#I think it's kinda funny both minor characters I chose for this are directly linked to Yuzu
purpleleafsyt · 1 year
24, 8 and 9 (yugioh ask meme)
24 - Unpopular Opinion
I said in this ask that one of my favorite arcs of all time is the Synchro arc, which kinda bleeds into this question.
I don't think the Synchro arc is as bad as the fandom makes it out to be.
It's where a lot of my problems start to pop up about the show sure, but it's such a necessary arc for so many characters. There are few episodes you can take out that wouldn't greatly impact something about the plot, especially once you hit the Friendship Cup.
And honestly? I don't think it's that badly paced either. It's certainly a long arc, but it never felt like it was wasting my time, y'know?
9 - Favorite Minor Character
I have two answers for this! One is slightly generic and predictable and one very much isn't
I love Masumi. She's interesting and driven and could've gone so much further. I'm one of those people that think it could've been interesting if she was a Lancer, and I really enjoyed her rivalry with Yuzu, and the fact that Masumi motivated her to be better
Also her dynamic with Hokuto and Yaiba was really funny
As for the less expected answer, it's another one of Yuzu's rivals! Mikiyo Naname!!
She appears for like a total of three episodes but I really like her design, I adore designs that look butterfly/fairy-like and she certainly has that!
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8 - Favorite Antagonist/Villain
Ohhh this is easy, I really like Yuri.
He isn't nearly as developed as some other antagonists, and had a completely off screen redemption, but he was an absolute treat every time he was on screen
Also, I'm always drawn to characters with a lot of potential, and he certainly has it. I like creating my own stories revolving around random scenarios and dynamics hehe
I also really enjoy his design!! Even if he's wearing an onsie.
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