#I think of the first detective event Herb really wanted to meet Phantom Bleu
asavt · 3 years
Cookie Squad Headcanons part 3
Featuring a bit of Angel, more bar gays, Chestnut appreciation, City of Wizards and Future! Headcanons.
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-Before departing ways, Angel gave Madeleine one of their feathers, something like a gift to keep light with him if he ever needs it. The feather still glows gently, and Madeleine keeps it as a lucky charm, in one of these necklaces— I’ll better just show:
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-Roguefort knows French, might not speak it all the time, but they do know. Almond understands some of it, does not speak it. Latte started picking it up from what Roguefort would say sometimes.
-There has been times where Sparkling wouldn’t be at the bar, either needing a rest, having an event somewhere else, or something else. In times like those he usually leaves the bar in charge of Mint or Herb, Vampire is always in there too. There have been a few instances where this lead to Roguefort meeting one or both of them. Herb is happy. Mint is wary. Vampire is holding his laugh.
-Walnut is good friends with Chestnut and Pudding too. Almond often looks after Chestnut whenever he goes around. Chestnut is usually seen around delivering newspapers on his bike with Pudding sitting behind in the dockable trolley. The rest of the group know them both too.
-*They also know Creampuff, Chestnut will ask her about the city of wizards and any other interesting things she has read in any books. Creampuff will happily tell him.
-*Latte knows those kids too, and the rest of the pudding sibs too. She is naturally good with children it seems.
-*Chestnut and Pudding are both a bit intimidated by Espresso as first like many other people. Essy isn’t sure what to do with their excitement when he tells them that yes, he’s been in other places, towns, cities. Luckily, Madeleine is there to help a little with that (Chestnut would ask so many questions about their travels I think).
-*There was one chance where Roguefort (As Phantom Bleu) was escaping from whoever was chasing after them that night, hid behind some wall and was meet with two pairs of big fucking eyes looking at them surprised and excited. Rogue had to hush Chestnut and Pudding (wondering what were those two doing out so late at night), wait a little to get out of their hiding spot and take the kids with them somewhere close to a police officer (or Almond if he happens to be around) so they can be taken home. Outside the thief job? Rogue has seen the kids pass by his workshop many times, sometimes they will have some candy out for them for when Chestnut goes by to deliver newspaper.
-Roguefort baby-talks Lord Crumbles, and will spoil the other cats if given the chance.
-Roguefort and Madeleine: *Become besties*
Espresso: Oh god there’s two of them—
-Espresso has used Latte’s spoon a few times. He doesn’t really needs it to perform magic, but he is rather good with it (and just as terrifying as her).
-Because Essy has sometimes lifted Madeleine off the ground and carried him floating, Almond showed curiosity of how many people he could carry with magic aid.
He managed to have both Madeleine and Latte in his arms, Walnut on his shoulders, Almond and Roguefort hanging off his feet and Creampuff begin carried by Almond.
He was a bit tired after that, but it was a fun experiment with the rest of the squad.
-Creampuff has talked about the City of Wizards many times, as she has been there before coming to Parfaedia and entering the academy. She will often talk about this old man that reads other cookie’s fortune (and that Almond has meet before “Creampuff don’t belive everything that guy says he is a swindler”), a woman that is forever bound to a library, that might seem a bit cold on the outside but that is actually very gentle towards the rest of the magic wielders that go visit her, another young mage, one that Espresso and Madeleine have meet (Creampuff is surprised to know that he has left the City of Wizards, and wonders if he will ever go by Parfaedia), a magician that, although he might not seem like a real mage at first glance, he is deftly blessed by the moon, and the moonlight itself, a meeting that was short and (in Creampuff’s mind) very lucky.
-*Creampuff never got to explore all the city. She was told by the moonlight that there was a place where she could learn magic. It was a bit sad, but the she told her she was always welcome back in the City.
-*The adults tend to forget that she has traveled a lot before coming to Parfaedia, often begin surprised when Creampuff talks about the City out of what she has read in books.
-*Creampuff made the promise to Walnut to take her to the City one day. She misses the place a little, and those she meet there, too.
Future - Walnut and Creampuff (it’s what I have)
-During this time, Walnut already knows Roguefort’s secret (the full thief thing). Something I’ll maybe talk about in another post
-Creampuff starts learning black magic from the belief that it can be used for good if used correctly. Someone has to research on it, right
-After Creampuff disappears, all the group is, silently, looking for her, in their own ways. Even Sparkling and Vampire get a bit worried about it and do their own part.
-*Maybe Latte is the most worried of all. She cares for her a lot after all.
Maybe she is the only one who has an idea of why she got apart, both her and Creampuff had talked about before after all.
-Walnut is often helped by a mysterious figure in some investigations. Sometimes information on suspects, given inside papers and letters that often are adorned with a feather, or protected by this person, they are never standing where the light can hit them (whatever it is artificial or the moon’s). Once Walnut manages to catch a glimpse of white hair and an owl’s hoot is that she starts to connect the dots (and she mentally slaps herself for not noticing sooner). They did have a promise to become partners once they grew up after all.
-Creampuff eventually comes out from the shadows. In a rather hard situation where all the group got in trouble, no one else but them get to see her. They are all surprised to see how much she changed since the last time they saw her.
-*They never get to get to her though, she escapes before they can say anything (and the only words from her were a soft “I’m sorry”)
-There are mixed opinions. None of them can be really angry at her, especially after hearing what Latte knew of Creampuff’s interest in black magic (The latte mage is wary of it, but trusts her student).
-There are a few encounters between the group and Creampuff, never all at the same time like the first time they get to see her.
-*With Almond and Latte there’s a part of conflict, both teachers are a bit hurt of seeing her like that. But they still see the same gentle student (now a true mage) they know. (Almond still isn’t sure what to think, Latte can only hope for the best).
-*With Espresso and Madeleine there’s a talk, both asking her a few things, Creampuff answering. In the end, Puff tells them that she doesn’t understand why others confused (and still do) coffee magic with black magic.
-*With Roguefort is at the bar, late at night and with also the presence of Sparkling and Vampire as well. The lights dimmed a bit when she got in, as to keep other eyes out. Their talk was short, and by far the most peaceful of all.
-*She sees Walnut the most. The detective always telling her it was ok to go back with them, and the mage wondering if she really meant those words (She is scared, still unsure of what others think).
-Walnut eventually gets to her. A big case showing up, multiple magic creatures appearing, a big rift in the sky (yet again), the M.E.H. getting involved, the rest of the group helping out.
No one knows why the rift opened this time. There are people pointing guilty at the mysterious figure (Creampuff). Some of the group takes it as a possibility, but in the end they all decide to stand by Puff’s side. Even if it was an accident, she wouldn’t want to hurt others, they know her and by the little interactions they had they can tell. She is still gentle and kind.
Creampuff is the one who closes the rift in the end, with Walnut by her side, telling her that she wouldn’t allow anyone to get her apart from the group.
-She does go back with the group in the end :)
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