#I think she's already prone to using plural pronouns anyways
Just... thinking about Cassie and her bees, ya know?
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And uh... I really, really like the concept of Cassie referring to herself and her bees as us and we. I have no real (canon) reason for this idea, I just think it's neat.
Like, they're psychically linked, and she feels so close to these little creatures of hers that they (her and the bees) kinda become a singular entity in her mind, occasionally, especially at the times when their opinions or goals are closely in sync. When she was alone in the Gulch there was probably alot of that, this sort of melding, and even post-canon I imagine she'd be more prone to it– to slipping into the plural to describe self.
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Just... because she's spent so long with the bees, all alone besides their company, and with both her and the bees completely wrapped up in this shared goal of protecting Cassie (protect the Queen! Protect the Hive!) It just makes sense for them to think of themselves as a unit, with the bees being an extension of herself and her will, and Cassie being an extension of the bees and their will. I wanna get into the nitty gritty of psychic connections and how a link like this might work, how it might affect the psychic doing the linkage and what they're linking to, how there's probably feedback (not to mention factoring in that the bees are psychic, too), but this is meant to be a short post, so maybe later.
Anyway, I just think it'd be neat. Like, imagine the first time someone asks her (her, singularly her) a question and she responds by saying, "We think that's a great idea!"
And the other person's like... "Uh... We?"
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docgold13 · 4 years
All this talk about Legion has got me excited. What are your thoughts on the scifi concept of a hive mind? Such as Triplicate Girl or the Stepford Cuckoos from X-Men? That was always a confusing concept. It complicates the very nature of individuality. I remember in the LOSH threeboot, everyone on Cargg was an individual with the ability to split into 3 copies that all think the same thoughts. All their personalities are the same. Luornu had a mutation. When she split her copies had distinct personalities. She had to hide it or she'd be a freak on her planet. I like Bendis' reboot but I was so confused by Luornu's state of mind. You never saw her as 1 person. And they kept using I/we which seemed clunky. I woulda used theyself, they, or something. Either a neo pronoun or some made up alien word. (I'm ok with all pronouns but I think the slash is clunky to say out loud. Correct me if I'm wrong) although I did like in the final battle she revealed the full extent of her powers and split into like 7 or 8 copies. (I always liked her as Duplicate Girl anyway. Shes more powerful that way) All the copies were color coded and the focus was on the 1 with a stellar black and white costume. Meanwhile on Krakoa, the Stepford Cuckoos are collectively dating Cable. X-Men has already made it clear they are cool with polyamory. But is this plural? Are the Cuckoos 1 collective person dating Cable? Cuz he takes turns dating them. Further complicating things Quentin Quire is secretly dating 1 of them, I think its Esmé. Is that cheating? Or is she asserting her individuality and dissenting from the decision to date Cable? It's all very interesting and I'm just happy all 5 of the girls are alive again.
Those are all bigger questions than I have answers to.  My understanding of Triplicate Lass in the old school books was that each of them had their own distinct personalities and they were sort of like identical triplicates, similar in many ways, but different in regards to internal, psychological dynamics.  
The updated Triplicate Lass seems more like a hive mind with three bodies operated by a singular consciousness.  Although I haven’t read enough of that series to know what the real deal is just yet.
The Stepford Cuckoos seem to change depending on who is writing them.  Sometimes they’re more hive-minded other times they are more individualistic.  I suppose it doesn’t really matter because even a singular consciousness is prone to all manner of ambivalence and being ‘of two minds’ on the same matter.  The psyche is rarely certain about anything... our thoughts, feelings and beliefs are constantly evolving changing, changing back at any given moment based on a host of different circumstances.  And perhaps this dynamic is just being presented in a metaphorical fashion by the Cuckoo’s actions.  or perhaps not...      
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