#I think that the Vermillion family and its dynamic is quite complex
Character asks
26: what do you like the most about Fue's relationship with his siblings
26. (Freebie question)
Okay, so this one is something, for which it's difficult to give a concise answer. Quite simply because, well, short answer would be "the fact that they encourage each other", but I don't think that would really depict his relationship with either of them.
The thing is that with Mereo, it's almost a competition. Which is interesting, because they don't, really at least, have the same goal. I mean, they both want to get stronger, but their goals beyond that seem very different. Actually, I'm not sure if Mereo actually has a goal beyond "get stronger, find the next baddest bitch in the Strong Magic Region and destroy it, become the baddest bitch yourself", while Fue has the goal of "becoming the next WK". Though, I would argue that there are underlying reasons why Fue would wish to be the WK and Mereo doesn't, and that reason would be to keep people safe. They're both on a quest to find strength, so that they might protect. But their relationship does have rivalry-esque themes to them, especially on Mereo's part where she's determined to stay ahead of the curve "as that fool's older sister, I will take you down!!" Statements such as that, where she feels the need to do something as an older sister, or to do something, because if she went down there and then, she'd never hear the end of it, imply that she has the very prominent need of keeping those close to her safe. They also drive each other to be better through this, and that's something that I love about them. So, they would always be there to help and to protect the other, but they also drive each other to be better. With Leo, well, I've had a few conversations with different people about Fue and Leo's relationship, and while everyone seems to agree that Fue has the best of intentions when it comes to Leo's training and helping him grow, it's doing quite the opposite, and how the Vermillion (or Fire Vermillion anyhow) seems to be "demanding of strength" in a way. As in, sure, they would support Leo through anything, and would come to his rescue if need be, because they love Leo, but as Vermillions, they're also striving for strength and greatness (but "greatness" can be interpreted in a lot of ways). Which is placing a lot of pressure onto Leo. I don't think that "demanding" is necessarily the right word here, but perhaps "expecting" it? Sure Leo can take his time, but he's expected to become strong, and Leo feels the pressure to actually be and become strong. And I don't think that any of the parties involved really realize this. But instead of allowing Leo to really find his own path, he's put on a path to become, specifically, a strong knight through the means that they have at your disposal in the Royal Capitol (or Clover Kingdom). It was only in the later chapters that Leo was allowed to venture to Heart, which Mimosa had done before already. Why this is, I don't know. And for myself? I do adore the Fire Vermillion brothers. Leo admires Fue so so so very much, and while I think that Fue has the best of intentions with Leo's training, I don't think he's making the best decisions for Leo specifically. Fue obviously cares for Leopold. I think it was most concretely seen when Heart was under attack, and Fue was all fired up to go save Leo. But I also think that was one of the moments, or times, which proved to Fue that Leo, the baby brother of the family, is capable of standing on his own two feet. Fue just needs to see Leo as who he could be; a strong, capable knight, rather than someone to worry about. So, I think that the wish to protect one and another would be my favourite thing in both relationships Fue has with his siblings.
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