#I should draw the cookies I mentioned at some point
steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
i wanna be your sin
for @subeddieweek day five with the prompts rimming and possessive steve
rated e | 2,473 words | please check ao3 for tags
Day one:  ao3 | tumblr Day two: ao3 | tumblr Day three: ao3 | tumblr Day four: ao3 | tumblr
If being friends with Steve was easy, being loved by him was a piece of cake.
It would probably scare someone else, the way Steve loved. He gave everything, more than what Eddie felt he deserved. It was overwhelming at times, to be the focal point of all of Steve’s affection.
He showed up at Eddie’s house with flowers before their first date. And their second. And for their third, he brought him homemade cookies.
Fucking homemade cookies.
And every single time, he acted like it brightened his day to be able to provide these things to Eddie. Like if he couldn’t bring him flowers or cookies or kiss him or hold him, he’d crumble into a million pieces and cease to exist.
It was easy to love him back, too.
To play with his fingers in the car and lean his head on his shoulder, to get lost in the time they spent together until Wayne was opening the door to the trailer with his knowing smile and wave as Steve just waved back from his spot on the couch holding Eddie’s hand.
They weren’t stupid, though.
Their dates were usually places where two young guys could be caught hanging out without drawing suspicion, even if those two guys happened to be Eddie and Steve. If it wasn’t the diner or the bowling alley, or even the record store Steve had taken him to on their first date, they were in secret hiding spots around Hawkins, spending every moment they could giving in to temptation.
But sometimes they ventured outside their comfort zone.
Steve was Dustin’s chauffeur from Hellfire Club since his mom’s promotion that led her to working much later during the week.
They hadn’t exactly told anyone about what they were to each other, had barely even mentioned they were friends to anyone other than Robin, but Steve was insistent that no one would think anything if he just…hung out during Hellfire.
Eddie didn’t really have the heart to tell him that every single person in the room would be highly suspicious of anyone being allowed to stay and watch as Eddie had always been incredibly protective of their space and never let anyone watch who wasn’t inducted into Hellfire.
Steve sat in the corner of the room, only receiving a few concerned looks from the group at first. Most of the confusion was directed at Eddie.
When they took their usual five minute bathroom break, Gareth pulled him aside and questioned him.
“Dude. The hell.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “What?”
“Harrington? I know he’s Dustin’s second mom or whatever, but is it really necessary for him to be here? Doesn’t he have a job or something?” Gareth glanced over at Steve, who was looking back at both of them with a fire in his eyes.
Eddie ignored the way that look made him feel and crossed his arms over his chest, raising a brow at Gareth.
“Isn’t the point of Hellfire to welcome the lost sheep? No judgment?”
“Yeah, but-”
“And wouldn’t you think it rude to assume Steve doesn’t deserve to have some friends?”
“But he-”
“Everything okay over here?” Steve’s voice was right next to Eddie’s ear, and his hand was on his hip, squeezing.
Eddie’s mouth snapped closed, eyes widening as he watched Gareth’s gaze drop to where Steve was touching him and back up to Eddie’s face.
“Yeah, man. Just checking in on our friend, here,” Gareth gave Steve a fake smile before turning and walking away.
Steve’s hand didn’t drop and Eddie was certain that if he didn’t move in the next 10 seconds, they’d have a lot of explaining to do that Steve probably wasn’t ready for.
“Was he bothering you?” Steve asked, his face a mask of friendliness.
“Gareth? My best friend for three years? He always bothers me, but it’s nothing like that.” Eddie tapped Steve’s hand as a reminder that he should probably move it, but he just tightened his grip. “Um, you okay?”
Steve’s breath was warm against his jaw as he leaned in close to whisper in Eddie’s ear. “I’m great, sweet boy.”
The reaction was instant. And really fucking inconvenient.
Hearing those words from Steve now, when he still had an hour of a campaign to run, with children making their way back to the table, was enough to make him call it all off.
Fuck Hellfire. He needed Steve to fuck him.
Steve patted his ass twice before walking away, smiling to himself as he went back to his seat to watch Eddie deal with this sudden need to have Steve.
And then he just…carried on. Like it was nothing to have Steve’s hand on him one minute, his voice against his ear, and then go back to being the big, bad DM the next. He was a pretty good actor, but even he had his limits when Steve’s eyes were on him.
Even he could tell he was a little off after the break, and the knowing looks from Gareth and confused looks from the rest of them just emphasized how much he needed to get his shit together. This was his best campaign ever, and he knew he needed to roll into Christmas break with a cliffhanger that made everyone desperate to get back.
Steve watched the clock, then looked at Eddie, watching him fondly, but with a certain hunger in his eyes that was nowhere near appropriate for others to see.
“And as you crawl your way under the fence, mud and sweat coating your skin, you see a faint light coming towards you from a distance. Your entire group freezes and waits to see if you’ve been found. You breathe slowly, just enough to not pass out. The light gets closer.” Eddie stands from his chair, leaning over the table to blow out the candle. “The candle goes out. A voice yells down to you. ‘Come at once or die.’”
Eddie sits back in his chair and folds his hand across his stomach, waiting for the table to catch up that he was done.
“That can’t be it!” Lucas yelled.
“Eddie, you said you weren’t gonna end it on a cliffhanger!” Mike pouted.
“I never said such a thing and if I ever did, you should’ve known I was lying.” Eddie stood again, folding his DM notes up and picking up his personal minifigures to store in his bag. “We’ll pick up the first week back in the new year. Everyone go home and enjoy Christmas because there’s a chance some of you may perish on your journey here.”
Everyone grumbled except for Gareth, who was oddly quiet as they all cleaned up their own character sheets and minifigures. He kept glancing between Steve and Eddie, brows furrowed, like if he concentrated hard enough, something would make more sense to him.
Steve stood as the older kids filed out, driving themselves home or hitching rides with each other. Nancy was already outside waiting for Mike and Lucas, so they rushed out of the room, barely saying goodbye.
Dustin didn’t seem to notice or care that Steve and Eddie were staring at each other, that Eddie’s hands were practically shaking with anticipation for what was coming. Hopefully, he would be.
“Oh, mom told me to tell you that she made extra of that casserole you like so you can bring some back home with you when you drop me off,” he said as he finished packing up his bag.
“Sounds good, dude,” Steve said, not taking his eyes from Eddie.
Eddie could feel his face flushing, wondered how he could get Steve out of there before he did something stupid like kiss him in front of their shared child.
“You guys gonna kill each other or make out?” Dustin asked, not really looking at either of them, standing by the door to leave. “If you’re done, I have a curfew to make whether my mom’s home or not.”
Steve tossed Dustin his keys. “Wait for me. I’ll just be a minute. And I’ll know if you try to start her. Passenger seat only.”
Dustin knew better than to argue when it came to Steve’s car, so he nodded once and booked it from the room.
The moment they heard the main door to the auditorium slam shut, Steve was on him, pushing him back in his seat and looming over him with a deadly smile.
Eddie’s cock was straining against his jeans, rubbing against the zipper in a way that felt too good for him to be in public, especially when he knew Steve wasn’t gonna do anything about it.
“Unbutton your pants.”
Steve’s tone was cool, but Eddie knew him well enough to hear how much he was struggling to maintain composure.
What had he done to make Steve want him like this? Now?
“Here?” Eddie asked, looking around the room.
Steve’s hand cupped his jaw and turned it back to face him.
Eddie knew when to be a brat and now was not it.
He unbuttoned his pants with shaking hands, letting his cock feel a single moment of relief before Steve’s grip around it was rough, nearly too hard to feel good.
“Pull them down.”
“Now. Unless you wanna stop. You know what to say if you do.”
Obviously, Eddie wasn’t going to stop. He trusted Steve, he trusted that Steve would never put him in any danger, and if Steve felt safe enough to do this here and now, then Eddie could let him have what he needed.
Eddie tugged his pants and boxers down to his thighs. He ignored the twinge in his back at the uncomfortable angle, focusing on Steve’s eyes on him, his teeth digging into his bottom lip as he watched Eddie fumble.
“Turn around. On your knees.”
Eddie turned around, got on his knees.
“Lean forward.”
Eddie leaned forward.
Steve dropped to his knees and gripped Eddie’s hips. His nose brushed against the tail of his spine, breath leaving pinpricks of moisture behind. Or was that sweat? Had it gotten hotter in here?
“What if Dustin comes back in?”
“He won’t. He never has free access to my car.” Steve’s lips brushed against his skin, and Eddie realized just before it happened what Steve’s plan was.
Steve’s tongue trailed down the crack of his ass, hot and wet, spit mixing with the beginnings of sweat from his two hours of excitement. He’d showered that morning, but that morning was a long time ago.
He tried not to tense his body or pull away, but Steve noticed everything.
“Eds, color.” Steve was giving him enough space to think, to concentrate on an answer. They weren’t really playing in that space, but it was an easy way for Eddie to figure out if he actually wanted to keep going regardless of them taking on their roles or him floating into space.
“Um. Yellow,” he admitted quietly. He so rarely said anything besides green, and usually only when he was incredibly overwhelmed, so Steve immediately stood up and walked in front of him.
“What’s got you worried, love?” Steve cupped his face in his hands, making him forget momentarily that his bare ass was out for anyone to walk in and see.
“I’m not really clean? And, um, I don’t really know if I can get off with just that in only a few minutes,” Eddie didn’t break eye contact. He knew Steve liked when he looked at him while he talked through this stuff. It made him proud.
“Oh, sweet boy. I don’t need you to smell like roses to wanna get my mouth all over you,” Steve kissed his forehead. “But if it makes you uncomfortable, we can continue it later once you’ve showered. Or not at all. But I will say I had no intention of getting you off here.”
“But. You were gonna eat me out?”
“Yeah for a couple minutes. Get you worked up. Remind you that you belong to me, that you’re mine no matter who else gets to share your time.”
Steve was going to torture him, then. Why was that making him sweat more?
“You’re mine, baby. I get to make you feel good because it’s my job to take care of you.”
“Relax, sweet boy. I’ve got you.”
Eddie knew he did, so he let his forehead fall, resting against his arms folded over the back of his fake throne. There was something to be said about being worshiped here, something about being on his knees while holding all the power, but he was already too distracted by Steve’s hands pulling his cheeks apart to lick at his entrance to care.
Steve was good with his mouth and it was all too easy to get lost in the feeling of his tongue circling him, pushing past his rim every few swipes and making him rush to stifle a moan.
Just when Eddie started to feel like he needed a hand on him, Steve’s tongue disappeared.
Eddie shivered.
Steve’s hand ran up and down his back, but no other touch came, no words of comfort.
Eddie could hear rolling thunder in the distance and remembered Wayne saying something about getting home before it was supposed to storm tonight.
Might be too late for that now.
He could blame Steve.
Steve pulled his hand away and tugged his pants up for him, nearly knocking him over in his haste to get them in place and buttoned.
“Be good for me, sweet boy. I want you to finish up here and get home before it starts raining. I’ll be there when I drop Dustin off to take care of you,” Steve kissed his temple and started walking away.
“Wait!” Eddie got off the chair and rushed over to Steve, doing his best to ignore the wet, slippery feeling that Steve left behind. “Wayne’s gonna be home by midnight. You won’t be long?”
Steve shook his head, coming back to give him a quick peck on the lips. “Just gotta run in and make sure he heats up his dinner or he’ll forget. I’ll head straight over after that. Promise.”
Eddie nodded and watched as Steve walked out the door.
Thunder rolled again, still far enough away for him to be able to get to his van and get home.
He rushed through shutting off the lights, only leaving the security light on for the janitor when they got there first thing in the morning, throwing his bag over his shoulder and running to his van.
It was dark, but Eddie could still see the heavy clouds rolling in.
He unlocked his van, hopped into the driver’s seat, and turned the key.
He tried again.
Raindrops fell on the windshield and Eddie felt like crying.
Day six: ao3 | tumblr
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starlitmark · 1 year
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Summary: You’ve been hooking up with and hanging out with San and Seonghwa for a bit now. You’re tired of the lack of labels, though.
Pairing: dragon!Seonghwa x fem bunny!reader x dragon!San
Tropes: hybrid au
Genre: fluff, angst, (barely) suggestive
Rating: PG 13
Warnings: emotional breakdown, arguments, suggestive comments, y/n has blue eyes due to being a rabbit
Word Count: 1,616
Note: Look forward to more of this! @sanjoongie and I have created a whole universe about these hybrids!!
Cotton Tails & Simmering Fires Masterlist
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It’s become common for you to sit on the couch between two dragon hybrids. It should be weird, considering you’re a bunny, but here you are. You hadn’t really sat down and thought about it too deeply yet. The way you met them was odd. First, you were out of your safe space, but now here you are, and now you’ve been hooking up with both of them together and individually for a few weeks now. You’re tucked under San’s arm, wearing one of his shirts, and watching some random sitcom. Your legs are resting in Seonghwa’s lap, his finger drawing random patterns on the bare skin of your leg. The mixture of San’s sea breeze scent and Seonghwa’s strawberry jam is oddly comforting.
You watch as Yeosang walks through the living room to the kitchen. Truth be told, you smelled him before you saw him. His peppermint scent cut through the air more aggressively than some others, though it wasn’t unwelcome. He looks you up and down, not a care for his friends being tangled with you right now. His electric green eyes draw you into his gaze.
“I might have to try you out for myself, hops. Damn, your legs look so nice bare like that.”
You know your scent heightens a bit, even gets a tad sweeter. The two dragons cuddling with you notice too. Seonghwa snarls under his breath. His electric blue eyes almost glow brighter as his slitted pupils become thinner. Icy shards building just beneath the surface of his fingertips. And if that wasn’t enough, his typically sweet scent goes extremely sour to the point your nose crinkles. San is in no better state. Smoke puffs from between his lips as he attempts to hold back from burning Yeosang to a crisp right then and there. They had no right to be jealous, though, none at all. You throw your legs off Seonghwa and remove San’s arm around you. Then, making your way over to the green-eyed dragon, you look up at him with your big blue doe eyes.
“Maybe,” you start, rocking on your heels, “maybe I’ll take you up on that offer.”
“No, you won’t.” Seonghwa deadpans.
“Remember what we told you?” San adds.
You see red, and your typically sweet sugar cookie scent burns out of pure anger.
“You don’t fucking own me. We aren’t dating, and I’m not your property. I knew you dragon hybrids were territorial walking into whatever the fuck this is, but that is no excuse to be an asshole.”
You don’t even give them a chance to respond to you. You lock yourself in San’s room as you change and don’t allow them to explain themselves when you leave. Your mind is a flurry of emotions and thoughts as you navigate your way back to your hollow. You texted a member of your fluffle that you were on your way back. She was more than ready to hear whatever you had to rant about. She was one of the best listeners you know. That being said, she’s also the worst enabler you know too.
“You don’t understand!” you exclaim as you pace through your room.
“You’re right. I don’t.” your fluffle-mate chuckles from your desk chair.
“They’re fine with sharing with each other. Hell, they even mentioned that they would probably share me with the rest of their thunder and-”
“Woah, woah, woah… they said what?”
“That they’d share me. Now, keep up-”
“You’re telling me,” she sighs, “You’re telling me that they told you they were going to share you and then decided to get jealous ‘cause of a comment one of their thunder members made? You realize how hypocritical that is?”
You’re about to respond, but there’s a knock at your door. The scent of someone uncomfortable or fearful of something accompanies it. You turn the worn nob on the dark wood of your bedroom door to see one of the slightly younger fluffle members practically shaking in front of you.
“Are you o-”
“T-there are two dragon h-h-hybrids outside the house, and I just wanted to warn you guys.”
Your eyebrows furrow, “Two? What do they look like?”
“I didn’t stick around long, but they both have kinda long black hair… I think the one had his hair in a ponytail. T-the one had really scary neon blue eyes, and the other’s eyes looked almost white. They were so pale… I didn’t like how they seemed.” she admits.
“Did you see what color their tails or any scales were?” you pry further.
“Black… and really shiny purple, I think… it might’ve been dark blue.”
“Fuck,” you curse under your breath, “I appreciate you telling me.”
She nods, scurries to her room quickly, and shuts the door tightly. You close your door much more gently and turn to face your friend. She’s already giving you a knowing look. She knows what you’re about to say.
“I guess I’d better go ta-”
“Yeah, yeah,” she waves you off, “go talk to those emotionally constipated dragon boys of yours.”
You’re dreading walking outside your home. Not because you’re scared of them; that’s far from the case. You simply do not want to interact with them right now. You trudge your way out of the home to see both boys standing at the edge of the front lawn. They look horribly out of place. Both of them are dressed in dark colors; San has a chain on his hip yet again. Seonghwa decided to have all his piercings in and use the most obnoxious dangling ones in his ears. As you approach the duo, you notice how Seonghwa’s pupils widen, and his strawberry jam scent sweetens upon seeing you. That, at least, is a comforting feeling.
“What do you want?” you ask with a bite in your tone.
“We want to talk.” San replies shortly, his salty scent growing even saltier somehow.
“What he means is, we fucked up, and we want to talk things out with you.”
You sigh annoyedly, “You have 10 minutes.”
You think for a moment about taking them back inside your home. You decide against it, though, since you know some of your fluffle are uncomfortable with their presence outside the house as it is. You plop down on the grass, and they follow suit. There’s a small patch of wildflowers right beside you that occupies your attention. You delicately fiddle with the petals of a vibrantly purple one before Seonghwa takes your hand in his. The gesture makes you look up from the flower and the sight you see you’ve never been privy to before. Seonghwa’s eyes are lightly brimmed with tears. His slitted pupils are narrow again, and you swear that the scales framing his face are paler, with little bits of mist coming from beneath them. His scent becomes subdued slightly as well.
“Hops,” he sighs, “I’m so fucking sorry. We had no right-” he lets out a shaky breath, “We had no right to be territorial over you when we aren’t dating.”
“Yeah, sorry we didn’t account for your feelings.” San adds.
San seems far more apathetic about the entire situation. It pisses you off. Seonghwa, you know, is being genuine. He’s told you before that he doesn’t often cry, so to see him on the verge of tears now shows the authenticity of his emotions.
“Don’t you have any remorse, San?” you bite, and the scent of burning sugar returns to the air.
You have no room for being gentle or kind right now. You’re angry; how, after what happened, could he be so nonchalant about it still?
“Excuse me?” the younger dragon asks.
You can see the flames burning below his fingertips, searing the grass below him. His already sharp, salty scent grows even more intense. Now you’re fearful. You know he wouldn’t hurt you, but your natural flight tendencies are screaming at you to bolt away. So instead, you watch as Seonghwa places his hand on San’s and instantly cools his hand.
“You know we’re not great with the whole emotion thing. San doesn’t apologize. So the fact that he’s apologizing to you is huge.”
“I kinda love you.” San says quietly, sniffling slightly while his scent dulls to a post-storm kind of sea scent.
You look at the purple-scaled dragon and see he’s not looking at you. Small puffs of smoke are coming from his nostrils, and his silver eyes are nearly metallic. He’s crying. You find yourself tossing yourself into his arms and wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands instantly reach your waist and hold you against him. He cries into your shoulder as he holds you in his lap. Seonghwa runs his hand over your fluffy white ear and soothes you. You hadn’t even noticed you were crying until Seonghwa ran one of his fingers against your cheek, catching a stray tear.
"I can't believe that you want me. Both of you. Actually wanting me, not just my body." you half joke.
You hear a chuckle rumble through San’s chest at your comment.
"Well, you're good company. You and your body." he teases back, earning him a gentle smack to his shoulder.
“Should we go back to the lair then?” Seonghwa asks softly.
“I’d like that.” you respond, voice muffled by San’s shirt.
“We have a lot to make up for. We’re doing everything and anything you want for the next week.” Seonghwa chuckles sweetly
“Some of us have work to do.” San replies. You hold him tighter, “I mean, I’m sure that my secretary can handle the paperwork for a few days. We need to spend a whole lot of time with our precious girlfriend.”
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted. 
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @kwritersworld @k-vanity
Tag List: @jaehunnyy @brattybunfornct @roseforseonghwa @spiderrenjunfics @umbralhelwolf @ericssmile @honeyhuii @tarutarumilk
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fluffymaxsworld · 8 months
“seven days”
model!simonriley x normie!reader
[simon is a model, you’re the typical sweet girl, no smut (but planned), enemies to lovers, mutual attraction, orphanage, mention of christianity, ghost can’t basically socialize poor boy :(]
[not proof read, i’m sorry for grammar mistakes, i’m not english :))]
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“If you want to improve your situation you have to take part in this volunteer project” simon riley’s manager handed him a voucher, “It’s a week-a-week job at an orphanage in a small town”
“one week should be easy” he said, “sign me up”
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simon riley, world famous model, finally arrived at the orphanage.
lately rumors began to spread about his deep hate for children, which was half true, he wouldn’t lie, but still a bad thing for his public image.
“you should be simon, come in” a old woman greeted him, smiling weakly.
now i get why they need help, he thought.
“i’m really happy another young man has decided to help us”
another? there are other people?
“it’s such a pleasure being here, mrs…?”
“oh, sarah is fine” she began to walk towards a small, cozy room. “this is where you’ll sleep for the next few days, get comfortable!”
“thank you sarah” he smiled and dropped his suitcase on the floor, “i’ll make sure to be as quick as possible to start today”
“what a kind guy!” she said, leaving him alone in the room.
he took a glance around. it was quite different from the hotel rooms he was used to, the sunlight hitting the walls and the beds… beds?!
he didn’t noticed that there were another pair of bags on the floor, a deep shade of pink and some feminine clothes dropping out of them. one of the bed was done, light blue sheets and soft pillows. someone was going to sleep with him.
he sighed, taking out his black surgical mask (to avoid paparazzi during the whole day, his manager said) and putting it on his face, half of it now well covered.
after doing his bed and preparing the last things, he walked into the common space full of lively children and a sweet scent of baked cookies, something he missed a lot. he noticed a couple of women and men around his age helping the kids or playing with them. he sat on a chair, looking around for something to do.
a small hand reached his arm touching his hard muscles.
“are you new??” a cute voice coming out of a small kid, six years old maybe.
“i am kiddo” he replied, “what’s yer name?”
“alex!!” he smiled, “and that’s my best friend!”
he pointed at a 20 years old girl that was wearing a cute yellow dress full of sunflowers, smiling sweetly at some children that were drawing on a piece of paper. you.
“she’s the best ever! i love her so much!” the kid interrupted his thoughts, gripping his arm gently.
“alex! come back here!” your even sweeter voice called out the kid who immediately, still holding simon’s arm, ran towards you.
“hey hey, look who i found! he’s new!” alex said, smiling almost proud of his new friend.
“hello, simon riley”
“simon riley? the model?” you asked bluntly, your soft expression hardening at the thought of more problems, “what are you here for, money or something? we definitely don’t need any trouble”
“girl, relax. i wanted to help, that’s all.” he replied, getting quite annoyed by the same girl he found nearly attractive a few seconds before.
“a model? that wants to help? oh please, do you think i’m stupid?” you grunted.
“what’s your problem, girl. s’not like i’ve brought wit’ me paparazzi and fangirls”
“your stupid fangirls. how can people like celebrities they never met…” you mumbled, almost to yourself.
“i can hear you.” he groaned, “and i even thought you were sweet”
“the fu-” you covered your mouth before cursing in front of the kids, “i don’t wanna talk to you, so please leave me alone”
“tsk, s’not like i wanted to talk to ya” and with this, he walked away.
liar. he wanted to talk to you. so damn much.
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lunch time. simon talked to a few guys working there that told him about how the days works and the breaks.
“you’ll choose a table for the whole week, unfortunately you can’t change it.” they explained.
simon took his food, a warm soup with a side of chicken, and sat on a half empty table.
he had small talks with the guys sitting there when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“what are you doing here?” your voice broke the silence in his mind.
“eating?” he replied, almost sarcastically.
“eating, here?” you sat besides him, “this is my table”
“so? now it’s ours” he grunted.
i wonder how’d you look in bed sweetheart, he thought, blushing slightly under his mask.
“whatever. there’s no need to fuck around for a stupid thing like this.” you said.
“so you can swear. thought ya were some kind of church typa girl”
“what the hell is this supposed to mean? a christian girl can’t swear?” you growled.
“no no, that’s not…” he stopped, “whatever, forget it. let’s just ignore each other.”
“good idea”
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simon entered his room, curios on who his roommate might be, maybe a cute girl, he thought.
well, whoever they were, they didn’t arrive yet. luckily, because he needed a shower. after taking off his sweaty clothes and bringing with him all the stuff for his model-like shower he stepped in, turning on the warm water and cleaning up.
you opened the door of your room, sarah already told you about your new roommate and you just prayed he wasn’t simon. a soapy scent filled the air so you just figured out he was probably taking a shower.
you laid on your light blue bed, enjoying the pleasant breeze, smiling softly and thinking about your day.
simon isn’t a bad guy for sure, but you just couldn’t help but imagine him like a thirsty-for-fame man. yet you couldn’t also deny his attractiveness, which made you blush softy at the only sight of him.
of course he’s handsome, he’s a model! you thought.
simon finished the shower. he wrapped around his hips a white towel. he opened the door and…
“you!?” he grunted.
“you??” you grunted back, studying his appearance, “put something on, you pervert!”
“i just took a shower, dumbass!” he growled.
“whatever, put something on anyways!” you looked away, pressing your face into the soft pillow.
he’s so damn hot!!! you thought, blushing intensely.
why does she have to be so annoying, such a waste for a cutie like her, he thought, closing the bathroom door and putting on his calvin klein boxers.
after awhile he stepped out (again) all dressed up as he saw you already sleeping on your bed. you had changed clothes too in the meantime.
so she was naked? he smirked.
“you’re so breathtaking” he whispered to himself.
“i’m what?” you muttered, sleepy voice and sleep eyes.
luckily for him, you weren’t facing him, because right now he was blushing like a school girl, covering his face.
“annoying! you’re so annoying!” he tried to correct himself.
“tsk, whatever.”
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i love this concept, seven days of model!simonriley x normie!reader.
i want him to wake up with a morning erection😍😍
pt 2 coming in a few days :))
ask to join a taglist <33
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breelandwalker · 1 year
hi Bree! I am currently doing research on modern paganism as a whole, and have come across a few passages about how some practitioners claim to follow an 'old' or 'the old and true' religion. I know Margot Adler mentions this briefly in "Drawing Down The Moon" (page 77) - but I'm wondering if you've seen any other sources on this? I want to learn more about the origins of this 'old and true' religion, but none of my regular resources are turning up anything of substance.
-gasps in Witchstorian- Is it time? I think it's time. Excuse me while I put on my very best hat.
Today, we're going to have a chat about MARGARET FUCKING MURRAY and her thoroughly discredited theories about a Great White Western Witch-Cult. (I have plans to do a wholeass podcast episode on this nonsense in the coming year, so consider this a warm-up. I should also note that debunking claims of an Ancient Unified Religion of Witchcraft is part of how I first earned my stripes as a fledgling Witchstorian. So this be my wheelhouse and I welcome ye to it.)
In her 1921 book, The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, Murray put forth the theory that the ceremonies and rituals detailed in witch trial documents were actually descriptions of practices utilized by a matriarchal pagan fertility cult whose adherents had survived in secret following the Christianization of the British Isles. She pointed to a number of historical personages accused of and/or executed for witchcraft as members of this alleged "Old Religion," presented the idea of "flying on broomsticks" as a ritual activity involving a leaping dance with brooms held between women's thighs (the handles being smeared with a hallucinogenic salve), and claimed that the "Horned God of the witches" was later twisted into modern artistic depictions of Satan as a method of quite literally demonizing these supposed pagan ways. Furthermore, according to Murray, the cult had survived into the present day in the form of a certain secret groups in rural areas of Britain. (It should be noted that while Murray did not invent this theory, she was its' biggest and arguably most legitimizing proponent in her day.)
If any of this is sounding familiar, you get a cookie.
Gerald Gardner was a big fan of these theories and further bolstered the claims when he touted the New Forest coven as a surviving group from the "Old Religion." He incorporated many of Murray's claims into the early framework of his own myth-building. If you read Witchcraft Today (1954), you'll see a lot of Murray's work repeated as a framework for Gardner's own theories on contemporary witchcraft practices, which later became the basis for Wicca.
The issue here is that Murray was working with both a flawed premise and a really terrible use of source material. Repeatedly, she cited superstition, prosecutorial arguments, and confessions from accused witches from 16th-17th century trial records as fact, completely ignoring that none of this had any physical evidence attached to it and that confessions were often made under torture or the threat thereof. She also cited a lack of evidence as alleged evidence of a coverup by the Church and the Crown, or the cult itself covering its' tracks. Even her contemporaries viewed her work as fringe theory and it's largely because she was invited to write the Encyclopedia Britannica article on Witchcraft and the later use of her theories in the creation of Wicca that she's taken seriously by anybody at all.
While Murray's claims are thoroughly discredited, almost literally laughed out of academia during her own lifetime, certain sectors of the modern witchcraft and pagan communities still cling to this idea of a secret surviving pre-Christian goddess cult. I can fully understand why this is tempting, given the romantic notion of clandestine meetings and bonfire dances out in the woods, as well as the need of some modern witches to feel connected to some form of borrowed martyrdom as a mirror for their own feelings of disenfranchisement. No serious scholar of the early modern period or the history of witch trials during that time considers Murray's work credible and modern historians are prone to cringing whenever her name is mentioned.
So yeah, if you see a work on modern paganism or witchcraft referring to "the Old Ways" or "the Old Religion," that's very likely what it's talking about. Margot Adler and Ronald Hutton, both noted and credible authors writing about the modern witchcraft movement, mention Murray's witch-cult hypothesis in their books....but mostly only to say what a crock of shit it was.
For further reading, I recommend Jacqueline Simpson's 1994 article, "Margaret Murray: Who Believed Her And Why?," Ronald Hutton's "Triumph of the Moon," and the Wikipedia article on the witch-cult hypothesis (purely for a condensed version of how the theory came to be and how it has affected modern thought).
I'll leave you with this quote from A New History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics and Pagans (Russell and Brooks), regarding Murray's work:
"That this 'old religion' persisted secretly, without leaving any evidence, is, of course, possible, just as it is possible that below the surface of the moon lie extensive deposits of Stilton cheese. Anything is possible. But it is nonsense to assert the existence of something for which no evidence exists. The Murrayites ask us to swallow a most peculiar sandwich: a large piece of the wrong evidence between two thick slices of no evidence at all."
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ms-nesbit · 1 year
Sugar and Spice
a jason todd x reader fanfic
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Rating: 18+ (minors dni)
word count: 5.4k
warnings/notes: mention of trauma and abuse, Jason Todd isn't Red Hood, explicit content, smut, panic attack
summary: jason is a baker with cake, and y/n a horticulturist with a chance to sow her wild oats.
“And would you like that for here or to go?”
The streets of Gotham buzzed with citizens despite the imminent crime, visitors entering and leaving famous Zia’s, a bakery home to Gotham’s finest breads and pastry sweets. Inside the confined space displayed an array of baked goods, its floor littered with customers clutching their tong and red plastic tray.
In a rouge apron dusted with crumbs and splotches of icing and egg, Jason tended to the confectionery inventory, carrying a large metal pan holding marranitos (Mexican cookies baked in the shape of a pig) on one hand, and a smaller metal pan containing sourdough bread on his other. The dark, robust waft of molasses and ginger filled the air, catching the attention of some of Zia’s more loyal patrons.
“That fresh?!” one blurted.
Jason vaguely smiled behind him before attending to replacing the pan on its designated shelf. “Always.”
As much as Zia’s advertised its pastries, certain Gothamites - single ones with more time than they should have been allotted - spread merry news of eye candy in the shop, drawing more attention than Zia’s owner, Aurelio, expected.
One, a man named Ed, passed a whisper to y/n, who worked nearby at the Gotham Nursery as a horticulturist: “You know, y/n, if you’re ever looking for a snack for your sweet tooth, you could just stop by.”
His expression faltered, as if he was holding something back, but y/n disregarded it as she loaded his plants onto the trunk of his 4x4, and sent him on his way with a brief, “I’ll be sure. As always, thank you for coming, Eddie.”
She hadn’t given the recommendation much thought until on her lunch, when she stopped by Zia’s and stepped into the bumbling bluster of business. Then, as Jason emerged from the kitchen of the bakery with hands full of crumbly tricolor polvorones and loaves of rye bread, his bottom lip tucked in between his teeth in concentration and tee shirt sleeves rising up just enough for all to see his toned biceps, y/n understood Ed’s undertones.
“Excuse me.” a voice from behind snapped y/n’s attention, causing her to turn around to a stern, tight-lipped woman blinking at her. “Would you mind moving over so I could go in there?” she pointed to the shelves y/n blocked, her question seeming more of a kind demand rather than an inquiry.
Nodding feverishly as she stepped aside, y/n bumped into a sturdy tall figure, a string of apologies leaving her lips before her eyes met a pair of hazel, a mix of greens and grays swimming in his irises.
“I’m-I’m so, so, sorry.” y/n was captivated, distracted by the baker’s face shape as he stared down at her with an understanding grin.
“It’s okay, it happens all the time.” the man swiped loose sugar granules from his apron, prompting y/n to take her gaze away from his face and onto the mess of cinnamon sugar on the floor.
“Oh, jeez, do you need me to—”
The man waved a hand in y/n’s direction to calm her down. “Again, it happens a lot. Are you new here?” He used his free arm to catch Aurelio’s attention, who passed him a broom and dustpan to begin cleaning the faint piles of sugar.
Y/n shook her head. “Yeah, I’m not used to this kind of foot traffic.” She squatted on the ground and helped collect particles off the ground with her hands.
Brushing her pile into the maroon dustpan, he glanced at her work uniform. “I didn’t know that Gotham had a botanical garden.” He looked at y/n, his thick, pearl strands of hair falling from his hair net. Y/n felt the stare, and had to bow her head to hide the passing blush tickling her skin.
“You should stop by sometime.” Y/n shrugged when she and the man stood on their feet, disregarding the crowd staggering impatiently around them. “I could analyze your soil’s pH, or even recommend some plants depending on your living situation.”
Y/n watched the man’s adam’s apple bob before he spoke. “And what about a five-hundred square feet flat?”
“There are ways to accommodate the situation if you’re willing. It just takes the right pair of hands and mindset.” y/n gave the man a smile, to which he reciprocated, his soft skin forming ripples from it.
She swallowed the warmth she felt in her stomach, an unfamiliar sensation she whisked away as she followed the man to the checkout counter. His back turned to her, y/n was able to take in his other features: his broad shoulders, appearing almost heavy on his torso, and the merlot tee shirt lazily tucked under the waistband of his washed jeans, which were partially ripped along parts of his left knee and right ankle. Y/n blinked away her urge to follow the natural curvature of his legs up to his ass, though she would admit that her id was pleased with the crumbs of image it viewed.
“Do you think you could show me what I could do? Doc has told me that I need to, uh, spruce up my space.” The man rested his hands on the counter, marginally leaning over it to inch closer to y/n in flirtation.
Y/n couldn’t meet his hazel eyes, unwilling to be enchanted by whatever undertones he was trying to communicate; though, to her dismay, he did attract her, even with the hair net clumping his seemingly soft hair in place, and the poorly executed pun. So she obliged, just a bit. “I work today till six, if you’re able.” one of her shoulders bounced, as if she felt apathetic about his advances.
But he, unbeknownst to y/n, was stubborn. “I can manage.” he wrinkled his nose playfully at her, eyes flickering between her blank stare and her suppressed grin. “My name is Jason, by the way.”
Jason. Like the killer. “Nice to meet you. Here’s the address.” y/n slid a business card across the counter in Jason’s direction, back beginning to turn. “I’ll see you there.”
“Wait, I didn’t catch your name.” Jason called out across the store to her, unbothered by the several customers stopping to look for y/n.
With a hand to the door handle, pushing the heavy door open, y/n looked over her shoulder, said flatly, “I guess you’ll have to find out.” and left with a few strides, disappeared from Jason’s sight.
“I’m gonna find out alright.” Jason murmured, a corner of his lips turning into a grin.
The Gotham Nursery began winding down in visitors, employees cloaking its temperature-sensitive annuals with thick tarp as they prepared for the chilly night ahead. Y/n checked her watch, then the nursery’s entrance, a habit she built as the day passed. Was I too passive? She thought as she hauled mulch across the store lot. Did he forget about me? She mused as she jotted down plant observations in the greenhouse.
Y/n indulged the information about her encounter with Jason to her coworker, Xoe, who was more than enthused about it. Each passing hour, Xoe would cross paths with y/n, bugging her about whether or not she had seen Jason.
It wasn’t until five minutes until closing when Jason arrived, parking his sleek, rumbling motorcycle in a compact spot. A couple of the employees noticed him, and rolled their eyes in frustration, mistakenly thinking that he was a customer, not y/n’s visitor.
Y/n locked herself in the nursery’s greenhouse with her choi sum mustard leaves, using a dainty stick to lift the heavy leaves of the plant. She wrote down the subtle changes in the plant’s behavior, noting the thickness of the leaves after incorporating iron-rich soil.
“Y/n?” Xoe asked, peeking through the polycarbonate door, evoking y/n to look up from her work. “Someone named Jared is here to see you.” Xoe then gave y/n a wink, intentionally mistaking Jason’s name.
“Sure, he can come in. Thanks, Xoe.”
“No problem.” Xoe said, opening the door fully for Jason to allow entry, before throwing y/n a suggestive look and shutting the door.
Distracted by the array of plants both on the ground and overhead, Jason tread carefully through the path of the greenhouse. He raked his fingers through his hair as he stopped to observe the vine dangling from a hanging planter, avoiding touching it in fear that he would somehow kill the plant. Y/n gawped at his actions, amused by the conscientiousness of his every move in spite of his tall, muscular frame.
Jason, appearing diverted, used his peripherals to glance at y/n, who sat on a wooden chair on the other side of the greenhouse. Her attire was similar to their first encounter, except she rolled up the sleeves of her forest long-sleeved top, and wore patterned leather gardening gloves. He admired the contrast of her head to the overhead vines coming down around her, the hearty heart-shaped leaves forming a convex halo. She was breathtaking in her relaxed state, and it was clear to him that the greenhouse was a sanctuary, a treehouse she escaped to when she sought solace. 
“Didn’t think you’d make it, Jason.” y/n held her notebook and pen in her hands as she spoke, still working at her scientific examination notes. 
“Uh, yeah,” Jason mumbled, peering at a distant crimson flower in bloom. “I had to clean up after close. This is where you work?” He looked up at the opaque ceiling of the greenhouse, in awe of the varieties of plants with which he surrounded himself.
Y/n nodded. “Most of the time, yeah. It’s my job to basically make sure the plants are at an optimal growing point so that we could use the info to pass on to customers or vendors.”
Jason sensed the formality in her tone, humbling his ego before he returned, “And you like it?”
Y/n crossed her arms at the question, obviously peeved. “Of course. I don’t know why I would be here, or go through all the schooling, if I didn’t.”
Jason pressed his lips together, remorseful of the offense she took at his inquiry. “Sorry, I should have figured.”
“No, I…I get it all the time, honestly. People are so surprised when I tell them I like it, as if it’s some boring thing.” Y/n rambled, full of thought as she flipped through vague memories of conversations she had with others. “I’ve always loved nature, but not aesthetically, if that makes sense. It’s a science to keep these plants alive and thriving after all the damage we’ve done, and I don’t think I have to keep justifying it.” she clicked her tongue at the end of her statement, eyes looking off to the side in vexation.
Jason rubbed the back of his neck in discomfort. “I get the same comments about my baking. I mean, don’t get me wrong - it’s not nearly as lengthy as the schooling you went through - but I find happiness punching the fuck out of air bubbles in the dough.”
The joke emitted a chuckle from y/n, breaking the tension in the space that could have been otherwise excused by the high humidity. Humor was a strength of Jason’s, and he used it to his advantage in times like these when he found his foot in his mouth, or his tongue in a knot. He wanted to start over, rerun his words smoothly through his head so he could properly express himself without offending y/n again.
Instead, he offered baguettes. “I brought something we could both have in here, if we can have it.” he pointed to the backpack strap on his shoulder, and began to maneuver his backpack to his hands so he could unveil the crispy logs of cooked dough. He handed one baguette to y/n, who removed her gloves to accept the gift, before he took a bite out of one himself.
“You make these?” y/n asked, chewing on a piece. Mouth full of bread, Jason simply nodded. “I have to say, as much as I like plants, I think I would gain a lot of weight if I could bake this well.”
The compliment made Jason beam, squirreling chewed bread in his mouth causing his cheeks to round. After he swallowed, he responded, “Yeah, I get that a lot. Though I don’t think you’d look any bit different with more.” his eyes scanned y/n’s body evocatively.
Y/n’s cheeks tinted, covering her mouth respectfully as she spoke. “It’s really fresh for stale bread.” she gestured to an empty seat beside her. “You wanna sit here?”
Jason shook his head, plopping himself down on the seat before he turned his body to face her. “Oh, I made it before I left.” Jason remarked nonchalantly, taking another bite out of the bread.
Y/n stared at Jason as he ate his workmanship, giggling at him. He gave her a doe-eyed expression, confused by her mirth. “What?” 
“Nothing, I’ve just never seen someone so passionate about eating bread.” Her eyes gleamed at him, smile radiant as she spoke. Jason’s chest burned when she passed him the look, mesmerized by her appearance. He grew accustomed to the constant comments about his looks from Gothamites - and the unfortunate harassment or assault that would take place by a select few - but he followed his instinct when he felt something different about y/n; whether it was the way she presented herself, or the way her eyes shaped into crescents as she smiled, he was absolutely enamored by her, and wanted to explore all that made her content so he could replicate it for her.
They sat together, knee to knee, gazing at each other. Y/n placed her bread on the table and her hands on her lap, drawing Jason’s attention away from her face. His eyes snapped up, though, unwilling to be perceived as perverted, or his intentions impure. Y/n suppressed her temptation to cave in to him, fingernails digging into the skin of her thighs as she desperately tried to keep them to herself.
But his skin was as firm as his voice, five o’clock shadow scattered across his cheeks and jawline; his skin creased as he grinned, even the slightest, a wrinkle forming along the edges of his mouth. Y/n wondered what his lips tasted like - were they as tender as they appeared? Or were his kisses all-encompassing, conveying what words couldn’t describe?
Y/n wanted to find out, but she hesitated: she didn’t want to hurt again; she didn’t want to wither at her roots like the neglected plants she studied, slumping over in her seat as she felt the remaining cells in her body seize. Had the encounter with Jason been years ago, y/n would have already been all over him, straddling his lap - she was much more daring then, naive of the darkness that could ensue.
Instead, she glued her hands to herself. Jason noticed her stare plummet from joyous to cold, her eyes glossy as she blinked away what dark thoughts laid behind them. He placed a hand over hers, thumb stroking the underside of her palm in an attempt to bring her back to the present.
“Sorry.” her voice sobered up, ignoring the display of affection Jason committed.
Shaking his head once, he responded, “Am I doing something wrong? I’ll scoot my chair back and keep my hand away if you want—”
“No, no.” y/n hastily said, unaware of what she presented with her response. “It’s not you, don’t worry.”
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
The question caused y/n’s heart to rise, excited by the thought. She nodded and leaned forward, cupping his neck as they closed the gap between them and pressed their lips together softly, y/n’s nose filling with a mixture of the leather of his jacket and clean yeast from the bread. Jason instinctively brought his hands to y/n’s face, holding it as he sharply inhaled into the kiss. He was pleasantly surprised by the action, parting his lips as he wanted to deepen the kiss.
But y/n pulled away, and then turned her body from Jason, attempting to conceal the blush creeping up her neck.
Initially worried about crossing a boundary with y/n, Jason noticed the tint in her skin, and grinned, cupping her chin and turning her head to look at him. “You don’t need to hide from me, hun. I don’t know what you went through, but I won’t hurt you like that.” he assured y/n, tone warm and disarming. His thumb brushed her cheek, eyes distracted by her beauty.
“It’s y/n.” she informed him distractedly. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you.”
“Y/n.” he repeated, captivated by her eyes as she grinned softly at him. “I can make you a pinky promise that I won’t be a threat, but I’m not sure if a ten year-old’s logic resonates with you.”
It did. Y/n held her pinky out in between them. “I need something to ground me.”
Jason linked their pinkies, pulling them to his chest. “Y/n: I swear I won’t hurt you. Pinky promise.” y/n’s eyes searched for his other hand, which laid on his knee. No crossed fingers. Good.
 “Can we go back to kissing please?” her brows furrowed, slightly embarrassed by her request. It was Jason’s turn to answer with a kiss, this time heated and impatient. His lips nibbled on hers before dragging a tongue along her bottom lip, evoking a moan from y/n. Jason’s hand held y/n’s as they deepened their kiss, mouths opening in an attempt for Jason to draw another moan from her. He used his free hand to tangle in y/n’s hair, pulling her closer than she already was.
When y/n mimicked his actions, she tugged lightly at his hair, causing him to groan and shiver. She tore her lips from Jason’s, noticing how his were already swollen despite the little contact she had with them. “You like that?” She quirked a brow.
“A little more than I should.” Jason smirked back, biting his bottom lip. He hissed when y/n tugged at his hair again, this time harder and deliberate. “Keep that up, doll, and I’ll have you bent over on this table.”
Y/n chuckled, allowing her id to take over. “Oh really? And what else would I have to do to be blessed with that opportunity?”
“I don’t think you want to know.” Jason pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, biting down hard. His eyes ran over y/n’s body slowly, taking in the view as y/n uncrossed her legs. He wondered if he should just take her here - an image of y/n in pleasure, her brows knitted and mouth agape, clouded Jason’s attention, blood rushing to his dick. It took a moment for him to notice that y/n’s hand was trembling in his hair, and when he did acknowledge it, the corrupt thoughts disappeared completely. “Are you okay?”
Y/n stopped herself, pulling her hand away from his hair and chewing on her lip. “Yeah, sorry. Dunno what got into me.” she laughed humorlessly.
“You know,” Jason started, hand rushing back to her cheek, “we could just go to my place and talk. We don’t need to do anything sexual, if you’re not up to that.”
The proposition nearly brought tears to y/n’s eyes. It was eons since someone considered her that much - she usually had to hold her ground herself. All she could release from her clogged throat was a faltered affirmation, and she rose to her feet, collecting her work and returning them to their designated area.
Extending an elbow for her to take, Jason guided them through the greenhouse and back outside, holding the door open for y/n as she strolled through. His eyes were glued to her, watching her reaction to all of the plant life around them; he was in awe of how much knowledge she had of them, informing him of pieces of trivia about random plants they passed.
When they reached his motorcycle parked in the lot, his shoulders slouched. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I ride.” Ride, y/n thought to herself, eyes examining the vehicle. “Do you still want me to take you, or do you want to take your car, or…”
Y/n wriggled her lips in apathy. “I take the bus, so I think this would be the more logical option.”
Without skipping a beat, Jason offered y/n his helmet, lifting a leg over the bike seat to straddle it and waiting for her to secure her helmet before seating behind him. She snaked her arms around his waist, locking her fingers together over his navel, the touch producing heat on Jason’s stomach. He looked back, waiting for a response from y/n; when she gave him a simple thumbs-up, he turned the key to the ignition and shifted into neutral, manually backing out of the parking space with his legs before taking off from the lot with a thunderous roll, the reverberation heard from miles away.
Although it was y/n’s first ride as a passenger on a motorcycle, she was tranquil, snug behind Jason with her fingers barely tracing what she assumed to be muscle lines along his abdomen; although it wasn’t Jason’s first time having a passenger on his bike, he was particularly cautious, downshifting early and even stalling his engine trying to do so.
Once they arrived at y/n’s apartment - with directions from y/n - Jason parked the bike on the street adjacent to the complex. He helped y/n off of her seat, and held her hand as she led them to her space on the second floor.
“And this is it.” y/n announced half-heartedly when she opened the door, entering into the kitchen of the grand apartment. Jason was silent as he inspected the decor, stopping occasionally at framed anatomical prints of plants. As he wandered into the living room, he spotted a wooden tube radio resting on the nightstand beside the couch. He observed its specifications, murmuring incoherently as he studied the device.
“You like it?” Y/n asked, handing Jason a can of sparkling water before she sat down on the leather couch.
Jason nodded. “I haven’t seen one of these in forever. Makes me feel kind of nostalgic, to be honest.”
Y/n tucked her legs under her knees, taking a sip from her can. “That’s why I bought it. M’not much of an audiophile, but I like the crisp sound of these. Plus, usually when guys are over, they think I’m some old lady, and eventually leave me alone.” Her final comment made her chuckle, and Jason grin.
“I guess we’re both old.” he added, winking back at her. Y/n patted the empty space beside her, offering him to sit. “Do you listen to a lot of music on here, or just the AM talk shows?”
Y/n’s smile widened. “A bit of both. If I have the free time, I prefer podcasts or audiobooks, which I can project through there, but y’know.”
“But what?” Seated next to y/n, Jason nudged her playfully.
She shrugged. “I dunno. Kinda gets busy sometimes.” her response was sad, as if she had no control over the time she spent, but Jason understood that it was relatively normal for an adult.
He dropped his grin in response, acclimating to the shift in tone. “I’m like that too. Though I don’t remember a time when I didn’t have a lot to take care of.”
Y/n’s forehead creased in worry. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Jason breathed deeply, contemplating whether or not he should elaborate. “I didn’t really have the parents of the year growing up, and once I was adopted, I still had a bunch of responsibilities. When I think back to it, it feels like I missed out on a lot.”
Y/n nodded in agreement. “I get that. I…something happened, and I basically had to grow up quicker than some other people my age. I can’t really…” her voice trailed off, drowning in emotion. “It’s hard for me to feel normal.”
Hands beginning to tremble, y/n balled them into fists. Jason placed his hands over hers, squeezing them lightly to draw attention away from her thoughts. “Hey, I’m here. It’s okay.” he uttered, lavender softness in his voice. “Is it okay if I held you?” he asked, to which y/n nodded. Jason wrapped his long arms around her, pulling her tight to his chest. There, y/n felt guarded, safe, as if his arms were hardy tree branches that couldn’t be easily torn; she detached his heartbeat, steady but firm. Each of his features soothed her, rocked her back to the present, as he’d hoped.
He kissed her head, watering her otherwise malnourished body; Jason’s face focused on her, a tall, broad sunflower in need of nutrients facing the sun. She replenished him somehow, something neither of them could quite pinpoint, but enjoyed nonetheless. 
Fingertips following the veins along Jason’s arm, y/n discerned a wanting similar to what she experienced at the greenhouse. She looked up at Jason, who was already gazing down at her, and gave him a look: please kiss me.
And for all that he could, Jason enthusiastically obliged, dipping his head to crash his lips to y/n’s. They both breathed into the kiss, hands fumbling to secure themselves in their embrace as their kiss rushed, tongues meeting briefly before disappearing again. Jason was the first to moan into the kiss this time, almost a whimper of desolate desire. 
Y/n’s fingers spread, palms flat against Jason’s chest as she pushed him down onto the couch, readjusting to straddle his lap without breaking the kiss. His hands slipped underneath y/n’s top, nails grazing against her skin. He pushed the top up to her chest, breaking the kiss to allow her to pull it overhead and toss it aside.
Before returning to the kiss, Jason gawked at y/n’s chest, surprised by her bare breasts. “Holy shit.” he whined, licking his lips. He tilted forward to flick his tongue on her sensitive nub before kneading her breasts with his hands, occasionally leaning in to suck and lick her nipples. Y/n relaxed her shoulders and let out a soft moan and grind her hips against his, causing Jason to buck his up instinctively.
Their movements were restricted by their clothing though, and y/n knew that as she hopped off Jason to shimmy her pants off, panties down with it, and shook Jason’s jeans off as well before returning back to her stance on him. “Condom?” she murmured nervously.
Jason pointed to his jeans. “Here, lemme put em on.” he reached over to his pockets, pulling one out and tearing open the wrapper. Y/n watched, eyes dark with wanton, as he rolled the condom onto his thick, hard erection.
Y/n repositioned herself on his lap, lowering herself on him. She hissed at the contact, unfamiliar with the girth stretching her walls. When her hips were flush with his, y/n remained still, acclimating to the sensation; Jason, however, tremored underneath y/n, using all of his strength to restrain himself from thrusting up into y/n. He craved the noises she emitted, and anything that would drive her to ecstasy, but had to wait. His hands moved to her thighs, grasping at them and awaiting her signal for him to move.
Instead, y/n’s hips rose and fell, rocking slowly. They both moaned at the motion, unsatisfied by the gradualness of her hips. One of Jason’s hands moved to her ass, guiding her hips to angle itself perfectly.
“Oh, god.” Y/n gasped, the different angle granting Jason’s cock to brush against the base of her cervix. Jason’s grip on her thigh and ass tightened, letting out a guttural moan.
“Can I…?” Jason asked between pants, self-control wavering. Y/n nodded feverishly, barely containing herself as she steadied herself on Jason’s chest. He began thrusting up into her in the same angle, both hands gripping her hips as his pace quickened.
“Fuck, you’re so good.” Jason whimpered, eyes laser-focused on y/n. The sounds of skin-on-skin slapping, along with pants and intermittent, pornographic moans, escaped them and into the room. Jason wanted more, more, more as he continued to pistol his hips up, quickly popping a thumb into his mouth to moisten it before rubbing it on y/n’s clit in hasty yet intricate circles.
The motion evoked y/n’s orgasm, her core hot as she let out a silent scream. Her nails dug into the fabric of Jason’s shirt, sharp enough to leave marks on his bare chest, as he guided her through her high. Before she could calm down though, Jason picked up his pace, this time chasing his own high as he relentlessly thrusted up into her pussy. In moments, y/n was thrown into another orgasm, body tingling as she whined loudly into the air.
Her walls, like velvety petals, tightened around Jason’s cock, which was already begging for release. Every moan and word barely leaving her lips was as gospel to him, bringing him closer, higher, until-
“Y/n, I’m gonna come, fuck.” Jason sobbed, neck red and forehead covered in beads of sweat. His hair stuck to his head, stray strands bouncing with his thrusts as they grew sloppy, desperate, frantic for him. “Y/n, y/n,” he repeated as hell broke loose, his vision blurring as he sharply thrusted up into y/n, coming with a loud cry. His hips stuttered, grip on her hips loosening.
Y/n rode the high with him, watching as his brows furrowed, eyes fluttered shut, and swollen pink lips form into an ‘o’ shape. Each profanity that left his lips were a secret he could no longer hold, and she was so happy to indulge in them.
Minutes passed before Jason picked y/n up, laying her on the couch as he stood up. “Do you know where the bathroom is?” he asked innocently, cheeks azalea. After y/n pointed to the nearest ajar door in the hall, Jason disappeared for a moment before returning, towel in hand and condom disposed of.
He kneeled beside the couch, gingerly patting the towel on y/n’s thighs, cleaning up any residual juices that were released. The sight of her wet pussy made his cock twitch again, but he knew better than to entertain the thought, gently wiping away the wetness on the crevices along her ass and thighs. Y/n glanced down at him, heart warm as he finished cleaning up. “Is there anything I can get you, hun?” Jason smiled, eyes glistening. If her legs weren’t tired, y/n would have sat up and smooched him right there.
But she shook her head. “I think I’m okay. Thank you.”
Jason took her hand in his, holding it up to his lips before he placed a tender kiss to her knuckle. “Of course, Princess. You’re a flower, too, y’know.”
The compliment made y/n blush, skin rising with goosebumps. She hadn’t been pampered like this…ever. It was foreign, and the realization triggered a sympathetic nervous response.
Y/n sat up in worry, drawing her hand quickly from Jason. He frowned at her, apprehensive that he caused any offense. “I’m sorry - do you need some space? I can get going, if you need to.”
First waiting for a response, Jason noticed y/n’s eyes darting from side to side, spiraling into the dark trench. He scooted closer, pulling y/n’s head to his, their foreheads pressed together. “Deep breath, doll.” he cooed, “I’ve got you.”
And he did. His hands held y/n’s delicately, thumb brushing her skin as they breathed together in the apartment, his voice shining light onto her focus like a spring sunrise after a seemingly interminable winter.
The words pollinated her soul, bringing her to life in ways she hadn’t felt before. Jason’s skin was calloused, wrinkled, with scarring near the knuckle and palms, but y/n felt comforted by them. And she emerged from the dark trench, opening her eyes to find the sunflower staring back at her with a soft expression and a softer grin to welcome her.
And y/n finally felt like she found home.
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missbunmuffin · 2 months
More punch out head canons
Tw: talk about weight issues
Less serious tw: ocs and cringe
What me putting my shitty ocs in these posts is like. I made posts about both of them probably gonna say this kind of stuff every time I post these kind of things but I don’t want people to be too confused.
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Glass Joe
- Grew up in a catholic home but now as an adult doesn’t practice the religion really. He will eat meat on a Friday during lent. He doesn’t know what the fuck he is now he just considered himself spiritual or just a really bad catholic(not self projecting lmao)
- His family wasn’t really religious they only went to church sometimes but his mom wanted to do the no eating meat on Fridays during lent thing for some reason
- His sister just drops her kids off at his house randomly most of the time on Wednesdays because apparently French children only have like half a day of school those days(could be wrong) he loves his nieces but he hates when his sister just drops them off without warning because he has a life too.
- He loves silk textures. I feel like his boxing shorts are just really silky too
- Deadass walking around the locker room in a robe with a towel over his head after he’s done in the shower I drew an example back in like December
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Yes that’s the same robe he’s wearing in the pity party drawings I made
- Protective over his hair but he doesn’t mind if people touch it as long as they ask and are gentle
- His hair is also pretty soft and he takes good care of it to prevent further damage from when he bleached it himself and a chunk fell out.
- Into Rococo art. I took a humanities class at the beginning of the year and looked into the rococo art movement a bit and apparently it’s French so I always thought he would like that kind of stuff.
- uses a lavender sleep spray
- tries not to get too angry in public. Sometimes he just needs to leave the room to just pout and let it all out sometimes even crying out of anger
- has quite the collection of sweaters and cardigans.
- Loves baking cookies for his girlfriend Eleanor. Shes a baker herself but she loves his cookies more than her own
Von Kaiser
- Cuts his own hair this fucking video is literally him
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- secretly a cross dresser I mean this one might be kind of canon because of the weird chibi drawing of him in a Japanese manual for the nes game. Some of the other ones were so racist though ;-;
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- Wasn’t really interested in working with children it just sort of happened
- Either way he cares about his students genuinely even if it doesn’t seem like it
Disco kid
- got banned on Roblox for a day for saying suck toe(totally not based on my cousin who is like the same age as him also getting banned for that) yes I’m sharing this drawing again
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- Singing as loud as possible in the locker room showers
- If he has kids they aren’t going anywhere near the mall Easter bunnies and Santa’s he doesn’t trust them and neither should you
- He never hits the villagers with nets in animal crossing
- Has two sisters one older one younger
Aran Ryan
- Afraid of needles
- Has weight issues. He’s too focused on numbers on the scale. He knows nothing is wrong but I think some things the people around him said growing up affected him.
- I mentioned his sister Freya also has body issues in my post about her and Aran tries to support her because he doesn’t want her thinking that way about her body like he does. I imagine a lot of the women on his father’s side are naturally more curvy and he doesn’t want his sister to be ashamed of her natural body type.
- Still visits his grandmas house on his dad’s side even as an adult. He’s one of the only things she has of his dad that she has left.
- Plays Roblox with Disco kid and forces Narcis to play with them. He also bullies kids on there
- His mom was struggling fanatically a bit when his sister was about to go into secondary school. He just got into boxing at that point and was getting paid well so he paid for her school uniforms so she didn’t have to be stuck in his old ones that were too big and had rips in the pants that would probably fall down on her. He insisted he’d at least buy her some skirts because she’s not walking around school like that. He also felt bad because she literally cried at the thought of wearing a “boys uniform”
Narcis Prince
- Was like one of those rich British kids in tv shows and movies.
- He snoops in people’s shit all the time. Looking through drawers and reading peoples diaries.
- Would say British schools are crazier than American schools and than flip out at the stories in American schools and regret what he said instantly
- Tries to look after Freya to get on Aran’s good side. They have a complicated relationship. Deadass tries to put her to bed at 8:00 saying some shit like “young ladies your age need to be in bed by 8:00”
Okay this is getting long I’ll stop now
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igot-sarang-ggg · 1 year
If it’s okay could I please request a oneshot of Dio finding out he has a daughter who’s kind and sweet and decides to take her in and raise her properly when her mother abandons her (she’s born with a very powerful stand) 💙
Thank you submitting a request! Hope you like it!
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My child ((Pt. 3 Dio Brando x reader)
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Small Summary: Takes a place a couple of years before anyone found out about Dio coming back to life. You're ten years old when Enyaba mentions to Dio that he was a daughter somewhere in Egypt
Small mentions: abandon by mother, fluff
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"Enya, You've mentioned that I have a daughter, correct?" I sat down on my chair, Enyaba placed a book down next to me, "Yes, my lord. I've sent some of my men to kill her. You mentioned previously that you didn't want any offspring." I placed the book down, "Bring your men back here this instance!"
"But my lord-"
"I'll be examining her from afar, I don't want you or them getting anywhere near her, understood."
I've watched her for a few months now, she reminds me when of myself when I was younger. Having to fend for herself. I never understood why that woman had left her child alone in this cruel world. She doesn't deserve to be called a mother and she didn't deserve to carry my child.
I need to find her.
I must find my daughter.
I sent out my men to look for her since there is currently daylight out I can't go myself and find her. "Any word from my men yet Enya?" The old hag walked into the room, "No not as of yet Lord Dio. My Lord if you don't mind me asking, what do you want with that young girl?"
"She is my daughter, raised without a mother nor father. I would like to know her a bit more. Ever since you brought it to my attention, I wanted to know her and raise her as my own. She might even possess a stand herself." I looked at the pictures that were taken of her. She seems to have a kind soul, she likes helping others and treating them kindly regardless of her upbringing.
Some time had passed it was now the afternoon, "Lord Dio we found her." One of my men walked in with a girl, "All of you may go!" They all left; leaving me alone with Y/n. "My name is Dio. I am your father."
"So you're Dio? Mother had mentioned you before she left me at the orphanage. She gave me a picture of you before leaving." She took out her hand, "It's nice to finally meet you father. My name is Y/n." I took out my hand pulling her in for a hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as you grew up, but I'm here now." All those years I've missed I could have been there and raised her, if only I had known of her existence sooner I would have taken her.
"Father if you're worried that I won't forgive you for not being there, I'm not mad at you. I forgive you so don't be upset." She wrapped her arms around me and I began to cry in her arms. My daughter had forgiven me after all those years.
"So what do you like to do for fun?" She asked taking out a small backpack and taking out a few books and handing them to me, "I like to read and draw. What about you Dio?" She handed me some drawings she made. Childish scribbles filled the pages, "I read and also... I draw as well." I examined each page carefully, "But you draw a lot better than I, Y/n. " She smiled and laughed, "You're only saying that 'cause you're my dad..."
"No, no, it is a piece of art! It should be put in a museum for others to see how talented my daughter is!" Looking at the drawing she would draw herself and some of her friends baking cookies or picking flowers with them. On each page, there was an unknown figure that was in the background of each of her drawings. "Y/n what is this, my dear?" I pointed at the figure, "I'm not sure, they are a friend but they can be mean. I don't like them."
"What do you mean?" I set the pages down and looked at her; her eyes were a bit watery like she was going to cry. "It hit my friend and I didn't know how to stop it." Could she be a stand user? I walked over to my desk and sat down Y/n followed behind me.
"Y/n can you see The World?" She pointed to the globe that was on top of my desk, I chuckled picking her up and setting her down on my lap, "No, not that world...I mean this one." I summoned my stand. "Can you see him?" She nodded, so she can see him. That means she's a Stand user as well. "Do you have one?" I asked her, "Yes, I don't like her."
"Can you show her to me?" Y/n stand appeared in front of me, "Does she have a name?" I asked, "No." Her stand stood up you would think it would be small or the same height same its user but her stand was the same height and size as The World. "What has your stand done?"
"Stand?" That's right, she doesn't know what it is yet, "Yes, this is called a stand its a manifestation of one's soul, and seeing yours; your soul is very powerful. Do you know what she can do?" She looked at her stand and then at me. "I don't know. I try not to show her or take her out because she hurts those that are standing too close to her. But, she can change anything and bring it to life and even turn those things into non-living things."
"Can you show me?" I took one of her pencils and handed it to Y/n who gave it to her stand. The pencil had turned into a butterfly and then into a toy car and then it made a human the size of the pencil. "What?! How is that possible?" The small human was placed on my desk, it started screaming and then turned back into the pencil. "Have you turned people into non-living things?" She nodded, "It was a mistake. I didn't mean to Dio!" She started crying, and I held her closer to me, "It's okay Y/n I know you didn't mean to do it, I can help you and teach you how to control that power of yours."
She is such a sweet kid and yet her stand is more powerful than what I've ever seen. Most children her age would have turned everything in their path into non-living objects, but Y/n never did it on purpose."You can really help me?" I nodded, "Yes I can."
After a few weeks, Y/n started going to school and making new friends. I started teaching her about manners and etiquette, and she learned pretty quickly
A few years later
Y/n is now Twenty four years of age and she's been able to control her stand ability quite well. "Hey, dad I made some cookies do you want some?" I was looking through some books on the shelf in hope of finding something, just anything that could defeat the Joestar's, "Father is everything alright?" I turned to face her. "Yes, Just trying to find an important book is all." She walked closer, "You've had regular meetings with your men these past few days. Why is that?"
I explained everything about the Joestar bloodline and how they would be coming after me, "Father if those men are coming after you, please let me fight alongside you."
"Y/n I don't want you getting hurt during this battle, plus this is a personal matter." I kissed her forehead, "I'll be back. I promise. All that I want is for you to live a normal life. In those years that I spent with you and raised into the woman, you are now. I want you to be happy and not worry about something like this, okay." She frowned at my words, "I understand father... but please be careful. And come home safely."
She hugged me, "I love you, dad." A few tears slid down my face as I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you too Y/n." That was the first and last time I ever heard her say that to me.
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Request for One-shot are open!
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quibbs126 · 4 months
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So I made this character yesterday, her name is Snow Fungus Cookie
She’s on a page with various other random character ideas (hence the leg at the top), but currently the page isn’t full so I ain’t releasing it in full. I think I’ve shown some characters from it though. I’m just showing off Snow Fungus because I like her and she looks somewhat different from the other current members of the page
Anyways, I should probably explain who she is. Basically the idea is that Snow Fungus works for that mushroom communications place I mentioned earlier, which I guess I’m making a global newspaper place? Anyways, Snow Fungus is stationed in the Dark Cacao Kingdom because she’s got a good tolerance for the cold. I’m not really sure when she would have gone to the kingdom, whether it was before or after the whole Affogato incident. And honestly that’s really all I have of her, I feel like the vibe of her personality can be seen from her design
She’s based off the snow fungus
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Honestly she’s mainly just based off the colors of the fungus, it’s still growing version (I’m not sure what that stage is called for a fungus) and the log
With Snow Fungus, I wanted to try and do different things with my characters’ looks, hence the different eye shape and it being a different color, as well as giving her freckles (though I didn’t really experiment with the body shape that much)
I did use Coffee Candy as some basis for her design since they both have the reporter background, originally just so I could figure out how to draw her notepad, but at some point I wonder if I took too much inspiration from Coffee Candy in her design, particularly with the feather pen and the long brown coat that goes out at the bottom
Originally I was having trouble with the hair and how it connects with her hair, until I decided to give her goggles instead. I like to think I’m getting better at drawing goggles, but I also admit I gave her very basic ones with no real embellishment
Also randomly, I want to give her a white frilly dress that’s also based on the fungus. Maybe she wears it at fancy parties
But yeah, that’s Snow Fungus. I think she’s neat
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shojo · 7 months
Wish Review/Thoughts/Stuff
Not a formal review, just some bullet points of my thoughts on Disney's Wish. Letsa go.
So. I liked it. It was sweet, gorgeous to look at, and a simple fairytale. But I think that's the movie's biggest weakness because
There are no consequences. Just like Frozen, Raya, Frozen II, etc. the heroes go on this big quest and the stakes are freaking high like oh shit are they actually gonna go there an- Oh. Wait. Nope. Everything and everyone is fine and there's a happy ending and the movie's order and nothing was lost and will never be lost the end. When Magnifico crushed Asha's mother's wish I thought for a second that he killed her. Straight up. But then no she's just... really sad. And that sucks but she's fine. And those other three citizens are fine. Their dreams are literally crushed but, yeah, they're fine. Simon betrays Asha. He says sorry. They're friends again. They're all fine. Magnifico body slams a 17 year old girl into the stone floor more than once. She's fine. Whatever evil that has taken hold of Magnifico is just.. defeated. That's fine. This is fine. Everything's fine. Which brings me to my next critique that there is
So much set up and little to no pay off. What was the deal with the burned ends of the tapestry? What terrible fate was Magnifico trying to avoid? What's the deal with the evil book? Why did it have it? Does it have something to do with the story in the tapestry? Why did they mention Asha's grandfather's age multiple times (did you know he's turning 100 years old and can still ride a horse and play the guitar) and then do nothing with that information? Were they hinting at grandpa not living to get to see his wish granted? Was Asha trying desperately to get his wish granted because she knew he wouldn't have too much longer to live? What's the typical life span of a citizen of Rosas? Is 100 the new 40? Why was Magnifico so suspicious of granting grandpa's gift of playing music? Does this have to do with the story of the tapestry?? Why does Dahlia have a cane? Is she injured or is it a disability? Why are we trying to represent a person with a disability and then never mentioning it throughout the entire run time of the movie? Does her wish have anything to do with why she has a cane? Does her wish involve making the best damn cookies this kingdom has ever seen because to hell with her disability because she's got kickass friends who love her for her and don't want/need her to change but will the movie ever address this? If Dahlia knows about the inner workings of the castle does she know about the story in the tapestry??? What happened to Asha's dad? Why don't we get to see him, not even in a flashback? Why couldn't he have been the stand-in for Walt himself? Was Asha's dad the one to inspire her to draw and create animation just as Walt inspires us/a new generation of dreamers to this day? (Are we just going to gloss over the fact that Asha created her own snippet of animation? And that she must love to draw because she has so many pictures in her notebook? Can we please have a Disney heroine that loves to not only draw but animate?) And if Asha is about to turn 18 and her grandpa is turning 100, how does that work?! How old is her mother? Did they not have kids until they were in their 40s? Is he Asha's great great grandpa instead? If he's turning 100, should he know more about the city's history? Should he be older than Magnifico? DOES HE KNOW ABOUT THE STORY IN THE TAPESTRY THAT MAGNIFICO IS TRYING SO DESPERATELY TO NOT HAVE HAPPEN TWICE? JENNIFER LEE, I HAVE QUESTIONS AND I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO HAVE, LIKE, FOUR OF THEM ANSWERED PLEASE.
*deep breaths*
Valentino is Olaf without the heart. Let me explain. Olaf is a comic relief sidekick. He's also the reason Elsa and Anna reconnected after years of isolation and is a core memory for the girls. He's their holiday tradition. He's their friend. Elsa made him. Olaf, whether you love him or like him, is an essential part of the story of Frozen. Valentino is a comic relief sidekick. He's Asha's three week old friend/pet/buddy/cute animal. Um. He talks now. He's super cute. Love his outfit. Says some funny lines. Alan Tudyk. .... That's about it.
Chris Pine knocked this out of the damn park. Excellent voice acting on his part, loved his inflections and growls and everything in between. Very nice. Handsome king is handsome. Yes.
Asha and her friends are a better retelling of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs than that live action movie will ever hope to be (if it ever gets finished).
Like I said, I did like this movie. Being the Disney nerd that I am, I was a sucker for all the references to previous Disney films (heck, the freaking opening text got me) and I'm going to go through this movie with a fine tooth comb the second I get my hands on a pause button on Disney+ to find them all. This movie seems to be getting a lot of hate which I don't think is warranted but there's obvious flaws and holes a mile wide in the plot. I'm hovering between a 6 or a 7 out of 10 or a solid B rating at the moment of writing this.
Also Asha is a tour guide and I am a tour guide so we're practically twins.
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frankiistein · 6 months
ok time to do my usual breadpost of the christmas chapter, even if its a bonus chapter i think it points to some rly neat stuff 🤔
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first things first. matching hairclips <333
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i rly love the lineless style used in this page (tbh it influenced my last art of sar its such a nice look and smthng i should do more often myself). also the cookie at the center is the generic demon clipart from ch4
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bonbien nation is having a christmas miracle tonite ‼️ seeing their human-ish forms is always so cool and also i love the little detail of bien wagging his tail there lol
the idea of them decorating the cookies morbidly to make use of bien breaking all the cookies is rly cute and i think its nice to see bon sort of just working around bien like that hehehe
but anyway time for the evil part of the comic
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almost missed this but this cookie resembles reception (ear muff, green eye and mouth) and we already know bien is probably gonna fight reception eventually so 🤨
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SAR MENTIONED!!!!! my evil unwilling kinnie boiii
its fascinating that he becomes more polish anselirian each update, i think his love for his culture leads some more evidence to the idea of marginals being cultural colonizers. the chapter already defines oplatek which i searched more of, the definition he gives is accurate and its a polish catholic tradition. (also its interesting that poland is mostly catholic because maldevara, which is said to be loosely based on the philippines is also a catholic country, i wonder if catholic imagery gets more significant later). besides the oplatek his outfit seems to be based on traditional polish costume (the female costume ofc)
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the format is similar to i1-p5rd but with more art, as in instead of sar speaking "in comic" his words are in prose. similar to i1-p5rd too bien doesnt speak at all (in fact i just realized even in the part with bon he also doesnt speak, which iirc its the first comic in breadavota without dialogs) we also still dont see what bien looks like, the atmosphere of sar taking control of bien feels perpetuated here again from how we know bien is there and we can assume he CAN still talk because sars dialogs show him responding to things bien said but we never get to see bien himself
Judges don't celebrate any holidays, so I haven't actually celebrated anything with anybody since my mother died.
sar mom mentioned again, almost thought this was new but remembered she was mentioned in the study paper in i1-p5rd
the drawing in i1-p5rd had the same glitchy bg effects but i thought it was stylistic for that illustration, but them being used again in this chapter implied this might have to do more with how bien perceives the world itself. like look at that chair those r a fucking minecraft chair
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interestingly, the bg in i1p5 also has a somewhat glitchy appearance albeit it still looks "drawn" (unlike in the newer drawings where they look more pixellated). the narration in i1-p5 itself does directly state that the world "sounds" weird to bien with things specifically he describes colors as "grating" and things looking "scratchy" which fits how to describe the stylistic differences in this drawings compared to most of breadavotas art.
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ignore shitty yt quality but sar himself looks the same as the background but without the blur, and in the narration bien says sar is the clearest thing in the room. its notable that after the unseen Spinal Cord Surgery sar became rendered in the usual cleaner art style of the bread illustrations but the background became even "scratchier" with more "grating" colors. makes u think
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the oplatek shows probably mary and jesus which is a usual picture printed on oplateks. idk if on purpose but i think its intersting that sar specifically splits between the mother and the son here
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on top of that, sar also specifically eats the piece with the son and gives the piece with the mother to bien. eating already is a minor but consistent theme in breadavota, like for bread consuming the "breadlings" and getting the power to use their body parts, or with marginals learning how to reconstruct what they "consume" eating in breadavota fits some traditional beliefs in cannibalism where its said that its a way to "absorb" attributes of the person ur eating. on top of that for the marginals at least eating is also treated as an act of obsessive love, w/ anthony repeatedly shown to take after media/marginals as a whole most likely from living around them since he was a kid he would definitely be aware of this and it fits his yandere like vibes alot tbh
the symbolism of bien eating the mother (or in his case probably symbolizing bon) is very curious. thinking emoji times one millions
Say "ah!"
literally two words but love this line for two reasons: one is it continues the tradition of sar telling bien to say __ in a funny way but also it implies sar didnt even give the wafer for bien to eat but he FED it to him. hes so normal
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vanillaverses · 11 months
Holy shit actually, pls show moonflower cookie, the name already has me captivated and i need to know more so badly
this was asked like FOREVER ago now I'm so sorry for not responding sooner um. I just wanted to draw like a full proper ref of moonflower but I never did so um! here's a sprite of him I never completely finished I didn't ever colour the lineart I think I just didn't know what lineart colour would work for the white on her
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So! Introducing moonflower. any pronouns genderless(like me becauz projecting onto my ocs is my favourite pastime) and bi or pan I haven't decided whether or not they have any gender preferences or not yet and what labels they'd be most comfortable using.
anyways!! before you proceed tw for derealization drugs(but not really drug use um. you'll see ig assuming u don't stop reading at this point lol) and also the mention of unhealthy relationships. alsooo since I'm a bit afraid of having her get compared to the canon ourple fucked up in the head cookie with a witch hat um. I admit I haven't actually read much of the tcc story I know prune can't do magic and instead does potions and that he apparently acts similarly to affogato at some?? point in the story?? and that's literally it. also I though of the majority of the things I'm about to explain below in like december 2022-february 2023 AKA before tcc update dropped so L + ratio
last thing before I begin all of this is just concepts so I might change it like at literally any time so don't take this as like 100% forever true moonflower lore becauz it's not.
basically tldr he was parfaedia's token gifted kid and never got told no as a kid and now they have worlds biggest god complex. impulsive and careless causes so many horrors its okay though becauz i think it's Funny. this fucking Thing basically never frowns even when she is upset he's just programmed to always smile no matter what and it's kindof unsettling at times. has never planned anything in their life they wake up in the morning with their head empty kindof doing whatever he feels like in the moment with no real goal or aim. also I sometimes jokingly call her derealization cookie becauz i feel like anyone with that trigger should stay the FUCK away from this bitch I'll explain why later but it's related to his magic. kindof a fuckboy also I feel like half their lines would have a tilde at the end of if they're so fucking queer. calls people 'dear' and 'darling' even when he's literally never spoken to the person she's speaking to. He also calls Very much objective and set in stone things subjective a lot like. if you asked them if they did [blank] they'd say that technically what [blank] means is subjective since depending on your worldview and interpretation of reality the word could mean different things to different people. also known as dodging the fucking question but in like cursive or some shit. also just talks about reality itself being subjective a lot half the shit she says is fucking convoluted nonsense. alsoalso he's about the same age as latte since they attended school together! they were friends throughout school which was worlds most mind boggling friendship becauz i hc latte as being quite shy during her school years and then coming out of her shell later and moonflower is just. um. well. everything I just said about them previously but even worse becauz they're now an immature teenager/young adult. I think they probably shared a good amount of classes freshman year of hit magic school so moonflower was just like. "Hey you. guess what! we're friends now" and that was the end of that.
to elaborate on the token gifted kid thing since explaining exactly How he was gifted is pretty fucking important um. Moonflower can actually be a name for multiple different flowers! and for my purposes here I thought it was really fucking funny if I based him off of datura since moonflower is a nickname for it. So naturally she excels at illusion based spells, since yknow, hallucinogen, and also some poison themed offensive spells! yippee! and by 'excels' I mean that the illusion magic is literally Second nature to him and they can use it with very little effort or energy. This comes with some side effects though, one of them being that he has a tendency to do some fucked up magic form of sleep walking/talking where illusions of their dreams appear around him and are visible to. literally anyone in the same room as him. actually, it's how her parents originally found out about their illusion magic bs, by walking into their young childs room one night and being greeted by fucking Mini movies of their fucking dreams. The only reason I don't think giving her these powers and making them so easy for him to use is Ridiculously overpowered is that since they're just illusions, nothing he creates is actually tangible. Simply visual and auditory. So while he can use it to scare and confuse the fuck out of people actual summoning spells are as taxing on him as everyone else L
anywayssss later on when he's in his like mid 30's after basically just exploring and sightseeing the world for like 15 years she finds some sort of advertisement of parfaedia looking for an illusionist to hire as a teacher. and they're just kindof like I guess this is fate LOL and tries to get the position. assuming the staff member interviewing him was working at the school for more than 15 years I think they'd see this fuck and just go like. Holy fuck it's you again wtf. Why are you back who let you in this fucking building again and why are you trying to Work here. Anyways they kindof convince the interviewer that over the past 15 fucking years he's had hit character development (she has not) and since it's true that someone from their college years and the same person in their mid 30's are Probably not going to act the same and also since moonflower fucking SLAYS at illusion magic they get the job. yippeee!(for moonflower not this fucking school that was a HUGE fucking mistake) anyways latte is just kindof like Holy fuck you're back/pos I think it'd be funny if she disguised himself as a student (specifically THEMSELVES when the were a student) first day of school after they got hired (period 1 prep) and played the funny game called "how long can I be in this class before latte realizes that one of her students is her bestie from 15 years ago". Anyways becauz this is like the first day of school latte probably takes a good amount of time introducing herself and the school and explaining shit and it's only when she gets everyone to play some sort of icebreaker game that she goes like Wait wtf it's YOU???HI???? and then moonflower removes his illusion magic disguise and is like "lol yeah i work here now long time no see! also hi latte's students take that as a display of what u can do with the hit magics" or whatever the fuck. also this is where he meets espresso since I think he deserves to have 2 different egotistical idiots bugging him he can't be free from the horrors Ever. anyways queue moonflower deciding espresso is now their personal punching bag and by that i mean he's the victim to most of moonflowers shenanigans for a while. They're always like 2 steps away from being fired but they never go far *enough* to the point where the school just blasts him away forever especially seeing as she's actually Really good at doing the teaching and it'd be hard to find someone else who's as skilled at illusion magic as him. also I think their students just really like her I think he'd be a fun teacher especially when u think about how they could actually *use* their illusion magic while teaching. also I think they also taught drama I think they're 100% that kind of bitch. anyways i'm not 100% sure on the specifics yet all I know is I a) I want to have moonflower fuck up Something like catastrophically so i can kickstart the Hit character development and b) I want this character development to bring them to the state where they can have a healthy relationship with Pure Vanilla Cookie Cookie Run: Kingdom becauz im mentally ill and I think pv deserves yet another morally grey poisonous flower bitch. oh also dark cacao fucking despises moonflower so much becauz he sees Purple Queer appear out of what feels like thin air to just suddenly 'befriend'(he doesn't know about the dating thing they're Just roommates okay shhh don't tell him about the moonflower pv romance arc he doesn't need to know) the Powerful (ex)King Guy™️ for unknown reasons and fucking explodes. depending on when moonflower and dark cacao first meet each other he may(?) be partially right depends when I want to have the moonflower fucking shit up badly and realizes how much she fucking sucks actually arc and if I'm comfortable with the idea of pv and moonflower's relationship starting out being a Bit unhealthy and exploding before moonflower reflects has a character arc and then becomes a better person. the age old question do I just make things silly or should I angst blast this shit...
anyways that's all i'm gonna say rn I think sorry if this is just incomprehensible gibberish. also sorry if there's any spelling/grammatical errors i'm not proofreading this I don't really feel like it.
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mrmustachious · 4 months
🤡🛒✨💋🌞💖🧐🦅 <- that's a lot of options so you can pick which ones to answer :3
Youni!! <3<3 thank u for the ask!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
This one is hard because I don't often write humour, but this bit from Cooking with Chaos was fun (tbh that whole fic is a riot XD):
“Alan, what are you doing?” Scott appeared at his side as he leant over his shoulder. “They’re supposed to be fingers.”
“You think they should be fingers.” Alan pointed at his brother, and then placed his hand on his chest. “I am trying to be creative.”
He gestured to one of the shapes he had cut out and placed neatly on the baking tray. “What do you think that one is?”
“A sausage?” Scott said with no hesitation.
Alan gasped in offence.
“It’s Thunderbird One!” He whined.
“Oh.” Scott paused for a long moment as he stared at the cookie some more. “I guess I can see it.”
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Usually a lot of pain and angst but also a lot of comfort. I quite often will mention if the character is laughing or smiling. I also draw attention to what their eyes, breath, or hands are doing. Basically just a lot of body language
Like for example, when writing dialogue I will always incorporate what movements and emotions the characters are portraying as they speak
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
You are a good writer. People do love what you write. Never doubt that <3
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Depends. If the whole fic is just about their first kiss, that can be pretty boring. If the fic is about other stuff going on and amongst it all they have their first kiss, that can be exciting and fun
Just a few days ago I read a fic about two characters having their first kiss in the hospital after one of them had nearly died sacrificing themself to save the other. That's an example of how a first kiss fic can be good because there was a lot more going on that made the fic exciting, and when they kissed it just made the fic better
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I tend to get my creative energy more in the evening. Which means I have stayed up many a late night writing because I am in The Zone and know as soon as I go to bed and wake up in the morning, the motivation will be gone XD
💖 What made you start writing?
Because I had ideas and no one else was writing them, so I knew I had to do it myself
🧐 Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
I do quite a bit of research, so my search history is very questionable at this point
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I hardly ever outline. I mainly only do that for long fics so I don't lose motivation or find myself at a wall without knowing where to go next. But for the most part, it's by the seat of my pants baby
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wordsonamission · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks so much for tagging me in this, @acetonitril! Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to really think out my answers.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12 currently! This is my first year actually posting fics and I'm happy with my progress.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
118,159! There's a chance I'll get another fic finished soon, too . . . And maybe I'll be able to sneak in something short and smutty before the end of the year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
All I've published is Top Gun. I'm not going to be surprised if I end up writing soapghost for the COD games. Y'all have some superb writers and artists that keep drawing me in. Historically, I started some small 00Q and Destiel stuff back in ye olde golden days. There's a dramione fic from on my old computer from years back that was like 30k before I stopped.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Kissed By The Sun
Falling Into Place
A Safe Place to Land
Running on Empty
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! If someone was kind enough to make the effort to leave a comment, I want to make sure that they know I saw it and that I appreciate them for letting me know what they think. I don't generally reply the same day, but I try to reply within a couple of days. I love hearing what readers think and I hope that me engaging back only encourages more comments
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm I have a couple. Mission Report is a whole pile of angst just as a concept. It's short and sad all the way through imo. Spare ends on a really big cliffhanger which can be read as sad; a character is left in a really fragile medical state. Snow Day is so sweet but then the end is just a gut-punch. You could say that I like to temper fluff and steamy stuff with sadness and angst.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
If the ending isn't sad, it's usually pretty happy. Or at least hopeful. I think I'll give happiest ending award to A Cookie Conundrum. It's so silly and light, no angst.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
None that I've ever seen. But I'm still new and I write safe fics as far as subject and pairings.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah lol. I'm still getting used to writing it. What kind? Pretty standard MLM fic smut. I'd like to write harder edged stuff in the future, but right now it tends to be really loving stuff.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't. That's not something I'm super into as a reader or as a writer. Never say never - it'll only take the right combo to get me going I'm sure, but it hasn't happened yet.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've seen. That is a worry of mine.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I'm still new and I don't see that Top Gun has a lot of fics that get translated (I could be very wrong and missing out)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No I haven't.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
All time ever favorite? Yeesh. Uhhhhh I'll cop out and say that I enjoy a similar dynamic to my favorites - they're highly competent in their field but often less confidant about romance, there's a degree of imbalance in the relationship (rank, age gap, experience, etc), and I'm an absolute sucker for a character that doesn't let anyone else emotionally close who lets That Guy in.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I'm going to finish any of the old fic I mentioned, like from years ago. If I pick up those fandoms and pairings again, I'll start over.
16. What are your writing strengths?
God I don't know. I consider myself someone with a good grasp on grammar and how things Should be written as far as that goes (please go ahead and point out all of my mistakes, I know they're everywhere) which helps with readability. Comments repeatedly point out that even my smut is very tender and emotional. I tend to write characters affirming each other and being very giving lovers. I'm sure that says nothing about me as a person. I really like to dig into missing scenes to expand the emotional complexity of the canon story.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Knowing when and how to end a story. One of those writing posts that go around here mentioned going back a couple of paragraphs when you get stuck, which has been so true for me. But endings are still so hard. Writing sex is still weird, too, and I can get stuck on a single scene for days. Coming up with titles is also so, so hard. Occasionally one will appear and I'll run with it, but usually it's one of the last things done before I post. I'm really not happy with the titles for my Ace Week fics.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Do you mean including characters speaking a different language and writing their dialogue in that language? A block of text in another language is rough on a reader and there's not really a good work around. Asterisks to the bottom of the page don't work on A03.
If I want a reader to know what a character is saying, I'd make note of the language change and use italics in dialogue but otherwise write normally. If the characters are in a situation where I DON'T want them or the reader to understand, then I'd type the language in italics.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I've written what I would now call fanfic off and on my whole life. When I was seven, I wrote a horribly indulgent self-insert fic of me joining the characters of one of my favorite book series (Pony Pals) for an adventure. In middle school, before the publication of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I wrote my own version. I think I filled like two notebooks. I wonder if it's still around somewhere - I had some good ideas, some that were better than canon ended up imo
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Running on Empty! I loved it as one chapter but I really enjoy the whole story as it turned out in three. The only big thing I might change is tweaking the emotions Maverick feels after he and Ice finally get together. But that story flowed so well while writing and I really loved the world that I created with their families and especially Lisa and Jason for Slider. Plus I feel like that fic really addresses some of the trauma that Maverick went through and how he wasn't getting the support he needed in the OG movie.
That went long! Thanks again to @acetonitril for tagging me in this. I'm sure everyone else has already chimed in, but feel free to jump in if not. These are some great questions!
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masschase · 1 year
Ask meme 1 for ben and 13 for Dane vogel and shaundi
I wanted to do line drawings again but I've had to settle for quick sketches as today's been absolutely shocking for drawing time. I like my answers though 😊
Character ask meme (will accept more to do tomorrow :))
1. a fun headcanon about Ben Sooo Ben tends to hang out in the kitchen a lot in SRIV and in the Christmas letters he mentions he will make chocolate chip cookies for Santa once he gets access to a decent kitchen and supplies. So I like to think Ben is the best cook on board and frequently ends up preparing the meals on board. Everyone persuades him to cook at least twice a week as there and he mostly obliges as he's proud to excel in this area. He is especially good at chocolate chip cookies.The Saints do in fact refurbish the ship's kitchen in my hc around late 2021 so that should help.
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13. thier happiest memory for Dane Vogel Honestly this is just the perfect excuse to draw Dane and Kiki getting hell married.
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Their colours were red and orange. Ultor & Morningstar colours and flames of hell colours. It all just works. I think Dex may have been the best man.
I need to redo or finish this at some point I think bc the idea of Viola disgruntledly throwing confetti is perfection to me and honestly I want to draw it in colour.
13. thier happiest memory for Shaundi I mean I always think of what she says in the Christmas DLC about well... Christmas. All her family coming together and a tree that reached the ceiling.
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My brain has this image of the above but drawn well with twinkling lights everywhere, and then it turns out it's all just the memories of pre-SR2 Shaundi smoking stuff out of a lightbulb. This is what I mean when I say my brain writes cheques my artistic talent cannot cash.
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
Maybe I should clarify something that seems to be getting in the way of communication? Yes, this is a fan blog and people are expressing their personal opinions—everybody is entitled to theirs and I'm not trying to silence anyone, but to me and MT (please, correct me if I'm being presumptuous in speaking for you here) it also resides in a murky hinterland where we need to be aware of our professional personas/reputation. It's a public forum, so I'm focusing on certain talking points over others. That doesn't mean I'm blind.
(Also, sometimes, thoughts live in the spaces between words, not unlike coins and cookie crumbs underneath the cushions of a couch.)
"I understand the mission, what's helpful and what's not. But completely ignoring and dismissing his part in it all ain't it."
@satireplz, I'm neither dismissing, nor ignoring the man's flaws. (I'm well aware of them.) It's just not a productive conversation in this particular context. He's not running for public office, nor does he decide if the spinoff gets canceled, so it'll just fuel the current wave of 'misunderstood white men' who complain about being persecuted. We don't need someone going on a 2 am rage tweet spree about being bullied out of all his privilege and for media to pick that up and run with how unhinged fans are. Being the headline would be counterproductive when we want to draw attention to mistreatment of both employees and consumers.
AMC needs to change their practices. All executives need to be vigilant regarding their behavior and decisions: they affect real people and their livelihood. That's where we can have an impact right now.
"The facts are AMC loves Norman & they will do anything for him and he had always wanted his own spin off. The move to France has been very beneficial for Norman & trying to paint him as some victim is bullshit."
AMC is a business set up to make money, so their primary motivator is financial gain, not love. If the studio can make a profit out of Norman, it will. If he won't give them enough of a return, they'll invest elsewhere. He's a commodity. AMC has also had a massive overturn of personnel in the last year and working for the company doesn't make you part of a hive mind. Most of the key execs have moved on from their positions and Gimple doesn't love Norman or any of the other actors or the writers.
He isn't blameless, but there's no spinoff and probably won't be regardless of where Norman lives.
"If you love Melissa as much as you claim you wouldn't want her anywhere near Amc, Norman and Gimple. They treated her like trash and as if she wasn't important to TWD or the fans."
I don't want anyone anywhere near Gimple, but Melissa, as a competent adult, can choose for herself what she wants to do. It's difficult for female actors in their 50s to get work. It's a humiliating process if you're not a select few, coming mainly from film. That's also being treated like trash. Regardless, it's not for me to tell Melissa what to do and I think MT's collective just wants to give her the option to choose what she wants.
"People are upset because if NR and AMC treated the women tied to this spin-off as disposable….it does not speak well of them."
@cool-avaspuppies, I agree with you, but I think it's also important to remember that AMC isn't a monolith (even if they may seem like the Borg) and the people who oversaw the TWD franchise are no longer at the company. That gives a window to having some kind of impact on working conditions and the creative output that gets greenlit. Like you said, it's currently more important to target the people in power if we want good programming that is mindful of both its audience and the people working on the production.
If anyone minds being mentioned by name when I quote or address topics they've raised, please let me know and I will respect your wishes. I'm not here to hurt anyone's feelings. Just trying to work out where our common ground might be. :)
I feel like I haven’t been successful yet in explaining why I’m always so diplomatic so thank you for bringing that up. It is a safeguard when you work in an industry where reputation and relationships are everything even if I’m confident nobody knows who I am. But also? It comes down to principles for me. We’re all human beings behind our handles and/or TV personas, so I think we all deserve to be treated that way. Getting publicly attacked, harassed, or threatened by people who don’t know you can be extremely damaging and I would never want to subject anyone to that when I know there are blind spots (not that I am fully blind either). That is a far cry from believing someone can do no wrong or hasn't done anything wrong.
I think we’ve been pretty successful finding common ground by showing our appreciation for Melissa, not to be confused with trying to force her into something she doesn’t want to do, and also loving Caryl, so that’s what I tend to focus on. 
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hmspogueobx · 11 months
Sunshine and Pine
Chapter Three: Glorious Muscles and the Smell of a Sweater
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The smell of cookies wafts into my face as Emily pulls a sheet out of the oven. Seeing my opening, I snag a spoonful of cookie dough out of the bowl while her back is turned. I've been doing this for the past 30 minutes, and apparently my luck has finally run out.
"Lucy!!" She scolds, seeing me from the corner of her eye. I burst into a fit of giggles just as some of the boys walk in.
"Ugh, would you look at his face." Embry mocks, pointing at Paul. "Damn lovesick puppy."
I turn to see Paul admiring my giggles, leaning against the doorway arms crossed, looking at me like they do in all the best cheesy rom coms.
"Not two seconds before we walked in he was bitching about being wet and bored. Where was this Paul for the past 3 hours. I'd like to be on patrol with him next time please." Paul turns around and growls at Embry, shutting him right up.
Paul may have been complaining about the downpour outside, but I certainly wasn't. While Paul is scaring off Embry, my eyes rake up his body. His shirt is clinging to him in a delicious way, the thin material absolutely drenched. Every dip of muscle is on full display. I am all here for this wet t-shirt contest. It's not until Paul clears his throat that I break out of my daze. I'm almost afraid to meet his eyes. Peeking up at his face, he is radiating mischief.
"Smirk any harder Paul and it'll get stuck on your face." I sass, cheeks flaming red at being caught so blatantly staring in a room full of my friends.
"It might be worth it." He says, voice dripping cockiness.
"Hey, we're ALL wet over here! I feel like I should take this as a blow to my self esteem." Quil says, doing a full Vanna White to all of the other rain soaked abs.
Mustering up as much enthusiasm as I can, I twirl towards Quil.
"Wow, I'm so lucky to be in this room with so many breathtaking men." I throw the back of my hand to my forehead and pull out my best southern accent. "All these glorious muscles. I'm absolutely swooning! Emily-" I whip around to her and she's fighting a grin. "have you ever seen such strong, manly men in all your days?" She's giggling at me now, shaking her head at my antics.
"There, was that better?" I turn to Quil.
He holds his chin up high. "Much better. Finally, an appropriate level of awe." And turns and walks into the living room, plopping down on the couch.
Paul is staring at me with puppy dog eyes again, his smile growing once I've turned my attention back to him. I make my way over and snuggle into his waiting arms.
"Hi beautiful." He mumbles into my hair, taking a deep inhale. "Mmmm you always smell so good. Like sunshine." My face scrunches up in amusement.
"I didn't realize sunshine had its own smell." It comes out as more of a question. Paul draws his eyebrows together in mock seriousness. "Oh of course it does. Smells all happy and warm." I giggle at him, causing an adorable smile to crack through his facade. "Thank you?"
"It's my favorite smell." He smiles down at me, still wrapped up in his arms. "How was your night?"
"It was fun. We had a girls night. Did all the classic girl stuff. Made cookies, talked about the boys we like... you know."
"Oh yeah? You got a crush or something?" He plays along.
"Mmm can't tell you that. That's top secret girl talk." I look up at him. There's definitely a spark of playfulness from our typical back and forth. But something heavy lies in his eyes too.
My mouth morphs into a frown. "How was patrol? You end up getting anywhere near the wedding?"
"Very very close actually." His face drops. "Jake crashed it. We had to step in before he hurt Bella." I pull out of his arms at this, the mention of Jake's sudden reappearance startling me.
"It's kinda fucked up actually, everything was totally fine until Bella told Jake her and her vampire were going to have a real honeymoon." His hands thrown up in air quotes. "Jake totally lost it. Thinks Bellas gonna die or somethin."
"Wouldn't be the worst way to go." I can't help the joke that slips past my lips, Paul's eyes narrowing at my shitty comedic timing. Then my shoulders sag with the weight of having missed Jacob.
"I should never have told him to go."
"Hey," His finger under my chin lifts my eyes back up to his. "From everything you told me happened, he needed some separation. I mean look what being back here did. All you did was tell your friend to do what's best for him and not for Bella. You're an amazing friend." His speech brings a warmth to my chest that only he seems to be able to ignite.
I lean into his chest, a slow smile creeping onto my lips. "Smooth talker." I wink at him and lean in for a kiss. A soft hum escaping from my mouth as his tongue glides across my bottom lip, silently requesting entrance. "You mentioned something about a good way to go..." Paul mumbles against my lips.
Someone groans behind me.
"Ugh seriously dude! There are people trying to eat here." Embry calls from the kitchen table.
Paul throws a middle finger behind my back, not for a second considering moving away from the kiss.
A buzzing from the coffee table pulls my attention away from my book. Throwing a bookmark between the well worn pages, I exchange it for my phone. My dads name lights up the screen, bringing a smile to my face.
"Hey dad! What's up?" I asked.
"Hi sweetheart! Good to hear your voice." I can practically feel the excitement coming off of him. "I have officially collected enough miles to meet this boyfriend of yours!"
Last time I'd seen my dad he'd gone on and on about how much better I'd seemed. When I'd moved away from him, I was still stuck in a full scale mental MMA fight with my anxiety and trauma. Winner takes all. And while I'd told him about how being in a pack had helped me heal, apparently I'd brought up Paul alot. My dads words were, and I quote "you look like you're floating when you talk about this guy... He deserve you?" And from that moment on, he'd been dead set on judging that for himself.
"Yay! That's exciting. When are you coming?" My smile growing bigger.
"Is this weekend to last minute?" Doubt creeping into his tone.
"Nope! Come on down. The pack is having a bonfire. It's a whole big family affair though, so I don't see why you couldn't come along. Meet everyone."
"I wouldn't be intruding?" My dad, forever worried about stepping on people's toes.
"Not at all! Everyone else's parents will be there. I'm part of the pack too, so why shouldn't my dad come along. Come on, everyone will be stoked to meet you!" I encourage him.
"Well alright then. There's definitely a few people I'm particularly looking forward to meeting." I could hear the mischief in his voice. Well, here's hoping Paul doesn't intimidate easily. He's a big bad werewolf, he can handle it...
Paul is anxiously fidgeting with some random stick he found on the ground. One hand twirling it between his fingers, the other drumming on my knee. I'm sitting on one of the logs around the fire, Paul firmly planted on the ground between my legs. My fingers work their way up to comb through his hair. He instantly leans back into my palm, melting into my touch.
"You know he already loves you right?" I lean down, whispering encouragement into his ear.
His head tilts all the way back to rest upside down in my lap. The act is so endearing, I can't help but grin down at him.
"I've literally never been in a relationship that mattered enough to meet someone's father. I may be a smooth talker with you, but this is uncharted territory babe."
Billy Black, who's sitting close on my other side, overhears our whispers and clears his throat until we look his way.
"Son, I can confidently say as the father to two daughters myself. The way you care for this girl... He's going to love you."
Paul lifts his head to look Billy in the eye properly.
"Thanks, Billy." and with a nod, Billy's turning back to his friends.
My body jitters as a chill runs through me, the wind having picked up all of a sudden. Paul is instantly scooting his way to sit by my side, pulling off his sweater so he can pull it over my head, and wraps me up in his arms. It dawns on me then that it was rare to see Paul wearing a shirt, let alone a hoodie like he had been tonight.
"I didn't realize you even owned a sweater. How were you not boiling hot in this?" I question, balling my fists in the long sleeves.
"Oh I brought it for you. I didn't think you could even get cold as a wolf," he jabs at me with a smirk "but you still seem to. Wanted to keep you warm."
"Well that's very sweet. You could have just folded it though, you didn't have to sweat to death all night." As I'm talking, his scent wafts to my face and I can't help but pull the hoodie up over my nose and quietly inhale.
Paul hears me and looks over, eyes shining with some inside joke. "I thought you might like it more if It smelled like me... Guess I called it."
My cheeks flush red.
"Don't worry, It's super cute." He says chuckling to himself, pulling me into his side and planting a sweet kiss on my temple.
Peeking up to search the faces of the party, I catch the face of my father, who's staring straight at us from across the fire. Judging by the soft look in his eye, he's just seen that whole exchange.
I let out an excited squeak and bound up out of my seat, knocking Paul a bit off balance in my hurry.
"Dad!!" I scream, flinging myself into his waiting arms. Aunt Sue, who'd been his ride brushing past us to get warm by the fire.
"Hi sweetheart! Let me look at you" he says, pulling back to take in my face.
I'm grinning up at him. He's grinning right back before he looks over my shoulder.
"I think you might've been the only thing keeping that boy from rockin outta his seat kid." He says with a snort.
Turning around, I see Paul's knee is going double time and he's trying to look busy talking to Jared beside him, but I've already seen him glance over 3 times.
Suppressing a giggle I motion for my dad to follow me back to my seat.
When we reach Paul, I slip my hand onto his shoulder, a wave of peace washing over him.
"Paul, this is my dad Joel. Dad, this is Paul. I guess you've met on the phone... but it's so much better to be in his glorious presence." I exclaim in my best swooning girlfriend voice.
My dad's giving me a look like 'ease up, this boys clearly nervous enough'. But I can see in Paul's face, he's hesitating on whether he should be the polite well behaved boyfriend, or follow his gut and be himself. In the end his gut seems to win out.
"In her defense, it is pretty glorious." My dad let's out an unexpected snort.
"Ok I get it now. I'm glad she's found someone to match her level of sass." He says, reaching a hand out to Paul.
He stands and gives it a good manly shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you officially sir."
After my dad insists Paul calls him by his name, the two instantly start talking about all the things you'd expect. Football, fishing and all the most embarrassing moments of my life.
In other words, they talk all night. But Paul makes sure to keep his hand around my shoulders to keep me warm. Occasionally giving me little kisses on the side of the head, peeking down to make sure I'm alright.
I smile at him every time, and keep watching my two favorite people become part of each other's lives.
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