store where Katara had seen a particularly nice dress, while they went off to find Zuko’s personal tailor who had a shop right around the corner.
You didn’t even take two steps into the store before Katara whined“Isn’t this the most beautiful thing you’ve seen?” Holding up an aqua marine dress against her.
“I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.” Said Toph, who was standing next to you.
“Ha ha, hilarious Toph”
“It’s really pretty Katara, I think it would look great on you.” intervened Suki looking at her and then turning around to look for one herself.
“I’ll go try it on.” She said walking to the back side of the store where you assumed the dressing rooms were.
You started to walk around trying to find something too, you liked shopping but you were never too good at deciding what would look best on you. A couple dresses caught your eye, but for all of them you ended up deciding they weren’t enough for the occasion. Your search came to an end when you heard Suki yell at you from somewhere in the store. “Y/N!! You need to see this right now!”
You followed the sound of her voice to the opposite end of the store to see her standing in front of a dress. Before she moved to the side to let you get a sight of it she said “You’re gonna love this.” The dress she picked was a long, puffy formal dress, it was mostly red from the bottom but as you looked up to the waist and chest it faded into a deep red and finally to black in the shoulders and sleeves. The neckline had a V shape that would show the shape of your breasts but still was formal and discrete enough to fit the occasion. The back was made out of a very thin lace fabric that would make it seem like the only thing laying on your skin were some black details simulating the shape of flames with some slight golden details on them. It really felt like the dress was made for you.
You were speechless for a couple seconds which Suki took as a hint of you loving it as much as she did. She started to push you to the dressing rooms saying “You need to try it on” until you finally were in one closing the curtain behind you. You thought it wouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to put it on, but in reality it took around ten. Because the dress was very wide and voluptuous, getting it no happened to be harder than it looked and you ended up needing to ask for help from one of the girls that worked in the store. When you finally got it on and looked at yourself you were sure that it was the one.
You were about to walk out when you heard a male’s voice outside the dressing room. “Y/N?” You recognized Zuko’s voice calling you “are you there?”
“Yeah im here.” Almost forgetting what you had on you walked right out to meet him. His eyes fell on you and widened instantly, he looked at you up and down not saying a thing for a good while before you asked “Well? Do you like it?”
“I-I um... yeah, you look... wow” he stuttered back not taking his eyes off of you. You hadn’t seen Zuko this nervous or stuttery since he first met you when he joined the gaang. It was sweet and it made your cheeks gain color once again.
“I’ll take that as a ‘I do like it’.” You chuckled a bit before asking “Where are the girls?”
“They um... they’re already out. It was getting a little crowded in here so they sent me in to look for you.”
“Oh, ok. I’ll take this off and then pay for it, I’ll be done in a second.” You said walking back into the dressing room. Taking it off was significantly easier to do that putting it on, thank the spirits.
Once you walked out Zuko was still waiting for you there. Right as you were about to go pay for the dress, you were sure you saw through the window a familiar face walking in front of the store. You pulled out a bag of coins and handed it to the boy standing next to you. “Zuko... do me a favor. Can you pay for the dress for me? I need to go outside really quick.”
He had a confused look on his face but nodded, taking the bag into one hand and holding the dress in the other. He saw you run outside while he was giving the coins to the old lady who owned the store, faintly listening while she said “She looks beautiful in it doesn’t she? You’re a lucky young man” If he had been paying his full attention, maybe he would’ve corrected her, but his eyes were glued on you. You had stopped a guy in the middle of the street who you looked at with awe and surprise. When he was finally done paying for the dress and the old lady was done packing it up, he walked out of the store only to find this guy holding your face in his hands really close to his, your hands rested on his neck as he approached you and gave you several kisses in your cheeks and forehead while you laughed. The final straw for him was when you raised your hand to his cheek, moving away a bunch of hair that barely covered his face. He was completely sure you were about to kiss him.
Zuko’s heart dropped and his vision turned red. He couldn’t stand looking at you anymore, so he walked up to Aang and the others faster than he meant to.
“Zuko. Are you ok?” Katara asked realizing how his deemeanor had changed.
“Fine. Give this to Y/N.” He ordered handing the dress to her. “I have business to attend at the palace, if you want you can stay and eat around here.”
And without waiting for a reply he took off walking furiously out of the market.
Tag list: @whalerus @galacticamidala @littleninjablake @katherinethedork @eridanuswave @mangoberry43 @taeeemin
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sorenskyhigh · 4 years
Ok... this boy in my school that I'm friends with and likes me can speak fucking Korean and it just does something to me. I keep telling myself that 2D boys are better than 3D boys but like I cannot help it (he is from fucking Ireland btw). Anyway, if you get where I'm going with this... Tendou, Aone, Kenma and a character of choice with a spouse who can speak a different language... be creative with the languages queen and go crazy. Also as a scenario :) THANKS BESTIE :)
Ooooo i love this! Yes! I gotchu! Need a reminder of the real good men, FICTIONAL
A s/o Who Speaks Another Language
Includes Tendou Satori, Aone Takanobu, Kozume Kenma, and of course my pick is gonna be Kuroo Tetsurou but just for fun I'm gonna throw in Hanamaki Takahiro
Tendou Satori
Satori loved being in France, the language, like any, was hard to learn. Still, he loved everything about the culture here. You being his language tutor was a big help as well.
Since most all of your conversations were in French, unless you were practicing your Japanese (you wanted to learn it for him), Satori never knew you were fairly fluent in Arabic.
Arabic is one of a few of the most spoken languages in France (next to French of course and contending with Spanish, German and couple of others), so a good many people could speak it but Satori had no idea you could.
The first time he heard you speak it when you were trying to give someone directions.
You both were lounging about in the grass in The Champ de Mars, the Eiffel Tower at your backs.
It was a day off for Satori and he wanted you both to have a fun lunch out. Satori and you had both worked and cooked up a lunch to take with you to eat out in the sunshine.
You both were munching on some food, his long arm around your waist as you leaned into him when a work friend of yours came up to you.
"Hey, y/n, can you give her directions? She's trying to find her hotel I think?"
"Sure," you said, before standing up and engaging her in conversation. Turns out she was trying to find the Pullman hotel, it was known for its great view of the Eiffel Tower.
She was an older women and had no idea how to use her maps on her phone.
You gave her some quick help before she was on her way. Your friend thanked you, telling you they had no idea what to do and were so glad they saw you.
With a goodbye you turned around to join Satori and his eyes were wide in cartoony shock. You chuckle a little.
"I didn't know you could speak, well I don't exactly know what language that was but, that was really amazing!" With that he jumped up and wrapped his arms around you , kissing the top of your head incessantly.
"Yeah, there were a lot of people at my old job that couldn't speak French very well so I learned Arabic to help them out."
"Arabic? Is that what that was?" He pulled away to look at you in excitement, his eyebrows shooting to the stars. His smile was wide and ever so slightly crooked.
"Yes," you barely get out through your giggling.
"You sounded so beutiful!" You could practically see the hearts in his eyes as he stared at you.
"Thank you, it's been awhile,-" Satori cut you off before you could dog yourself.
"Oh, my dear Paradise, as always you sound lovely. No matter the language."
He proceeded to quiet your protests of how shit your thought you were in Japanese with a rather passionate kiss.
He always surprised you with these in public. Satori wasn't shy to show affection in public, he just doesn't show it like this much.
You had to stop him when his long fingered and boney hands slowly wrapped themsleves around your ass cheeks.
Aone Takanobu
Nobu never said it, but he loved the German nicknames you gave him.
He truly loved a of them. Like when you call him your Liebling (darling) when you're asking for him to grab you something you can't reach. Then there's Schnucki when he does something cute or sweet, like when he got you something you had been wanting for a long time for your birthday.
All of these and the many more you use are great, but his favorite is when you call him your Knuddelbär. He melts when you refer to him as your cuddly bear.
You tended to use it when, obviously, you two were cuddling. Like tonight. You both were cuddled together in bed, his big, strong arms wrapped around you with his nose firmly planted onto the crown of your head, taking in your scent.
You had your face securely settled into his broad chest. His large heart beating and rumbling through your skull. It was relaxing.
Nobu liked feeling your smaller heart as well. He's such a big guy that, it didn't matter how big you were, he was bigger and absolutely loved it.
You were mostly asleep as you intook a large breath before sighing contentedly. You were barely able to get out a mumbled, "Knuddelbär," before completely passing out.
Nobu was officially awake, his face red as hell, and his mouth stretched into a massive smile as always. He sighed lightly into your scalp as he squeezed his eyes closed.
His arms wrapped around you a little tighter as it always did. His lips barely forming a kiss to place on your head.
Nobu knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for awhile. He just loved it too much.
Kozume Kenma
You played game with Kenma all the time. And he loved it. His absolute favorite thing is when you get angry and start angrily yelling.
You'd always revert to Filipino when you'd get angry. Kenma didn't like seeing you irritated or angry per se. But he did love see you get angry at video games. Of course he wanted to be happy and live happily and comfortably, but he always at the very least, cracked a smile when you'd start angrily yelling about who knows what when something happens in a game.
Like right now. There was a level you both were trying to get through. Kenna kept getting a little behind because he wanted all the extra stuff in the level. You on the other hand were trying to keep the bad guys off his back.
It was always in the same spot. Seven tries now, where you had died and had to restart the level. You were so angry that you kept making smaller and more ridiculous mistakes as you both went on.
Well you had a enough. It started out with gritted teeth mumbles as you about broke your controller from the grip you had on it.
Kenma told you to wait for him but that just angered you more. You wanted to get through this level. Honestly it wasn't even that. You wanted to destroy that mini boss.
The idea consumed your entire being. It needed to be destroyed or you wouldn't be able to sleep or rest.
So you charged forward and were taking it on on your own and, well, you were obliterated, once again.
Your hands shook as you death-grip clenched the controller. Your entire figure was shaking with rage. You were going to explode in three.......two.........one........
Now you were angrily yelling at the game and controller in Filipino. Kenma just sat there, too. Oh-so-calmly was he, with is controller in hand. His back slumped with terri ke posture as his lips lifted ever so slightly into a smile. He tried to hide it, he really did.
Kenma knew all too well what it was like to be in this situation. He had raged on camera definitely more than once for this very same reason.
But he just couldn't help it. You were all worked up and angrily pointing your finger at the screen after you had just as angrily thrown your controller on the couch.
Kenma stood up and very silently pinned your arms against your sides. He looked you straight in the eye for a moment. He liked to see you get angry, but he also knew when you should calm down and relax.
"Puddin'," he said very calmly and quietly. You stopped, smoke practically spewing from your ears. He simply wrapped his arms around you, still holding your arms down. You slowly lifted your arms as much as you could, and hugged him back.
He very lightly kissed you on your cheek before starting to rock you both back and forth. Nothing was said; nothing needed to be said.
Kuroo Tetsurou
Tetsu loved hearing you speak Spanish. He loved learning about the difference in the Spanish spoken in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and all the others.
You knew so much about the history of the language and how the culture in each country would change that slang so much. He loved when you would go on long tangents about it.
Tetsu especially loved when you sang in Spanish. His absolute favorite thing is when he get home from work absolutely exhausted and he hears you singing away as you're cleaning, making dinner, in the tub, or whatever it is that you're doing.
For example, on this particular evening, you were taking a much needed soak in the tub. Lovely smelling soaps and a couple of candles to give a nice dim light for a nice calm vibe.
Bubbles tickled your chin as you sang away. The noise echoing slightly against the walls around you. It didn't matter whether you had a magnificent voice, an average one, or a terrible one. You were just enjoying the moment.
You heard the front door handle jangle and knew Tetsu was home. You continued to sing as you heard the door open and close. The shuffle of him replacing his shoes with house slippers skitter down the hall to you.
You hear him coming closer, dropping his suitcase and then haphazardly throwing his suit jacket, more than likely on the back of the couch.
You continued to sing as his steps got closer. Then you heard a shuffle at the doorway. You opened your eyes and looked. There stood Kuroo Tetsurou, his black button up shirt stressed across his chest, his tie dangling around his neck.
He stood against the door frame, eyes closed as he listened to you. His eyes looked tired, the same as his small smile.
You continued to sing. You sang and sang until the end of the song. At the end, Tetsu smiled so happily. He opened his hazel/yellow eye to look at you. His smile quirked into a smirk as he took some tired and lazy steps towards you.
He sat himself on the edge of the tub. "Mmmmmm, my Spanish Siren. Trying to sing me a song to pull me under the depths to have her way with me, then leave my carcass for the sharks." He snorted a little at the end as he gave slow loving strokes to your cheek.
You hmmed in satisfaction before oh so calmly saying," Like this?" With that you grabbed his arm and caught him by surprise, making it easy to tug him into the full tub, water splashing out onto the tiled floors. His loud, raucous laughter as well as yours rang throughout your home.
Hanamaki Takahiro
You are his baby, his sweetheart, his lovely. Hiro loved you so much. Everything about you just amazed him. One of the many things that just amazed him, was how you sounded speaking Italian.
The first time he heard you, he was blown away. Your voice was so sexy, not that it wasn't when you spoke Japanese. There was just something about it though that he found incredible.
Hiro would urge you constantly to speak in Italian and even teach him a little. You spoke it so much that he, naturally, picked things up.
He always tells you that him speaking Italian just did not have the same ring to it as you.
"See, you've almost got it. Camera de letto. Try again." You say. Hiro had been wanting to learn how to say bedroom in Italian. He was having some troubles but he was surprisingly good with learning it though.
He sighed in slight defeat. "I just can't do it like you do, la mia gioia." He loved referring to you as is 'joy' but in Italian.
"Please, just one more time," you encourage him.
"I think i need a little incentive, la mia gioia," he looked at you with a small sly smirk.
You sigh before turning to him, "Quindi vuoi incentivi? Che ne dici se smetto di aiutarti?" (So you want incentives? How about if I stop helping you?)
"Oh, you sound so sexy," you cut him off with a loud laugh.
Im sorry it took so long to get this out! I've been feeling a little better and have been having actual ambition to write and wanted to do my best! Thank you as always for sending in an ask!!
@kneecapstealingalien @multifandombrainrot @vaniatslover @popcorntime-doodles @i-need-coffee-now-pls @jiheonity @shadowsbutdead @goshikisimp @anothershadeofpink @mestayanon @ghostexhibit @smallmangi @thatfunnysprout @backalley-astrologer @itsallgonnabokayihope @g00s3 @boreateo @weareallhumans123 @lil-mellow-bunbun @strawberrymakki @beelziee @mehreenackerman @taiyahhh @sakusasgerm @cr4z3d-cl0wn @detective-lazy @mainnews32 @turtletris2tumble @oshun22 @syirahtorizawa @wouldsimply31 @sadisticbelle @queenkaye33 @h3nta1t0ast3r
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